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[i习作temp] Issue150 Kito小组作业贴 多谢修改^-^ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-25 22:11:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
“Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.
Will the tourism become obsolete in the future? The author claims so insofar as people can now be familiar with a myriad of places that they have never visited before with the advent of television and Internet. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the tourism will be thriving continually in the future no matter judging from reality or people's needs.

First of all, considering the past half century since the first television and Internet come into people's everyday life, we might find the answer. As it turns out, tourism is still flourishing till now. Actually, the tourism appears to develop even more steadily and continuously rather than become old-fashioned during the past years. Every year, people throughout the world would go to visit China for climbing its Great Wall, Swiss for traversing Alps, Egypt for watching the great pyramids. Since now with television and internet people are still craving for travels, we have good reasons to believe the tourism in the near future would be prosperous as today.

In addition, as for human's needs the tourism would certainly not decline, either. As we know, people in general own the desires for something different--sensory experiences, exciting feelings and the like which may drive them to go to movies, bars or nature. The same is true when it comes to travel. Admittedly television and Internet can offer affluent information about a place or a historical building, however how that can be compared with real exploration. Could anyone envisage that only by watching TV documentaries about Hawaii would serve as a perfect substitution for lying on the beach and basking in the sunshine? Ostensibly not. This basic human need compels us to experience for ourselves as tourists.

On the contrary, with the development of television and Internet the tourism would be presumed to experience a boon for television and internet serve to precipitate communications among different cultures, mores, ideas and values. Indeed, by doing that would even relieve some suspicions or conflicts among countries. Take SARS in Asia for instance, the tourism is attacked in almost every country in Asia due to the prevalence of SARS. Even after SARS, the tourism can not recover because people fear that they may be infected. However, at length TV and internet help solve this problem though publicizing the WHO’s claim that Asia is safe. This illustrates that TV and worldwide computer connection to certain extent can go a long way toward the development of tourism.

To sum up, I concede that television and worldwide computer connections, to some extent, would influence people's choice to go for a travel. However as long as there exist people's needs for experiences and transformation, the tourism would never become omitted in the future.

Issue 写得很没有感觉,越写越没有话说,求助!!!!
Forge ahead, never retreat!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-1-25 23:23:20 |只看该作者
Will the tourism become obsolete in the future? The author claims so insofar as people can now be familiar with a myriad of places that they have never visited before with the advent of television and Internet. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the tourism will be thriving continually(这里加上rather than be obsolete怎么样) in the future no matter (no matter可以这么用么?) judging from reality or people's needs.

First of all, considering the past half century since the first television and Internet come into people's everyday life, we might find the answer. As it turns out, tourism is still flourishing till now.(我觉得前面两句可以合成一句话,这样首句就是中心句,观点更鲜明) Actually, the tourism appears to develop even more steadily and continuously rather than become old-fashioned during the past years. Every year, people throughout the world would go to visit China for climbing its Great Wall, Swiss for traversing Alps, Egypt for watching the great pyramids. Since now with television and internet people are still craving for(好词组,学习) travels, we have good reasons to believe the tourism in the near future would be (as) prosperous as today.

In addition, as for human's needs the tourism would certainly not decline, either. As we know, people in general own the desires for something different--sensory experiences, exciting feelings and the like which may drive them to go to movies, bars or nature. The same is true when it comes to travel.(it is also true when it comes to travel) Admittedly television and Internet can offer affluent information about a place or a historical building, however how that can be compared with real exploration这句有点中文痕迹,而且语法也有点不对. Could anyone envisage that only by watching TV documentaries about Hawaii would serve as a perfect substitution for lying on the beach and basking in the sunshine? Ostensibly(这个是“表面上”的意思啊,是不是用错了,呵呵,absolutely?) not. This basic human need compels us to experience for ourselves as tourists.

On the contrary(这个连词和上文联系不太好,因为没有这么强烈的转折啊), with the development of television and Internet the tourism would be presumed to experience a boon for television and internet serve to precipitate communications among different cultures, mores, ideas and values. Indeed, by doing that would even relieve some suspicions or conflicts among countries. Take SARS in Asia for instance, the tourism is attacked in almost every country in Asia due to the prevalence of SARS. Even after SARS, the tourism can not recover because people fear that they may be infected. However, at length TV and internet help solve this problem though publicizing the WHO’s claim that Asia is safe. This illustrates that TV and worldwide computer connection to certain extent can go a long way (又学到一个好词组)toward the development of tourism. 很不错的观点,学习

To sum up, I concede that television and worldwide computer connections, to some extent, would influence people's choice (choice改成decision,是不是好点) to go for a travel. However as long as there exist(s) people's needs for experiences and transformation, the tourism would never become omitted in the future.



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