16.A computer network consists of n interconnected processors. What is the minimum number of communication likes to provide two distinct paths between any two processors?
(A) ?|n/2| (B) n(n-1)/2 (C) n(n-1) (D) n (E) 2n
19. Suppose that {S1,S2,……SN} is a set of N fixed- length strings ordered alphabetically so that S1 < S2 <…< Sn .
Suppose that these strings are held in some binary search tree, where nodes consist of a string , a pointer to the parent (nil if the node is the root), a pointer to the left child(nil if none), and a pointer to the right child(nil if none). The worst-case time to locate the node holding Si+1 given the node holding Si over all i , 1≤S<N,and of all possible binary search trees for S1,S2,……SN has order
(A) 1 (B) log 2 N (C) N (D) N log 2 N (E) N 2
28. 29. 题目没有看懂,可以翻译一下吗?
36 Consider the following program segment written in a block structured language (Which is not Pascal) that uses a stack discipline for a allocating local variables.
var x , y : real;
var i , j : integer;
for i: =1 to 10 do
var j : integer;
j : = l;
for j : = 1 to 10 do
var y : real;
y : = 2.0 * j
end ;
suppose integer variables and real variables require one word of storage per variable . How many words of storage are required for the variables of the program segment above ?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 14 (E) 24