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[i习作temp] issue38 8月下旬组的同学们麻烦看一下啦,必有回拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-1 10:45:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
38"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."

The author asserts that watching television as a new and good way to learn can displace reading wholly. I strongly disagree his opinion. I concede that in some aspects , learning by watching television can make better effect than reading. However, in most respects, reading books plays an important role in learning and can not be displaced.

Admittedly, we can get information from watching television. And this new way of studying surly have some benefits than reading in some respects. Firstly, film and video provide a more accurate and convincing record than a book.. It is impossible for anyone ,no matter how keen an observer, to record complete and object detail of events ,such as 911. Secondly, through learning by watching TV, students will get deep impression on the information they get. Common sense tell us that children are more interested in music or view on screen than bald words in books. So that amusing TV program about foreign language study or wild life can attract more people to watch and learn these knowledge better than just reading books.

However, because he ignore the other benefits of books, the author made the false conclusion. At first, the process of study is to learn new knowledge and to constant review. The TV program can not be controlled by ourselves, so that we can not review what we learned timely. Books is not the case. Because of portability of books, we can get them easily at any time. It is naturally that we can study better by reading books than watching TV because we have opportunity to review. Secondly, comparing to TV set, books are light and portable. And reading books do not need electricity or batteries, which may spend much money of people.

Another compelling argument against the speaker claim is that TV program can not meet the various need of people. Different people have different interests. The main purpose of educate is to develop the ability of people on basis of their interests. The limited number of programs and channels can not satisfy different needs of people. However, as friends of people, books have long history and there are millions of books existing in the world occupying every aspect, such as arts, science, history and so on. No matter what we want to learn, the relative books can be easily found in libraries or bookstores.

The last but not the least, some information can only be objectively and truly recorded in books, not by film or viedo. Taking history events as example. It is impossible to wholly objectively reappearance the people or events in history on screen because some of things have disappeared forever. Those actors may misadvise the learning of people to historical people because in TV programs there are full of imagination of screenwriters.  

To sum up, television and video can provide more accurate and convincing records on current affairs than books. However, books are more portable and accessible than TV set and we can save electricity by reading books, not watching TV. TV program still have disadvantages that can not be controlled by people and have less resource than books.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2005-8-2 17:01:44 |只看该作者
The author[\u](use 'speaker' is better) asserts that watching television as a new and good way to learn can displace reading wholly. I strongly disagree his opinion. I concede that in some aspects , learning by watching television can make better effect than reading. However, in most respects, reading books plays an important role in learning and can not be displaced.

Admittedly, we can get information from watching television. And this new way of studying surly have some benefits than reading in some respects. Firstly, film and video provide a more accurate and convincing record than a book. It is impossible for anyone ,no matter how keen an observer, to record complete and object detail of events ,such as 911.(用了issue7中的一个例子, 但我认为这里谈的是电视对于学习的影响,这个例子强调的是摄像机对于记录事件的作用,还是需要修改一下) Secondly, through learning by watching TV, students will get deep impression on the information they get. Common sense tell(tells) us that children are more interested in music or view(images) on screen than bald words in books. So that(转承词用得不对,可用Also) amusing TV program about foreign language study or wild life can attract more people to watch and learn these knowledge better than just reading books.

However, because he ignore the other benefits of books, the author made the false conclusion. At first, the process of study is to learn new knowledge and to constant review. The TV program can not be controlled by ourselves, so that we can not review what we learned timely. Books is not the case. Because of portability of books, we can get them easily at any time. It is naturally that we can study better by reading books than watching TV because we have opportunity to review. Secondly, comparing to TV set, books are light and portable. And reading books do not need electricity or batteries, which may spend much money of people.

Another compelling argument against the speaker claim is that TV program can not meet the various need of people. Different people have different interests. The main purpose of educate is to develop the ability of people on basis of their interests. The limited number of programs and channels can not satisfy different needs of people. However, as friends of people, books have long history and there are millions of books existing in the world occupying every aspect, such as arts, science, history and so on. No matter what we want to learn, the relative books can be easily found in libraries or bookstores.

The last but not the least, some information can only be objectively and truly recorded in books, not by film or viedo. Taking history events as example. It is impossible to wholly objectively reappearance (reappear) the people or events in history on screen because some of things have disappeared forever. Those actors may misadvise the learning of people to historical people because in TV programs there are full of imagination of screenwriters.  

To sum up, television and video can provide more accurate and convincing records on current affairs than books. However, books are more portable and accessible than TV set and we can save electricity by reading books, not watching TV. TV program still have disadvantages that can not be controlled by people and have less resource than books.

(总体来说, 论证结构不错,转承词的利用让通篇逻辑清晰, 只是论述还有些不足)
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when love and faith meet, there will be light!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-3 09:16:01 |只看该作者

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issue38 8月下旬组的同学们麻烦看一下啦,必有回拍!
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