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[未归类] 【战G兔斯基】作业Argument 51作业提交楼 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-29 21:59:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 daisy吼吼 于 2010-5-30 22:43 编辑


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-29 22:49:56 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 daisy吼吼 于 2010-5-29 22:52 编辑

This medical newsletter infers that all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain would should take antibiotics as part of their treatment for doctors have confirmed secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain. To justfy this conclusion doctors have made a survey beteween two groups of patients. The first group of patients, all being treated for muscle injuries by a doctor who specializes in sports medicine, took antibiotics regularly throughout their treatment. Their recuperation time was, on average, 40 percent quicker than typically expected. Patients in the second group, all being treated by a general physician,
were given sugar pills, although the patients believed they were taking antibiotics. Their average recuperation time was not significantly reduced.I find this argument logically unconvincing in several respects.
      First of all,the basic premise of this inference is that secondary infection will occur affirmatively after muscle strain.However,there is no any evidence revealed in the article to support this premise.There is also no data show patients with muscle strain are easily brought two injuries.
      Secondly,the survey has no stringency.Doctors took the experiment in two different groups.The patients in two groups may have unlike age,sex and healthcondition.In first group patients who took antibiotics may be yonger or their physiological functions are better.And the other group’s patients are probably of poor healthy.So it is not antibiotic accelerated the recuperaton time.Of course ,the two doctors’ level and experience will affect the recuperation speed.Generally soeaking ,doctors who specializes in sports medicine is more specialty than general physician.Thus his patients recovered quickly may own to his medical skill and konwledge but not to the antibiotics.
       Even if the two physicians adopted semblable treament ,the second group of patients who didn’t took antibiotics were  asked to take sugar pills.But the dissertator didn’t present any material to sertificate sugar pills have no bad influence to patient’s recuperation.It is loosely to make a conclusion according a survey by this two groups.
       Finally,the author’s inference is not rigorous enough.Advising all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain from a group of patients who took antibiotics and recovered quicker than others is opinionated .Except for sterilization ,antibiotics also have secondary action which the dissertator haven’t considered.To bolster the author’s conclusion,another survey with two groups which are under same condition ,such as doctors, patients’ healthcondition and treament ,should be done.A convincing data is needed.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-5-29 23:07:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 caiyunjiao 于 2010-5-29 23:19 编辑


2010年5月29日 星期六 作业

TOPIC: ARGUMENT51 - The following appeared in a medical newsletter.

"Doctorshave long suspected that secondary infections may keep some patientsfrom healing quickly after severe muscle strain. This hypothesis hasnow been proved by preliminary results of a study of two groups ofpatients. The first group of patients, all being treated for muscleinjuries by Dr. Newland, a doctor who specializes in sports medicine,took antibiotics regularly throughout their treatment. Theirrecuperation time was, on average, 40 percent quicker than typicallyexpected. Patients in the second group, all being treated by Dr. Alton,a general physician, were given sugar pills, although the patientsbelieved they were taking antibiotics. Their average recuperation timewas not significantly reduced. Therefore, all patients who arediagnosed with muscle strain would be well advised to take antibioticsas part of their treatment."
WORDS: 437          TIME: 01:58:33          DATE: 2010/5/29 星期六 11:07:21


In this argument, the arguer concludes thatall patients who have muscle strain would be suggested to take antibiotics assubsidiary treatment. To bolster the assertion the arguer states a study of twopatients being treated for muscle injuries, one of the group treated by Dr.Newland, a doctor who specializes in sports medicine, took antibioticsregularly through their treatment while the other were given sugar pills by ageneral physician Dr. Alton. The arguer claims that average recuperation timeof the patients in the first group was 40 percent quicker than typicallyexpected while of the second was not clearly reduced. Nevertheless, althoughthe conclusion sounds indeed reasonable at first thought, several logical flawsmay seriously undermine the argument.

First of all, the information of the studyprovided by arguer is insufficient to reach the conclusion. Never does thearguer concerning the differences between two groups' patients. For example,the arguer offers no information about whether the relative severity of theseinjures are similar or the health condition between two groups are parallel. Wecannot accept the conclusion before the arguer could provide details aboutpatients.

Secondly, the arguer mentions that the twogroups were treated respectively by Dr. Newland and Dr. Alton. Perhaps themeasures in treatment are different between two doctors for the reason that thefirst specializes in sports medicine but the second is a general physician. Itis common sense that a doctor major in sports medicine has better skills intreating muscle strain than a general physician; a fact that may cause thefirst group's recuperation time was quicker than the second group's. It isentirely possible that the treating place and season are not same that raisethe divergence in recuperation time. More contents should be given to supportthe study.

Finally, the author commits a fallacy ofhasty generalization. Even if we ignore the differences between patients anddoctors, was the survey limited to a certain city or geographic region? Werethe survey respondents forthright and representative? Moreover, even thoughantibiotics do contribute to recuperation of muscle strain, is it detrimentalto other respects in people's health?
Therefore, until these questions are answered, it is impossible toassess the validity and reliability of the conclusion.

To sum up, the conclusion lack credibilitybecause the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to whatthe arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have toprovide us more evidence concerning the survey. To better evaluate thearguments, we would need more information regarding the two doctors, patientsin the survey, and the whole function of antibiotics.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-5-29 23:17:13 |只看该作者
交作业 第一篇 写得实在是烂

Based on the experiment concerning 2 groups of people taking different therapies and recovering at different speed, the writer draws the conclusion that all patients with muscle strain should take antibiotics as part of their treatment. Reasonable as it may seem as first sight, it suffers from several serious flaws.

First of all, as has been cited, the first group --the group treated with antibiotics by a specialist in sports medicine-- recovers at a speed 40 percent quicker than typically expected, while the latter one shows no significant change. However, the writer doesn't tell us the number of people in either group. What if there are only 1 person in the 1st group, who happens to recover quicker? The limited number of samples lacks credibility and thus can't be representative.

Secondly, even if the number of each group is sufficient enough to be representative, the differences in the grouped patients might still cause the result. Their age range, body condition and way of life may also be the causes of the different result. Since the writer doesn't provide us with further information, it's reasonable to assume that the first group is made up of vigorous young people who generally recover quicker from sports injury while the latter one, seniors who generally lacks vigorousness.

Thirdly, a doctor specialized in sports medicine is bound to have more experience in treating muscle strain compared with a general physician. Taking this into account, we may say as well  it's the doctor, rather than the medicine itself, that contributes to the significant change in the recovering speed.

Last but not least, in the end of the letter the writer hastily concludes that all patients with muscle strain should take antibiotics as part of their treatment. But from the survey we can only know that antibiotics might be helpful for severe injuries. Suggesting all patients to take antibiotics, regardless of the severeness of injury, might cause other problems. To name a few, the side effect on less severe injuries and the extra cost, etc.

To sum up, this argument would be more convincing if the writer can provide us with more details of the groups--the number of samples, the age range and the living habits of subject patients. And more information is needed about the 2 doctors assigned to each group.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-5-29 23:27:41 |只看该作者
人生第一篇GRE argument...各种折磨...从熟悉到写近三个半小时...交上了
     In this argument, the author conclude that taking antibotics is more effective for
patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain. To support his conclusion, the author pionts
out that doubting by doctors for a long time of the fact that secondary infections may keep
some patients from healing quickly after severs muscle strain. furthermore, the arguer cites
the assumption has been proved by two groups of patients are treated for muscle injuries by
different doctors in different ways that one group took antibiotics and the other one did not.
however, these supports are not cogent argument.

     First of all, the two groups of patients were not selected randomly. We didn't know the
age, ability of resistence and other features of their bodies. In other word, the group which
were treated by Dr.Newland may make up of patients who had better ability than Dr. Alston's to
resisted the secondary infections. If so, we can not get a objective and scientific result from
he two groups.

      In additions, if all the patients have same physical condition,the difference of
treatments between the two different doctors may have different effect on patients. From the
argument we know that Dr.Newland is a doctor who specializeds in sports medicine, and Dr.Alton
is a general physician. On no account should we ignore the fact that they may treat patients in
different way by their difference medical experiments.

     Another problem is that the group which didn't take antibiotics as part of their treatment
took sugar pills. Dr.Alton may fail to consider the fact that whether sugar pill has byproduct
on healing muscle strain. The author doesn't show any information about suger pills are good
for the healing or not Therefore, the average recuperation time reducing perhaps caused by the
side effect on Dr.Alton's groups. So the result of study can not prove that antibiotics could
help patients of muscle strain decrease their recuperation time.

     In sum, the author's evidence accomplishes little toward supporting the author's argument
for that antibiotics shoul be well advised to be taken to patients who have got muscle strain.
He should provid more scientific information, study or data to support the view of antibotics's
good effects on treating muscle strain.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-30 07:34:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 orionbelt 于 2010-5-30 07:43 编辑

        The argument in the article seems convincing at the first sight owning to the application of the controlling variates method, the most common study method in science research, however, if we consider thoroughly the definition of this method that leaving the factor we study variable and controlling all the other interrelated factors invariable or at least tinily changed in the experiment, we can perceive that the researchers acquiesce a hypothesis apparently unreasonable that all the elements related to the recuperation times are the same between the two groups except the antibiotics.
        In the first place, the conclusion in the passage doesn't hold water unless the ratio of the secondary in the two groups are almost the same. It's not proved that one having severe muscle strain definitely have a secondary infections meantime. If it's a random event, we should group the patients meticulously to avoid the difference of the ratio between two groups which lead to a confusion that one group recuperate sooner because of a less ratio of secondary infections.
        Furthermore, each group has its own doctor, one is specialized in muscle injuries, while another one is just a general physician. Apparently the former can supply better medical treatments for the patients in the first group, which is a reason of shorter recuperation time that can't be ignored. Such we can't assert between a better doctor or the use of the antibiotics which is the real cause, even both of them. Actually there are many other analogous variable factors existing in this experiment that is significant but not so obvious that the reseachers may not take them into consideration. For instance, the average physical qualities, the distributions of the gender and the age, the average severity of the muscle strains. Without thinking over anyone of them can't we exclude the possibilities of their influences on the result of the study. Supposing the hospital living conditions in the second group are not so well as the first one, the experiment will become completely meaningless due to the no following of the rules of "controlling varieties method".
        In spite of all above, provided that all the fators are the same except the use of the antibiotics, one can still not derive the conclusion from the experiment because of the uncertain of the satisfaction of the request that there should be approximately equal and especially sufficient amounts of observed patients in two groups. Only in this way, can we get rid of the great influence of randomicity brought by a small sample capacity.
        In summary we can't derive the conclusion that all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain would be well advised to take antibiotics as part of their treatment from an inadequacy experiment lacking many essential infomations for judgment. Even if the conclusion is right, we should also be cautious on using of antibiotics on account of their side effects which may harm our body. In short further precise experiment is needed.
Out of the world, out of the ordinary!

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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-5-30 08:11:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 elenalsh 于 2010-5-30 10:15 编辑


Argument 51   

        In this medical newsletter the author claims that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain which has been proved by preliminary results of an experiment. The author points out that the difference of the recuperation times of two groups of patients and offers the statistics to justify that all muscle strain patients would be advised to take antibiotics as part of their treatment. However, careful examination of this supporting evidence reveals that some illogical points to the medical newsletter.
    First of all, the result of experiment seems quite simple with no essential premise. Perhaps the distinction results from the diversity of body, the different dietary habit, and diverse treatment causing of diverse doctors, and so forth. No more evidences can support that the two groups of patients are in common at beginning so that we ought to take possibilities in account. Moreover, two groups in same cases, this hypothesis is preliminary results, which just describe the consequence, without any other theories supporting which are necessary while the newsletter has not adequately reported this part. To convince the patients that antibiotics are the reason of reducing typical recuperation time, doctors would go a long way toward explaining why antibiotics can enhance the muscle strain recovery. Meanwhile, the author cannot make any sound recommendations to advise to muscle strain patients take antibiotics. It isn’t qualified for spreading this medical research without any safe conducts. They should consider that other influences by antibiotics if doctors want to popularize research results. Besides, investment, research, and practice should be considered as well. Thus, without enough evidence justified it is hard to convince me on using.
     In sum, the medical newsletter lacking of representative evidence render it unconvincing. To justify that it is necessary to advise patients take antibiotics as part of treatment, the author should provide such evidence including following: the theory about fundamentals of antibiotics, other experiments’ statistics and the authentic authentication supporting.

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发表于 2010-5-30 15:58:49 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-5-30 21:25:13 |只看该作者
2# daisy吼吼

This medicalnewsletter infers that all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain wouldshould(多了一个情态动词?) take antibiotics as part of their treatment for doctors haveconfirmed secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quicklyafter severe muscle strain.(不知道摘抄原句行不行) To justify this conclusion doctorshave made a survey between two groups ofpatients. The first group of patients, all being treated for muscle injuries bya doctor who specializes in sports medicine, took antibiotics regularlythroughout their treatment. Their recuperation time was, on average, 40 percentquicker than typically expected. Patients in the second group, all beingtreated by a general physician,
were given sugar pills, although the patients believed they were takingantibiotics. Their average recuperation time was not significantly reduced. Ifind this argument logically unconvincing in several respects.
      First of all, the basic premise of this inference isthat secondary infection will occur affirmatively after muscle strain. However,there is no any evidence revealed in the article to support this premise. Thereis also no data show patients with muscle strain are easily brought twoinjuries.(这个攻击点不错,不过我对此题的理解是题目第一句话是陈述事实,而此题的结论是吃抗生素能加快康复,所以我想的是有没有二次感染不直接影响到结论。个人观点,欢迎讨论)
      Secondly, the survey has no stringency. Doctors tookthe experiment in two different groups. The patients in two groups may haveunlike age, sex and health condition. In first group patients who tookantibiotics may be younger or theirphysiological functions are better. And the other group’s patients are probablyof poor healthy. So it is not antibiotic(that 是不是加上这个才算强调句?我语法很弱,有错请指正) accelerated the recuperation time. Of course, the two doctors’ leveland experience will affect the recuperation(需不需要加 ’s ? speed. Generally speaking, a doctor whospecializes in sports medicine is more specialty than general physician. Thushis(觉得最好详细到具体某位,感觉有点指代不清) patients recoveredquickly may own to his medical skill and knowledgebut not to the antibiotics.
       Even if the two physicians adopted similar treatment, thesecond group of patients who didn’t took antibiotics were asked to takesugar pills. But the dissertator didn’t present any material to certificate sugar pills have no bad influence topatient’s recuperation. It is loosely to make a conclusion according a surveyby these two groups.(这点我真的没想到,学习了!)
       Finally,(感觉用finally像还要再陈述观点,推荐用总之之类的好一点)the author’s inference is not rigorous enough. Advising allpatients who are diagnosed with muscle strain from a group of patients who tookantibiotics and recovered quicker than others is opinionated .Except forsterilization ,antibiotics also have secondary action which the dissertatorhaven’t considered. To bolster the author’s conclusion, another survey with twogroups which are under same condition, such as doctors, patients’ health condition and treatment,should be done. A convincing data is needed.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-31 00:05:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 orionbelt 于 2010-5-31 12:04 编辑

In this argument, the author conclude that taking antibotics is more effective (in treatmentfor patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain. To support his conclusion, the author pionts out that doubting by doctors for a long time of the fact that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severs muscle strain.(不好意思这点我没看懂)furthermore, the arguer cites the assumption has been proved by two groups of patients are treated for muscle injuries by different doctors in different ways that one group took antibiotics and the other one did not. however, these supports are not cogent argument.

     First of all, the two groups of patients were not(用may not be比较好,毕竟我们也不能肯定)selected randomly.(当样本数量不够大师,即使是随机的也不一定能保证后面提到的那些因素是一样的。所以这点暗含了样本足够大的假设。)We didn't know the age, ability
of(Resistance 且该词本身就有抵抗力的意思 感觉不用加ability了)resistence and other features of their bodies. In other word, the group which were treated by Dr.Newland may make up of patients who had better ability than Dr. Alston's to resisted (to后面应该用原型)the secondary infections. If so, we can not get a objective and scientific result from
the two groups.

      In additions(无s, if all the patients have same physical condition,
the difference of
treatments between the two different doctors may have different effect on patients. From the
argument we know that Dr.Newland is a doctor who specializeds in sports medicine, and Dr.Alton is (justa general physician. On no account should we ignore the fact that they may treat patients in different ways by their difference medical experiments.

     Another problem is that the group which didn't take antibiotics as part of their treatment
took sugar pills. Dr.Alton may fail to consider the fact that whether sugar pill has byproduct
on healing muscle strain. The author doesn't show any information about suger pills are good
for the healing or not. Therefore, the average recuperation time reducing perhaps caused by the
side effect on Dr.Alton's groups. So the result of study can not prove that antibiotics could
help patients of muscle strain decrease their recuperation time.


     In sum, the author's evidence accomplishes little toward supporting the author's argument
for that antibiotics should be well advised to be taken to patients who have got muscle strain.
He should provid more scientific information, study or data to support the view of antibotics's
good effects on treating muscle strain.

Out of the world, out of the ordinary!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-31 07:10:10 |只看该作者
7# elenalsh
In this medical newsletter the author claims that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain which has been proved by preliminary results of an experiment. (我当时是照抄了,学习!)The author points out that the difference of the recuperation times of two groups of patients and offers the statistics to justify that all muscle strain patients would be advised to take antibiotics as part of their treatment. However, careful examination of this supporting evidence reveals that some illogical points to the medical newsletter.
    First of all, the result of experiment seems quite simple with no essential premise. Perhaps the distinction results from the diversity of body, the different dietary habit, and diverse treatment causing of diverse doctors, and so forth. No more evidences can support that the two groups of patients are in common at beginning so that we ought to take possibilities in account. Moreover, two groups in same cases, this hypothesis is preliminary results, which just describe the consequence, without any other theories supporting which are necessary while the newsletter has not adequately reported this part. To convince the patients that antibiotics are the reason of reducing typical recuperation time, doctors would go a long way toward explaining why antibiotics can enhance the muscle strain recovery. Meanwhile, the author cannot make any sound recommendations to advise to muscle strain patients take antibiotics. It isn’t qualified for spreading this medical research without any safe conducts. They should consider that other influences by antibiotics if doctors want to popularize research results. Besides, investment, research, and practice should be considered as well. Thus, without enough evidence justified it is hard to convince me on using.
     In sum, the medical newsletter lacking of representative evidence render it unconvincing. To justify that it is necessary to advise patients take antibiotics as part of treatment, the author should provide such evidence including following: the theory about fundamentals of antibiotics, other experiments’ statistics and the authentic authentication supporting.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-31 07:14:17 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 daisy吼吼 于 2010-5-31 07:17 编辑


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-31 07:17:05 |只看该作者
9# caiyunjiao
This medical
newsletter infers that all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain would take antibiotics as part of their treatment For doctors have gone with a experiment to confirm that two injury may slow down a muscle strained people's recuperation.The first group of patients, all being treated for muscle injuries by
a sports doctor, took antibiotics regularly
throughout their treatment. Their recuperation time was, on average, 40 percentquicker than typically expected. Patients in the second group, all being
treated by a general physician,were given sugar pills, although the patients believed they were taking
antibiotics. Their average recuperation time was not significantly reduced. Ifind this argument logically unconvincing in several respects.
      First of all, the basic premise of this inference is
that secondary infection will occur affirmatively after muscle strain. However,there is no any evidence revealed in the article to support this premise. There
is also no data show patients with muscle strain are easily brought two
      Secondly, the survey has no stringency. Doctors tookthe experiment in two different groups. The patients in two groups may haveunlike age, sex and health condition. In first group patients who took
antibiotics may be younger or their
physiological functions are better. And the other group’s patients are probably
of poor healthy. So it is not antibiotic
that accelerated the recuperation time. Of course, the two doctors’ leveland experience will affect the recuperation(需不需要加 ’s ?daisy 觉得应该不要不,题目中出现了recuperation time 两个名词连用的地方) speed. Generally speaking, a doctor who
specializes in sports medicine is more specialty than general physician. Thus the former one's patients recovered
quickly may own to the doctor's medical skill and knowledge
but not to the antibiotics.
       Even if the two physicians adopted similar
treatment, the
second group of patients who didn’t took antibiotics were asked to takesugar pills. But the dissertator didn’t present any material to certificate sugar pills have no bad influence to
patient’s recuperation. It is loosely to make a conclusion according a survey
by these two groups.(这点我真的没想到,学习了!)

In sum,the author’s inference is not rigorous enough. Advising allpatients who are diagnosed with muscle strain from a group of patients who tookantibiotics and recovered quicker than others is opinionated .Except forsterilization ,antibiotics also have secondary action which the dissertatorhaven’t considered. To bolster the author’s conclusion, another survey with twogroups which are under same condition, such as doctors, patients’ health condition and treatment,should be done. A convincing data is needed.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-5-31 07:30:39 |只看该作者
3# caiyunjiao
In this argument, the arguer concludes that all patients who have muscle strain would be suggested to take antibiotics as subsidiary treatment. To bolster the assertion the arguer states a study of two patients being treated for muscle injuries, one of the group treated by Dr.Newland, a doctor who specializes in sports medicine, took antibiotics regularly through their treatment while the other were given sugar pills by a general physician Dr. Alton. The arguer claims that average recuperation time of the patients in the first group was 40 percent quicker than typically expected while of the second was not clearly reduced. Nevertheless, although the conclusion sounds indeed reasonable at first thought, several logical flaws may seriously undermine the argument.

First of all, the information of the study provided by arguer(
the aruguer) is insufficient to reach the conclusion. Never does the arguer concerning(is the arguer concerned with) the differences between two groups' patients(
感觉有些chinese-english,写成individuals in the two groups可能稍好). For example, the arguer offers no information about whether the relative severity of these injures are similar or the health condition between two groups are parallel. We cannot accept the conclusion before the arguer could provide details about patients.

Secondly, the arguer mentions that the two groups were treated respectively by Dr. Newland and Dr. Alton. Perhaps the measures in treatment are different between two doctors for the reason that the first specializes in sports medicine but(
强转折,但这里你要表达的是对比的意思,不太合适) the second is a general physician. It is common sense that a doctor major in sports medicine has better skills in treating muscle strain than a general physician; a fact that may cause the first group's recuperation time was(细节问题,cause … to be) quicker than the second group's(改成that of the second group可能更好一些). It Is entirely possible that the treating place and season are not same that raise the divergence in recuperation time. More contents should be given to support the study.

Finally, the author commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if we ignore the differences between patients and doctors, was the survey limited to a certain city or geographic region? Were the survey respondents forthright and representative? Moreover, even though antibiotics do contribute to recuperation of muscle strain, is it detrimental to other respects in people's health?
Therefore, until these questions are answered, it is impossible to assess the validity and reliability of the conclusion.(

To sum up, the conclusion lack credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to
provide us more evidence concerning the survey. To better evaluate the arguments, we would need more information regarding the two doctors, patients in the survey, and the whole function of antibiotics.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-5-31 13:08:15 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 elenalsh 于 2010-5-31 13:14 编辑

6# orionbelt

        The argument in the article seems convincing at the first sight owning to the application of the controlling vitiate method, the most common study method in science research, however, if we consider thoroughly the definition of this method that leaving the factor we study variable and controlling all the other interrelated factors invariable or at least tinily changed in the experiment, we can perceive that the researchers acquiesce a hypothesis apparently unreasonable that all the elements related to the recuperation times are the same between the two groups except the antibiotics.
        In the first place, the conclusion in the passage doesn't hold water unless the ratio of the secondary in the two groups is almost the same. It's not proved that one having severe muscle strain definitely have secondary infections meantime.
If it's a random event, we should group the patients meticulously to avoid the difference of the ratio between two groups which lead to a confusion that one group recuperate sooner because of a less ratio of secondary infections.
        Furthermore, each group has its own doctor, one is specialized in muscle injuries, while another one is just a general physician.(
这句话感觉有点怪,可又不确定怎么改比较合适.大家帮忙看看~) Apparently the former can supply better medical treatments for the patients in the first group, which is a reason of shorter recuperation time that can't be ignored. Such we can't assert between a better doctor and the use of the antibiotics which is the real cause, even both of them. Actually there are many other analogous variable factors existing in this experiment that is significant but not so obvious that the researchers may not take them into consideration, such as the average physical qualities, the distributions of the gender and the age, the average severity of the muscle strains. Without thinking over the personal characteristics can't we exclude the possibilities of their influences on the result of the study. Supposing the hospital living conditions in the second group are not so well as the first one, the experiment will become completely meaningless due to the no following of the rules of "controlling varieties method".
        In spite of all above, provided that all the factors are the same except the use of the antibiotics, one can still not derive the conclusion from the experiment because of the uncertain of the satisfaction of the request that there should be approximately equal and especially sufficient amounts of observed patients in two groups. Only in this way, can we get rid of the great influence of randomicity brought by a small sample capacity.
        In summary we can't derive the conclusion that all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain would be well advised to take antibiotics as part of their treatment from an inadequacy experiment lacking much essential information for judgment.
Even if the conclusion is right, we should also be cautious on using of antibiotics on account of their side effects
(删掉which may harm our body, side effects不需再解释了). In short further precise experiment is needed.

orionbelt 写得很不错啊~

P.S: 因为今天一上午的课,不好意思没有按时交上修改……下次一定注意

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【战G兔斯基】作业Argument 51作业提交楼
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