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[农学] 贴几个食品专业申请的PS [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-7-25 17:41:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Degree desired: Doctorate
Proposed field of Study: Food Science & Technology

Microbiological food safety has always been a focus of concern for the food processing industry and the public. Food spoilage microorganisms are responsible for approximately one-fourth of the total amount of food disposed throughout the world (Huss, 1992). Society also pays a huge economic price for the illnesses caused by foodborne pathogens and concomitant decrease of productivity. Thus my major interest is in researching methods for detecting microorganisms in the food system and the means for controlling or eliminating them.

After I received my master''s degree and serving two years in the military, I started working as an Associate Food Scientist at the Food Industry Research and Development Institute (FIRDI) in September, 1990. For the first 22 months there I was a lecturer in the Training Unit, where I taught about food processing plants as a part of employee training under the "Food GMP Authorization and Promotion Plan" and the "Promotion of CAS (Chinese Agricultural Standards ) Quality Mark System" .Both are important official systems for ensuring food quality in Taiwan nowadays; nevertheless, they lean toward plant hygienic layout and design, and end-product inspection.

At my request, I transferred to the HACCP Working Group in July, 1992. This one-year on-line microbiological survey and monitor of food processing factories advanced my understanding of environmental stresses on microorganisms and the methods of destroying them. My co-workers and I submitted the proposals "The HACCP System for Production of Frozen Roasted Eel" and "The HACCP System for Production of Ice Bar" in June, 1993. HACCP is a preventive system of food safety. It is more effective and reasonable than conventional quality assurance programs based on end-production testing. This system has been introduced into Taiwan by FIRDI for over four years. However, the concept of HACCP is still frequently misunderstood or little known, partly because plant management often mistakes it for a "trouble-shooting" system, not a "trouble-preventing" one. Another reason is the complexity of decisions about where the "real" CCPs are located and what the applicable criteria are for preventing a false sense of security. Taiwan is demanding of specialists in this field.

From July, 1993, to the present I have been the Assistant Manager, R&D Division, in Kasei Frozen Foods Works Co., Ltd. Fortunately I could employ my knowledge here in Kasei to achieve an ambitious dream of mine:the "Umbrella of Quality Assurance." This encompassed the hygienic design of the processing equipment and layout of this plant, employee training and hygienic management, cleaning and disinfection procedures, sampling and inspection plans, HACCP system, etc. These broadly describe my research interests.

In order to enhance my research abilities, I have taken courses in SAS (Statistical Analysis System) at Taiwan Institute of Technology. In February, 1995, I will attend 90 hours of classes in "Technology of Food Quality Control Program for High-level Management" at China Productivity Center (CPC). In the subsequent months, I am also planning to study books relevant to food microbiology to make up for my lack of formal training. And then, most importantly, I would like to begin intensive study at your graduate school.

If I am admitted, I will apply my effort into achieving the following goals:

(1) To acquire the knowledge of microbiological phenomena in foods. I plan to take some advanced courses related to food microbiology, including the following topics: microbial ecology, control and elimination methods in food microbiology, food pathogenic bacteriology and foodborne disease hazards, food toxicology, microbiological deterioration, shelf-life extension, establishment of microbiological criteria, methods of sampling, enumerating, isolating and identifying microorganisms, etc.

(2) To advance my understanding of plant sanitation. At present, few scholars here are carrying out research on this subject. I strongly desire to gain expertise in hygienic design of food processing equipment, cleaner and sanitizer efficacy, biofilm, waste product handling, etc. If the situation warrants, I may also consider taking HACCP training courses on or off campus.

(3) To improve my abilities with statistics and computer applications. Because statistical procedures are essential tools in food research, I intend to take courses related to this area at your institute. Upon the completion of my studies,I will return to Taiwan. I aspire to devoting myself to teaching in colleges or continuing my research work in a research institute where I can serve the food industry more.

Huss, H.H. (1992) Development and use of the HACCP concept in fish processing.
Int''l. J. of Food Microbiology. 15, pp33-44.
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-7-25 17:42:25 |只看该作者
Personal Statement

Applied Program: Food and Resource Economics

In the summer of 2003, most parts of China were experiencing an almost intolerable heat. By contrast, my advisor and I spent an important part of the summer in the cold mountain areas that were also economically undeveloped—we were doing field trip in the XX Region of XX Province, whose level of economic development lags far behind the average national standard, to investigate the agricultural resources that could be exploited. For a whole month, we carried out extensive and detailed surveys in four counties and this experience of undertaking field trip has become my most memorable and fruitful portion of my undergraduate life.

XX Province, which is located in the remote west of China, is a typical poor province of the country and its agricultural production is at a very low level. In particular, the XX Region which we investigated displays some of the worst conditions of rural economy—farmers live in abject poverty, the means of farming is technologically primitive and the regions lacks diversified modes of agricultural production. However, our one-month survey indicates that that the regions abound in special local products. The essential problem for the region is that it has little access to effective capital investment. Taking those factors into consideration, we proposed to the local government that important changes should be introduced into the existing pattern of agricultural production—instead of growing the conventional cash crops that have become unprofitable, the region should concentrate on the extensive development and exploitation of its special local resources. As for the capital input, I came up with my independent suggestion that factories be set up through flexible means of financing so that the special local farm products can receive preliminary processing to increase their added value, which could further facilitate their circulation on the local and non-local markets. The agricultural department of the local government attached great importance to our propositions and gave us very positive comments.

This field trip was a shocking but stimulating experience for me as a college student who has grown up in a city.  The single-patterned agricultural production and the failure to tap the rich agricultural resources commercially are the primary source of economic depression for the local farmers. This realization has prompted me to the determination to seek an advanced education abroad where I can learn advanced concepts of agricultural development. This may enable me to contribute my efforts to the prosperous rural development of China, especially that of the western region. With this in mind, I solemnly apply for a Master’s program in Food and Resource Economics from the University of XX. Underlying this application are not only my heartfelt enthusiasm for changing the relatively undeveloped agricultural condition of China but also my implicit faith in my ability to complete my proposed program successfully, a faith based on my firm academic foundation, my demonstrated capacity to carry out independent research, and the rich practical experience I have accumulated.

I completed my undergraduate program in XX University, one of the universities with the longest history in China. I majored in International Economics and Trade at the School of Economics. In my 4-year undergraduate career, I received systematic education in international economics and trade and commanded the basic methods to perform research and analysis in economics. In my extracurricular hours, I made full use of our university’s newly-established E-library to consult a large amount of technical literature, both domestic and international, concerning the latest theories of economics and rural economy. My diligent efforts at coursework and effective study strategies led to my distinguished academic performance in my major courses and in mathematics, with an overall GPA of 83/100 (ranking among the top 5 of my class) and winning several scholarships for outstanding academic performance.

The ability to carry out independent research is another important aspect that distinguishes me from my classmates. My thesis, entitled A Tentative Study of the Problems Faced by China’s Rural Economy in Attracting Foreign Investment and Their Countermeasures, focuses on the most serious problems that have happened to China’s rural economy in exploiting foreign investment—limited volume in overall foreign investment and even smaller percentage of hi-tech investment. This gave exposure to two important issues in China’s rural development –the problematic nature of agriculture as public entity and the insufficient attention to rural insurance. By applying the mathematical input-output model in microeconomics, I verified my research results and investigated the necessity to increase the public input in the rural sector. Rated as “Excellent”, my thesis has been published in the country’s Level-II journal XX Agricultural Studies (Issue 8, 2003).

An important extracurricular experience of mine is that Since July 2000 I have been working part-time at the Business Department of XX City’s XXXX Automation Engineering Information Co. Ltd where my chief responsibility is to perform market analysis and resource development. I participated in the negotiation, planning and operation of several major agricultural development projects of the company. To an undergraduate like me, all those experiences have become a rare opportunity to receive trainings beyond the academic coursework. I have prized this opportunity very much by trying my best to apply my knowledge to the solution of real-world problems. I won two awards in 2002— Outstanding Employee Award and Special Contribution Award. But the real benefit I obtained from those experiences is that I have learned about the tremendous potential of China’s market of agricultural products. But I am equally impressed by the fact that China’s present-day agricultural development is marred by the absence of a sound agency mechanism. In this age of increasing globalization, including that in the agricultural sector, I see a growing need for specialists in rural economy who are well-acquainted with Chinese situations on one hand and equipped with systematic knowledge and international trainings in rural economy on the other.

XX is universally acknowledged as a leading country in agricultural development. Its forestry, fishery, animal husbandry are well-developed. In particular, in the exploitation of agricultural resources, the agency system of agricultural products and agricultural insurance, XX has set up a model for the rest of the world. In this great country is born the unparalleled program in Food and Resource Economics at the University of XX, arguably the best of its kind in North America and in the world. At the same time, I greatly admire the spirit of originality and creativity advocated by this great university, the congenial student-student relationship and student-teacher relationship. In addition, the program lays special emphasis on the fusion of theory and application. It is my conviction that to be engaged in this program will enable me to learn the most advanced theories in rural policy, resource economics, and rural trade Those factors are the very motivation behind my present application.

“If you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm, as you get older you should remember that you have another hand .One is to help yourself and the second is to help others.”Through a more advanced degree program in Food and Resource Economics, I can receive necessary academic input with which I can facilitate, in a more professional manner, the modernization campaign of China’s rural economy. In this way I may help a greater number of farmers currently living in poverty improve their material well-being. This is my ideal and the most important motivation underlying my academic efforts past, present and future.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-7-25 17:43:27 |只看该作者
Personal Statement
Program Applied: Food Chemistry & Engineering

“It is never too much to make the food delicious to eat and to mince the meat in a most exquisite manner.” This is what China’s ancient philosopher Confucius had to comment 2000 years ago on the pristine form of food engineering. In the recorded history of two to three thousand years, China developed the world’s most comprehensive and most fascinating culinary legacy. However, in the modern period, on account of China’s limited research capacity in food chemistry and biochemistry, the level of food processing has obviously lagged behind that of western countries. As a Bachelor of Engineering from the Department of Food Science and Engineering of XX University, I would frequently feel a strong sense of responsibility whenever I hear of the aborted exportation of China’s agricultural and sideline products due to quarantine problems, or the incredible discrepancy between China’s huge food productivity and its international market share. With the lapse of time, this sense of responsibility has evolved into a determination to pursue a Master’s program in a prestigious overseas university where I can acquire high-level knowledge, both theoretical and technological, of food chemistry and biochemistry.

A careful comparative study of many universities that offer programs in my proposed field has brought me to prioritize on your esteemed university, which fascinates me with its outstanding research strengths and its high-quality education by accomplished professors. By consulting relevant technical literature in food science and soliciting opinions from food chemists in my own country who are well-informed of international academia, I have decided to make your university my sole choice. Of course, I am well aware that, to be admitted into such a renowned university as yours, I am bound to face fierce competitions. Yet, my sound and comprehensive academic background in my chosen field, my dexterous chemical experimental skills, and independent research capacity endows me with full confidence to stand up to those competitions.

Academically, the College of Economic Technology, XX University, enjoys considerable reputation in China’s tobacco industry and its curriculum features comprehensive professional training in food chemistry. The curriculum lays special emphasis on the establishment of a solid groundwork across diverse fields, ranging from food chemistry, food processing, food bioengineering, to food quality analysis. Whether in classroom instructions or in trainings of experimental skills, our teachers all endeavored to cultivate in us a deep understanding of the knowledge of food chemistry through the analysis and elaborations on tobacco as a special food. Meanwhile, our college exposed us to various practical opportunities to participate in the research, production and inspection of various types of foods. Thus, the graduates in tobacco specialty can not only find employment with major tobacco manufacturers across the country, but also with general food science and research institutes as well as with enterprises engaged in fine chemical engineering production.

While paying special attention to developing students’ specialized knowledge, our College also requires students to be academically rigorous and competition-conscious. Under the stringent grading system of our university, it was not easy to achieve high scores unless one works hard. Therefore I was always the last to leave library every evening and for four years of my undergraduate program I ranked among the top few in my class (my overall average score is 81/100), winning scholarship at departmental level each year, including one scholarship for “Outstanding Score”. It is safe for me to say that I have laid a sound theoretical foundation in food chemistry.

If coursework required me of tremendous efforts, chemical experiments was a constant source of joy for me. In connection with my coursework in Tobacco Raw Material, Tobacco Smoke Chemistry, and Surface Active Agents, I not only completed all the required subjects of experiment but also took an active part in relevant research programs of the university by undertaking some experiment operations. Although I was paid very little for the limited funding of those programs, it was a great satisfaction to observe the magic processes of chemical reactions and I was able to accumulate considerable practical experience in the selection of chemicals for experiments and in the control of experiment conditions. My significant improvement in hands-on abilities helped me excel most of my classmates.

Due to my distinguished academic and experimental performance, I came to the attention of our College’s food chemist and when I started to do my graduation project I was admitted into a research project undertaken by our university “The Reduction of Overall Volatilizable Aldehyde in Main Smoke”, which was the first of its kind in our country. By consulting a considerable amount of technical literature by international research institutes and universities, we applied different kinds of derivative chitosan and other new types of additives to add into the filter. We also adopted colotimetry to determine the concentration of the overall volatilizable aldehyde in the smoke and proved by large amount of data that chitosan can play important effect in reducing the aldehydes. Based on those research findings, I completed my thesis entitled Decreasing Overall Volatilizable Aldehyde (Acetaldehydes) by Adding New Types of Additives, winning positive comments from the Academic Evaluation Panel of the College. With its original concepts, substantial data and rigorous elaboration, my graduation project was rated “Excellent”.

My important performance in the research project impressed my advisor, who considered me to be of sound potential in food chemistry. Considering the inadequate research conditions and limited research level, my advisor strongly urges me to pursue much advanced education abroad and has warmly recommended your university.

I understand that applying for your Master’s program is both an important challenge and an important opportunity. I will be exposed to many world-renowned scholars and to the most updated knowledge and technology. I will be able to assimilate those concepts and methodologies different from those of my own country. I plan to attend a variety of taught courses to enrich my theoretical buildup. Meanwhile, I will avail myself of your rich educational and research resources, including reading much technical literature and extensively attending academic conferences. I will also continue to improve my experimental skills. Finally, by combining theory with practice, I will choose a meaningful project to work on to achieve some possible academic breakthroughs. It is my conviction that your program will develop me into a successful food engineer.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-7-25 17:44:37 |只看该作者
Personal Statement

Applied Program: Food Engineering

I have been fascinated with the science of food and food products since long before I knew I could earn a degree by studying the subject. I have always enjoyed experimenting with recipes and discovering how and why food would turn out a certain way. Unfortunately, I was not able to begin my university studies immediately after high school because I failed the National College Entrance exam due to carelessness and a lack of the willpower to study. It was a bitter lesson for me, but I did not give up and spent a sweltering summer studying countless textbooks. The hard work paid off, and I was accepted by the Food and Science and Engineering department of the Tianjin University of Commerce in 1997. This experience also gave me determination, drive and a sense of responsibility. Meanwhile, impressed by my perseverance, my parents promised to give me a chance by offering their financial and moral support.

I was determined not to let this opportunity slip away and I worked and studied very hard. As a result, I was able to earn two degrees at the same time with an excellent academic record. I was also a member of the Class Committee and our department’s Student Union. I took part in many sports such as table tennis and basketball, and developed the habit of working out at the gym twice a week. These extracurricular activities helped me to relax and maintain a focus on my academic studies while also contributing to my self-confidence.

During my sophomore year, I took part in a student research training program. As a group, we conducted research into the properties and utilization of soybeans. This was a tremendous learning process for me because I had to learn and comprehend a level of professional knowledge in a research area with which I was previously unfamiliar, but within one month I was well acquainted with the whole program. By participating in this project, I learned media preparation, food analysis methods and other basic experiment skills. It was very exciting to see my roommates and classmates enjoy the food products that we designed.

Despite my academic success, I still felt that I lacked focus in determining what I wanted to do in the future. I attended a lecture by a celebrated professor named Haoqian Tang, which proved to be a turning point in my academic career. Professor Tang opened my eyes to the advantages of interdisciplinary study by showing us that food science and technology should not be approached as an isolated field that is unrelated to the other sciences, rather that the other disciplines should strengthen and invigorate the subject. Professor Tang’s wisdom held the solution to my lack of focus. Following that morning’s revelation, I took a second look at my plan of undergraduate study and registered for a second major in Information Systems Management, which gave me a tremendous working knowledge in computer technology. Although this second major gave me a huge workload of forty class hours every week, it taught me valuable time management skills and how to use computer technology in the area of food engineering. Thanks to Professor Tang’s provocative interdisciplinary theory, I gained a clearer perspective on the principles of food science and technology as well as my own future.

My professors noticed my newfound vigor and helped to push me to an even higher learning level. During my senior year, we were assigned to design a milk processing plant. I not only accomplished my work in advance but also designed the milk plant using CAD/CAM. This work experience put Mechanical Drawing into practice and also sharpened my insight into the whole procedure of plant design and manufacturing technology. I then found myself deeply absorbed in the design field. My thesis was titled “The Application of the Electronic Nose”, which combined my knowledge of computers with my interest in food engineering. I set up an “electronic nose” with a sensor system and a computer recognition system that was able to detect pork meat odors by using gas sensors that measure the change in voltage due to the presence of certain chemicals. This allowed for mechanically judging whether pork meat was spoiled, which earned me high praise from my supervisor. Although the research only proved a small step toward understanding the spoilage mechanism, it was a big step for me. Through this work, I acquired valuable experience in every aspect of independent research, and I learned the value of integrating many disciplines within one project.

My studies in your Ph.D. program can help me to further develop my interest in the field of food science and engineering. I am fascinated with food engineering theory and equipment and mechanical drawing. I would like to conduct further research into improving existing food equipment or even inventing something entirely new that will help create safer food products. My primary research interest lies in the study of biosensor technology and its applications in the field of food engineering.

At Texas A&M, I am interested in working closely with Dr. Rosana G. Moreira as my supervisor. Dr. Moreira has indicated an interest in further study in biosensor technology and the development of nano-biosensors to detect microorganisms in foods, which falls in line with my academic interests. I would also like to work and study with Dr. Elena Castell-Perez because she is the Director for the Center of Food Processing and Engineering at Texas A & M, and I believe that I could learn much practical knowledge by studying under her guidance.

In the future, I would like to be able to design and develop my own food equipment for use in food engineering. Processing efficiencies related to the use of resources such as energy and water in a number of food operations will require dramatic improvements in the food engineering field. After carefully comparing the strengths of many universities, I found that the Institute of Food Science and Engineering at Texas A & M University would provide the ideal environment to continue learning. It provides a competitive and inspiring academic atmosphere, the chance for active and fruitful research, access to state-of- the-art facilities, and close interaction between students and its distinguished faculty. Perhaps most importantly, Texas A & M food scientists synthesize all of the sciences to make new breakthroughs in research. I know that I can thrive in this environment, and I look forward to your program to enrich my competency as a scholar and accomplished food science professional


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发表于 2006-7-25 22:16:03 |只看该作者
Thanks very much!

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发表于 2006-7-26 10:00:58 |只看该作者

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发表于 2006-7-27 22:23:47 |只看该作者

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发表于 2007-7-27 01:02:23 |只看该作者

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发表于 2007-8-9 17:07:15 |只看该作者
nice nice....

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发表于 2007-8-13 14:12:16 |只看该作者
thanks for sharing....

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发表于 2007-9-5 04:18:20 |只看该作者
thank U~

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发表于 2007-9-5 22:00:09 |只看该作者

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发表于 2007-9-6 03:41:02 |只看该作者
thanks for sharing....

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发表于 2008-9-30 15:44:41 |只看该作者

Thanks you!

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发表于 2008-10-4 22:09:32 |只看该作者


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