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本帖最后由 kingwyf87 于 2012-8-30 21:51 编辑
对于申请PhD的同学来说,建议大家不要像硕士申请一样把每个国家Top XXX前所有的学校信息一一查看,可能刚刚开始申请的同学会觉得这样所查询的信息会比较全也并不花多长时间,可真正这样做时你会发现工作量会很大。举个例子来说,申请者打算申请CS方向,但在查询某所学校时发现自己也可以申请EE、Information、Industrial Engineering等系的PhD,于是对于一个学校可能要看的信息就会涉及很多院系、专业,跟申请硕士不同的是PhD的申请一定要浏览所申院系教授的信息,这样不同的院系、专业都会有很多的教授,你所需要查询的信息就会非常多。所以如果申请精力有限,千万不要这么做,否则只会浪费你大量的宝贵申请时间。
那么究竟该怎么查询学校的信息呢?总的来说就是要以教授为导向,来选择申请的学校和专业。这样做的原因是,对于PhD的申请一般都是需要在入学前选好导师的,一般来说导师对于申请者都会有他自己的一套标准,所以仅仅查询专业和系里对申请者的要求是远远不够的,就算能达到系里的要求也不一定达到所申教授的要求。对于自己心仪的教授,他所在的学校和专业就是大家考虑要申请的(如果教授隶属于学校的很多院系,那具体申学校的什么专业可以跟导师沟通后再做决定),怎么做?具体来说:首先,要大致明确自己所申请的研究方向,而不是简简单单的CS、EE,而是属于CS、EE领域中的大体的研究分支与方向,如:ArtificialIntelligence,Operating System,Architecture, Computer Vision等,当然例子中的分支方向也并不是非常具体,每个分支中仍然包含很多小分支的研究方向,所以对于明确自己今后PhD研究所从事的更为具体的小研究方向时,可以进一步缩小选择的范围,但对于一般的申请者来说缩小到类似所列举例子中的研究方向即可。其次,就是大家要找到自己未来PhD研究领域、方向中的大牛教授,为什么找大牛教授呢?很简单,大家既然选择出国读PhD就要师从名师,这样对你今后在学术领域中的发展会很有帮助:各种人力资源、项目申请、国际合作、刊发高水平论文等等。而怎么样寻找自己研究领域、方向中的大牛教授呢?一般来说,我们在一些经典教材中会有很多涉及的国外教授,他们可以算是大牛,但你会发现可能很多教材里所涉及的教授都已仙逝,你或许可以查询到该教授弟子的信息,俗话说虎父无犬子,这些大牛的弟子一般来说也属于大牛。当然,更好的方法是关注你研究领域、方向中的顶级期刊、会议,如:Science,Nature,American Association for AINational Conference,一般顶级期刊都会有作者的信息和介绍,大牛教授必会在这些顶级期刊和会议中发表自己或者实验室相关的论文,否则他可能已经退休多年或者至少不能算为active researcher ,这样的导师就算是大牛也不建议大家选择。再次,查看这些大牛的学术主页,一般来说教授会写一些对于申请者的要求、建议和期望等等,仔细阅读教授主页上与招生相关的信息,当然也可以发邮件询问(注:可能不会得到回复特别是米国的教授,关于套磁信后面会提到),这样就可以初步确定自己所申请的学校和专业。最后,仔细阅读所申请专业系里的要求(一般在学校相关院系中都有详细的信息,当然有不明白的问题可以直接邮件、电话咨询系里负责招生的小秘)。如果这么找下来仍不能满足自己的名校情结,可以再看看dream school里相关导师的信息,进一步完善申请的学校和专业。
在初步筛选出所要申请的学校、专业后就要着手撰写自己的CV了。一般来说,在第一封给教授的套磁信中建议大家附上自己的CV,除非有些教授在个人主页中明确写到不希望收到的邮件包含任何附件(但可以给你自己的学术主页链接,这就涉及一个需不需要制作自己的个人学术主页问题,见Questions & Answers部分说明)。关于CV的写作,各论坛里都有很多相关的帖子供大家学习,我就不在这里赘述了。此外,建议大家多看看国外教授主页中他们自己的CV是怎么写的,怎么组织的,涉及什么内容。当然,教授的CV仅供参考,里面的信息很多申请者是不可能有的,而有些信息,如,教育背景什么的,作为PhD申请时要比教授CV中写的详细些。
套磁信需要注意的地方:(1)套磁信的格式要符合国外书信的一般习惯,开头、结尾注意使用礼貌用语;(2)正文内容要言简意赅,切勿拖沓冗余,教授没有很多的时间看你写的很长的邮件,如果他对你所提到或者CV里的某个项目经历感兴趣,在回信时他一定会提出来,那时你再详细地回复教授的问题;(3)邮件的标题一定要突出主题,避免淹没在教授的邮件箱里,建议加入教授一些反应其特征的信息,如,教授实验室的名字等;(4)如果邮件发送一周后,仍没有收到回复邮件,可再给教授重新发邮件,并在邮件中提到一下你之前给他发过邮件;(5)如果收到教授的回复邮件,在之后你们往来的回复中建议始终使用你最初所发的这封邮件主题,一般不要另起主题再发邮件给教授,这样以便教授查阅之前你们来往邮件的内容;(6)尽量避免给隶属于同一个系的教授们同时发邮件,而是要前后相隔一段时间,如,一周左右, 但如果是不同系的教授间可以同时给他们发套磁邮件。
E.g.1 Manythanks for your email and apologies for the late reply. Your CV looks reallyimpressive. Also, there is really good overlap between the areas that interestyou and those that interest me. So, in principle, I would be open to superviseyou.
E.g.2 Manythanks for your email and interest in the work here at XXX. I am looking forhigh quality students for next year, yes. Your CV looks impressive.
E.g.3 Afterreading your CV I would be very keen for you to apply to study at XXX. AlthoughXXX is not my area I believe the techniques we work on could potentially beapplied successfully.
E.g.4 Yourbackground is solid and interesting. I encourage you to apply for admission. Ifyou write my name in your statement of interest, you material will be directedto me. Good luck.
E.g.5 YourCV is excellent and I am certainly am interested in supervising you for a PhD.
E.g.6 Thankyou for your interest in my research. You do have an interesting background.
E.g.1 We wouldcertainly welcome your application to our graduate program. Admissions decisionsare not made by individual faculty, but by the department as a whole.
E.g.2 I wouldencourage you to apply to our PhD program. I can supervise students in eitherComputer Science or Engineering.
E.g.3 Iappreciate your interest. You have a good resume. We may have an opening nextyear but I am not certain about its availability at this early date.
E.g.4 Thankyou for your inquiry. Yes, I am accepting new students; however, you first needto be admitted into the XXX. I would be glad to speak with you “after” you havebeen admitted.
E.g.5 Thanksfor your interest. I would encourage you to apply to our department officiallyonline. Please make sure all your supplementary documents will arrive before thedeadline.
E.g.6 Your CVlooks interesting. XXX is not my currentarea of research. So I have passed you CV on to some of my colleagues who mightbe interested. (好心的教授可以把你的CV转给系里其他的教授)
E.g.1 Thankyou for your inquiry, but I am not taking on any more students at this time. Goodluck in your future studies.
E.g.2 Thankyou for your interest in my research program. Unfortunately, I have no fundingavailable. I wish you best of luck on your career.
E.g.3 Thankyou for your interest, but regret that I do not have positions open.
Eg.4 Iam on leave this year and not taking any new students.
4、构思Research Proposal
对于UK学校PhD的申请来说,Research Proposal几乎都是需要提交的,当然在第一封或者之后与教授沟通中,教授也会问问你关于Research Proposal的问题。
下面我们来看看国外教授邮件中关于Research Proposal的部分回复内容:
E.g.1 I wouldneed a half page research proposal. I know that you have outlined a few ideasbut I would need something a little more concrete. I doubt this would be whatyour PhD was about but it gives me some idea of a single idea, your writingstyle, whether you can access the scientific literature etc.
E.g.2 Whenyou fill out the application form, please note down my name in the researchproposal section. This will eventually route the application to me. (可见联系导师的重要性) Once we have received your application we can giveyou further feedback regarding your suitability for study here.
E.g.3 I thinkthat the next stage for you is to fill out the online application form. If youwant me to look through your research proposal before you submit it then dosend it to me.
E.g.4 If youwere to apply to my group, I would only be interested in taking people whowanted to work either on XXX or XXX, as these are now the major focus of mygroup. We have a great deal of work to build on here in both of these areas. Whichof these areas interests you, and why?
E.g.5 Whichaspects of my work are you particularly interested in? Do you have any ideas forPhD proposal yet?
E.g.6 Can youtell me a little bit about your interest in our group? What about our researchinterests you?
关于怎样写Research Proposal,由于专业的不同,研究方向的不同可能差异会很大,一般系里关于申请提交文件的主页中可能会对Research Proposal的写作有guideline,大家在申请时请仔细阅读,论坛也有很多帖子教大家大致怎么来写,也有很多写作范例,所以这里我也不再过多地赘述了。但需要提醒大家的是,Research Proposal一定要跟导师沟通,教授会给你很多建议,可以不断地完善自己的proposal,尽量避免在未跟所申导师有任何沟通的情况下就在学校的申请系统中匆忙提交你的Research Proposal。
下面我们来看看国外教授邮件中关于Research Proposal的写法的建议:
Theresearch proposals are anything from one paragraph to 10 pages (at least that Ihave seen). The point is to show that you think like a researcher and know whatgood research problems look like. Since you are applying for funding, I thinkit would be helpful if you wrote 2-4 pages. But since you have alreadypublished papers, you could also keep the proposal pretty short (e.g. 1-2pages) and attach extra PDFs with one or two of your best papers.
5、关于Recommendation Letter
关于Recommendation Letter(RL)的写作方法论坛里有很多帖子可供大家参考,这里我就不做过多的赘述了。由于各种原因,中国学生所提交的RL的真实性多少会受到国外院系、教授的质疑。我想说,对于PhD的申请建议大家还是提交一些真实可信的推荐信,没必要为了和某“大牛”扯上关系就随意编造RL。
6、撰写Personal Statement及其他申请相关的材料
当大家已经明确了自己所要申的学校、专业以及导师后,就可以登录学校相关的系统中输入、提交自己的申请材料了。一般来说,在申请时学校申请系统除了让你输入诸如个人信息、教育背景、研究经历等等外,以及之前所说的CV、Research Proposal、Recommendation Letter外,学校大都还需要申请者提交Personal Statement(PS),部分米国的学校还需要提交Personal History(PH)。
下面我们先来看看UC Berkeley对PS以及PH的写作建议:
TheStatement of Purpose asks:
Pleasedescribe your aptitude and motivation for graduate study in your area of specialization,including your preparation for this field of study, your academic plans orresearch interests in your chosen area of study, and your future career goals.Please be specific about why UC Berkeley would be a good intellectual fit foryou.
ThePersonal History Statement:
In anessay, discuss how your personal background informs your decision to pursue agraduate degree. Please include any educational, familial, cultural, economic,or social experiences, challenges, or opportunities relevant to your academicjourney; how you might contribute to social or cultural diversity within yourchosen field; and/or how you might serve educationally underrepresentedsegments of society with your degree.
Guidelinesfor your Academic Statement:
YourAcademic Statement should be a concise statement of your plans for graduatestudy, your career goals, and how MSU’s graduate program will help you meetyour career and educational objectives. Your Academic Statement must includethe following statement: “My intended area of specialization in the graduateprogram in (DEPARTMENT) at Michigan State University will be in_________________.” If you have already been in contact with faculty or staffat MSU regarding your application for graduate studies, please list thesecontacts in your Academic Statement.
Whenpreparing your Academic Statement, please include the following information:
Brieflydescribe key experiences that led you to graduate studies. Examples mightinclude research experiences, internships, coursework or extracurricularactivities. Share specific, relevant examples of how these experiences helpedyou develop skills for success as a graduate student. For instance, you mightdemonstrate ways that you have synthesized knowledge from the classroom,developed research skills, communicated effectively, acted as a leader, orgained skills and responsibility over time. Make a clear connection betweenyour previous experiences and your current interest in graduate studies. If yourintended area of specialization in graduate school differs significantly fromyour previous experiences, please briefly explain why you decided to changefocus. If applicable, explain any gaps or discrepancies in your academic recordand share unusual obstacles or hardships that you have overcome in pursuit ofyour educational objectives. Explain how your goals for graduate study relateto your longer-term career plans, including the pursuit of additional degreesor certifications if applicable.
Guidelinesfor your Personal Statement:
YourPersonal Statement should concisely describe how your background and lifeexperiences – including social, economic, cultural, familial, educational, orother opportunities or challenges – motivated your decision to pursue agraduate degree.
Whenpreparing your Personal Statement, please address the following questions:
Howwell do your personal goals for education and research fit with the interestsof our faculty and the research activities within our department? Brieflydescribe research areas or questions that you find interesting and identify anyspecific faculty, labs or research projects at MSU that are of particularinterest to you. How have you demonstrated your leadership skills, or yourpotential as a leader? For example, you might share specific examples of howyou made contributions as an officer in a student organization or how youassumed a leadership role within a team or during a professional internship.You could also discuss your potential for leadership in graduate school andafterwards by sharing your career goals and discussing your capacity to make adistinctive professional or scholarly contribution in your field. How have youcontributed to a diverse educational community, or how will you do so as agraduate student? How have you promoted understanding among persons ofdifferent backgrounds and ideas, or how will you do so as a graduate student?Examples might include service activities, leadership roles, study abroad,language study, etc. If applicable, please describe any barriers or obstaclesthat you have overcome in pursuit of your educational or personal goals.Examples might include economic, social or health challenges, being the firstin your family to attend college, family obligations, etc. If applicable,please describe aspects of your personal background that will enhance thediversity of MSU’s graduate student body, such as being multi-lingual,participating in a McNair or TRIO program, attending a minority-servinginstitution, etc. If applicable, please describe anything else in your personalhistory, experience, or aspirations that distinguishes you from otherapplicants to our graduate programs.
E.g.1 I am inprinciple happy to take more students, but the issue will be funding. Veryexceptional non-EU students sometimes get funding from the University. Butotherwise it is difficult to fund someone from China unless they come withtheir own scholarship funding.
E.g.2 However,funding is very competitive. Based on our previous experience, the successfulscholarship winners were normally ranked in the top 1-3% in their year (notjust in their class) of their university.
E.g.3 How willyour PhD be funded? Do you have a scholarship? Unfortunately, currently wedon't have any funding available. If you are still interested you could applyfor admission to a PhD by completing an application form available online andwe will look at it - will arrange an interview if the committee considerssuitable.
E.g.4 However,I am aware that we do not have any scholarship within the school available forinternational students. Should you be made an offer, it would be up to you tosecure a scholarship in order to cover the tuition fees and the cost of living.
E.g.5 However,admission to do a PhD here at XXX is a competitive process wherequalifications, references and, importantly, funding all play a role.
E.g.6 Onemajor issue though, will be funding. The university does award a limited numberof overseas bursaries that reduce the fees to EU rates - these are verycompetitive. What are your potential sources of funding?
E.g.7 PhDscholarships are quite tricky and whether I have a place available will dependon what grants the University receives. We will advertise the projects as they becomeavailable. Probably the best thing would be for you to apply to the University,giving a detailed description of the sorts of area you'd like to work on.
E.g.8 However,I currently have no funding to support you. This means that you would have to findfunding for your PhD. Alternatively you could just apply to our department andthere might be a possibility that another academic in the Intelligent SystemsResearch Group has the funding to support you. There are other mechanisms forfunding that you could investigate.
E.g.9 Currentlymy funded graduate student positions are all full. There might be a chance thatI get additional funding next year, though there is no guarantee for that.Please send me a note in early 2012 for funding updates.
通过前面1~7部分的内容,我想大家应该对于UK PhD的申请有会比较详细的了解。再次强调,导师在UK PhD的申请中扮演着十分重要的角色,及时地与教授进行沟通,在整个的申请中你会有很多意外的收获。需要提醒大家的是,虽然本文是基本参照UK PhD申请流程来组织的,但1~7方面的工作是可以并行来做的。
总评分: 声望 + 7