VO:So you are the last one?
mm:I prepared to say Good morning to you, but I have to say Good noon now.(smi
VO:(smile) Then say "hello", Hello!
mm:(smile) Hello!
(这时候大glass boy已经在妹妹的ds表上面涂鸭了,但是我的妹妹当时居然没有注意这个
VO:May I have a look at your transcripts?
mm:Yes, open it for you?
VO:Sure, please. Thank you very much!
mm:Here you are.
VO:(根本就没有仔细看就把一堆材料全推出来了,其中包括了I-20和offer letter, 可惜这
个更明显的暗示我妹妹还是没有注意到)So what is your research work now?
mm:My thesis is about the content delivery on the Internet..........
VO:(妹妹被打断)cellphones? Do you think cellphones make us to understand each
other much more easily? And do you think the more we talk about, the more we u
nderstand each other?
mm:Sure, I think so.
VO:I think so too!(smile)
VO:Have you ever been abroad?
mm:Yes, I went to North Korea once.
VO:North Korea? (show strong interest) I haven't been there before. When?
mm:1994. I went there to spend my summer vacation with a lot of students from
all over the world.
VO:So how about the food there?
mm:Not very good. A little spicy!
VO:So not as good as the Chinese food?
mm:Yes, of course.
VO:(smile)Good luck. Would you please go to Window 11. And would you like to h
ave a book? (hand mm a book)
mm:Thank you so much! Have a nice day!