V: You just come here 2 weeks ago, why come here again? what's the change?
M: 对不起,因为没过,所以我的答案不能说:P
V: En...(seems resonable) So, how much universities did you applied?
V: How did you know this Univ? (指着i-20我要去的学校)
V: Why not Chinese Univ.?
V: ...(看电脑) but why you last time said ...? (他居然告诉我上个vo怎么纪录的,真是kind啊`~~!心里无限感激,同时把上个vo咒骂了1k遍!
M: ...
V: So, what's your future plan? (正在我高兴终于问到这个问题的时候)(连续发难) Why not find a job in US? The Salary will be higher than in China?
M: (脱口而出)I don't think so! (话一出口,自己就知道,完了!)
V: 作ft状... So, tell me what's your salary when you come back?
V: EnHeng... 开始玩儿电脑了
M: 胡乱说了一气,没有逻辑了
V: I apologize, I really apologize。。。 But I agree with my collegues (章)