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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-28 13:18:50 |只看该作者
写的第一篇 因为没上过班,结构是听同学的经验写的 希望大牛给我点指导性的建议 我要遵照着在一个月的时间里好好练习!!!谢谢~~~
It has recently been announced that a new restaurantmay be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Usespecific reasons and details to support your answer.

Together with the remarkable growth of people's livingstandard in our community, a new restaurant is said to be built in myneighborhood. Some people believe that the newly built restaurant is beneficialto the community considering the convenience and efficiency it will offer.While others hold the opposite idea from another perspective that it may bringsome social problems. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of building anew restaurant far outweigh the disadvantages in consideration of the lowerprices and the job opportunities it offers.

In the first place, as economists always view price asthe motivation of everything, the price is such a essential factor in thisprocess that it cannot be ignored. The increasing number of restaurants in ourcommunity means the increasingly fierce competition among them, which leads toa lower price for each meal. No one can deny the basic fact that, with a lowerprice each meal costs, we can go out for dinner more frequently and eat moreluxurious. The newly built restaurant contributes to the improvement of ourliving standard by getting involved in the competition among restaurants.

Moreover, a new restaurant can ease the pressure ofunemployment in our community. It will offer job opportunities for a wide rangeof people, especially for some low-paid waiters. And, in return, the size ofthe restaurant will be expanded. That is so called a win-win situation. Forexample, if a local resident is hired, not only he /she gets a job, but alsothe restaurant gains a reputation from his/her relatives and friends who willcome to eat in it with their friends. Visited by more and more customers, therestaurant can make a profit in the long run.

However, some people point out a major hurdle for thenewly built restaurant to overcome. Considering that, after getting drunk,people may create a disturbance and make troubles in the community. Therestaurant may bring some social problems in this way. Personally, this opinionis a kind of spoiling the ship for a half pennyworth of tar to some extent.What we have to focus time and energy on is how to take the essence and discardthe dregs.

All in all, I support for the building of a newrestaurant by sound reasons listed above. Admittedly, there is an irresistibletrend of an increasing number of newly built restaurants resulting from thedecent price, the job opportunities and the long-term interest brought by them.Also, they can guarantee the stability and the prosperity of our community aslong as we take effective measures to improve the environment for the cateringindustry to develop.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-7-28 13:21:51 |只看该作者
8日考试 急需修改指点 谢谢
38 Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1历史是经验和有用的信息提供给今天的人们: 科学家通过学习历史研究前进,考古学家学习历史了解世界以前

History has been an independent subject and boundary of academic researches for years, and controversy' arises from whether it is pragmatic for modern people to learn history. Most people claim that history has almost no value for present living and suggest that modern life is totally distinctive from lives from history recording. This idea is strongly opposed by numerous people who hold the opinion that history bequeaths us a substantial amount of fortune including experience, culture resources, it deserves laborious and serious study. From my perspective, my contention is placed on the latter one.

As I see it, there are two fundamental arguments for rendering my sympathy to learning history is practical and useful. The first is relevant to precious information and invaluable experience history gave us. According to this argument, I have to mention scientific research, since history study is an inevitable process for any science projects. For example, Copernicus, a prominent astronomy in the Middle century, generated the heliocentric idea from Aristarchus, an ancient Greece astronomy and mathematician 1700 years before Copernicus. The unique of Copernicus theory is that he proved the theory through astronomy observation and calculation; namely, the theory is tested in scientific method. Consequently, we may conclude that Copernicus's heliocentric theory combined of history with his work. It is not rare that in scientific research scientist utilize the previous research and ancient explanation in some ways, while the prerequisite is that we can excavate them from history memory.

Another reason yields to the identity of a person in a country or nation, whose features are decided by history. The invariable function of history relates to present people a vivid picture of nation culture background and a proceeding of a country's growing. Like China, Egypt, and India, we know them from the original history, civilization resources and versatile culture enable those countries remarkable and cryptic nations in ancient time. And all residents are proud of being as a generation of such a country. Furthermore, history offers us a discernable identity which explains our tradition, customs, and so forth. In China, from five thousand years ago, people have comprehended the spirit of Kongzi and modern culture in China still has embraced a sort of Kongzi elements. Like Mid-autumn day, we all know that day is honor of an ancient literature giant, whose story is household well-known. In accords with our social spirit, only return back to the history book can we discover answers for countless phenomena in modern society.

However, undue emphasis on history will undermine our innovation ability and become over-optimistic. The implication words of a country who always mark its valuable history may infer that we are not the most developed country today now but I owe the erudite culture and splendid history. And this self-satisfied idea will horribly devastate an animate country, that is, the innovation spirit. History informs us any country who disregard the capability of innovation will pay back. China comes into my mind immediately. China fall down since Qing Dynasty on account that the empire was never willing to accept new ideas and manufacture industry from western world; finally, the empire's dream broke up when western country invaded in capital city of Qing Dynasty. Conspicuously, future developing never ceases to see back to the history.

In sum, people should realize the critical sense of learning history. History exerts pragmatic effects for arts, science, politics, and social spirit, so history is a invaluable resource for education. But depending on the history, we should never cease to submerge by past, future deserves more working.

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发表于 2009-7-28 15:52:06 |只看该作者

“when people succeed,it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree.

Success equals to 99% of hard working and 1% of luck.

It can take different fators into consideration when we talks about success. Pesistence,motivation,confidence, oppprtunities and so on,which may vary to people. However,a long-term hard woring is no doubt the most common one. In addition, we have also to adimit that some other factors make contribute to success. Luck is an epitome,as I can concerne.
The most famous inventor Edsion summarized his success 99% of hard working and 1% of luck. So what is luck? There is no clear defintion on it. We can consider it as a combination of opportunities,experiences and even coincedences. We all know that how much hard work Edison had do to find the best materials for a bulb,which must be economically available and long-lasting. But we didn’t pay enough attention to the good luck he held. He was lucky enough to persist on, lucky enough to have a interest and get a chance to reseach it, lucky enough to have many people laugh at him ,and he’s lucky enough to suceed finally! I am not ascribing all his huge success to luck,however, I cannot refuse he was lucky enough,either.
Let’s take a look at Newton’s experience,which is anther example of lucky stories. Newton,a famous psycialist of Greatbraton,had been making a research of thoeries of subjects’motion for a long time. One day, he saw an apple dropping from the appletree,then he researched deep enough and finally find the grativity. Considering this,that is you or me,not Newton, watched this,can we discovery such a theory? Of couse not. For we did’t major in that area and we had little experience and konwlege about it. In other words, we’re not sensitive to that kind of phonomenon just like Newton. We also can call this ,a kind of luck. Such a kind of luck is made up of experience and professional qualities. Obviously, Newton is lucky to had so much experience it needs to dicovery grativity.
Although everyone want to be sucessful,we can't expect it wihout efforts. Lots of efforts are the fundermental for a successful person. The luck,which is important to a success, comes with uncountable experients and experiences of failure. Persist on what you want,and never give up, the luck which will lead you a success,will come and knack at the door.


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发表于 2009-7-29 06:32:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qamcdma 于 2009-7-31 03:11 编辑

刚开始练习作文,水平很滥,请狠拍~~。。谢谢。 还有请问是多背文章好,还是多写好呢?很迷茫,写起来速度很慢,背又觉得通用性并不太好,而且也不知背哪些资料合适。恳求斑竹能能提供个较为合适的入门方法或背诵资料。万分感谢。

Do you agree or disagree an intelligent friend is more important than a humor one? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Friends! Who don’t have friends? Friends play a significant role in our life. Some people are in favor of intelligent friends, while others believe that humor friends can make them relaxation. From my opinion of view, even though there are one or two minor advantages that humor friends lead to, the merits that intelligent friends bring about further outweigh them.

It is true that some people are fond of intelligent friends because they can help these people solve the problems in study. Asking for help to an intelligent friend will be best choice when a student is confused by physical or mathematical problems. For instance, my friend who is an intelligent student often assisted me in explaining the theory of mathematic of confusion in his spare time. He explained the theory accurate and clear by given details or special reasons, so I usually acquire much help.

Another merit is that an intelligent friend can make correct analysis when we are faced with a difficult choice. If there is a spare place, will to build a factory or to set up a supermarket bring more profits to the owner of the place? For a graduate of university, will to go on study or to find a job take advantage of his/her development in the future? An intelligent friend is capable of conclude the correct result by analyzing all aspects of advantage and disadvantage of the event. Also, according to a survey conducted by a well-known institution, the correct possibility of analyzing problems is three times the size of normal people’s.  

Admittedly, the humor friends will let people fell relaxed when some troubles cause them anxiety. For example, a student is worrying with his/her marks of final exam for he/she did not attach importance to learning. Some humor words may relieve his/her burden to some degree. However, the essence of the problem is not solved. Therefore, it is not a good idea to release self from anxiety depends on a humor friend.

To sum up, although humor friends may give people a relaxed mood once in a while, intelligent friends are more important for them as these friends will help people resolve problems in study and make correct selection.


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发表于 2009-7-29 15:00:40 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-29 15:27:17 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 makerain62 于 2009-7-29 15:31 编辑


137. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.   

As it is known to us, education is so crucial to everyone in the world that it not only can help us to become full-grown man, but also can lead us to a better life in the future. To ensure the quality of the education, I don't agree with the statement that high schools should allow students to study the courses they want to study for the reasons I list below.

Given the role of high school in the society, it is the place where children can gain knowledge as well as the origin of the talent people in need of the society. When designing the courses, educators should take both the needs of students and need of whole society into consideration. The students themselves, as undeveloped individuals, can not make wise decisions when choosing the courses due to the limitations of their own. It is easy to imagine that courses that are interesting will attract most of the students in the school and this will surely break the balance of the society. What if there are only graduates good at arts or sports? It will greatly inhibit the improvement of human communities

Although the old saying goes that "interest is the best teacher", it can not convince me that students should only study courses they like. To be a full developed man, child must try different things and gain valuable experiences from failures. Moreover, interest is developed by long-time of study sometimes. There are indeed some courses that students pay no interest in at first, however, after long time of study, they fail in love with these subjects. From this point of view, parents or school must help the students to decide what courses they should learn.

What's more, it is undoubtedly that people must have some skills to live on. There is few ones that can combine their interests and jobs together. One should learn something that he can make a living on in the future. How can they know which subject is competitive in the work force? The answer is school. Only school can make the conclusion that which courses are necessary for them no matter what they will do in the future. Also, only the school can divide different courses into groups which can help the students to make better decision.

In sum, taking the requirement of the whole society, the limitations of the students own and the jobs they will make a living on into consideration, students can not only study courses they like. To contribute to a better future of the individual and the whole society, schools should help the students to make a wise choice of the courses.


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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-7-29 16:37:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragongyh 于 2009-7-29 16:38 编辑

8月2号就考试啦,麻烦LZ帮我看下,非常感谢  :)
Many people have learned a foreign language in their own country, others
have learned a foreign language in the country in which it is spoken.
Which is better? Give the advantages of each and support your viewpoint.

language is the produce of the development of culture. with the development of international communication, it's both useful and interesting to learn foreign languages for us. Then where to learn is controversial. In general, people learn one or more foreign languages in his motherland and others will go to lwarn in the country where the language is spoken. although both of them have advantages, from my point of view, I prefer to study in the country the language is spoken.

learning a foreign language at home takes advantage in sparing time and expense. Not everyone can afford  a perieod of time to learn abroad. Besides if one just take it as an ameture hobby, studing at home can satifies his anxiety.

However, learning aboad will benifit more for a student of language.

to begin with, a language is something the reflection of a unique culture of a nation that is to study it better, we should also comprehend the culture it result from. then how to ungerstand the culture better? I think the best way is to live in the country for a period of time. it will be interesting to feel a foreign culture. for example, if you go to america, their frank and derect attitude in daily life make you have deeper understanding of the difference between American English ad formal english which is spoken n england.

moreover, learn in the language's hometown provides a good atmosphere to learn the local accent. for example, english is spoken in most of the countries in the world, but as we all know, people who speak english as their second language always mix their native accent into english which sounds not so pour as the native enligh or american. I think that if you want to be skilled at a language, a pour accent is important.

all in all, learn a language in the country it is spken make you learn it better than learing it at home.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-29 18:21:28 |只看该作者
Students should take the most difficult class in colleges or at university, even if you can’t get the top grades in them.
   With the increasing consciousness of the importance of education, universities and colleges are making more efforts in order to provide students with the education they desire. Nowadays, students are facing the difficulty of picking up suitable courses since schools offer them so many classes to choose. While some people suggest that students should take the most difficult class to improve their abilities, from my own point of view, I disagree with the opinion and my reasons are as follows.
First and also the most important, students should choose courses based on their own interests rather than on how difficult the courses are. Colleges and university are intended to give students the opportunity to find their real interests and further develop them, not to let students show that performs better in the difficult courses. To a student who has great desire in learning geology, it is unreasonable to force him to choose complex courses like philosophy in which he shows little interest. Therefore, it’s important to allow students choose what they really enjoy, which would be beneficial to their future development.
Besides, poor performance in difficult courses will discourage students from learning. There’s no denying that people are different, while some students are good at learning knowledge, others may find studying is a challenging task. So, when all the students are required to take the difficult courses, there would appear distinctive gap between their performances. Those who don’t do well in these courses may feel upset and worried or even lose heart in studying since their overall performance is affected by these hard courses. On the other hand, students who are strong in getting high score or probably good at this particular difficult course will feel confident and get more rewards. As a result, this requirement is in someway unfair and should be avoided in the university system.
In addition, students will lose much of their spare time because of hard work on these difficult courses. When students are demanded to take the challenging courses, many of them will spend much time on studying these courses, resulting in less time for enjoyment. Students pay more attention and do more preparations on the complicated classes in order to have a better performance, and if this situation continues, students will feel exhausted and depressed because of the tiring work.
Based on the reasons stated above, it’s quite natural to draw the conclusion that students needn’t to take the most difficult courses if they don't want to. Students should be endowed with the chance to choose whatever they like and develop their unique interests in colleges or universities.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-29 20:26:59 |只看该作者

All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study in.

Nowadays, the number of students who choose to attend the history courses in university has decreased by 30%. Last semester I took a history lesson in school. There are only several students in the classroom which can admit at least 250 students. Compared with other courses hold in the campus, it is obviously that fewer students prefer history class. While most college students prefer some classes which are more useful for their career such as the economics and the management. I think if the students want to increase knowledge of cultural background, enjoy themselves or help of their major then history courses are necessary for them. Reasons for my views go as fellow.

First and foremost, the history courses can give the students a historical background of their nation or other countries. The historical background of their motherland is essential to all citizens. The college students are received higher education. They stand for the brightest citizens in the country. If they are not familiar with the country’s history, the history of their motherland will be lost in the future. As the saying goes and I paraphrase that the more globalization progress the more significant regional characteristics will be. It means that even if at the background of globalization it is still the key to learn about the culture and history of motherland. A person without the knowledge of national history will not be respected from others. So it is quite vital to take history courses during the college.

What’s more, the history is also very useful. We can get progress in our major after learning history. Many college students mistake history classes for useless courses. In fact every subject is useful. Especially, the history is the base of nearly all the subjects. For example, most students think the classes such as management and economics are useful. Nevertheless, the theory of the management is on the basis of the historical experience. Without historical experience and data, many subjects are not exited any more. So, it is quite obvious that the history courses will help of students’ major.

Last but not least, history courses are always very interesting. We can see many funny stories in the history class. Usually we also get shocked because some small trivial mistakes can change the world greatly. Such as the discovery of the radiation, it was totally unexpected. Someone just put the metal on a piece of film. And the radiation was discovered which deeply changed our daily life in the recent decades. And the amazement of the history makes the history class very attractive. So it is apparent that we can enjoy ourselves through the history class.

Although the history classes in college meet cold reception in recent years, I feel that the advantages of taking a history class in college are obvious. In the history class students can get the knowledge of national history and help for their major. Of course, enjoy themselves in the courses as well.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-7-30 00:18:46 |只看该作者
楼主帮忙该一下 谢谢 看看我又没有进步?

题目 Do you agree or disagree? There is nothing that young people can teach older people?

Have you ever seen that the old are inclined to teach children lessons whenever what children have done are against their traditional standards? It has become common scenes that older people believe they are often right judging from their rich experience. Young people still have something to teach older people on account that elder people should learn how to be more open-minded from younger ones and they should also know how to enjoy life rather than spending whole life on work, although old people still have tremendous things to teach the young.

In order to keep pace with rapid development of modern society, older people need to learn how to be innovative. My grandfather is a telling example. Years ago, he always complains about so-called adverse phenomenon spread throughout society in that such fashionable behaviors are strongly against the standards descending from their parents. Unfortunately, these customs which old people strictly follow are not suitable to the modern era. Then, I make up my mind to reshape my grandpa into an open and innovative person. Whenever I have time, I would tell him the reasons of some popular trends, attempting to convince him to well adapt to new environment. Nowadays, he perfectly has the popular culture under his command. He can even speak English fluently and has become an expert of Internet. Consequently, older people can learn the power of accepting new fads from youngsters and young adults.

Moreover, a lifestyle that people do everything for enjoy life can be learnt from adolescents. Among older generations, the idea that any ordinary citizens should dedicate all their lifetime to the country maintains the popularity. Consequently, when retired, they would suddenly feel like losing all the motivation and energy to live. A report conducted by China's Social Department suggests that approximately 56.75 percent of older people are not accustomed to life with any work responsibilities. But why such phenomenon does not exist in European and developed countries. Because older people in China lack the notion of enjoy life which is given priorities by their European and American counterparts. To live the rest of life happily and mainly for themselves rather than the nation, older people ought to learn from younger generations who have faith in the view that the purpose of serving is to appreciate the myth, harmony, and beauty of nature.

Albeit, something still exists that youth have to consult adults with great life experience. They have to learn what rules should be strictly followed, when attending social activities; what aspects of majors should be improved when conducting projects; what characters of people can be used to judge whether the person should be mad friends with. Still quantities of other things of great value are waiting for youngsters to learn from older persons.

All in all, older people still have something to learn from younger people, even though they have gone through lots of detours and roadblocks on the life path. However, young people also have more things to acquire.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-7-30 00:27:37 |只看该作者
能不能帮我看一下 第二篇 写得好苦
题目 agree or diagree?
Reading fiction ( such as novels and short stories ) is more enjoyable than watching movies?

Have you ever seen that a person gives up reading a book? It has become common scenes because since people nowadays have less leisure time than before, they are forced to abandon the time consuming job for reading. Watching movies, in my opinion, is more enjoyable than reading fiction in modern society on account that movies save people a lot of time to appreciate what intended to relate and also provide a vivid vision and straightforward way to understand the content, although reading fiction, under some circumstances, is essential.

Watching movies costs audience less time, making them more focused. Harry Porter is probably a telling example. For those loyal fans, they have to wait more than ten years until J.K Rowling publishes her seventh book revealing the ending. Compared with the time on reading, all the spectators only need to spend seven to eight years to find out the denouement. Also as not only children but adults as well are under great burdens from studies, work, and families rendering them a little time on books, they usually have to squeeze at least one month or even a year to finish a book. The fact that each book of the series contains more pages than previous one also adds trouble for fans to complete. On the contrary, it only takes one who goes to cinema two hours or so to get a good knowledge of contents. As movies shorten people's time, they are more likely to concentrate on plots.

Moreover, a graphic view makes people more involved into plots. As is often the case, books depend on the power of word combination, sentence types, and rhetoric to create a mansion where people can have opportunities to imagine a world living up to their desires. Unfortunately, such means is not straightforward and requires people to think. Under conditions that commuters are exhausted from one-day work, do they wish an approach to relax themselves without employing any energy? Movie is a perfectly suitable alternative. The vivid vision and gorgeous sound effects liberate addicts to films brain work. Such visual feast completely exposes people into an ideal world without any disturbance from pressure of daily life. Accordingly, movies supply people with a vision which people fully enjoy.

Albeit, fiction is still of great necessity. Movies are still a little bit expansive for most people. It costs a person at least 80 RMB to watch a movie, while a book only require 20 RMB to be purchased. It is obvious that what a movie presents is just the version of the director, which cannot include all thought of readers. Therefore, there are still some roles that books can play in the society.

All in all, watching movie is more enjoyable than reading books in modern society. However, admittedly, books cannot be fully eliminated by movies.

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QQ联合登录 Leo狮子座 荣誉版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance US Advisor 魅丽星

发表于 2009-7-30 08:18:32 |只看该作者
13. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Eat food at restaurant or at home? The answer differs from people to people. After all, it is always due to life habits and/or other personal preferences. Personally, I prefer to eat at home for following reasons ( I would discuss later 多余,已经有了following了).

Admittedly, restaurant can always provide more kinds of food that accord with even(cater to;even不当) all kinds of eating styles. For me, I live in areas(单数,你一次只能住在一个地区) where seafood can be said (is deemed)as luxury food since it is very scarce. Near my home, there is a very big seafood restaurant that imports their seafood resource from overseas by air transportation. When I was a child, my parents once took me there and I saw lobster for the first time. Even though in fact I do not like seafood, I have to say food there is very good. 最后一句写散了,跟下馆子已经没有什么关系。建议这里加上一句 在你那儿想吃海鲜自己就难弄,而馆子里选择多。这样才和题目更贴合。

Food at restaurant is always delicious, but a signal(?) question now is whether restaurant can bring about more fun to me. In fact, I was tired of waiting at the table, seeing(looking at) the menu. In contrast, I prefer to cook my food at home in that cooking is a very amazing thing and I really enjoy that(which I really enjoy). At home, when cooking, I often open (play) some light music and cook something original. I have to say cooking is like a (kind of 多余)work of art that can always bring about much imagination and I feel like I am an aesthete when I taste the food that only belongs to me. 这个论点不错

In addition, compared with restaurant, home can provide us more private space; make us feel freer(free的比较级我还真不知道……) and also more comfortable. At home, you (注意人称一致,前面用的是us,这里又you)never need to notice others' attitude or pretend to be a gentleman or gentlewoman. You can just lie on a big sofa; make jokes with friends and taste the food that "only genius could make". At that time, stress and displeasure or any other negative emotions are all gone. Life is like this! It is a big quarry that waited to be discovered. So just forget everything and enjoy the happiness you create by yourself. It is totally amazing! (从life is like开始跑题了。。。你这几句话放在任何主题上都可以)

To sum up, it is true that eating at restaurant is not bad; nevertheless, I prefer to eat at home which can bring me more fun. After all, happiness must be considered as the first and foremost factor to life.

Word Count: 387

For 08, thank you every much and may you long live!
gaovenivv 发表于 2009-7-25 20:33

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QQ联合登录 Leo狮子座 荣誉版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance US Advisor 魅丽星

发表于 2009-7-30 08:23:56 |只看该作者
我打算把第二段进行简化,着重叙述第三 ...
daney68 发表于 2009-7-25 21:35

又看了一遍,整体论述没有什么问题。不过,第一段太长了,开头还是简洁些好。另外关于work stress那段里的survey说服力比较弱,不严谨,不如用身边的例子/个人经验来论证。

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QQ联合登录 Leo狮子座 荣誉版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance US Advisor 魅丽星

发表于 2009-7-30 08:43:34 |只看该作者
27. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   
    In our daily live, we can always face things we do not like to do, such as working overtime, or taking exams. Hence, there raises a controversial topic that whether people should sometimes do loath things. Majority advocate the positive answer, while there are still some opposing voices. As for me, following the mainstream view, I maintain the idea that people should sometimes do loath things.
   Firstly, under some conditions, the environment forces people to do that. In order to survive or have a good live, we have no alternative choice. Consider, for example, most of companies nowadays required their employees have master degree. If we follow our interests and refused to attend university, we may become a loser at very beginning in the job seeking field, let alone having a favorable job. So if we want to enjoy our future life, we may do some things we do not like now. 这段的关键在于follow our interests和refused to attend university的关系,这里的连接太薄弱
   Furthermore, through doing some loath things, people may improve their working skills and broaden their views. Take reading for example, since reading is an activity which requires peaceful mind and patience, some vigorous people may treat it as a boring thing. But, if they force themselves to read, they will find books contain boundless knowledge, and also their self-discipline may go higher. 把people换成你自己吧,更有说服力也不会显得偏激
  (The多余) last but not the least, in some cases, when one doing things they do not like, they may help other one at the same time . Thing like donation, at first glance, for its non-profit nature, may not (缺动词be)an appealing deed. However, in fact, donation is a quite necessary and indispensable activity for others, numerous poor men or weak men rely on this to survive. So, as a member of human beings, we should do those things even we may not like to do. 这个观点很好
  Overall, It is indeed necessary and compulsory for us do some things we may not enjoy, if we want to have a standard life and create a humanistic society.

hpplayer 发表于 2009-7-25 23:36


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发表于 2009-7-30 11:18:36 |只看该作者
20.It is a better way for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or dissagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

A picture of skyscraper, traffic jams and polluted air emerges in our mind when we mention the big city, while clean brooks, green hills and singing birds shape the sceneries of countryside. Therefore, many people hold the view that it is better for childrent to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. However, I do not endorse such opinion, for the image remained in people’s mind is too narrow to present  a all-round view of the big city.

To start with, big cities have advanced education system and facility. There is no denying that the schools in cities own more experienced teachers as well as complete facilities. They have distinct grades and each teacher is in charge of one subject. However, it is common to find one class including four different grades in the countryside because of the shortage of teachers. On the other hand, facilitity plays an equal significant role in education. Schools In big cities, for example, have beautiful teachering buildings, large playgrounds and various advanced teaching equipment, such as overhead projector, computer and speaker. However, in the countryside they even do not have enough chalks and blackboards. In my opinion, good education is notable for children’s growth. Therefore, it is better for children to grow up in big cities, in order to receive better education.

In addition, big cities possess more accesses to entertainment. Proper entertainment is enssential during the childhood, for it can enrich children’s life as well as broaden their horison. For instance, libraries provide quiet and comfortable condition for children reading. Museems give them chances to retrospect history and obtain knowledge in a more vivid way. Meanwhile, they meet other children who share the same interests and make friends with each other. Children in big cities improve their ability to communicate via this way. In countryside, however, owing to the less opportunity to entertain and meeting the new people, children are apt to be more introverted which may hinder their future development.  

Althought big cities have some disadvatages compared to countryside, after weighing up pros and cons, I still prefer children growing up in big cities. After all, big cities can provide children better education and more ways to spend their spare time, which are extremely important for children’s character development and personal growth.

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