西北面经整合版[Northwestern Interview]
2015-03-20 发布
今早三点起来面,对面是美名远扬的Tara Adams。 之前,我已经对这次JD hold interview进行了一些准备,和别人模面来着。 整理的资料还比较全。还有我自己的response,只是发给大家做个参考。 本人陆本,stats也就是NU中位数的程度,当时本以为会直接录取结果被hold住,心情也是很复杂。 不过这可能因为我是小本,而在Tls西北大学采访中,被访者明确表示他们想对小本采访一下来确定他们的maturity什么的(成熟了就可以吃了。。),而我当时在lsac系统里面机智地选择了“我不想被面试”…… 不过该来的还会来。天道好轮回。需要注意的是,我这番作死实际上会造成比较大的损失。西北的奖学金是first come first serve basis,所以我这样将决定时间拖延到四月的话,对奖学金申请尤为不利。 不过不管怎样, don't count the chicken before they're hatched。先把这个hold interview过了再说。 首先需要注意的是人家如何给你打分: The Admissions Committee relies on the personal interviews to evaluate ten criteria about the applicant: 根据这个,来看你的response。实际上她问的问题都包含在西北30题内,这里有人提到过,但是我还是把它直接粘贴过来吧。 Questions: 1. How did you make the decision to attend your undergraduate school? 2. Why law: 3. As we look at your transcripts, will we notice any trends in your grades or any classes that were a struggle, or were your grades consistent all the way through? 4. What was your favorite class in college and why? 和5基本上可以是一个问题。 5. Who was your favorite college professor and why? 6. What was your most difficult class in college and why? 7. Describe the main extracurricular activities in which you were involved. 8. What do you feel your most significant leadership opportunity has been? 9. How do you define an effective leader? 和10基本上是一个问题。 10. Describe your leadership style. 11. When you have free time, what do you enjoy doing for fun? - Swimming… 12. If you could now go back and start your undergraduate experience over, is there anything you would do differently or advice that you would give yourself as an incoming freshman, or would you do it again the same way? 13. What is the most challenging project or situation that you have encountered in your work? 14. What is the most significant project you have had to manage? How did you approach the task and what did you learn from the experience? Your role in that? 15. Describe the most significant written document you have completed. 16. Describe an oral presentation you made in which you were successful in communicating an idea or convincing others of your idea;Persuading my Prof(和15可以是一个问题) 17. Was there ever a time that you experienced a conflict or disagreement with someone else in the workplace? If so, please describe the situation and how you handled it. 18. How do you generally go about resolving conflicts with others? 19. What do you consider as some of the best advice you have received from others concerning your educational choices or career? 20. What do you consider as your most difficult decision up to this point in your life? 21. If I were to meet with your supervisors and/or faculty members with whom you have had the closest interactions and ask them what qualities they feel you have that will help you succeed in a legal career, what do you think they would point out? open-minded flexible.. Tara强调了open。 22. How did you make the decision to go to law school? 23. What kind of employment do you see yourself pursuing after you graduate from law school? 24. What is your ultimate dream for your long-term career/career plan 25. How will you define success in your career? 26. I assume that you are applying to some other schools besides Northwestern. To what other schools are you also applying? 27. If you were to be accepted to all of the schools to which you are applying, how will you choose which school to attend? 28. On the down side, what if you don't get into law school this year? What is your backup plan?
 29. What do you think your greatest challenge in law school will be? 30. What is it about Northwestern Law that appeals to you? in Chicago people with work experience 这个比较personal,而且我建议你先写个loci,这样顺便就准备了这道题 31. Internship experience 32. Why US law? biggest legal mkt 这也是在loci里面 33. Self-introduction 这个比较重要 34. What is the biggest misconception people have about you? 接下来就是喜闻乐见的。。。 Counter Question: What do you see among successful NW law graduates as the most striking traits? (Tara说open...) If admitted… Which class do you teach/ your fields of interest- department of law (Tara说她不教课。我本来想谄媚地说我选你的课) Career advices on inter’l JD applicants? (Tara对这一项非常自豪) What do you like most about NW? Most interesting events? 这就是我提的那些问题。 我实在被hold够了。。快来offer吧。。。 [注:那一年到最后被西北rej了。]
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