
标题: 1006G敛寒影的备考日记---为理想奋斗是件愉悦的事! [打印本页]

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-7 21:16:30     标题: 1006G敛寒影的备考日记---为理想奋斗是件愉悦的事!

本帖最后由 敛寒影 于 2010-1-12 21:43 编辑




作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-9 21:55:21

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(1)20 Questions for Writers
1. What does X mean? (Definition)
2. What are the various features of X? (Description)
3. What are the component parts of X? (Simple Analysis)
4. How is X made or done? (Process Analysis)
5. How should X be made or done? (Directional Analysis)
6. What is the essential function of X? (Functional Analysis)
7. What are the causes of X? (Causal Analysis) BE EACW
8. What are the consequences of X? (Causal Analysis)
9. What are the types of X? (Classification)
10. How is X like or unlike Y? (Comparison)
11. What is the present status of X? (Comparison)
12. What is the significance of X? (Interpretation)
13. What are the facts about X? (Reportage)
14. How did X happen? (Narration)
15. What kind of person is X? (Characterization/Profile)
16. What is my personal response to X? (Reflection)
17. What is my memory of X? (Reminiscence)
18. What is the value of X? (Evaluation)
19. What are the essential major points or features of X? (Summary)
20. What case can be made for or against X? (Persuasion)

前四个问题:自己先给这个关键词下个定义,也就是说,在题目讨论的这个问题中,这个关键词主要指的是什么, X的特点、组成部分、怎么形成的,等这些与X自身物理性质相关的东西,列出这些为的是进一步缩小范围,让头脑清楚我们写的到底是个什么。

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-9 21:55:41

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(1)20 Questions for Writers
1. What does X mean? (Definition)
2. What are the various features of X? (Description)
3. What are the component parts of X? (Simple Analysis)
4. How is X made or done? (Process Analysis)
5. How should X be made or done? (Directional Analysis)
6. What is the essential function of X? (Functional Analysis)
7. What are the causes of X? (Causal Analysis) BE EACW
8. What are the consequences of X? (Causal Analysis)
9. What are the types of X? (Classification)
10. How is X like or unlike Y? (Comparison)
11. What is the present status of X? (Comparison)
12. What is the significance of X? (Interpretation)
13. What are the facts about X? (Reportage)
14. How did X happen? (Narration)
15. What kind of person is X? (Characterization/Profile)
16. What is my personal response to X? (Reflection)
17. What is my memory of X? (Reminiscence)
18. What is the value of X? (Evaluation)
19. What are the essential major points or features of X? (Summary)
20. What case can be made for or against X? (Persuasion)

前四个问题:自己先给这个关键词下个定义,也就是说,在题目讨论的这个问题中,这个关键词主要指的是什么, X的特点、组成部分、怎么形成的,等这些与X自身物理性质相关的东西,列出这些为的是进一步缩小范围,让头脑清楚我们写的到底是个什么。

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-9 21:58:22

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(4)start to write

Ask yourself what your purpose is for writing about the subject.
you need to narrow down your choices

Ask yourself how you are going to achieve this purpose.

Start the ideas flowing
Take a rest and let it all percolate.
Nutshell your whole idea.
Diagram your major points somehow.


Write a first draft.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-9 22:13:57

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(6)thesis statement
A thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. (主题句说明你的观点和要论证的论点)A good thesis statement makes the difference between a thoughtful research project and a simple retelling of facts.(事实和论据不是主题句!)

A thesis statement is a sentence (or sentences) that expresses the main ideas of your paper and answers the question or questions posed by your paper. It offers your readers a quick and easy to follow summary of what the paper will be discussing and what you as a writer are setting out to tell them. The kind of thesis that your paper will have will depend on the purpose of your writing.(是你观点的概括,要告诉读者什么)

A good tentative thesis will help you focus your search for information. But don't rush! You must do a lot of background reading before you know enough about a subject to identify key or essential questions. You may not know how you stand on an issue until you have examined the evidence. You will likely begin your research with a working, preliminary or tentative thesis which you will continue to refine until you are certain of where the evidence leads.(例子是围绕中心展开的,可以写完全文,转过头再来修改主题句)

The thesis statement is typically located at the end of your opening paragraph. (The opening paragraph serves to set the context for the thesis.) 注意,这里明确的指出了,主题句(thesis statement)必须出现在开头段(opening paragraph)的最后!
Remember, your reader will be looking for your thesis. Make it clear, strong, and easy to find.使主题句清晰!

1.主题句的dos and don’ts

“Tell something new about something I care about.”

Specific topic + Attitude/Angle/Argument = Thesis
What you plan to argue + How you plan to argue it = Thesis

2.避免出现SO WHAT问题---(交代清楚问题和为什么。)



作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-9 22:14:15

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(6)thesis statement
A thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. (主题句说明你的观点和要论证的论点)A good thesis statement makes the difference between a thoughtful research project and a simple retelling of facts.(事实和论据不是主题句!)

A thesis statement is a sentence (or sentences) that expresses the main ideas of your paper and answers the question or questions posed by your paper. It offers your readers a quick and easy to follow summary of what the paper will be discussing and what you as a writer are setting out to tell them. The kind of thesis that your paper will have will depend on the purpose of your writing.(是你观点的概括,要告诉读者什么)

A good tentative thesis will help you focus your search for information. But don't rush! You must do a lot of background reading before you know enough about a subject to identify key or essential questions. You may not know how you stand on an issue until you have examined the evidence. You will likely begin your research with a working, preliminary or tentative thesis which you will continue to refine until you are certain of where the evidence leads.(例子是围绕中心展开的,可以写完全文,转过头再来修改主题句)

The thesis statement is typically located at the end of your opening paragraph. (The opening paragraph serves to set the context for the thesis.) 注意,这里明确的指出了,主题句(thesis statement)必须出现在开头段(opening paragraph)的最后!
Remember, your reader will be looking for your thesis. Make it clear, strong, and easy to find.使主题句清晰!

1.主题句的dos and don’ts

“Tell something new about something I care about.”

Specific topic + Attitude/Angle/Argument = Thesis
What you plan to argue + How you plan to argue it = Thesis

2.避免出现SO WHAT问题---(交代清楚问题和为什么。)



作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-9 22:17:47

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(7)段落TS和逻辑顺序标志词
一、Topic sentences指什么?Topic sentences的属性?

二、Forms of Topic Sentences

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 00:11:20

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(8)-(11)


more importantly; best of all; still worse; a more effective approach; even more expensive; even more painful than passing a kidney stone; the least wasteful; occasionally, frequently, regularly







作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 00:16:18

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(8)-(11)
第二部分 段落内部的关系

        一个独立的观点-和Thesis密切相关
        一个合理的逻辑顺序
        没有无关细节
Topic sentence:文章开头的第一或者第二句话
Supporting evidence/analysis: 必须在论据和论证之间找到一个平衡!
The conclusion(observation): 文章的最后一句或者倒数第二句!总结上文并过度下一个分论点



of course;as you know;until now ;obviously ;normally ;previously ;everyone is familiar with ;remember that



        Unity-所有句子讲同一个主题
        Coherence-句子之间相互关联,共同构成有机整体
        Connection-适当的连接句子

Connective words that describe relationships:
also; therefore; meanwhile; next; accordingly; for example; however; besides; moreover; whatever; nevertheless; although; likewise; usually; generally; instead; incidentially; thus; furthermore; yet; incontrast
Connectives that give a sense of time:
Firstly; secondly; finally; now; once; when; altimately; eventually; lastly; later; meanwhile; previously; then; soon; formerly; sometimes
Other Connective phrases:
To begin with; in brief; in summary; instead of; in other words; for the same reason; such a; in fact; in the same way; conversely; summing up; on the other hand; in general; more specifically; in addition to; another way to; no matter what; that is what; what is more; on the contrary; as a result; if so/not

代名词的形容词---this; that; these; which; their; his; its; her
核心词重复----simple repetition或same nouns form

Especially; increasingly; more importantly; particularly; as much as; by far; highly; in fact; even if/even though; so…that; only; very; significant; most; above all; quite; unique; indeed; such; at all; in any case.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 00:19:57

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(8)-(11)
第三部分  如何使用论据论证


二、Questions to Ask Yourself When Revising Your Paper
1) Do I avoid generalizing in my paper by specifically explaining how my evidence is representative?
2) Have I offered my reader evidence to substantiate each assertion I make in my paper?
3) Do I thoroughly explain why/how my evidence backs up my ideas?
4) Do I provide evidence that not only confirms but also qualifies my paper’s main claims?
5) Do I use evidence to test and evolve my ideas, rather than to just confirm them?
6) Do I cite my sources thoroughly and correctly?

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 00:23:32

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(8)-(11)
第四部分  Strategies for Writing a Conclusion
A conclusion should
•        stress the importance of the thesis statement, (重现主题句)
•        give the essay a sense of completeness, and (完善全文)
•        leave a final impression on the reader.(给读者一个深刻的印象)

•        Answer the question "So What?" (强调文章的重要性)
•        Synthesize,(综合全面的观点) don't summarize
•        Redirect your readers
体会:结尾从具体回到一般,提升到一个更高的层次,给读者一些启示。•        Create a new meaning
•        Point to broader implications.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 19:31:07


【SU & SY SO】汇总贴 & DAY I 主谓一致
2、 主谓一致中的就近原则
2)当either… or… 与neither… nor,连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。
Either you or she is to go.
如果句子是由here, there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致。
Here is a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you.

3、 谓语动词与前面的主语一致
当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。

The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.

He as well as I wants to go boating.

5、 指代意义决定谓语的单复数

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第二期——情态动词

6—— must, can, could, may, might, must 皆可表示推测
We would have finished this work by the end of next December.
The road is wet. It must have rained last night.

Your mother must have been looking for you.

10—— would rather表示"宁愿"
would rather do
would rather not do
would rather… than… 宁愿……而不愿。
还有would sooner, had rather, had sooner都表示"宁愿"、"宁可"的意思。
If I have a choice, I had sooner not continue my studies at this school.
I would rather stay here than go home. = I would stay here rather than go home.
---- Shall we go skating or stay at home?
----Which ___ do?
A. do you ratherB. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather
答案B。本题考查情态动词rather的用法,would rather +do sth 意为"宁愿",本题为疑问句, would 提前,所以选B。

其次是情态动词的误用,像can 这样语气过于绝对的表达最好换成may/ will, 或者是语气更委婉的might/would probably等,同时还要搭配一定程度的副词,如:
indulgence in computer games can lead to social violence especially of teenagers.上句中can不如might用起来更加客观,因为几乎每个小孩都玩游戏,但绝不是每个人都会犯罪。

另外一个容易误用的词是should,多表示根据社会风俗习惯个人的责任,而在比较正式的议论文写作中,多数句子是以客观事物做主语的, 所以用should就有些不太恰当,如:
To tackle the problem of youth crimes related with computer games, advertisement enterprises should restrict the large-scale promotion.

一般我们会用另外一个更客观性的短语be to do来代替, 或者是shall,但是这里的shall不是用于第一人称后的将来时符号,而表示的是一种情态。

至于must, 因为语气实在强硬,所以一般在社会性的问题的论述上我们要慎用,建议多换成need/ shall/ be to do 或者是be expected to do形式。如:
To help students get better employment, universities must increase the skillful courses.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 19:32:47

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第三期——冠词、数词
He has a new pen. The pen was bought in America. 他有一支新钢笔。这支钢笔是在美国买的。     
There is a book called “Gone with Wind”on my shelf. The book was written by a foreign writer.我的书架上有一本叫《飘》的书。这本书是一位外国作家写的。     
I saw a film last night. The fiim is very interesting. 昨天晚上我看了一部电影。这部电影非常有趣。     

The bag on the desk isn’t mine. 桌子上的书包不是我的。     
The angry man on the screen is David. 在荧屏上出现的那个生气的男人是大卫。     
Is the city of Nanjing beautiful? 南京城漂亮吗?

the Summer Palace 颐和园 the Communist Party of China 中国共产党  the People’s   Republic of China 中华人民共和国   the Great Wall 长城 the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会     

The man under the tree is my grandfather. 在树下的那个男人是我的爷爷。     
The one on the left is a new kind of machine. 在左边的那一个是一种新型机器。     
The girl in white is Mary. 那个穿白色衣服的女孩是玛丽。     

4.在星期,月份,季节,节日前。例如:on Sunday,in March,in spring,on Women’s Day
(特例:如果月份,季节等被一个限定性定语修饰时,则要加定冠词:He joined the Army in the spring of 1982.)

in future从今以后,将来/in the future未来
go to school(church…)上学(做礼拜…)/go to the school(church…)到学校(教堂…)去

0.09:point zero nine
2.7:two point seven


90%:ninety percent
0.5%:point five percent


The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.
This desk is twice as large as that one.


5+6:five plus six(or five and six)
7-6:seven minus six
2×3:two multiplied by three(or two times three)
8/4:eight divided by four


Twenty dollars is not enough.
Two months has passed before we realized.
Three were killed and ten were missing in that accident.

Two thirds of the earth is covered with water.
Two thirds of the people present are against the plan.

3)如果主语是many a,more than one+单数名词构成,尽管从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词仍用单数形式。如:
Many a student in this class has hoped a long break.

4)a+单数名词+or two做主语,谓语动词用单数形式。one or two+复数名词,谓语动词用复数形式。如:
A word or two is missed in the sentence.
One or two words are missed in the sentence.

2.D。英语表示“……世纪……年代”时应为:“in the+年代’s”,如:在二十世纪八十年代=in the 1980’s,表示从1980—1989这期间的10年;如果是in 1980=在1980年,一年的时间。
  “基数词+单位名词(复数)+and a half”
  “基数词+and a half+单位名词(复数)”

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-10 19:33:42

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第四期——虚拟语气

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-11 22:50:29

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第五期——倒装

Clever though he was, he couldn’t conceal his eagerness for praise.

Try as I would, I couldn’t make her change her mind.

Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.

Search as they would, they could find no one in the wood

2, 有个别其他副词放在句首时,又是也会有这个现象:

Often would she(she would) weep when alone.
Bitterly did he repent that decision. 他深深地悔恨那个决定。
Gladly would I give my life to save the child.

3, 有些短语,(特别是介词短语)移到句首时也可能引导倒装语序:

On no account must we give up this attempt.
Under no circumstances could we agree to such a principle.

一般这类的都是一些否定含义的短语,类似的还有:In vain, not until, at no point
还有表示唯一的,如:only in this way
So…that结构: So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.


Long live world peace! 世界和平万岁!
May you have a long and happy life. 祝你幸福长寿。

“I do hope,” said Nancy, “they haven’t all forgotten about it.”

3, 有时修辞上的考虑,表语也可以提前:
Very grateful we are for your help.
A very reliable person he is, to be sure. 他是个很可靠的人,没问题。
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-11 22:51:04

0910AW SPECTACULAR 之【SU & SY SO】第六期——从句


名词性从句主语从句1. 主语从句可直接位于主语的位置,如果从句较长,谓语又较短,可用it作形式主语,而将从句放在句末。常见的句型有:

*It is a fact\a pity\a question\good news that...
*It seems\appears\happened\has turned out that...
*It is clear\important\likely\possible that...
*It is said\reported\estimated\has been proved that...
*It is said that comic books create a connection between people of the same generation.
*It seems that the performance is very useful.


2. what引导的主语从句表示“...的东西时”,一般不用it作形式主语。
What we lack is experience.

3. what, who, when, why, whether等词含有各自的疑问意义,但它们引导的主语从句,都用陈述语序。
How the plan is to be carried out should be discussed again.
I did know why I felt like crying.


表语从句出现在结构为“主语+系动词+表语从句”的句子中。表语从句除可用that, what, when, why, whether, how等引导外,还可由because, as if(though)等引导。that常可省略。如主句主语为reason,只能用that引导表语从句,不可用because.
Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that there is no one common type of life in America.
The reason why so many people died there is that there were not enough food supplies.
It looks as if successful international cultural communication will make the world smaller.


The news came that their team had won the championship.


    a. It + be +形容词+ that-从句
     It is necessary that…  有必要……
     It is important that…  重要的是……
     It is obvious that…  很明显……  

    b. It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句
     It is believed that…     人们相信……
     It is known to all that…   从所周知……
     It has been decided that…  已决定……

    c. It + be +名词+ that-从句
     It is common knowledge that…  ……是常识
     It is a surprise that…   令人惊奇的是……
     It is a fact that…     事实是……

    d. It +不及物动词+ that-分句
     It appears that…      似乎……
     It happens that…      碰巧……
     It occurred to me that…   我突然想起……


1)当先行词是all, anything, everything, something, nothing等不定代词或先行词前有first, last, any, few, much, some, no, only以及形容词最高级修饰时,只能用关系代词that引导从句。
That is all that I've heard from him.
He's the first person that I'm going to interview this afternoon.
This is one of those things with which we have to put up.
This is one of those things (which\that) we have to put up with.


as引导的定语从句主要用于“such...as”及“the same...as”的结构中,代替先行词是人或物的名词。as引导非限制性定语从句时,代替整个主句,从句可位于主句之前、之后或中间。
These are not such problems as can be easily solved.(as代替先行词problems)
As is mentioned above,no single company or group can control what happens on the Internet.(as代替主语)


1)when, whenever, while, as, after, before, since, till, until, once等。
2)as soon as, hardly(scarcely)...when, no sooner...than, each(every) time, the moment, immediately(that)等。

2. 地点状语从句引导地点状语从句的连词是where, wherever.

3. 原因状语从句引导原因状语从句的从属连词有:because, as, since, now(that),seeing that, considering that, in that等。
比较:because, since, as和for
1) because语势最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或 since。
  I didn't go, because I was afraid.
  Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey.
2) 由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。
  He is absent today, because / for he is ill.
  He must be ill, for he is absent today.

4. 结果状语从句引导结果状语从句的连词有:so...that, such...that, so that, that, so等。

5. 引导目的状语从句的连词有:so that, in order that, for fear that, lest等,从句常使用may, might, can, could, would等情态动词。

6. 引导条件状语从句的连词和词组有if,unless,as(so) long as,on condition that,in case,provided(providing) that,supposing等。
if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述。
unless = if not.

7. 让步状语从句引导让步状语从句的连词和词组有though, although, whether, even though, even if, no matter what(when, how...),whatever(whenever, wherever, however....)等。though, even if等引导状语从句可转换成含有as的部分倒装结构,具有强调意义。其结构为“形容词(副词、动词、名词)+as+主语+谓语”。

as / though引导的让步从句必须表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前)。
注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-11 22:55:14

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-11 22:59:13

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-18 20:48:10










为了帮助你准备分析性写作部分,已建立一个话题库,你的考试内容将从中抽取。这将对你的复习很有帮助。你可以在网站www.gre.org/pracmat.html找到题库,或是写信至PO Box 6000, Princeton, NJ 08541-6000

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-18 20:50:35













作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-18 20:52:41

























“In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists—people who can provide broad perspectives."








作者: menberber    时间: 2009-11-18 23:21:10

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-11-19 23:38:47








作者: 虎19860119    时间: 2009-11-27 09:27:45

LZ 09-11-12到09-11-17都没有贴作业?为什么呢?
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-8 00:25:39




缓慢的发展是通过使用合适的连接词“but”、“usually”、“for instance”,文章结尾也再次重申观点。
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-8 00:26:53








由于Argument的写作是分析性的写作,这种不拘泥于任何形式的推理的技能是在你的整个受教育的过程中形成的,不需要任何特殊的课程训练。尽管在一些大学课程中的逻辑思维和批判性的思维对写作有帮助,但在这里考试的要求不会像这样的具体和有技术含量。你不需要懂得分析方法和技术术语的含义。例如,一个话题中说道,一个初中校长得出结论,操场的新器材提高了学生的出勤率,因为自从安装以来,缺勤率减小了。在这里,你只需要认识到,提高出勤率还有很多其他可能的解释,你可以举出一些常识性的例子,或者可以建议 证明这个结论还需要哪些内容。例如,出勤率的降低可能由于天气晴好,这些都可以用来限定作者的结论的提出。











作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-8 00:27:41

        滑冰者中多大比例的人受伤后去了急诊室?
        这些去急诊室的滑冰受伤者能够代表普通的滑冰者么?
        有些滑冰受伤者是否没去急诊室呢?
        去急诊室的滑冰者是否都是重伤?
        佩戴保护设施也受伤的25%的滑冰者的受伤程度和没有佩戴保护设施的75%的受伤的伤势程度一致么?
        除了保护性的措施之外,还有其他的原因与滑冰受伤的危害相关么?例如天气条件、可见度、滑冰技术。
        预防性的和保护性的装置是不一样的
        佩戴这种齿轮的溜冰者倾向于受伤的概率很小,因为他们本身就很小心很有责任感(否则也不会佩戴这种保护性的装置)
        统计数据没有区分不同程度的受伤程度
        不一定高质量的齿轮更有益
        整体溜冰者的特点是什么?
        什么才是有用的保护或者有作用的齿轮能够保护或者减轻溜冰者的受伤?
        持续的受伤者的类型和受伤原因是什么?
        不使用器材被“机械地”假定为受伤的原因
        “accident”指的是较小的伤势
        其他原因也可以导致受伤---暗中溜冰,未经训练或热身不充分,没有意识到自身身体的局限性
        购买保护性齿轮的人们应该使用齿轮
        高质量的齿轮比其他的齿轮更有效
这篇习作有严重缺陷的回应,从多个方面建议孩子和溜冰鞋厂商确保孩子们佩戴保护性的服装,而不是分析和批判文中的错误。实际上,作者没有理解ARGUE 的写作目的。
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-9 22:05:35






作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-10 21:52:30



作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-13 18:59:30



作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-13 19:55:10

















作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-13 19:58:42
















作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-19 00:13:59

The article begins with an example of a pest called mountain bark beetle destroyed pinewood, then the author analyze the causes for this disastrous outbreak. This example elicit the topic about warming climate change. The author explain the conception of Framework Convention on Climate Change, and indicate that anthropogenic activities influence the climate system, with the description of the phenomenon of the rising temperature in Arctic and melting sea-ice causing the rising of sea level. Following, the author turns to the example of mountain bark beetle in order to emphasize the human beings should start to behave in a different way. The author directly points out that the increasing carbon-dioxide emissions would means a 50% risk of a global temperature increase of 5℃. Furthermore, the author claimed  that we should adjust behavior to avert that threat. In the second part of this article the author analyze the reason of climate change, which  is neither a technological nor a economics problems but a policy problems. At last he give some suggestion on solving this problems such as strengthen international co-operation, come to international agreement, change economical mode.

Climate warming is a global problem, we all should pay close intention on the Copenhagen climate talks. We should raising our awareness on this topic and behave in a different way from now on like doing little things around us. It is a complex problem involving economy, political and technological aspects, and it is not enough only relying the policy of governments. In my opinion the non-government organization and the authority should work together fighting for protecting our unique earth, especially everyone play an important role in solving this crisis phase.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-19 17:37:28

Compared with other luxury items the art spending would hold their value in the longer term,because of this,the authorities figure that the biggest problem at the moment is not a lack of demand but a lack of good work to sell, and with the access of globalization the current downturn in the art market would bound to rise. It is the main idea of the first part. The second part is about prices of older works and the demand in contemporary art keep going up,part of the extra demand has come from a large increase in the number of museums.The masters of the art universe is the  wealthy people.At last the author depict the sale model convert to in the auction houses on consignment,and contrast the ownership structure of two auction house.

I am not familiar with the art field and I learn a lot after reading this article.I agree with the author that the demands in arts would not be reduce, contrarily, it should be increase with the trend more people becoming understanding and loving arts.As long as the economic crisis subside, the market in arts would bounce back soon. The pivotal problem is to create more outstanding works to attract buyers,as a result of searching way to increase the income of arts market. I am not quite comprehend with regard to the difference in ownership structure between the two auction houses and these contents need to dig deeper and understand slowly.

losing momentum 失去动力

At its peak in 2007 it was worth some $65 billion, reckons Clare McAndrew, founder of Arts Economics, a research firm—double the figure five years earlier. Since then it may have come down to $50 billion.

generates … far beyond …because it brings together…

became deeply …, especially…

The current downturn低迷时期 in the art market

been far more volatile不稳定的

What makes this slump different from the last, he says, is that there are still buyers in the market, whereas in the early 1990s, when interest rates were high, there was no demand even though many collectors wanted to sell.

bounce back很快恢复

In the longer run demand is bound to rise as wealth is spreading ever more widely across the globe.

By 2007 they were spread over 58 countries and their total number had tripled.
…keep going up as …, but few such … become … because …

Over the same period the number of wealthy private collectors has also increased many times over, and so has their diversity.

Many dealers now prefer to take art works on consignment以脱销方式, matching sellers to buyers for a commission rather than investing in stocks 有现货of art.

By comparison with…,…looks like….

One thing that differentiates … is …
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-21 22:28:10


The relationship between China and Amenrica is a hot topic lasting for a long time.The United States gradually feel the threat comes from China for its international status,as the increasingly growing comprehensive national power in China.China,as the largest creditor of United States,meant it could break the dollar,s reserve-currency status any time and would wreck their economy.Espacially,after the military parade in National Day,we shown a stronger country to the world.A lot of Chinese are surspicious of relationship between the two countries,but with the more common interests exist in dealing with the global issues such as the financial crisis,which would draw them closer together. The common interests in economic and security is increasing and our country is in a steadly growth,particularly, we hold a firm position all along on the issue of Taiwan,I think the future of relationship between them will be positive.Meanwhile,we should note the problems in the way of development,we still lags far behind in technology and innovation aspects,for instance,the infrastructure projects should be improved and the corruption should be put an end.Only make a clear understanding of our frailties,can we have a stable development.The most important is that the equals in co-operation is vital to solving the problems in the world,which is the view the author would like to emphasize.

determine ……, and that of the rest of …….
China that is growing richer and stronger while remaining tenaciously authoritarian
With America’s economy in tatters and China’s still growing fast (albeit not as fast as before last year’s financial crisis), many politicians and intellectuals in both China and America feel that the balance of power is shifting more rapidly in China’s favour.
He and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao (pictured above) stress the need for co-operation and avoid playing up their simmering trade disputes, fearful of what failure to co-operate could mean.
in theory would allow it to wreck the American economy
These fears ignore the value-destroying (and, for China’s leaders, politically hugely embarrassing) effect that a sell-off of American debt would have on China’s dollar reserves.
Japan’s holdings were more than four times the size of China’s.描述倍数

see....as a cue to...
briefly slowed the rapid growth
Between the communist victory in 1949 and President Richard Nixon’s historic visit to China in 1972 there had been as little contact between the two countries as there is between America and North Korea today.
China’s military build-up in the past decade has been as spectacular as its economic growth, catalysed by the ever problematic issue of Taiwan, the biggest thorn in the Sino-American relationship.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-22 21:59:50

This article remarked on the debate of passage on health-care between the two parties,the Republicans and the Democrats.The Republicans,which is devote on making more general people enjoy the health-insurance right and encourage competition among private insurers, but with a tax on the rich and a expensive cost.On the other side,the Republicans with an insurance-policy surcharge.
The two bills are fund in very different ways,and it seems that the Democrats have the advantage over the Republicans.I noticed one point the two obviously opposite from commen situation that deep cuts to Medicare the health-insurance scheme for the elderly.Considering from the realism that the costly money saved should be used to solve more practical problems such as huge deficits urgently needs to tackle,but it is not humanism.Anyone wouldl get to old and the money been saved should not be substancialy on solving necessitous problems.So the two sides should get a reconciled bill in the final.
Amendment 改善
Whatsoever 无论什么
Strip of 剥夺
Be still a way off 有距离
Get into effect 生效
On the ground of 以。。。为理由
Insureance premium 保险费
By no means 决不
Stumbling block 障碍物,绊脚石
a “public option” of a government-backed insurance scheme that would compete with private insurers in order, supposedly, to keep costs down and guarantee access.
The Senate bill is "paid for", but only in the sense that it provides for large charges on the most expensive private insurance policies, and because it factors in deep cuts to Medicare the health-insurance scheme for the elderly.
As of today though, health-care reform, expensive and imperfect though it is, is looking a lot more likely.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-22 23:00:03


The article talks around the topic that the recessions caused by economy crisis and the character of reversed world economy, which would not resemble the five years preceding the crisis. The article describes a theory that linked the economy to a piece of string stretched taut on a board,the more forcefully the string is pluched,the more sharply it snaps back.The lasting shortfall in demand will strain on the spending to curtail the use per unit of output, explain properly why the unemployment will remain high after the economy crisis be subdued.Besides the main idea of the article,the author also demonstrates that the right to be correct is not a flow but a stock,although I am not totoally understand the reason.
This theory is not the same as I considered that the market economy could adjust itself to get a balance ultimitly,with the trending of demands and spending corrolate with each other.However,the author regard that the ceiling on production would get lower and do not attain the point before the crisis.I still believe that the demand is corresponding with level of gaining and spending ability,with the recover of economy in the world,hoping we can have a glorious economy as crisis before.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-23 23:31:33

明天继续fighting for!

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-25 12:56:30


This debate is very wonderful.The proposed side remark on specialficially that senior executives pays are worth what they are paid.There are two resons,one is that CEOs pays has decreased while the salary of other well-paid groups is increasing,considering the three components:salary,bonous and stock-based pay,and the other reason is that they earn high pay through their control and contribution rather than performance.Contrary to public perception,Mr Kaplan critic the argue public doubted one by one.After reading this part,I am firmly convinced that the CEOs are paid what they are worth,relavating to the performance,capability and responsibility.Ms Minow directly figure out unkown measures on forcing market with two representative example,and she argues that because of the phenominon exists,CEOs are overpaid.The two suitable cases Ms Minow refute the defending side is not strong,for they are considered typical in several efficient field not all of them.Compared with Mr Kaplan, Ms Minow did not prove his position further more.

In my appinion,I think the position of senior executives deserve more responsibility and working pressure,the ability they need to afford the position decides they earn high pay what they worth.

Bosses who were once paid ten times as much as shopfloor workers are now sometimes paid as much as 300 times as much.倍数的表达
。。。 multiples of 几倍
But thereafter, starting in Americaand slowly spreading to the rest of the world, the multiples increasedexponentially.
The debate about executive pay, though never cool,is particularly hot at the moment.
。。。indeed,particularly in relation to...,such as....
focuse heavily on.......;concentrate so heavily on....
bail out 帮助。。。摆脱困境
raise question galore 提出了丰富的问题
thrash out 力求解决
I argue below that thecritics are wrong and that there are many misperceptions of CEO pay.
contrary to public perception
Similarly, the view that CEOs are not paid forperformance is wrong. In fact, the opposite is true and boardsincreasingly fire them for poor performance.
appear to haveincreased the market value 提高市场份额
have not done betterand, by some measures, have done worse.
Those who argue CEOs areoverpaid have to explain how CEOs can be overpaid and not subject tomarket forces, when the other groups are paid at least as well and aresubject to market forces.这句话是很有针对性的批判
are all but guaranteed to continue to create....
It inevitably led to failures like......
severely demaged the credibility of ..... as a whole
do not come close to.....,which will increase
Instead of telling。。。,。。。signed off on.。。。,making it clear to everyone that。。。
Ifthis is pay for performance, what exactly is the performance we arepaying for?很有力的反击

demotivate 使士气低落
sanguine 乐观的
exponentially 指数地
mediocre 平庸的
tenure 职位的保有权
lack lustre tenure 低迷的任期
credit crunch 信贷紧缩
been exacerbated by 被恶化,被激怒
avalanche 纷至沓来
compensation committee 薪酬委员会
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-26 19:25:33


To begin with,I will clear up the idears of the two sides on the debate.The proposer,s rubuttal remarks on defending primarily,and then figure out the unreasonable points in the opposition,s arguments.First of all,he concludes the claims Ms Minow holds and reiterates the point that the income of CEOs are decreased and actually related with companies, performance.The fact is that the lion,s share CEOs received of their pay in stock which has been kept as shares in companies proportional matches the wealth they lose in the finacial crisis.Secondly,he demonstrates that his argument is authoritative and credible which is oposite of Ms Minow,s position.Then he points out several limitation in her arguments and indicates the real causes of finacial crisis.

Consistent with Mr Kaplan,s debate,Ms Minow rebut specificially.Her arguments also devided into two parts.She emphasized again that the subsides of government bouncing back the companies illuminates again that the incomes of CEOs is not related with their performance.The reason is that government could not prevent the behavior of shareing bonous and the companies make excuse of it such as keeping the emplyees from leaving.Meanwhile,the funds of Treasury Department has no detailed control on executive compensation obligations.This is an other opportunity for companies to take the agency costs as bonous which has been called risk management.In a wold,the theoretical pay is further from the realised pay.According to Mr Kaplan,s debate, Ms Minow also figures out some defect in his argument.One is the invalid talking point about the net worth,the other is that the high pay with the relavant of CEOs is obscure that they are not set by boards as CEOs.At last she point out seven deadly sins found in executive compensation plans.

Take no consideration of the real truth about the debate,only focusing on the rebuttal remarks of the two sides,it is more intense and hard to decide who win.Compared with their debate before, Mr Kaplan incread the part of disputoin,and thanks to this,we have seen a more exciting debate on the opposition,s arguments that Ms Minow holds.It seems that Ms Minow,s rebuttle remarks is more clear and targeted to some extent in this term.Whatever we really want is a fair and equitable economic market not the same as Ms Minow depicts.


Mr Kaplan argues that the most powerful criticism of executive pay-that bosses get upside and no downside-is simply false.

there are plenty of devices such as golden parachutes that cannot possibly be justified by performance.

He suggests that extreme pay differentials can damage companies by attracting the wrong sort of bosses and demotivating the rank and file.

We need to focus more on the overall picture, around the world as well as in the United States, rather than on a few attention-grabbing anecdotes.

Ironically, neither do her two anecdotes.

These CEOs' financial reversals were part of a robust system of pay-for-performance widely used by most U.S. companies.

lost a large fraction of their wealth and, in many cases, their jobs.

It is irresponsible to claim that CEOs do not bear any downside risk.

all without having any detailedinformation about the scope of AIG's very substantial, and verycontroversial, executive compensation obligations.

confirms Yermack's analysis and also clearly refutes Ms Minow's conclusion.

First, we disagree on the calculations thatsupport the conclusion that CEO play has been declining. Our figures,based not on theoretical pay but on realised pay, are as follows.

Been propped by 一直支撑

Reiterate the point 反复地强调观点

Plenty of devices很多策略

Attention-grabbing anecdote引人注目的轶事

Take account of考虑

The lion,s share最大份额

In direct contradiction to与。。。相反

Have been much better off已经好得多

Diamentrically opposed to直接地反对。。。

Consistent with this与之相一致的。。

Bounce back卷土重来

Inspector general监察长

Clamp down on施压于

作者: 木虫虫    时间: 2009-12-27 00:12:49

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-27 00:56:04


This passage is mainly about introducing several methods to improving the security of passwords.In order to protect our private information,the passwords should considering three factors, the length, complexity and randomness.I have never known how resourceful the intruders are,meanwhile,I have recognized some intereting way on how to set the encryption rigorously,such as using a mnemonic constructed from the first letters. Science and technology is a double-edged sword, they continue to bring us new problems, while creating solutions to them.

The important role this article plays is that it brings some reflection for us as we shoule considering using the high-technology appropriatly.Have you opened the busines of online bank?Are you give your moble phone number to the random agency undefendedly once they asked for?We should reconsider the way we behaved is safe or not.It is possible that the old way such as the passage mentioned like recording the passwors in notebook is a good way in some situation.Whatever, the passage surpports some useful way to creat an secure passwaod.

That takes a lot of patience and computing power, and tends to be the sort of thing only intelligence agencies indulge in.

Choose passwords that are strong enough to make cracking them too time consuming for thieves to bother.

keep abreast of保持与。。。并列
heaven forbid但愿不会如此
scraps of paper便签条
interspersed with 用。。。点缀着
as a matter of course自然,不用说,照例.
作者: adammaksim    时间: 2009-12-27 11:21:36

作者: splendidsun    时间: 2009-12-27 16:09:08

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-27 16:27:50


This article aims to tell us that in this contemporary world people searching for new novelty,the value of old-fashioned, cluttered and sentimental paintings are remain steadfastly or even more valuable.With the reflection of inflation,it is astute to collect anctic paintings that steadly quality exchanging more money in the future than before.Also a good opportunity for art dealer to earn more from the access selling the paintings twice from the first collector.The author applied the example of illustrious paintings as “Prince’s Dock, Hull” which John Atkinson Grimshaw painted, “The Old Dealer” which Spencelayh painted and “On the Cliffs” which Laura Knight painted bidding up as high as two or four times what the auction house had predicted.

This idea that the art spending would hold their value in the longer term appears in the passage we have read few days before.Like investing assets in the bussiness of real estate,paintings would be an luxurious item to keep the value in the inflation.In my oppinion,the reason is that the paintings bring us the aethetic enjoyment and raise the resonance of people on the issues.Besides,that record the history of an ancient year in the past and the feeling in the painting can not be repeat but taste after seeing it.The paintings brings more value of spritual that never be chaged in the long term,so the prices should be increased rather than degressive.


Its success lay in the high prices achieved for those that sold, half of which were bid up哄抬 beyond their high estimate.

His works are often dark social commentaries注释,解说词 featuring streets and portsides, full of ships’ rigging and lamplight that seems visually interchangeable with moonlight.

Behind them the sea, silvery, shimmering and full of light, has the same idyllic quality of water painted at the time by the Scottish Colourists.

if anything  如果没有什么区别的话

on behalf of  

a series of  一连串的
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2009-12-30 00:27:41



This article includes mass of contents about entrepreneurship,which divides into three parts,is to point that entrepreneurs see a good as well as a bad side to the recession.In the first part,with the history backgroud knowledge I am not totally understand,the author highly commends entrepreneurship as power force in social progress.Then the author states the elements supporting entrepreneurial ideas and the good chance that bring to us.Following, the author begins to discuss the definition of entrepreneur and the good points of famous people.In the second part,the author assail five myths about innovative entrepreneurs.In the last part,the author complements the previous point of view and mainly to sum up the misfortune and fortune to entrepreneurs.

I have watched several programs concerning entrepreneurship,I think the most important factor for venture capital is a clear bussiness pattern and the potencial capacity of growth.To a good entrepreneur,he should own the qualities of the firm faith,persistent passion,courage and insight,durative insist on the career.

作者: pluka    时间: 2010-1-1 12:29:58

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-1 16:34:05

Whatever Darwin’s personal sensibilities, Mr Wade is convinced that a Darwinian approach offers the key to understanding religion. In other words, he sides with those who think man’s propensity for religion has some adaptive function. According to this view, faith would not have persisted over thousands of generations if it had not helped the human race to survive. Among evolutionary biologists, this idea is contested. Critics of religion, like Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker, suggest that faith is a useless (or worse) by-product of other human characteristics.

As Mr Wade makes clear, the notion of religion as an “adaptive” phenomenon makes better sense if one accepts the idea of group selection.

Perhaps, though, he oversimplifies the link between morality, in the sense of obedience to rules, and group solidarity based on common participation in ecstatic rites.

Packed 充满。。。的
Account of
Primordial 原始的
Propensity for
Prevail over


This article mainly talking about the function of religion between morality and group solidarity.Mr Nicholas Wade asides with Darwinian approach the propensity for religion has some adaptive function and he suggest that the religion promots moral rules and cementing cohesion.
Religion is a belief ,a spiritual pillar steady our faith.Groups with common religon is likely to prevail over those which lacked this connection from religion when confronting difficulties.According to human,s instinct,in the calamities,it is spiritual consolation turning for help to the religion,when we meet setbacks or in a difficult situation.In these situation the sriritual force is important than any thing else,the only way helping out of the predicament.But anything be of the extreme generates negative effects.They make people enter into a narrow way recognize the world aroud us,that contraversy leads to social advancements and do harm in individuals.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-1 22:39:20


This article arouse the topic of antiterrorism.From President Obama,s speaking,he underscores the administration,s concern over being outflanked on national security,and accuses a systemic failure accured,insisting on accountability at every level for this failures in security,although he did not elaborate.
In the current world,the hegemonism and power politics as well as irrational economic and political international old order of the nations in the west is the main root threating the peace and common development in the world.The United State banner maintenance of world peace lauching wars,ignoreing ordinary people are suffering the pain of war.We all do not know what the real popose behind the wars.

Accountability 有责任,有义务
Blow up  放大
In retrospect 回顾往事
Allude to  提到,暗指
Underscore 强调
Been marked by  以。。。为特点
Escalate  增强
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-2 15:13:46


bumping into beauty

grasping for the first time Dirac's equations describing quantum mechanics量子力学

I ask him what makes a theory beautiful, and he replies, "Simplicity, symmetry对称,均匀, elegance, and power.

conform to遵循

lay bare暴露,揭发,展开

puzzle out苦苦思索

gasping the rarefied纯净的,稀薄的 air

in a pinch在紧要关头,必要时

deliver to转交,交付,传达


fleeting短暂的,飞逝的 glory that stirs our hearts

take delight in乐于

to an extreme极度地,非常地

by a wide margin广泛的回旋余地

The most incomprehensible thing about the universe, as Einstein said, is that it's comprehensible.

Generation after generation, we puzzle out formulas, test them, and find, to an astonishing degree, that nature agrees.

You can do science without believing in a divine Legislator, but not without believing in laws.

Still, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars.

I'm never more aware of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty.

"All nature is meant to make us think of paradise," Thomas Merton observed. Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show, beauty is free and inexhaustible, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds.

Just so, I believe, the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe. To measure background radiation, we need subtle
instruments; to measure beauty, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses.

Have we merely carried our animal need for shrewd perceptions to an absurd extreme? Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe?

Beauty feeds us from the same source that created us.

A universe so prodigal of beauty may actually need us to notice and respond, may need our sharp eyes and brimming hearts and teeming minds, in order to close the circuit of Creation


What a beautiful aticle!Citing what the article says,I'm never more aware of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty,that is the feeling I merely have.

This article discribes the beautiful things from the eyes of scientists,which different from the things our common perpson simply assents,contrarily,a simple, symmetrical, elegant theory,and the obvious phenomenons in our daily life but cantain coherent set of rules,also maybe the access of scranbling mountain of academic.This wonderful article aggrandize my comprehension on beauty and I recognized there are mass of beauty waiting us to discover and explore,and the only thing we need to do is cultivating and alerting intelligence and our five keen senses.

I have little the same feeling as the author described during the study on academic.I have never detected such a beautiful and mysterious world through the sight of optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.That was my first time seen the structure of bacterial flagella,various figures including beautiful girls,pears and cats vividly shown under the optical aparatus,and as long as you fully exert imagination,you can find more funny profile.So does the same as the configurition of antennas of insects,which is alluring and complicated integral.These beatiful founds arouse us searching for the mystery in the universe,then the study never boring but interesting.

Holding a attitude of discovering beauty,we could reap a lot,no matter what we are doing.Sharp eyes and brimming hearts and teeming minds make our life more bewutiful.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-2 16:55:07


sort out挑选出
pledge 保证
Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes海中航线 caused by global warming.


This article presented the important role the Actic of Canada plays in the located region and unresolved border delineations between several nations.Especially,the climate change has hitting the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8,as a result,the government paying high attention on the Far North issue,bacoming a national priority.The enumeration of a series of measures indicate that the Arctic is no longer the forgotten frontier.

We could learn from this passage we do not take measures to protecting or avoiding matters untill problems generates from them.Put the troubles asides, caused by unresolved border delineations,which making this problem more complecated,let us have a look at the maesures government take on solving the issue the Actic influencing the climate change.The government invest abundant of money to assure sorts of developments carrying out,but vagueing responses on enviromental preservation.Lacking the consensus on enviromental protection,as a final aim,any step carrying out is faint.Only make clear of the premier,the measures could carry out orderly and efficiently.We hope the Arctic has a bright future.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-2 17:17:21


sort out挑选出
pledge 保证
Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes海中航线 caused by global warming.


This article presented the important role the Actic of Canada plays in the located region and unresolved border delineations between several nations.Especially,the climate change has hitting the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8,as a result,the government paying high attention on the Far North issue,bacoming a national priority.The enumeration of a series of measures indicate that the Arctic is no longer the forgotten frontier.

We could learn from this passage we do not take measures to protecting or avoiding matters untill problems generates from them.Put the troubles asides, caused by unresolved border delineations,which making this problem more complecated,let us have a look at the maesures government take on solving the issue the Actic influencing the climate change.The government invest abundant of money to assure sorts of developments carrying out,but vagueing responses on enviromental preservation.Lacking the consensus on enviromental protection,as a final aim,any step carrying out is faint.Only make clear of the premier,the measures could carry out orderly and efficiently.We hope the Arctic has a bright future.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-2 22:51:19


We now live in a world of the 24-Hour Movie, one that plays anytime and anywhere you want (and sometimes whether you want it to or not).

Although much has been made of the technologies used in “Avatar,” its beauty and nominal politics, it is the social experience of the movie — as an event that needs to be enjoyed with other people for maximum impact — which is more interesting.

“Avatar” affirms the deep pleasures of the communal, and it does so by exploiting a technology (3-D), which appears to invite you into the movie even as it also forces you to remain attentively in your seat.

Bluntly坦率地,率直地 put, something is happening before our eyes.

I love the luxurious look and warmth of film, and I fervently
热心地,热忱地 hope it never disappears.

It is because the movies and our experience of them has changed so radically根本上,以激进的方式 in recent years — we can pull a movie out of our pocket now, much as earlier generations pulled out a paperback — that makes it difficult to grasp what is happening.


I am firmly assent with the auther that no matter what huge changes in moving-image entertainment,what attract us most is the acenario in the film or the emotion it conweys,the teconology is just an instrument or bi-product to make the movie affluent.Like the author said we are too busy with the story to pay much mind on the digital artifact causing profonding changes in film.Moreover,
the new types of image consumption and digital technologies have complicated our understanding of cinema.As to myself,I like the simple story inspired or moved me most,no matter what luxurious look it wears.

Regarding the problem “The Decay of Cinema”,I think it is more shaking watching movie on movie theater than on the notebook without the happiness bring by share.I think more people would like to watching movie on notebook,the one way make our modern generation prone to undertake something lonely without shareing each other,which is one of the reason people take precautions against each other during intercourse.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-3 21:08:10


seeking material gains is not the exclusive patent of the mean, but a golden rule for all.

"Time is money" is a vogue
word nowadays. But, when it is worshipped as a motto
座右铭,格言 of life and commercialism takes the place of other wisdom of life, life is then turned into a corporation and, consequently, interpersonal relations into a market.

The former turns one’s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power.

Instead, your true "self" makes you who you are. The true meaning of life lies not in giving or possessing, but in creating, which actively unfolds显露,阐明,呈现,伸展 your true disposition, or, in other words, the emotional gratification you obtain through the exertion of your essential power.

there is a life more worth living than the one haunted by righteousness and gain. And, this belief will help me sail through the unpredictable waters of my future life.

Nevertheless, beyond righteousness and gain, I believe, there are other attitudes towards life; beyond virtue and meanness, there are other individualities.

the true value of life is beyond obligations and power.

a tense interpersonal relationship

You do not live for the doctrines you believe in or the materials you possess.

but about a peaceful mind coming from a non-materialistic attitude towards life.

scramble for 争夺
looms large显得突出
poles apart截然相反,南辕北辙
crystal clear极明白,十分清楚
highlightscenter attention on
places a premium on诱发,鼓励


This article are talking about the author’s view on life,he coin a form called "disposition",an aesthetical philosophy of life, "righteousness" and "gain".That means you do not live for the doctrines you believe in or the materials you possess,but to unfolds your true disposition, the emotional gratification you obtain through the exertion of your essential power, or, in other words,to self-fulfillment.
In my oppinion,the performance of creating is an other
process of fulfilling endless obligations,which is a high level of giving.We are living a unique life accoding to our own way,at the same time,we create significative things that is gifts for comminity.The middlebrow person giving at all times,lacking the spirit of innovation can not promot social progress.But without these people willing to dedicate,which would aggravate the tense interpersonal relationship and the society becoming more chaotic.To some extent,the extreme self-fulfillment would evolve into scramble for profits fit for self-development.

I agree with the author stated at last that a moderate dedicaton and gain,more over to enjoy a graceful life of ourselves.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-5 23:40:16

1.4   Comment

As I comprehend,philosophy is a subject telling us what the substances are and how the world makes up.It uses refined words to point out the rule in the life,or the relationship between objects.Athough so simple the rule is and the accustomed habbit,it would give us abstruse apocalypse.

It seems that I have catch the idea but when considering explicitly,it is equavical again,maybe the philosophy is something we should understand on the situatoin that it is slur.

What the world is that people considered differenciate from each other because of the difference of knowledge system they have comprehended.In the firt paragraph,the author talked about what the eternity is and this is the first meaning I learned.We should consider thing from the positive aspect because put it in the perpetual

world,anything difficulty or failiur is nigligible.So we should looking forward.

In the long river of history,the world is proceed by the specific law,no matter who dose anything in the history.The heros that must necessarily be,but not the certain person,even though the one we recognized as a hero did not exist,there should be another one take the place of him,promoting the development of scocial progress.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-6 22:39:06

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-7 23:23:37


reinvent  彻底改变
in terms of  根据,按照,用。。的话;在。。方面
subtle  微妙的,细微差别
clinical  临床的
leverage 影响,杠杆作用
remedy 补救办法
elitism  精英论
pendulum  摇摆不定的(事态或局面)


Firstly,I will sum up the main idea the two prominent business deans pointed out.They both think the the business school is necessary after the economic crisis.Paul Danos figures out that the most important thing is the right mental attitude about the medels and how they worked and how they hooked up.For instance,the basic-level financial training is nesessary.Santiago siding on assimilating experance from the economical ceisis,including the updated knowledge and new things developed in financial theory and the way we assess risk.What’s more, they both consider teamwork as the demand for the nature of leadership.

Following,I will share the idea inspired me in this atcle with evrybody.This passage enlightened
me that we should learn from historic experance and the right way in learning is to grasp one subject’s focus or main idea,in an onther word,we should master a method of thinking and solving problem through learning.So the process of learning is to prove the comprehensive ability and inherent ability of thinking and solving problem.As long as you find a learning way suit youself,any courses learning should be efficient,and during these process,your intrinsic intellect is cumulated and your ability is promoted.Accordingly,we can not judge you have hold one certain subjet by whether you can recite the specific content adroitly,in deed,is to master the most important knowledge of one subject and aquiant the general content of this subject,then you can apply it flexible under different situations.

Another aspect I conprehended from this article is that the most valuable knowledge is the experance what we learned from history. Admittedly,basic knowledge is the foundation of high-level theory which can not be neglected.But the unchanged knowledge would not arouse the creative thoughts and only updating the knowledge from experence can suit this variational real word.

That’s what I caught from this aticle,a little digression.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-7 23:24:13


With the increasing growth of population and environmental beeing polluted,we human have an nice dream,one day,a life-bearing planet will turn up.This article mainly talking about the evidence of planet hunting and the character we have discovered of this putative planet. Considering this in the long term,I think it is to continue the human tace,because the world is nolonger suitable for human survivle,with mounts of global problems coming up. Although it seems a long way attaining this goal,anything is possible with the increasing developing technology.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-7 23:37:19

今天看了 “穿了套裙去考烤鸡的半年的不完美半年阶段汇报”
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-9 16:44:08


fairy-tale    宛如神话故事的
vehemently   激烈地
chirpy  活泼的
cutesy  矫揉造作的
ghastly   苍白的
ado   纷扰,忙碌

This slog through one woman's relationship angst feels, in the end, like much ado about nothing.
Just as she was sentenced to marrying, she was sentenced to sequel writing.


This is a book review about two books,concerning about marriage.I am not quiet understand this article.Then talking something about marriage.
It seems that marriage is an popular and hot key word last year,and many friends around us got married.In my mind,marriage is a beautiful and holy word with unforgetable experience in our lifetime.Two people are united in wedlock because of love,many years later,the relatonship between each other likely being company,moreover,a kind of habit to being together,ultimately,love changes into relative.The marital ambivalence the two books mentioned referring the burdened feeling,which feeling I can not underatand deeply about,for having no personal experience.In my oppinion,as long as we both have independent own life,the time being together should be more colourful.The little home belongs to us is our soul harbor ever,and the feeling that there is a person waiting for you all along is warming.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-11 23:31:35


After having resorted for so long to cunning and falsehood, to intrigue and violence, politics, were it only for the novelty of the thing, should try the effect of fair dealing, tolerance, and justice. Today, more than at any period, novelty is liked.

It was not a shifty and violent policy that was pursued by ... Their example shows that...

...may score...just as...are punished for the evil or rewarded for the good they do.

resort to violence and even to crime, if to do so be necessary for... but what they call the safety of the people is often nothing more than ...

What is more, there has ceased to be any necessity for a policy of this sort in modern societies.

is out of place in a free Government that is supported by opinion and whose interest it is to unite and not to divide the community.

As long as noble sentiments, love of country and of liberty and purifying beliefs, are not revived in a country the parliamentary atmosphere will remain vitiated.

Just ideas and wise resolutions are inspired by an upright conscience, whose qualities influence the intelligence. To be a man of good sense it is sufficient to be an honest man.

It is doubtless useful to improve institutions and to reform abuses but how much more necessary it is to reform morals and to give tone to men's minds by healthy ideas and moral beliefs.

in inculcating the dignity of human nature and the obligatory character of duty, and in opposing the worship of an ideal to the worship of the golden calf?

The aspect of the world would be changed if the nations, considering themselves members of the same family, would banish violence and craft from their councils.

It may be hoped, in consequence, that war will become rarer and rarer in proportion to the progress of civilization and of the moral and economical solidarity existing between different nations.

Science without conscience, Rabelais has said, is the ruin of the soul. Politics without morality are the ruin of society.







Cease to be

Have recourse to

Count upon

In accordence with

Crop up

In proportion as

Let loose

No less than


Taking the reversed example of Machiavellism,a great policy cannot be immoral.A policy based upon immorality is antiquated and unworthy of morden society.At the present day a generation of politicians set more store upon palpable realities than upon principles,because of the numerous deceptions it has experenced,of the frequent revolutoins it has undergone,but also of the weaking of spiritual beliefs.The true remedies for the political corruption is a return to principles and moral beliefs and the substitution of ideas for appetites.As for public,the sentiment of personal responsibility must be re-established in the mind and the education of the young.Nations,too,in their mutual relations,have every interest not to separate politics from morality.The public safty lies in justice alone.

This article inculcating the morality and responsibility is vital for either public and society.As spirit is the centre of human,equity is of consequence in a great policy.In my oppinon, justice decides whether a government would gain respect and supported by public or not.Immorality and dispised justice bring about autocracy,which is eliminated by history finally.There is a aphorism those who gains popular were under the sun.Only sincere and equitable morality should gain public support.

Then how to re-establish the sentiment of duty and of responsibility at the present day,reality and benefit fill full of the society.I once asked my little niece that if she has 10 yuan,would she willing to hand out 1 yuan to the begger on the road,after a while,she put out her hand and asked me with the innocent eyes “Give me 10 yuan.”I am astonished by his action.With the deeply-solid ideology in our society that interests and personal development is important,the youth is deeply influenced.It is diffiult to alter scocial climate,public awareness and basic education is important.As mentioned in the article that the society should keep a little of the admiration they lavish upon consequerors for the upright men who have given evidence of their love of humanity and of humanity and of their respect for huaman life.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-11 23:44:51


After having resorted for so long to cunning and falsehood, to intrigue and violence, politics, were it only for the novelty of the thing, should try the effect of fair dealing, tolerance, and justice. Today, more than at any period, novelty is liked.

It was not a shifty and violent policy that was pursued by ... Their example shows that...

...may score...just as...are punished for the evil or rewarded for the good they do.

resort to violence and even to crime, if to do so be necessary for... but what they call the safety of the people is often nothing more than ...

What is more, there has ceased to be any necessity for a policy of this sort in modern societies.

is out of place in a free Government that is supported by opinion and whose interest it is to unite and not to divide the community.

As long as noble sentiments, love of country and of liberty and purifying beliefs, are not revived in a country the parliamentary atmosphere will remain vitiated.

Just ideas and wise resolutions are inspired by an upright conscience, whose qualities influence the intelligence. To be a man of good sense it is sufficient to be an honest man.

It is doubtless useful to improve institutions and to reform abuses but how much more necessary it is to reform morals and to give tone to men's minds by healthy ideas and moral beliefs.

in inculcating the dignity of human nature and the obligatory character of duty, and in opposing the worship of an ideal to the worship of the golden calf?

The aspect of the world would be changed if the nations, considering themselves members of the same family, would banish violence and craft from their councils.

It may be hoped, in consequence, that war will become rarer and rarer in proportion to the progress of civilization and of the moral and economical solidarity existing between different nations.

Science without conscience, Rabelais has said, is the ruin of the soul. Politics without morality are the ruin of society.







Cease to be

Have recourse to

Count upon

In accordence with

Crop up

In proportion as

Let loose

No less than


Taking the reversed example of Machiavellism,a great policy cannot be immoral.A policy based upon immorality is antiquated and unworthy of morden society.At the present day a generation of politicians set more store upon palpable realities than upon principles,because of the numerous deceptions it has experenced,of the frequent revolutoins it has undergone,but also of the weaking of spiritual beliefs.The true remedies for the political corruption is a return to principles and moral beliefs and the substitution of ideas for appetites.As for public,the sentiment of personal responsibility must be re-established in the mind and the education of the young.Nations,too,in their mutual relations,have every interest not to separate politics from morality.The public safty lies in justice alone.

This article inculcating the morality and responsibility is vital for either public and society.As spirit is the centre of human,equity is of consequence in a great policy.In my oppinon, justice decides whether a government would gain respect and supported by public or not.Immorality and dispised justice bring about autocracy,which is eliminated by history finally.There is a aphorism those who gains popular were under the sun.Only sincere and equitable morality should gain public support.

Then how to re-establish the sentiment of duty and of responsibility at the present day,reality and benefit fill full of the society.I once asked my little niece that if she has 10 yuan,would she willing to hand out 1 yuan to the begger on the road,after a while,she put out her hand and asked me with the innocent eyes “Give me 10 yuan.”I am astonished by his action.With the deeply-solid ideology in our society that interests and personal development is important,the youth is deeply influenced.It is diffiult to alter scocial climate,public awareness and basic education is important.As mentioned in the article that the society should keep a little of the admiration they lavish upon consequerors for the upright men who have given evidence of their love of humanity and of humanity and of their respect for huaman life.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-13 21:17:22


The mockery is so complete that the whole foundation of our education must now be questioned.

Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,' blandly believing that man is a romantic creature destined去往。。的 to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto the perfect day.'

The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."


This article is talking about the aim and significance of education.The defination of education aim is considered by the author as suspended judgment,which is not possible in any deeper level of life.Under the countersign of man’s nature and destiny,education is been transformed servicing for special aims.
I am fully agree with the author that the aim of education should devote on cultivating formation of virtue or inherent character,besides,the method of how to learn.Summing up,the education should aim to tell us what the world is and how to acquaint the world.Respect to the detailed knowledge,it should be leaned by onself according to different needs.
I have strong feelings on the vivid comparation.The author assimilate the realm of education to a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm.While we complain hardness of getting a job,many of us realized that we have not master a kind of professional skill.Let us seriously reflect on what we learned during the four years’ education,a kind of forein language or the systemic knowledge of a speciality?Confronting job experience,any of these fades out.If the education carry out under certain circumstance,especially combining learning with practice,we should learn more usefull knowledge.With a clear goal,we should program our four years’ education more signifaicative.

作者: 红红火火    时间: 2010-1-14 11:25:29

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-15 21:17:46


self-censorship  自我审查
filter  过滤
surveillance  监视,监督
raise serious consern
fluctuate between ... and ...
lucrative  有利的
pass up  拒绝
under growing pressure
been condemed in....
stands to
fail to resonate

Given the company's tempestuous four years in China, the odds the authorities will now compromise are slim.


I am wondered by the result of survey concerning about which search engine people like more,Baidu or Google.I think all long that Google appeals more people as a domestic tool in our daily life.As in my oppion,I accustomed to use Google all the time,because I like the simple but colourful modality of page,which looks so orderly and comfortable.Moreover,compared with the indigenous search energy—Baidu,Google has a range of convenient function it does not have such as GoogleScholar and Picasa—a kind of photo manage software.Especially the GoogleScholar helps me a lot in searching for English literature,which I could not get full text in the database.I would be adapt a long time without Google that play an important role in my life.
Reffering to the uncensored content I have been known for the first time after reading this article.I am not realy clear about whether the problem is about the feasibility of our business operations in China or about sensative topics and uncensored content.If it is the latter reason,I would rather willing that Google been pull out of the country,on the contrary,if it is the first reason,I wish we should get consensus on this problem and we shoule still use Google.cn.

作者: 木虫虫    时间: 2010-1-16 10:09:57

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-16 11:55:47


make up the majority of

is arguably可论证地,正如可提出证据加以证明的那样

were largely confined to

subjected to使服从,使遭受

given more control over

pay a heavy price in

a modicum
少量,一点点 of

with a reluctance

regain their earlier momentum

is helping to alleviate

measure up to符合,达到,够得上
overshadow the dramatic progress
march into长驱直入


Refferring to this topic about women and work,like what the article says,women are gradually taking over the workplace.As a female,I am glad to see women already make up the majority of university graduates in the OECD countries and the majority of professional workers in several rich countries.Then we shoule say women are not inferior to men in the aspects of wisdom and ability,even more patient and carefulness being competent for some kinds of jobs than men does.
The author mainly argued about the relationship between women’s work and child-care problem.This article points out some problems such as having combined high levels of female participation in the labour force the government with a reluctance to spend public money on child care,and childless women earn almost as much as men, but mothers earn significantly less.It is certain that women take well care of children than men and children with more love from mother should thrive healthy.Because of this,women afford more presure than men to some extent from both worki and familiy.Therefore,
governments should make life easier for women and supply more flexible working for them.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-16 11:56:53

木虫虫 发表于 2010-1-16 10:09

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-17 20:30:50


yielded产生 no progress
have no compunction悔恨 about
be conscious of知道
widespread international condemnation

play a certain role in dealing with...but only when

nipping in the bud

the prelude
序幕 to
and assessed to be either of a very low probability

in terms of
surely be implicated by

In conceptual terms

Tactically speaking
Years went by without any meaningful response to

as far as

Regardless of how successful a particular attack might be, it is less likely to become the basis for a long-term solution to the challenge posed by a determined proliferator than would be a negotiated bargain. We saw this in the case of Iraq.


Mr Wald think over this problem from wider prospect,he argued that military action is necessary with the reason that we are running out of both time and options,and we should not give Iron time to build up fortifications and defences.Considering the risks of failing to stop Iran's nuclear programme, there are positive role the military option plays in averting a nuclear weapons-capable Iran,such as air strikes may disclosing the previously unknown locations of Iranian facilities as Iranian forces move to protect them.
On the other side, Mrs Landau consider this problem from the more detailed aspects,listing several realistic problems we have to face,pointing out bombing Iran's nuclear facilities is not going to achieve that goal that the world would be a safer place.
I side on Mrs Landau’s oppinion. No American general is eager for war. But a negotiated settlement has the best prospect of improving regional conditions over the long term.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-18 17:45:22


For us, the democratic faith . . . rests on被搁在,停留在 a religious conception of human destiny

"It is not the business of public education to secure adherence to any particular religious system. . . . But we believe it is the business of public education to impel the young toward a vigorous, decisive personal reaction to the challenge of religion. . . . A first step is to break through the wall of ignorance about religion and to increase the number of contacts with it."

[It deserves study] conducted with at least as much respect as is given to the great secular长期的 classics, and devoid of arbitrary interpretations to the same extent. . . ."*

[Religious education] is not something to be added on to the school curriculum
课程, but rather something to be integrated with it"—in existing classes on history, sociology, psychology, economics, philosophy, literature, music, the fine arts.

On all sides we see the disintegration瓦解 of loyalties . . . the revival of ancient prejudices, the increase of frustrations, the eclipse衰落 of hope. . . . Religion at its best has always been an integrating force, a spiritual tonic滋补品 for a soul racked by fear and cringing in weakness.


This article is talking about the exclusion of religion from the public schools and colleges.The committee established for solving this problem proposed several suggestons on how to break through the wall of ignorance about religion and to increase the number of contacts with it.

I always regard religion as some kind of belif(belief) for a small group of people,with which they are more solidary with each other,particularly, a more tough heart as a result of the sturdy and holy belief.After reading this article,I further recognized that religion infiltrate and exist on history, sociology, psychology, economics, philosophy, literature, music, the fine arts.It is the resonate of spiritual field,and returning to the nature of onself and simple essence of substance in the complicated real world.Moreover,the religion includes spiritual heritage of previous generation.

Respecting to those measures,I acknowledge though the literal meaning the contemporary religion caese to be lengthy and elusive any more,indeed,integrated with school curriculum,existing great secular time.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-18 17:52:34

周日写的Issue 125--"The past is no predictor of the future."

It is not easy to understand the complexcitycomplexity
of the world. If the past is possibly predict the future, then we can walk along the settled way to get good outcome we want. It is more of a fundition
foundation that past does to future.

I endorse that we can predict general trend of some future events
on the basic of
on the basis of obsevation (observation), experance (experience), or scientific reason we gain from the past. The weather report has the ability to tell us when the raining comes, and the scientists can foretell the time solar eclipse take place. With the increasing polution( pollution) people behaved on the earth, we could forecast that the global warming trend should coming soon. If we mankind persist on behave onin this way, the Antarctic ice will melt and sea level is(will)
keep rising destroy our living surrounding. Although the past confers some inevitabilities to the future events, the past is no predictor of the future for most of the time.

In most of the situations, the past is helpless when facing the future, taking the instance of earthquake, a world wide difficulty on prediction. The earthquake, we mankind persecuted deeply by the big calamity, can not been predicted by scientists having griped

mounts of information gathered from the past. A lot of measures have been bring forward on surveillance of earthquake, insofar as we can, we only could foretell it a few hours before that happened, according to the unmoral phenomenon of plants and animals. Indeed, nothing we can do besides this.

So why the past is

no predictor of the future? By definition, predictor is to declare or indicate in advance, especially foretell on the basic of observation experience, or scientific reason. In other words, predictor is defined as subjective consciousness established on the experience getting from the past,after all those contain the propensity of men. However, the real world is complex and composed with numerous factors, and as human beings we can not hold all, indeed, it is impossible for us to forecast the future with the knowledge collected from the past.

Nevertheless, that does not mean the past is useless to the future, and we should
not neglect the research on the future. We human beings generation by generation focus heavily on understanding the past in order to making use of it and serving for
the development of the future. Taking the experience from economic crisis, as some economists point out, downturns can act as a "good cold shower for the economic system”, releasing capital and labor from dying sectors and allowing newcomers to recombine in imaginative new ways. The economic crisis leads us review the model of economy, keeping suffering losses from next economic crisis. There is an adage said learning history is to be wisdom. As for a nation, looking back into the future is a self-censorship, a momentum for the progress of a race. We bear in mind the history of bullying, letting us strive to move forward. That is the past brings to the future.

We should not stay in the process of learning the past, besides, looking into the forward together reinforce the development of society. Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation.
The past is no predictor of the future, by some means, confers some inevitability to the future.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-18 17:56:26

周日写的Issue125--"The past is no predictor of the future."

It is not easy to understand the complexcitycomplexity
of the world. If the past is possibly predict the future, then we can walk along the settled way to get good outcome we want. It is more of a fundition
foundation that past does to future.

I endorse that we can predict general trend of some future events
on the basic of
on the basis of obsevation (observation), experance (experience), or scientific reason we gain from the past. The weather report has the ability to tell us when the raining comes, and the scientists can foretell the time solar eclipse take place. With the increasing polution( pollution) people behaved on the earth, we could forecast that the global warming trend should coming soon. If we mankind persist on behave onin this way, the Antarctic ice will melt and sea level is(will)
keep rising destroy our living surrounding. Although the past confers some inevitabilities to the future events, the past is no predictor of the future for most of the time.

In most of the situations, the past is helpless when facing the future, taking the instance of earthquake, a world wide difficulty on prediction. The earthquake, we mankind persecuted deeply by the big calamity, can not been predicted by scientists having griped

mounts of information gathered from the past. A lot of measures have been bring forward on surveillance of earthquake, insofar as we can, we only could foretell it a few hours before that happened, according to the unmoral phenomenon of plants and animals. Indeed, nothing we can do besides this.

So why the past is

no predictor of the future? By definition, predictor is to declare or indicate in advance, especially foretell on the basic of observation experience, or scientific reason. In other words, predictor is defined as subjective consciousness established on the experience getting from the past,after all those contain the propensity of men. However, the real world is complex and composed with numerous factors, and as human beings we can not hold all, indeed, it is impossible for us to forecast the future with the knowledge collected from the past.

Nevertheless, that does not mean the past is useless to the future, and we should
not neglect the research on the future. We human beings generation by generation focus heavily on understanding the past in order to making use of it and serving for
the development of the future. Taking the experience from economic crisis, as some economists point out, downturns can act as a "good cold shower for the economic system”, releasing capital and labor from dying sectors and allowing newcomers to recombine in imaginative new ways. The economic crisis leads us review the model of economy, keeping suffering losses from next economic crisis. There is an adage said learning history is to be wisdom. As for a nation, looking back into the future is a self-censorship, a momentum for the progress of a race. We bear in mind the history of bullying, letting us strive to move forward. That is the past brings to the future.

We should not stay in the process of learning the past, besides, looking into the forward together reinforce the development of society. Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation.
The past is no predictor of the future, by some means, confers some inevitability to the future.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-18 18:55:57



作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-19 21:46:57


Subsidy 补助金
Paltry 不足取的,天价值的,琐碎的

Wangle 骗取
Provocative 煽动的
Inspiring 鼓舞的
Decorate with 以。。来装饰
Portrait 肖像,人像
Cowardly 胆怯地
Ancillary 补助的,副的
Modestly 谨慎地
Be wary of 提防


This is article is a little hard for me,but I caught some useful knowledge from it.Firstly, the art can promote the development of economy and supply job opportunities for society.The NEA has done significative thing for steadly enlarge cultural opportunities for all our citizens,and enlarge the access of all our people to artistic creation,those saved that institution from extinction.But in the morden times,the NEA seems to circumscribe publics’ attention focusing from national heritage such as ballet to sitcom pilot,which unlike the American art committing to free enterprise and self-determination.As a result of the author proposed that you should be equally wary of the NEA acting like investment bankers.
I support the artists persisting in their free style and self-determination,and that is what I persue in my life.

作者: pfc24    时间: 2010-1-19 22:31:53

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作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-20 18:21:24


This article introduces a new research on the combination of fiber optics and genetic engineering.

With the optogenetic we can gain control over specific classes of neurons, developing a series of study on the brain's inner working mechanism.The author recommends two aspects in applying this technology.One is to intrigue the neural cell so as to study how neural miswiring underlies neurological and mental disorders,the other is to stimulate certain cells that you want to target in order to switch neurons on or turn them off.Though the description,we know that because of the advantage of the optogenetic that it is light-sensitive and tiny,fired as soon as exposing to light in just a few milliseconds,it is widely used and solving big problems in neurology study.

That is what I learned from the article. The development of science research is at a growing tendency on the molecular level,and the research methods is becoming more precise.I like the last sentence in the article. I’m not writing ethics papers, but I think about these issues every day, what it might mean to gain understanding and control over what is a desire, what is a need, what is hope.
作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-22 19:20:39

1.21 Comment:

This essay introduces EMPs,which can shape and punch holes through industry’s metallic heavyweight—steel and hardened steel, including stainless steel. And, besides punching holes in steel, such a machine could also be used to form shapes out of the metal without the need to use a mould. The shortcoming is although stamping is quicker than Laser,it is material costing.So the EMP should decrease production costs.None but improving its practicality,should the EMP be applied widely in other fields.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-23 11:07:13


The purpose of the example is to show that contradictions, inconsistencies, and paradoxes are perfectly acceptable.

Is it true, as he says, that we are not free to be ourselves because we are constrained by the times and culture we live in?

Although conformity can be interpreted as a loss of freedom, without it society would be reduced to chaos.

However, many times our dissatisfaction with the demands of society is because we have forgotten the benefits of conformity. Whenever we join a group, we share in the benefits, advantages, and power. And conformity is the price we pay to gain admission to that group.

By conforming to mutual expectations, they can transform a living hell to an earthly paradise. Such is the power and freedom we can gain by conforming to the greater good. When we learn to do so because of our concern for the rights of others, we grow in spiritual awareness and help to make the world a better place.

Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world's phenomena intersect, only once in this way and never again." So, to relinquish our identity by following the crowd is to deny the world of our potentially unique contribution.

We owe all progress, discoveries, and breakthroughs to those few men and women who had the courage to be different. Their differences made all the difference to the world.


The author claim that the contradictions are reconcilable,which recalls me one philosopher’s saying that the two aspects of inconsistency is interacted with each other,accelerating progress.Referring to conformity and individuality,the freedom and restriction is both necessary.

As the author states,we always complain that we are not free to be ourselves because we are constrained by the times and culture we live in, but without conformity,been interpreted as a loss of freedom,society would be reduced to chaos.

In my opinion,freedom is an conception relative to limitation.Without restriction,we have no feelings of freedom,and the truly freedom we should persue(pursue) is rebuilt on the basis of confine of law and formula.

The author points out several pieces of advantage and disadvantage in conformity and individuality.
Conform to mutual expectations, we grow in spiritual awareness and help to make the world a better place.At the same time,we get more pleasure and much more power solving problems.Contrarily,it means relinquish our uniqueness,which we owe all progress, discoveries, and breakthroughs to those few men and women who had the courage to be different. Their differences made all the difference to the world.

We are in such a society that everyone chase for novelty and innovation,and the individual development has been emphasized so high that team cooperation has been neglected.As a result of that,most children lack the character of torlerance(tolerance) and the ability of teamwork,which most of achievement relies on.We should not ignore conformity and meantime,we should enough individual development.Like the author said,dare to be youself,and I would like to add an attributive that under certain rules.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-23 22:43:17


The banks got state-backed deposit-guarantee schemes,allowing creditor borrow money cheaply. The assets of America’s banks are now as big as its GDP,taxpayers in most rich countries are underwriting systems several times larger than their economies. Such a levy addresses some of the problems that arise from the blanket guarantee, but in the long run it would be best to withdraw it. All big banks would have an implicit guarantee, but it would not cover their entire balance-sheets.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-24 19:35:58



agitate for鼓动

drop out of不参与,退出

subjected to使服从,使遭受




starts off开始

take stock of估计,观察



Men need to be part of that struggle, directing some of their own ambitions in the direction of good parenting, so that the raising of families is accepted as something that demands equal input and that is valued in society, particularly by governments and employers.

Care in the family need not be like that, but valuing everything in monetary terms has diminished humanity, importing elements of the production line to birth, life and death.

Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.

But today it is time to discover their own distinctive futures, an inclusive future for all, not the future of men.

I can think of no better example than...

...what all that entails

Yes, it is entirely possible for a society to make a number of options legally available to all, while these opportunities remain effectively out of reach for many.

It was indeed...

These assessments might seem slight, but...

The traditional role of motherhood, they find, must be slotted within career breaks, then juggled in ever more complex organisational demands of combining salaried work with domestic cares.

The debate, I should add, is not seeking to determine...As has been established, and I would not quibble with any of the evidence on ...But that is not the proposition.

Since that is the proposition I will confine my remarks to debating that point and that point alone.


I am firmly captivatd by Mr Donkin's debate starting off with a ateping up and legible position punching into the key problems of this debate.A series of rhetorical questions forcefully claimed that viewing whether women are better off than past is not necessarily about pay and careers but about perceptions, and self-perceptions at that.Avoid talking the ecnomical position of female in society,he cinsidered that the equal educational opportunities and safeguards in the employment system protecting women are evidence to prove that women in the developed world have never had it so good.Mr Donkin spent a mass of words emphasized that happiness and contentment over a lifetime was brought by playing a good role in family concerning on looking after children and eldly.The connotation in Mr Donkin's debate is that combining salaried work with domestic cares,females fulfil an economic role in society while gain enjoyment in family,which means females' self-fulfillment.

Mrs Neill's debate takes Mr Donkin's statement as a target and directly aim at incomplete part of his debate.Taking the example from marriage to reproductive rights,which exhibited women were not being taken seriously in the workplace, in all industries and at all levels.Mrs Neill objects Mr Donkin's claim that this developed society supplies more opportunities for female compareing with past.She rebuts that women's choices are severely constrained in reality,the real reason for women are starting their business is because they hit the glass ceiling at work, not because of some burning desire to be entrepreneurs.

Although there seems exist orthodox conception about raising children as an innate job for female in Mr Donkin's point of view.But it is real that everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents.Of course,it is not relative to mothers,but conscientious to fathers,but women are more careful and circumspective than men do,we calling on these business women spenting more time taking care of children and staying with their family.In Mrs Neill's debate,she indicates that the economical and political position of females should not be ignored,especailly in the example of women's fundamental right to abortion,she concluding that we women want full equality.What an excellent debate it is.I consent with Mr Donkin that the answer depends on the way an individual woman understands her role in society. We can not deny women have been given more choices than ever,but there exist inequity for females' right still,and the women's struggle, the women's movement must carry on.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-26 12:05:18


up in the air悬而未决.

Plausible theories abound. As people grow richer, food becomes relatively cheaper. Time grows more precious: hence the lure of fast food.


The irregular pace of life and anomalistic diet custom lead most American people favour quick and convenient food,which is imperfect in nutrition and easily getting fat.Sorts of surveys convey that America's obeisity rate is increasingly growing if they continuously consuming more calories than burning off.The health reforms making the costs of obesity a bit expensive could slow the rate at which they are rising.

Referring to the several methods government taken to rein in calorie in food,they may operate in short term but in the long run.I consent with the author that Eating is social,and your friends' custom influenced you most.People guzzle more if they have overweight friends and relatives, and less if they don't.It is cardinal to prompt awareness of people the balanced diet is necessary for healthy.Picking less calories in supper and less sugary food,and taking exercises more often,that is the golden rule.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-26 12:05:59


up in the air悬而未决.

Plausible theories abound. As people grow richer, food becomes relatively cheaper. Time grows more precious: hence the lure of fast food.


The irregular pace of life and anomalistic diet custom lead most American people favour quick and convenient food,which is imperfect in nutrition and easily getting fat.Sorts of surveys convey that America's obeisity rate is increasingly growing if they continuously consuming more calories than burning off.The health reforms making the costs of obesity a bit expensive could slow the rate at which they are rising.

Referring to the several methods government taken to rein in calorie in food,they may operate in short term but in the long run.I consent with the author that Eating is social,and your friends' custom influenced you most.People guzzle more if they have overweight friends and relatives, and less if they don't.It is cardinal to prompt awareness of people the balanced diet is necessary for healthy.Picking less calories in supper and less sugary food,and taking exercises more often,that is the golden rule.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-27 20:03:18


The first technological revolution in modern biology started when James Watson and Francis Crick described the structure of DNA half a century ago. That established the fields of molecular and cell biology, the basis of the biotechnology industry. The sequencing of the human genome nearly a decade ago set off a second revolution which has started to illuminate the origins of diseases. Now the industry is convinced that a third revolution is under way: the convergence of biology and engineering.

The coming convergence of biology and engineering will be led by information technologies, which in medicine means the digitisation of medical records and the establishment of an intelligent network for sharing those records. That essential reform will enable many other big technological changes科学技术进步 to be introduced.


The convergence of biology and engineering in medicine means the digitisation of medical records and the establishment of an intelligent network for sharing those records,which supplies such a state convenient communicating between doctors and patients. This new technology brings lots of benefits,not only help doctor grasp patients’ situation more accurately and detailedly,the available information to patients also make them be wary of their own health affairs and empowering them to play a bigger part in managing it. The coming convergence of biology and engineering will be led by information technologies,as long as they will produce better outcomes and offer value for money for insurers and health systems.

In my opinion, the convergence of biology and engineering in medicine could promote big progress with the patients’ database gathering together,convenient to delve ahead,especially the states supplied to communicate accelerating the process doctors solving difficult illness cases.However,we cannot avoid the negative influence that brings to,for instance,the security of patients’ personal information,the big costs in spreading of this technology,the technology of information management.Overall, the convergence of biology and engineering will have a great future,and more positive aspects than disadvantages.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-1-28 21:04:29


Yet, as Braque would surely agree, there are certain areas knowledge that only serve to reify our reality, saving us from delving into the fantastic chasm of questions arising from art. This specific area is of course science. One can often become lost in art, in a never ending series of inquiries as to how such a sculpture or painting could be physically possible. Although, science will reassure us as to what is possible and what will remain limited to a picture, or expression of thought or questioning.

And last, what the reassurance of science, as well as, the nature of art entail in their representational and informative nature.

Dance and the Theater, a place where art has flourished, is an example of how deceit and manipulation have manifested themselves in an art form that is revered, and held to be a distinguishing skill; acting.

These are both examples of what art has done to upset the view that one has on the way things work.

It may be thought that this form of art would only serve as a method of human expression, and would actually be pure and true in revealing something about human nature, but this is not necessarily the case.

The social science of psychology tells us that each individual has a different perception of complex messages, such as those offered by a theatrical performance, only proving that the art has served as a way to upset a person’s interpretation by saying that it is wrong.
Thus it is that a problem of knowledge when dealing with the arts is the interpretation of the arts by others.

It is difficult to conceive how the various parts can fit together as a real three-dimensional object, and yet it exists in the art of humanity.
Some would say that these works of art are explainable through dimensional theory and extensive analysis, but this still does not deny how upsetting the concepts these pictures present.

The explanation of arts is what we see as most reassuring, even if it takes a method that is not traditionally associated with the arts. Science is not usually in the forefront of one’s mind when viewing a work of art, yet there is explanation for some of art’s implications through science, and refutation of some of the implications of art, on reality.

The triangle exists in the second dimension, but when placed into the third dimension (which is what our brains try to do once it is viewed) simply can not happen when realistically applied.

Furthermore, it is more important for your visual system to adhere to these constraints than to violate them because you have encountered something that is paradoxical, unusual, or inconsistent.

This kind of reassurance is exactly what Braque is suggesting art cannot definitively support, due to the processes that science endures it is seen as a more legitimate and trustworthy method of assurance. Although art may upset, and science may reassure, this does not necessarily imply that one could do the other and vice versa反之亦然.

Though, with art of this nature, one does not have to deal with metaphors暗喻, or abstract concepts, the picture is straight forward, telling what is, not what is subjective.The views on art only further prove its subjectivity, and how it can never be as reassuring as science.There is a wide variety of opinion and lack of continuity regarding artistic concepts, yet science seems to find a way to transcend this subjectivity.

Science can reassure because its axioms exist in nature, where art will eternally be left up to individual interpretation. Braque does indeed show us how art can truly be upsetting, while leaving the reassurance to a reliable natural given that we find in science.


Science can explain the fatastic chasm of questions of art,telling us what is possible and what will remain limited to a picture.The author adduce two examples of what art has done to upset the view that one has on the way things work.One is people dances in attempt to cause rain,the other is the ghost of Oedipus come back to haunt his children,both instilling in dividuals a mystical image of what could be.
Following,through two instances of impossible triangle impossible staircase,the author substantiate that it is a problem of knowledge when dealing with the arts is the interpretation of the arts by others.
In the third part of this essay,the author is to prove the claim that although art may upset, and science may reassure, this does not necessarily imply that one could do the other and vice versa.
This is a article converge science and art,the standpoint is easy to understand rather than the whole article.I acquired ample illustration from this article,calrifying the structure of this essay firstly,then comprehending and digesting the content.

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-2-1 13:18:34

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-2-1 13:21:43

作者: 敛寒影    时间: 2010-3-8 14:49:48


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