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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-8 23:11:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE147 - "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."

With the speeding development of the society, the new word "modernization "comes out. It means that full-developed technology, high well-fare and so on, while the past of old thinking, old fashions were concluded as tradition. Many people believe that these two parts cannot mediate because of the issue of time. But I hold the view that they are not mutually exclusive. Modernization has benefited us a lot as well as the tradition which we should protect.

First, modernization brings us to an era of technology. High-tech are used everywhere, covering even tiny aspects of our daily life. Refrigerators storing the food, air-conditioners cooling us down, cars transporting us ,Televisions amusing us, all the above convenient our life. Besides, the instant communicating facilities such as the mobile phone, MSN, QQ shorten the distance between us and hence strengthen our relationship. All seems wonderful unless we are not enforced to do so and be the slaveries of machines.  Admittedly, modernization raises our efficiency, improving the welfare of life, especially increasing the speed of globalization and democracy. But we lose much freedom to the life style we are looking for and even become indifferent towards both ourselves and our environments. We have to concern about the harming effect that we have made on the environments. As to the refrigerators, which released the Freon, destroy the gas layer and lead to extreme weathers over the world. That is the after-math of high-technology we have to confronted with.

On the contrary, history always contains a feeling of humanity. It contains the culture of countries where you live and various values. Tradition brings us back to precious memories where we can share with others. For example, the Chinese Forbidden City, testimony of long history of renewal of dynasties, shows the flourishing of China and warms every authority to draw lessons from the history. Besides, old traditions are related to religions, economic environments at that time so that it will give us a comprehensive view of the life of our ancestors which is so different with ours. All these reflect the core of our culture and our ancestors’ wisdom which deserved to be passing down from generation to generation. As to the core of culture, I think of the kind of moral things which can support my views. With the inventing of cloning, people start to doubt about the effect of high technology. Law is thus enacted to prohibit it. The traditional moral system makes our society stable in an organized way based on the theory of evolution which concerns the deadline of our society. Ancestors pass it down to help humanity develop in a natural way rather than malformed or full of guilty.

But on the aspects of arts or architectures, these two things seem to mediate and desired, for the high -technology can be used to protect our precious tradition. Many famous pieces of artists need protecting through the biological or chemical ways as well as our old buildings. Without devoting to them, manifest giant works would be destroyed in a natural or artificial way. The protecting of old relic calls for technology, as to the tradition calls for the modernization.

TOPIC: ARGUMENT38 - The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.
"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism."

The memo finds that in the nearby EM, people have less cold because of eating fishes. He offers two evidences: first, EM has high fish consumption; second, people there visit the doctor once or twice a year. So he concludes that in order to minimize the absence from school and work caused by colds, people in WM should follow the successful way of EM and use Ichthaid which derives from fish oil. I find this argument inconvincible on several aspects.

Firstly, the memo fails to provide evidence to show that people in EM are healthy and like to eat fish. It falsely equaled the time of visiting doctors with the time they are treating colds. It is extremely possible that people just meet their healthy consultancies to get some tips without having colds. Or those patients getting colds don't go to hospitals because of the high price.  Besides, the evidence of high fish consumption fails to convince us that residents there prefer to eat fish .Maybe there is only one market in the nearby areas to buy fish so people from other town have to swarm into EM. It has the possibility that people buy fish not to eat but to produce more cans and sell to other markets, earning profits.

Secondly, given that people in EM have little cold and high consumption of fish, it doesn't necessarily mean that these two things have any casual relationship. Residents there maybe do much exercise everyday or eating balance diet instead of eating only fish everyday to make their body strong.

Even if eating fish leads to less-possibility of having colds, it doesn't mean that Ichthaid derived from fish plays an important role in preventing colds. Without further information of the comprehensive function of Ichthaid, I cannot believe that having the nutrition can put the same effect on people as effectively as fish.

Then, even assuming that Ichthaid really can deduce the risk of getting colds, it doesn't predict that the condition of absenteeism will be hence reduced as the result. It lacks evidence that colds results in the absence from school and work. It is quite possible that crowded transportation system, high working pressures or low salaries reduce people's enthusiasm on working.

Finally, without supportable information of the similarities and differences between EM and WM, I can not believe the memo's suggestion that WM should follow the way that EM takes.  It is likely that residents in WM are not satisfied with fish-eating. Or residents are so healthy that no further supplement are needed.

All in all, the argument lacks to offer tenable evident to support its views. To persuade me, more details are required: first, the health condition and life-style of residents in EM should be investigated; besides, the positive and negative functions of Ichthaid are needed. Thirdly, the differences
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-9 13:35:42 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE147 - "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."

With the speeding development of the society, the new word "modernization "comes out. It means that full-developed technology, high well-fare and so on, while the past of old thinking, old fashions were concluded as tradition. Many people believe that these two parts cannot mediate because of the issue of time. But I hold the view that they are not mutually exclusive. Modernization has benefited us a lot as well as the tradition which we should protect.(首段给出modernization和tradition的定义作为背景,并明确给出自己观点:二者不互斥。清晰简洁,nice start)

First, modernization brings us to an era of technology. High-tech are used everywhere, covering even tiny aspects of our daily life.(在谈modernization的时候以tech作为sub-concept进而发展出现代化的利弊两面。) Refrigerators storing the food, air-conditioners cooling us down, cars transporting us ,Televisions amusing us, all the above convenient our life. Besides, the instant communicating facilities such as the mobile phone, MSN, QQ shorten the distance between us and hence strengthen our relationship. All seems wonderful unless we are not enforced to do so and be the slaveries of machines.  Admittedly, modernization raises our efficiency, improving the welfare of life, especially increasing the speed of globalization and democracy. But we lose much freedom to the life style we are looking for and even become indifferent towards both ourselves and our environments. We have to concern about the harming effect that we have made on the environments. As to the refrigerators, which released the Freon, destroy the gas layer and lead to extreme weathers over the world. That is the after-math of high-technology we have to confronted(confront) with.

On the contrary, history always contains a feeling of humanity(人文主义作为History的sub-concept,角度非常好). It contains the culture of countries where you live and various values. Tradition brings us back to precious memories where we can share with others. For example, the Chinese Forbidden City, testimony of long history of renewal of dynasties, shows the flourishing of China and warms every authority to draw lessons from the history. Besides, old traditions are related to religions, economic environments at that time so that it will give us a comprehensive view of the life of our ancestors which is so different with ours. All these reflect the core of our culture and our ancestors’ wisdom which deserved to be passing down from generation to generation.(后面的论证有点杂糅) As to the core of culture, I think of the kind of moral things which can support my views. With the inventing of cloning, people start to doubt about the effect of high technology. Law is thus enacted to prohibit it. The traditional moral system makes our society stable in an organized way based on the theory of evolution which concerns the deadline(这个是啥意思0 0) of our society. Ancestors pass it down to help humanity develop in a natural way rather than malformed or full of guilty.

But on the aspects of arts or architectures, these two things seem to mediate and desired, for the high -technology can be used to protect our precious tradition. Many famous pieces of artists need protecting through the biological or chemical ways as well as our old buildings. Without devoting to them, manifest giant works would be destroyed in a natural or artificial way. The protecting of old relic calls for technology, as to the tradition calls for the modernization.(这段讲在保护古建筑和文物方面科技传统的共存,但是对于整体文章结构他的意义在哪里呢?)

1.        看完以后我最想和你探讨的是结构问题。Body的第一段点明现代化利弊,第二段说传统优点,最后段则说二者可以在某些方面共存。这是一种结构,而我想另外给出一种结构:
a.        先说在本质上科技与传统并不矛盾,就用你关于二者的主要对立——时间和2个sub-concept——科技和人文主义作为切入点。比如说主题句可以是 The superficial confrontation of these two regarding time issue, however, indicates their similarity of essence: Technology seemingly pushes humans forward, yet forward to the unknown; humanities mirror humans into the past, the past of existence. 后面的例子可以举你举过的克隆技术要求传统伦理学的规范和限制等等,总体而言要论证出人文主义是科技的指导。
b.        再反过来说现代化(科技)对传统(人文主义)的影响。比如主题句可以是 On the other hand, technologies are so widespread in everyday life that they imbue individuals with their way of thinking and behaving and have gradually exerted great influence on traditions.然后可以用你文中用过的小列举(各种现代产品啦),表明科技对传统的影响和二者的融合。
c.        最后说我们应该怎么做。主题句可以是 on the consecutive yet irreversible road of time, we can but proceed for the pursuit of better life, whereas an occasional looking back to check the trace we left can give us the right direction.
2.        结论段还是要写的,而且我觉得结构大于意义,基本就是观点重述再加上两句废话。。。这篇你没有结论显得结构不够完整饿。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-9 22:30:29 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
WORDS: 520          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2011/3/9 19:39:58

Nonmainstream areas of inquiry, refers to those areas cannot be explained by scientific theories or the knowledge we have obtained, on the contrast with mainstream science. The role of fortune-tellers exists in film or books about magic, which attracts readers or movie lovers' appetite. In this circumstance, without doubt it is a skill of advertising. But on some other aspects, astrology, another part of nonmainstream areas become a disciplinary with a large group of people spend time on it. I have to concede that nonmainstream areas such as astrology, fortune-telling are parts of our social life, but it still cannot act as the critical role in the face of sea of scientific knowledge.

The existence of nonmainstream has its own seeds. Astrology, some skills of forecasting the trend, is popular among people. With the study of the divining on stars can one get the information about the coming-events. In old fictions, we are familiar with the stories that military consulters use astrology to organize their armies and finally win the wars. Because no one can testify it, it is nature for those who are serious social-climbers to desire for actually acquiring information about their future. Besides, fortune-telling fulfills people's need of safety. Knowing their future means a clear direction to be followed and a quicker step to obtain competitive resources, with winning the game in the end.
On the social level, nonmainstream study concerning about soul or god while having not been explained by science seems to be full of mystery yet pushes the scientific research further. Studies about history of god spread the spirit of equality and love, which fuel some disciplinarians such as social work to develop.

However, the function of mainstream research cannot be ignored and replaced.
Those researches no matter they are dealing with economical issues or long-term environmental studies are all to meet the need of society. After research being applied to society and new invention being made, our life will be more convenient. Take some simple examples, without research on economical facts, we cannot know the laws of economy and use it to overcome crisis, beneficial to all poor people. In view of the recent world’s economic crisis, governments abide by laws and enacted effective policies to help recovery of market. Without long-term devotions into research on environmental issue, we cannot strike a balance between economical development and environmental protecting which are significant to survive of all human-beings. Without macro-level research about the universe, we cannot know the amusing of planets and how minute our human-being are. The plan of Apolo getting on the moon,..shocks all men to look outside of the earth and look forward to the living-lives on other possible planets. These coming-out cannot be achieved by nonmainstream research lack of serious testify methods. Some nonmainstream seem to be irrational and ridiculous because they are derived from inconvincible test
So in conclusion, mainstream research should continually carry on benefiting our human-beings. But  , with the highly development of technology skills, those nonmainstream research will be recognized. Then with the narrow of the space of nonmainstream areas, mainstream parts would  become stronger and the contain of our knowledge would larger.

Issue 17
16:20_17:07 574
Law, body of the official rules and regulations, develops as society evolves. Its original form appears with the primitive group called tribal. Before any courts or legislation come out, a tribal used a balance of customs, cultures or religion things to regulate their members. They often have the same kinship or a same god never to be sacrileged. When some one went against the whole tribal, he would get punishment from the god .If someone murdered or theft which went against the individual families, he and his family would be revenged by others according to the tribal customs. In our long history, law plays the role of striking the balance between interests among competing groups. So when it comes to the standards of law, problems seem to be complicated on the account of various interests. In my standpoint, law should insist on its objective standard and should be obeyed no matter what its natural is.
At the first threshold, the issue of whether law is just or unjust should be considered. How to define its nature? Different people have different views. Every law likes the coin, has two sides. The same kind of event which is confronted towards different groups may result in different views. Take a simple example, the American president Albert Lincoln signed the ABOLITION to free the slavery in South American. As a native American, Lincoln enacted the law representing the rights of slaveries and following the trend of emancipating yet largely going against the opinion of those capitalists. If standing on the point views of North capitalists, the law can never be implemented and will never help push the racial issue a further step. So I agree that law should depend on an objective standard rather than interests of groups. If so, law would lose its function of stabilizing the society, improving our efficiency and protecting the rights of every citizen.
Furthermore, as a citizen, we have to obey all laws that established. Without the obeying transportation regulations, everybody just drives the direction he likes, which would no doubt lead to giant traffic jams and increase the possibility of traffic accidents. Besides, as to the executives of laws, judges should no doubt carry on the law to achieve the relative fair of process and result.
Potential-regulation only ruins the social justice.
However, the process of making and enacting laws costs time which lead to the nature of hysteresis. With the development of high-technology, we face new kinds of events and troubles everyday. So it is possible that law doesn’t cover every problem and appear to be unfair especially to some groups. The once death penalty was extremely enacted. Yet in our democratic society, where the humanity is of the first consideration, death penalty should be reduced or eliminated. This arouses intense discussion among people owing to the hysteresis of law. The renewal of law is required by the whole society. In 1965, British established the Law Constitution to amend those laws which are out of step of current society. In short, the completeness of law needs time to amend and the best way is just to seek such legal organization to amend unfavorable laws.

To sum up, law balances various interests so that its objective nature must be insisted. Whether the law is perfect or unfavorable, we should be incumbent to obey it without proviso on the purpose that law would bring the well-order of our society.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-3-9 23:23:08 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-10 18:37:48 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
WORDS: 520          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2011/3/9 19:39:58  (时间控制得不错,继续加油)

Nonmainstream areas of inquiry, refers to those areas cannot be explained by scientific theories or the knowledge we have obtained, on the contrast with mainstream science. The role of fortune-tellers exists in film or books about magic, which attracts readers or movie lovers' appetite. In this circumstance, without doubt it is a skill of advertising.(感觉引入解释有些冗长,单刀直入提出观点就好了) But on some other aspects, astrology, another part of nonmainstream areas become a disciplinary with a large group of people spend time on it. I have to concede that nonmainstream areas such as astrology, fortune-telling are parts of our social life, but it still cannot act as the critical role in the face of sea of scientific knowledge. (有保留赞同)

The existence of nonmainstream has its own seeds. Astrology, some skills of forecasting the trend, is popular among people. With the study of the divining on stars can one get the information about the coming-events. In old fictions, we are familiar with the stories that military consulters use astrology to organize their armies and finally win the wars. (太简略了,占星如何使作战胜利?)Because(感觉这个因果关系没有看明白,本来以为是反驳不可验证性,反而成了算命被需要的原因?) no one can testify it, it is nature for those who are serious social-climbers to desire for actually acquiring information about their future. Besides, fortune-telling fulfills people's need of safety. Knowing their future means a clear direction to be followed and a quicker step to obtain competitive resources, with winning the game in the end.
On the social level, nonmainstream study concerning about soul or god while having not been explained by science seems to be full of mystery yet pushes the scientific research further. Studies about history of god spread the spirit of equality and love, which fuel some disciplinarians such as social work to develop.

However, the function of mainstream research cannot be ignored and replaced.
Those researches no matter they are dealing with economical issues or long-term environmental studies are all to meet the need of society. After research being applied to society and new invention being made, our life will be more convenient. Take some simple examples, without research on economical facts, we cannot know the laws of economy and use it to overcome crisis, beneficial to all poor people. In view of the recent world’s economic crisis, governments abide by laws and enacted effective policies to help recovery of market. Without long-term devotions into research on environmental issue, we cannot strike a balance between economical development and environmental protecting which are significant to survive of all human-beings. Without macro-level research about the universe, we cannot know the amusing of planets and how minute our human-being are. The plan of Apolo getting on the moon,..shocks all men to look outside of the earth and look forward to the living-lives on other possible planets. These coming-out cannot be achieved by nonmainstream research lack of serious testify methods. (加一个逻辑词来转折比较好)Some nonmainstream seem to be irrational and ridiculous because they are derived from inconvincible test
So in conclusion, mainstream research should continually carry on benefiting our human-beings. But  , with the highly development of technology skills, those nonmainstream research will be recognized. Then with the narrow of the space of nonmainstream areas, mainstream parts would  become stronger and the contain of our knowledge would larger.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-11 22:42:47 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 597          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2011/3/11 10:43:05

Technology, referring to a way of using tools has derived from our ancestor. Tracing back to the ancient time of nomadic tribal, human beings used nature material such as rocks to facilitate their life, whether to kill animals or to make a fire. Nowadays, with the speedy and fully development of technology, we also enjoy the convenience that it brings to us. I concede that technology influence social customs and ethics. Yet the statement of determination seems improper.

To begin with, technology has great effect on our modern life as the role of a two-edged weapon.  We are surprised by the ability of high-tech to map the geographical features from outside of the world, with the use to locate the land that can be cultivated and help those poor people in third countries. A spirit of equality and global community formed within this great invention. Besides, take another aspect of moral issue. Without the famous Industrial Revolution, it is quite possible that women are still ordered by men under the circumstance of fatherhood and don't have any freedom even the chances of work. It is beyond imagination that Dilma Rousseff won the presidency in Brazil in the 2010 election, the first woman to do so.  Great contribution has been made since the emancipation of people's traditional customs by technology. Moreover, technology changes the way of recording into vivid and impressive ways such as television or advertisement, with the effect that people are more likely to absorb various knowledge and make lives wonderful initiatively.

However, this weapon also has negative influence. We have to admit that our privacy and even life seem to on the risk. No matter it is the technology of mapping earth or the invention of nuclear weapon, we can be located and aimed at precisely everywhere. Nuclear weapon, ever regarded as the peace keeper, now seems impossible in the face of human nature such as aggression.Then cloning seems to be another instance to further my view. We are looking forward to its saving lives of thousands of people at risk like the way of organ transplant or else. But the moral issue has to be doubted. What is actual relationship with some guys who resemble your body? Are there be a great lose of human identities or humanity-despising arousing after the application of this technology? We must take these serious problems at the forefront

Of course, high-tech changes our life. But it doesn't mean that it determines our life on the aspects of social customs and ethic. Ethic and customs, act as the superstructure of our society, are no doubt determined by the social productivity, according to Marxist philosophical principles.  On the practice level, it is on the contrary that the technology should be restricted by social customs and ethic. When applying high-tech, the trend of running into a world of machinery equals with losing of humanity. With the improvement of overall standard of living owing to the technology, public health either in psychological or physical aspect must be care for. The tragedy of suicides of staff in Fox Conn Company because of high working pressure on the assembling-line should not be repeated. Humanity should be considered.

In conclusion, technology actually influences our social customs and ethics on several realms such as a spread of spirit of equality within countries and gender and the change of recording method with the overwhelming of knowledge. But as every coin has its two sides, technology also has negative influence, to the aspect of medical science-cloning and a risk of privacy-stolen.
It is nonsense that technology determines ethics. On the contrary, it should be limited by ethics so that it would not harm our lives and run into a lose of humanity, constraining ourselves

TOPIC: ISSUE38 - "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
WORDS: 548         TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2011/3/11 9:31:22

With the highly -development of technology, visual images through the ways of Internet, or Television swarm into our daily life. We have no time to even consider about whether to accept this new form that it has already had giant effect on our daily life. The aftermath of this change was a serious discussion about choosing between modern ways such as television or the traditional style -writing material. I concede that reading books is not as significant as ever before insofar as they are not mutually exclusive but can cooperate with each other.

Admittedly, television changes our life. In education area, it brings the revolution of tradition teaching methods. Vivid shows, pictures are brought in to impress both teachers and students which rise their interesting on studying and attention to knowledge. Besides, television shows provide us abundant and overwhelming knowledge we cannot obtain by ourselves in our whole life. Without National Geography, I will not know the miracle of Sahara Desert. Let alone knowledge we get, television makes review of history available. It's the film records that tell us the stories about the ruthless of World War Two. It's also the television records that see the winning of fights against autocracy in South American.

Of course, television offers amusing ways of absorbing knowledge, reviewing history, it lacks the possibility of being stored in a long period and is easily canceled by human beings. It seems to be one of the advantages of books which record events across time and people. Moreover, books provide a space of imagination by the readers. Training their thinking abilities, readers will explain the pieces of work depending on their own experience and knowledge which also prosper the literature. As to television, we cannot see any training of logical thinking because it directly offers the result. The result of this is the children's blindness extreme-imitation of those violent roles or bad behaviors on television. During the fifty year's of research in American, it clearly shows the relationship between the violent behaviors with watching Television. Such bad effect should be on our consideration.

This can be overcome by a bland of ways-books and television. Take education of children again for example.  Tradition and moral values should be continued passed by to children through reading books. With their extension of logical thinking ability, a broad horizon and rational chosen will be formed within television programs and imitation behaviors.  Besides, the various and exciting ways of television will help improve the impressiveness of knowledge, rising the speed and understanding along the way of absorbing them. Moreover, in our free time, writing materials will bring us the warm of humanity, making up the indifference that scattered by an actually kind of machine-television. We joyfully see the trend of cooperation of them through newly-invention such as the E-book or mobile book. Containing in the electronic facility, books are available and portable wherever and whatever you like.

All in all, television plays an important role in our modern life as a great extension of knowledge. Our intention and interesting of knowledge arouse. But without a merge of writing material, this visual image seems risky enough if blindness imitation is taken and lack of logical or rational thinking. So the cooperation of two different ways of recording is on the mainstream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-12 22:44:34 |只看该作者
With the highly -development of technology, visual images through the ways of Internet, or Television swarm into our daily life. We have no time to even consider about whether to accept this new form that it has already had giant effect on our daily life. The aftermath of this change was a serious discussion about choosing between modern ways such as television or the traditional style -writing material. I concede that reading books is not as significant as ever before insofar as they are not mutually exclusive but can cooperate with each other(为什么可以cooperate呢?没太明白).

Admittedly, television changes our life. In education area, it brings the revolution of tradition teaching methods. Vivid shows, pictures are brought in to impress both teachers and students which rise their interesting on studying and attention to knowledge. Besides, television shows provide us abundant and overwhelming knowledge we cannot obtain by ourselves in our whole life. Without National Geography, I will not know the miracle of Sahara Desert. Let alone knowledge we get, television makes review of history available. It's the film records that tell us the stories about the ruthless of World War Two. It's also the television records that see the winning of fights against autocracy in South American.

Of course, television offers amusing ways of absorbing knowledge, reviewing history, it lacks the possibility of being stored in a long period and is easily canceled by human beings. It seems to be one of the advantages of books which record events across time and people. Moreover, books provide a space of imagination by the readers. Training their thinking abilities, readers will explain the pieces of work depending on their own experience and knowledge which also prosper the literature. As to television, we cannot see any training of logical thinking because it directly offers the result. The result of this is the children's blindness extreme-imitation of those violent roles or bad behaviors on television. During the fifty year's(50年?还是50年代?如果是年代可以直接写50's) of research in American, it clearly shows the relationship between the violent behaviors with watching Television. Such bad effect should be on our consideration.

This can be overcome by a bland of ways-books and television. Take education of children again for example.  Tradition and moral values should be continued passed by to children through reading books(why not videos?). With their extension of logical thinking ability, a broad horizon and rational chosen will be formed within television programs and imitation behaviors.  Besides, the various and exciting ways of television will help improve the impressiveness of knowledge, rising the speed and understanding along the way of absorbing them. Moreover, in our free time, writing materials will bring us the warm of humanity, making up the indifference that scattered by an actually kind of machine-television. We joyfully see the trend of cooperation of them through newly-invention such as the E-book or mobile book. Containing in the electronic facility, books are available and portable wherever and whatever you like.

All in all, television plays an important role in our modern life as a great extension of knowledge. Our intention and interesting of knowledge arouse. But without a merge of writing material, this visual image seems risky enough if blindness imitation is taken and lack of logical or rational thinking. So the cooperation of two different ways of recording is on the mainstream.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-14 21:12:07 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 473          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2011/3/14 16:54:36

As the old saying goes, history is written by those successful celebrities. The glorious ones, who represented their contemporaries or their inventions did great contribution to our human-beings are always respects by others. I concede that celebrities are critical in historical events insofar as the mass also contributed a lot to history.

Tracking back to our long period of science development, so many scientists use their wisdom and prosper our society no matter it is on the theory construction or practical events. We can never forget that Galileo converted the theory of Aristotle and claimed that sun is the central of universe rather than the earth which found a solid foundation for astronomy and has a overwhelming influence on other disciplines. Watt, inventing the steam-engine, opens the door of Industrial Revolution and brought modernization. Wright Brothers finally invented plane in 1903, accomplishing human-beings' dream of flying and greatly shortened the distance between people. In short, it is those famous significantly made events possible and improved the welfare of all human-beings.

However, the general people are also the writers of history. They should never be forgotten. Without the support from the general masses in the society, achievements will never be attained. Gandhi, the father of India revolution, could never success and gained freedom rights for his patriots if no followers participated. Similarly, take Chinese revolution for instance, Chairman Mao won the support from the giant crowds of peasants and organized them to fight against enemies with tactics so that Chinese people could finally establish their new country.

It is no doubt that hero should be admired by us and history should be pass by from generation to generation. Without them, whether acting as the leaders fighting for the freedom and emancipation for human-beings or as the pioneers in making new inventions ,our society would not like the trains moving forward so quickly. Yet, a train also needs fuel .The overall mass is the fuel. Only if all human-beings cooperate with each other, can success be achieved. Consider, Tokyo Protocol has been signed within the developed industrial nations for more than ten years, but environmental issues ease just a little. Individuals and organizations even governments aim at their short-term interest and don't intend to cooperate. How can we purify our environment in such a way? Those "soldiers" fighting for green environments have little influence on the whole global. The consciousness of mass being raised, the war of protection tends to win.

In short, history always reminds us of those famous ones, because of their great and glorious devotion in the pass time. Without their professional skills or wisdom, to use or organize resources, achievement would be under consideration. But without the cooperation of the general mass, success will be just in our imaginations. History was written by them as well. So the celebrities should lead the mass in the right way to cooperate.

TOPIC: ISSUE197 - "The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries."
WORDS: 533          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2011/3/11 16:56:47
I strongly agree with the statement that nowadays the material progress and welfare of human beings are interconnected across the broad. This seems to be the results of globalization.
Globalization, as to the easily and overall flow of capital, labor forces and resources is due to the rapid development of high technology. Shared global economical system, shared culture or religion and homogenous governmental system, all reflect the flourish fruits of globalization.
To the economical level, cooperation happen everyday. With the convenience of computer, businessmen show their intention to sell or to cooperate with international companies through the internet and products are ordered. On the national aspect, the raw materials from the third world are transported to developed countries to make into products. Then the products may be sent back to those original countries. Cash flows back to support the local economy. Those who don't have jobs in their nations also benefit from globalization since they are labor forces to go to international markets. In this way, capital is transferred and wellbeing is raised. We are happy to witness that the economy of third world has been greatly improved than ever before. The medical level of those countries is improved and people don't have to starve to death anymore. The Red Cross, an International non-governmental organization donates money to better their condition on public health.
All these cannot be accomplished by a single country. Nowadays, all nations are interwoven with each other. Take an example, in 2003, the time of economical recovery, a case of BSE was found in the Beef Industry of the United States. It seems to be a tiny event unless it did not arouse such a big influence all over the world. It is no doubt that at the forefront the Beef Industry was impacted. Then is the Bean and Corn Industry, which production are the fodders of beef. It also has influence on the oversea market. Countries banned the import of beef and people had no confidence in the whole Western Style Food thus many companies suffered bankrupt.
Owing to the knit web among nations, great attention should be paid on the welfare of all human beings. Homogenous of the social welfare system is on the mainstream. We are happy to see that many second or third countries try to imitate the method that has been effective in the developed countries. It is possible to achieve the final goals of equality between the poor and the rich, freedom of all human beings and the democracy of governmental system. As to environmental issue, it is a global problem and respects no boundaries, which has a serious relationship with the wellbeing of human beings. The disintegration of layer zone at the North Pole causes disaster to our global. Flood, hurricanes and the extreme weather risk our lives. Restrictions have been made in Tokyo named CDM, which just needs taking concrete actions a step further.
All in all, globalization makes cooperation possible and needed. On the economical level, capital flows within companies and even nations, perfecting economical condition as well as the wellbeing of people. All that fruitful results is because of the knit web among countries. So in the realm of social welfare and environmental issue, cooperation with concrete actions are required.

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发表于 2011-3-16 06:54:45 |只看该作者
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发表于 2011-3-16 11:45:17 |只看该作者
10# 远远在笑


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发表于 2011-3-18 09:56:11 |只看该作者

TOPIC: ISSUE207 - "Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are."
WORDS: 526       TIME: 00:60

I concede that rituals and ceremonies are significant parts of culture which help define our identity  insofar as values, ways of thinking reveal the hidden core of culture, which are greatly influenced by globalization.

Admittedly, rituals and ceremonies we have attended today have their long history. Our ancestors hold rituals to honor deities and prayed for harvest of food and a safe life without horrible weather. Consider, Maya shaped the newborn babies' head as the appearance of corn in the ritual, showing their worship of corn. Even common actions like hand-shaking and saying hello seem to be termed rituals in ancient Greece, revealing the meaning of no weapon. Rituals and ceremonies in the ancient time definitely define the line between tribes, showing their identities, making them as strong groups. Those appeared to be repetitive systematically actions strengthened their belongings and smoothed anxious in the psychological aspect.

However, rituals and ceremonies today have far less meaning as ever before. They no longer affect us as the way of old times. We don't kill people anymore for the purpose of sacrifice on some certain celebrations.  We don't prey for a good weather and harvest anymore on ceremonies for the scare of the punishment of god. That is just because we have human rights now, holding knowledge and high technology as our weapon against natural. The trend of globalization emerges us into the surge of a merging of cultural. We could see that Christmas, used to be a religion celebration, now are popular among the world, even more popular in oversea nations, for people regard  as a way of better communication. The ritual here turns into a symbol of relationship. The costume style is another good example. In ancient time, because of isolation, the identity of each tribal is clearly recognized by the way they decorated themselves. Some minority tribes always like to wear silver rings, necklaces to identify themselves such as on the Koura Island described by Anthropology Moss.  If a stranger dressing in different ways intruded, warning was properly showed to him at the first time because the dress style reflected a symbol of unsafe even evil to them. However, today, no matter in our urban or rural places, we seem no great distinguishes among the mass. People wander in the similar shopping-mall, watching the same model-shows of Paris through television, even resembling the same groups of modern people of their clothes style. So they have more possibility to dress in the same way. We could also find the fusion of costumes style, regarding as a part of culture.

We'd better say that globalization really brings so many benefits to us. As to the realm of culture, the homologous of celebrations, costumes styles and other aspects make us into a real meaning of cosmopolitan. The core of global culture- sharing, cooperation, all over the world brings to us with hidden value.

All in all, rituals and ceremonies are important part of culture in ancient times, showing their honor to worship, establishing the identities between tribes and consolidating their feeling of safety in psychological way. But today, with the trend of globalization, we can see the merging of culture in many aspects, which reflected the core of globalization culture-sharing and cooperation.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-18 16:29:11 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE8 - "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."

To stabilize a nation, the power of the government is a significant and determinable element. The power originates from the skill of implementing policies of both domestic and the diplomacy policies. Besides, owing to regulate such a big crowd of people, they must seriously consider about the skill to smooth or impede public so that the political aims can be achieved. Some hold the view that the government should withhold information from the public. But to me, whether should expose the information or withhold them is a case varied by circumstance.

To begin with, government should withhold some secret documents, which help inhibit arousing the scare from public. The enactment of every policy endured heated discussion because of involving in different groups of interests. Take some policies for example, in the World War Two, if the government told all public of their combat plans, some would follow blindness and maybe led the war to fail. The implications for national security must be withheld. The art of govern is always half truths.

However, if all information is blocked within the realm of government, it seems to lead to dictatorship. This is surely not allowed to happen in a democratic society. The constitution protects people's rights to know. So it's the governments' obligation to let the public know the domestic policies. Take examples from history, without the sign and propaganda of The Emancipation Proclamation, the North Troops would not de encouraged to fight against the slave owners and finally turned the war into a successful end. Then consider the global economic crisis. The United States withheld the condition of potential subprime crisis, which finally led to the bankrupt of giant companies. Similarly, the pieces of news of SARS in some cities were stopped by the Chinese government, scaring of arousing horrible events. However, this strengthened the spreading speed of the disease over the country. After the exposure of the pieces of news, it is too late to prevent that disaster and even aroused the panic purchase on the vinegar.

On the contrary, information disclosure would first help form an efficient government for the reason that they would get surveillances from public in the process of implement the policies. They must accomplish their promise if they want the further supports from the public. It consolidates the position of the party in power. Besides, wisdoms come out from the collective. Disclosure will inform public about what is happening in our nation as well as around the world. The suggestions will be given by the public to make solutions for government. In the end, the wellbeing of the nation will be raised. Moreover, local governments today are demanded in China to expose their financial output to avoid the corruption among the governmental officials. It seems to be an available policy.

To sum up, the extent of information disclosure should base on circumstance. The implication of national security is always needed to prohibit blindness. Yet in a democratic society, information blocked is not a wisdom choice on the consideration of the efficiency and consolidation of the government as well as the raise in the wellbeing of people.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-18 19:37:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 rourourou_dada 于 2011-3-18 19:42 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE207 - "Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are."
WORD: 526       TIME: 00:60

I concede that rituals and ceremonies are significant parts of culture which help define our identity  insofar as values, (这里是and吗?这句话我没读懂)ways of thinking reveal the hidden core of culture, which are greatly influenced by globalization.

Admittedly, rituals and ceremonies we have attended today have their long history. Our ancestors hold rituals to honor deities and prayed for harvest of food and a safe life without horrible weather. Consider, Maya shaped the newborn babies' head as the appearance of corn in the ritual, showing their worship of corn.(好血腥的例子~~) Even common actions like hand-shaking and saying hello seem to be termed rituals in ancient Greece, revealing the meaning of no weapon. Rituals and ceremonies in the ancient time definitely define the line between tribes, showing their identities, making them as strong groups(最后让他们更强大稍微有些夸张). Those appeared to be repetitive systematically actions strengthened their belongings and smoothed anxious(anxiety) in the psychological aspect.(部落的rituals and ceremonies可以区分部落的人,并加强归属感)

However, rituals and ceremonies today have far less meaning as ever before. They no longer affect us as the way of old times. We don't kill people anymore for the purpose of sacrifice on some certain celebrations.  We don't prey for a good weather and harvest anymore on ceremonies for the scare of the punishment of god. That is just because we have human rights now, holding knowledge and high technology as our weapon against natural(nature). The trend of globalization emerges us into the surge of a merging of cultural(好句!!). We could see that Christmas, used to be a religion celebration, now are popular among the world, even more popular in oversea nations, for people regard  as a way of better communication. The ritual here turns into a symbol of relationship. The costume style is another good example. In ancient time, because of isolation, the identity of each tribal is clearly recognized by the way they decorated themselves. Some minority tribes always like to wear silver rings, necklaces to identify themselves such as on the Koura Island described by Anthropology(Anthropologist) Moss.(知识真渊博……)  If a stranger dressing in different ways intruded, warning was properly showed to him at the first time because the dress style reflected a symbol of unsafe even evil to them. However, today, no matter in our urban or rural places, we seem no great distinguishes among the mass. People wander in the similar shopping-mall, watching the same model-shows of Paris through television, even resembling the same groups of modern people of their clothes style. So they have more possibility to dress in the same way. We could also find the fusion of costumes style, regarding as a part of culture.(仪式和典礼现在和以前比已经没意义,大家文化现在越来越趋同——意思是仪式和典礼不能确立一种文化吗?)最后结尾收的不是很好,让人感觉偏题,在写国际化的题目

We'd better say that globalization really brings so many benefits to us. As to the realm of culture, the homologous of celebrations, costumes styles and other aspects make us into a real meaning of cosmopolitan. The core of global culture- sharing, cooperation, all over the world brings to us with hidden value.(这段感觉偏得更厉害了……)你想说的是全球化带给我们价值,而不单单是仪式和典礼?

All in all, rituals and ceremonies are important part of culture in ancient times, showing their honor to worship, establishing the identities between tribes and consolidating their feeling of safety in psychological way. But today, with the trend of globalization, we can see the merging of culture in many aspects, which reflected the core of globalization culture-sharing and cooperation.最后应该点一下全球化让大家know whom they are(否则感觉偏题)


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-18 22:36:37 |只看该作者
I concede that rituals and ceremonies are significant parts of culture which help define our identity  insofar as values, ways of thinking reveal the hidden core of culture, which are greatly influenced by globalization. (一句话开头倒也简洁,不过我觉得还没有充分展现你的观点,似乎是mostly agree,不过提出了在全球化的趋势下,是动态发展的)

Admittedly, rituals and ceremonies we have attended today have their long history. (这个让步,紧跟上段,不错)Our ancestors hold rituals to honor deities and prayed for harvest of food and a safe life without horrible weather. Consider, Maya shaped the newborn babies' head as the appearance of corn in the ritual, showing their worship of corn.(这个例子是什么……shape,感觉好暴力的仪式……) Even common actions like hand-shaking and saying hello seem to be termed rituals in ancient Greece, revealing the meaning of no weapon. (这个例子好,贴近生活且有说服力)Rituals and ceremonies in the ancient time definitely define the line between tribes, showing their identities, making them as strong groups. Those appeared to be repetitive systematically actions strengthened their belongings and smoothed anxious in the psychological aspect.(从历史角度,既谈到了ritual 的起源,又把它的意义涉及到了,一举两得)

However, rituals and ceremonies today have far less meaning as ever before.(按时间发展安排,逻辑感不错) They no longer affect us as the way of old times. We don't kill people anymore for the purpose of sacrifice on some certain celebrations.(kill……换个词嘛)  We don't prey for a good weather and harvest anymore on ceremonies for the scare of the punishment of god. That is just because we have human rights now, holding knowledge and high technology as our weapon against natural.(这个观点很好,阐述了人类对ritual态度变化的原因) The trend of globalization emerges us into the surge of a merging of cultural. We could see that Christmas, used to be a religion celebration, now are popular among the world, even more popular in oversea nations, for people regard  as a way of better communication. The ritual here turns into a symbol of relationship.(这个总结不错) The costume style is another good example. In ancient time, because of isolation, the identity of each tribal is clearly recognized by the way they decorated themselves. Some minority tribes always like to wear silver rings, necklaces to identify themselves such as on the Koura Island described by Anthropology Moss.  If a stranger dressing in different ways intruded, warning was properly showed to him at the first time because the dress style reflected a symbol of unsafe even evil to them. However, today, no matter in our urban or rural places, we seem no great distinguishes among the mass. People wander in the similar shopping-mall, watching the same model-shows of Paris through television, even resembling the same groups of modern people of their clothes style. So they have more possibility to dress in the same way. We could also find the fusion of costumes style, regarding as a part of culture.(提出融合与隔离对ritual的影响)

We'd better say that globalization really brings so many benefits to us. As to the realm of culture, the homologous of celebrations, costumes styles and other aspects make us into a real meaning of cosmopolitan. The core of global culture- sharing, cooperation, all over the world brings to us with hidden value.(这一段变成了globalization的主语,不妥,还是用ritual在其影响下发生变化较好,不然和上下段落的关联性就削弱了)

All in all, rituals and ceremonies are important part of culture in ancient times, showing their honor to worship, establishing the identities between tribes and consolidating their feeling of safety in psychological way. But today, with the trend of globalization, we can see the merging of culture in many aspects, which reflected the core of globalization culture-sharing and cooperation.

观点独特,是从时间发展角度来考察ritual and ceremony 对人类认知的意义的,这个我倒没想到,赞一个
不过过度强调globalization了,没有进一步提出文化融合后人类认知受什么影响,说具体一些,比如 art, ……(rourou作文里面的例子)来阐述会使文章的整体分布更合理,不然读到最后感觉直接偏到globoliation 的影响中去了。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-19 10:32:27 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE16 - "Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals."

Nowadays, with the speedy development of technology, a kind of two-edged weapon, we are probably confronted with benefits as well as harms. I concede that it brings us with convenience and luxuries life that we are chasing for, in so far as it did not and will not continue in the future bring harm to us and force us to lose our strong power of being independent and become the slavery of machinery.

First and foremost, we could see that mobile phones, televisions, trains and so many other products are the fruitful results of the technology. Without mobile phones, we cannot communicate with others whenever and whatever thus the distance no matter of the time or of the space can be largely shortened. Without the invention of television, our knowledge cannot be extended to such a extent and a new horizon of the world with vivid imagines could never rise. Without the Watt who invented steam engine after a glance of the boiling water, we cannot benefit from the convenience that trains run everywhere, even to the rural places and welcome our patriots. Besides, a world without luxuries would never be accepted by those members from elite classes. They purchase those luxurious containing with high-quality silk or pearls which led to the glorious booming of modern industry and earn admiration from much general people.

Certainly, we are benefit a lot and having the kind of cozy life we are always looking for. But are we who we are? We use mobile phones to locate others and find others without privacy but we could hide ourselves, using the mobile phones as an excuse to avoid contacting with others. We watch television everyday in the name of absorbing knowledge and keeping in touch with the world’s trend without thinking about any meaning of the drama. The ability of logical thinking is absolutely to be lost and it seems that we are becoming the slavery of the television, following the kind of so-called trend or knowledge rather than to stand by our own identity. Similarly, trains are also a machine of high risk, hazarding our life. Conveniences, as well as losing of privacy, thinking ability even the risk of life are following the step of technology.

More importantly, it is the losing of our identity and independence. Consider those luxuries, people are wandering in the resembled supermarkets, wearing the same style of customs, and even the preference of modern is tend to alike. We could only define us by the differences between the brands of modern industries to show our stratum in this world thus strengthen our belongings to lower class, middle class or the elite. We can not see the merits from this. The modern forces us to become is, not ourselves.

So in short, we look most part that the technology and modern society bring to us without ignoring the losing of privacy, thinking ability even the risk of life that it brings to us. Even more, the losing of identity, we have to consider, means we are the slavery of machinery.

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