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发表于 2010-3-24 22:49:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Games that foster competition and stimulate play behavior are often used as a means of enabling people to understand and parctice specific physical skills so that a high level of fitness can be maintained. To spend as much money on student’s sports activities as on university libraries is not only a fundamental way to help students gain physical health and build characters, but a great opportunity for people who have a gift in sports to show themselves, and maybe promote their sport careers.

First of all, exercise plays an essential role in building a healthy body. More sport facilities mean an increasing number of chances to do physical exercises, which result in strong muscles and an alert body. Today’s school children are spending more time in physical fitness programs and are in measirably stronger and better condition than the school children of a few years ago. As for people who have sedentary lifestyles, those who do sports once or twice a week seem to finish their work more speedily and exactly than those who don’t, acting as if they are full of energy and, hardly get exhausted. Moreover, exercising is also a favorable way to reduce pressure, which we may get from hard study or work.. To go to gyms is to release ourselves, to relax our brains, and to forget our work and enjoy life.

Secind, in universities, sports activities are more than a method to maintain physical fit. They are also a grand stage for those who do a fascinating job in sports to show themselves and sometimes begin their sport careers. Sport gyms can help colleg students pursue their own interests and might be an initiation of career of a sports star. For instance, Shane Battier, a professional basketball player with Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association, accomplish his feat today because of (entirly or maybe partially) being able to unfold his talent in basketball before people’s eyes through lots of basketball games in Duke University, where there are prodigious sports equipments.

In addition to those benefits, sports are a nice teacher helping us build characters, such as the sense of competition and team spirit. For example, when you are in a basketball game between your school/company and another, your own purpose is to gain points as much as possible, so as to defeat your opponents. You will perform so excellently that even you lose you will not left any regret for yourself, which is a form of the sense of competition. Bsides, to score marks, you should cooperate with your teammates in sted of dribbling and shooting just by yourself. Unless you pass the ball to your teammates positively when double-teamed, you will lose the ball, which allow your adversaries to get the opportunity ot organize a fast break. To pass the ball, to move positively, and to creat a spare place for your teammates in court are called team spirit. During the ball game you will learn how to compete, and how to cooperate as well.

Sports can help us a lot. They are benefifial to both our physical health and mental fit, and become an indispensible part of our life. So it is necessary to spend a certain amount of money on sports activity.

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