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[i习作temp] issue8 鼓足了勇气贴上来 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-29 09:01:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue8  第4篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     463 words
It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.
The speaker asserts that it is desirable for political leaders to withhold information from the public. At first glance, this seems to be believable for the reason that some leaders withhold information really all over the world today which maybe helps them to keep their country stable. However, after my pondering of how political leaders should be and how the politics is, I got my point that whether leaders should keep information just depends on the characteristic of the information.

First, information of nation security should no doubtfully be very cautious on the question whether they should publicize information.  Leaders have the obligation to secure the people in this country not be damaged any time. But they make decision facing the relation between his/her country and another, any bad decision maybe cause great harm. Take the Cuba Nuclear Crisis as an example. In that crisis, no matter the leader of the Soviet Union, the leader of America, or even the leader of Cuba were of any hasty, a new world war, which is also a nuclear war indeed, would happen. But when we consider how this crisis caused, it is because of some leader did not withhold information from the public that caused this crisis. Not only when they deal with the affairs between nations but also in its nation, both positive and negative efforts call for them to be cautious. Another illustration is the September 11 attacks, in which the general public is easily to be misguided facing various condition. So I would say that it is necessary to be very cautious and withhold information from the public.

Secondly, to withhold those information which can benefit all nation is very important and necessary. To the great extent that  politics is hired by the withhold of country, so no matter from the leaders' own need or the country's future, they are behalf to keep those information which can depend the country's future not knowing by the public. We know that, in this information time any thing could be transmitted in a short time to any place, including their friends and their enemy yet. If the country plan to make same research or discoveries secretly, it is very harmful, even dangerous that leaders did not withhold this information. We can take the Apollo plan which have enhanced America's economic, technology greatly as an example, it is hard to imagine what would happen if president did not withhold information this time.

Finally, some leaders abuse their power to do some illegal thing, especially some things just for their own interest, need, or cupidity, such as Nixon in the Watergate affairs, which should be abandoned of course.

In sum, if the information are very important and beneficial to the nation, it is necessary for them to withhold the information, otherwise, they should not.
8月17 武汉
QQ:232116688 华工

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-29 09:58:14 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that it is desirable for political leaders to withhold information from the public. At first glance, this seems to be believable for the reason that some leaders withhold information really all over the world today which maybe helps them to keep their country stable. However, after my pondering of how political leaders should be and how the politics is, I got my point that whether leaders should keep information just depends on the characteristic of the information.

First(ly), information of nation security should no doubtfully be very cautious on the question whether they should publicize information.  Leaders have the obligation to secure the people in this country not be damaged any time. But they make decision facing the relation between his/her country and another, any bad decision maybe cause great harm. Take the Cuba Nuclear Crisis as an example. In that crisis, no matter the leader of the Soviet Union, the leader of America, or even the leader of Cuba were of any hasty, a new world war, which is also a nuclear war indeed, would happen. But when we consider how this crisis caused, it is because of some leader did not withhold information from the public that caused this crisis. Not only when they deal with the affairs between nations but also in its nation, both positive and negative efforts call for them to be cautious. Another illustration is the September 11 attacks, in which the general public is easily to be misguided facing various condition. So I would say that it is necessary to be very cautious and withhold information from the public.

Secondly, to withhold those information which can benefit all nation is very important and necessary. To the great extent that  politics is hired by the withhold of country, so no matter from the leaders' own need or the country's future, they are behalf to keep those information which can depend the country's future(from) not knowing by the public. We know that, in this information time any thing could be transmitted in a short time to any place, including their friends and their enemy yet. If the country plan to make same research or discoveries secretly, it is very harmful, even dangerous that leaders did not withhold this information. We can take the Apollo plan which have enhanced America's economic, technology greatly as an example, it is hard to imagine what would happen if president did not withhold information this time.

Finally, some leaders abuse their power to do some illegal thing, especially some things just for their own interest, need, or cupidity, such as Nixon in the Watergate affairs, which should be abandoned of course.(最好具体说明一下危害)

In sum, if the information are very important and beneficial to the nation, it is necessary for them to withhold the information, otherwise, they should not.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-29 10:40:08 |只看该作者

The speaker asserts that it is desirable for political leaders to withhold information from the public. At first glance, this seems to be believable for the reason that some leaders withhold information really all over the world today which maybe helps them to keep their country stable. However, after my pondering of how political leaders should be and how the politics is, I got my point that whether leaders should keep information just depends on the characteristic of the information.

First, to those information of nation security, leaders naturally should be very cautious on the question that whether they should publicize these information]  Leaders have the obligation to secure ensure the people in this country not be damaged any time. But they make decision facing the relation between his/her country and another, any bad decision maybe cause great harm. Take the Cuba Nuclear Crisis as an example. In that crisis, no matter the leader of the Soviet Union, the leader of America, or even the leader of Cuba were of any hasty, a new world war, which is also a nuclear war indeed, would happen. But when we consider how this crisis caused, it is because of some leader did not withhold information from the public that caused this crisis. Not only when they deal with the affairs between nations but also in its nation country, both positive and negative efforts call for them to be cautious. Another illustration is the September 11 attacks, in which the general public is easily to be misguided facing various and complex condition. So I would say that it is necessary to be very cautious and withhold information from the public.

Secondly, to withhold those information which can benefit all nation is very important and necessary. To the great extent that politics is hired by the whole of country, so no matter from the leaders' own need or the country's future, they have the accountability to keep those information which can depend [depend 怎么能这样用呢affect] the country's future not knowing by the public. We know that, in this information time today any thing could be transmitted in a short time to any place, including their [the leaders’] friends and their enemy yet . If the country plan to make same research or discoveries secretly, it is very harmful, even dangerous that leaders did not withhold this information. We can take the Apollo plan which have enhanced America's economic, technology greatly as an example, it is hard to imagine what would happen if president did not withhold information at this time.

Finally, some leaders abuse their power to do some illegal thing, especially some things just for their own interest, need, or cupidity, should be abandoned of course. In a democratic country all people entitle him to manufacture the country and to develop this country so the leader have no power to abuse this power. In the Watergate affair the past-president Nixon’s scandal was publicized and then he acquitted. It is the various media and newspapers that publicize this scandal first and at last the democracy has been ensured. So we can get the conclusion that it may be harmful to conceal information if it is not relevant to the country benefits.   

In sum, if the information are very important and beneficial to the nation, it is necessary for leaders to withhold information; otherwise, they should not.

8月17 武汉
QQ:232116688 华工

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-3 15:59:35 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that it is desirable for political leaders to withhold information from the public. At first glance, this seems to be believable for the reason that some leaders withhold information really all over the world today which maybe helps them to keep their country stable. However, after my pondering of how political leaders should be and how the politics is, I got my point that whether leaders should keep information just depends on the characteristic of the information.

First, to those information of nation security, leaders naturally should be very cautious on the question that whether they should publicize these information. Leaders have the obligation to secure ensure 笔误?the people in this country not be damaged any time. But they make decision facing the relation between his/her country and another, any bad decision maybe cause great harm. Take the Cuba Nuclear Crisis as an example. In that crisis, no matter the leader of the Soviet Union, the leader of America, or even the leader of Cuba were of any hasty, a new world war, which is also a nuclear war indeed, would happen. But when we consider how this crisis caused, it is because of some leader did not withhold information from the public that caused this crisis. Not only when they deal with the affairs between nations but also in its nation country,这句话是说不仅在国际关系上,还在国内问题上?我觉得是不是可以这样表达:not only in international affairs, but also in civil incidents,, both positive and negative efforts call for them to be cautious这句话没看明白,呵呵. Another illustration is the September 11 attacks, in which the general public is easily to be misguided facing various and complex condition. So I would say that it is necessary to be very cautious and withhold information from the public.

Secondly, to withhold those information which can benefit all nation is very important and necessary. To the great extent that politics is hired by the whole of country, so no matter from the leaders' own need or the country's future, they have the accountability to keep those information which can depend [affect influence] the country's future not knowing by the public这句不要巴. We know that, in this information time today any thing could be transmitted in a short time to any place, including their [the leaders’] friends and their enemy yet . If the country plan to make same research or discoveries secretly, it is very harmful, even dangerous that leaders did not withhold this information. We can take the Apollo plan which have enhanced America's economic, technology greatly as an example, it is hard to imagine what would happen if president did not withhold information at this time. 提纲上是写为百姓谋福利,但是这段写的有点散,你是要写关系到很多人利益的信息应该保密? 那其实和第一段还是有重合之处的, 政治外交的信息就是和全国的人的切身利益相关的. 我觉得还是换一个角度写  呵呵  不知道看法对不对

Finally, some leaders abuse their power to do some illegal things, especially some things just for their own interest, need, or cupidity, should be abandoned of course. In a democratic country all people entitle him to manufacture the country and to develop this country so the leader have no power to abuse this power. In the Watergate affair the past-president Nixon’s scandal was publicized and then he acquitted. It is the various media and newspapers that publicize this scandal first and at last the democracy has been ensured. So we can get the conclusion that it may be harmful to conceal information if it is not relevant to the country benefits.   
关于政治腐败的话题,我在gter看到很多总结的资料, 可以参考很多句型和资料,还有例子方面我觉得还要自己多想, 你用的例子都是很常用的, 呵呵 我也有这个毛病.
In sum, if the information are very important and beneficial to the nation, it is necessary for leaders to withhold information; otherwise, they should not.

你在45分钟写出这样的文章很不错了, 我打字很慢,限时基本完成不了,多看看网上的资料,呵呵 我觉得很有帮助,大家一起努力了 呵呵
还有能不能麻烦你把你觉得我的issue里面你读的觉得不爽的句子帮我注一下颜色.我回去继续努力 呵呵

issue 8    https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... ;highlight=%2Bsssky
8.22  北京鼎均
10.22 北京外国语大学

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-3 17:04:22 |只看该作者


8月17 武汉
QQ:232116688 华工

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