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[i习作temp] issue167 走过路过拍拍砖哈 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-21 12:23:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
167."It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."

1.        首先政治家也是在社会中生存的普通人,完全诚实将无法生存下去
2.        以关乎国家命运与人民安危为前提,适当地隐瞒真相是政治家必须要做的
3.        但不完全诚实并不等于可以随意撒谎,是有限度的

According to the speaker, complete honesty is useless and impossible for political leaders. While there is a growing concern over this issue in democratic countries, for knowing the truth of  the affairs of state is citizens' basic right. While I concede that politicians should tell all the truth of regular political affairs. However, it is impossible to tell truth all the time for everyone, including political leaders. Moreover, in some cases, politicians have to withhold the truth aiming to protect the country and people. In a word, I'm inclined to support the speaker's claim that political leaders need not keep honest all the time.

In the first place, human being's social attributes determine us - including political leaders - have to tell lies for reasons in order to survive in this society. It is true that honesty is a great virtue, while in the other hand, everyone's experience could tell that complete honesty is impossible, and not all lies are harmful. Sometimes people tell lies in order to protect privacy, or consider others' feelings, or keep polite. Similarly, for politicians, sometimes they'd better tell lies, just as people's ordinary social lives in general. Suppose the president of USA pays a visit to another country, in the welcome feast a traditional dish of insects which the president doesn't like is served. When the King asks him that whether the food is delicious, what should the president say? It is good or I think it's disgusting? The answer is obvious. This simple example demonstrates that telling lies sometimes keeps politicians more flexible and make some political activities more easily and peacefully to go.

In addition, apart from the regular political affairs, there are some special cases in which political leaders have to tell lies to the public for protecting the country and the safety of people. Take the releasing of two nuclear missiles in Japan during Second World War for example. Aiming to make it a great shock to Japan, before this action, President Roosevelt kept it a top secret. Furthermore, after the exploding, he didn't publish much information about the new weapon. Consequently, Japan surrendered for being scared by the possible continued attacks with no idea of if there are nuclear missiles any more. Imagine that the attack and the number of the missiles were told to the world by the leaders before the action, what a disaster was that?

Although telling truth is improper in some cases, yet admittedly, citizens' right of knowing the affairs of state should be satisfied in general. In other words, the politicians are not allowed to withhold the truth or mislead the public for their own benefits, which violates the basic principles of a democratic country. Several political leaders crossed this line in history, their behavior result in damages to their countries and themselves. For example, Biao Lin who always said that "no great things succeeded without lies" leaded The Great Culture Revolution of China in 1960s to 1970s. During those years, he lied to the government and people and was desperate to gain the greatest political power in China. This disaster that reversed the development process was a nightmare to China. Meanwhile, it ended Lin's life. Accordingly, the political leaders should make the regular agenda and normal run of government transparent to the public, which is also a supervising of their work.

To sum up, from what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that complete honesty is impossible and improper for politicians. It is impossible for politicians to always tell truth just as any other people. Moreover, when there are conflicts between telling truth and the safety of countries and people, absolute honesty is unsuitable. Yet in regular situations, political leaders ought to be honest to public about the affairs of state.

[ 本帖最后由 lorraineye 于 2006-1-21 13:05 编辑 ]

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Rank: 1

发表于 2006-2-8 11:16:15 |只看该作者
issue167 走过路过拍拍砖哈

167."It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."

1.        首先政治家也是在社会中生存的普通人,完全诚实将无法生存下去
2.        以关乎国家命运与人民安危为前提,适当地隐瞒真相是政治家必须要做的
3.        但不完全诚实并不等于可以随意撒谎,是有限度的

According to the speaker, complete honesty is useless and impossible for political leaders. While there is a growing concern over this issue in Sample Text democratic countries, for knowing the truth of  the affairs of state is citizens' basic right. (the former sentence structure should not similar with the later sentence) While I concede that politicians should tell all the truth of regular political affairs. However, it is impossible to tell truth all the time for everyone, including political leaders. Moreover, in some cases, politicians have to withhold the truth aiming to protect the country and people. In a word, I'm inclined to support the speaker's claim that political leaders need not keep honest all the time.

In the first place, human being's social attributes determine us - including political leaders - have to tell lies for reasons in order to survive in this society. It is true that honesty is a great virtue, while in the other hand, everyone's experience could tell that complete honesty is impossible, and not all lies are harmful. Sometimes people tell lies in order to protect privacy, or consider others' feelings, or keep polite. Similarly, for politicians, sometimes they'd better tell lies, just as people's ordinary social lives in general. Suppose the president of USA pays a visit to another country, in the welcome feast a traditional dish of insects which the president doesn't like is served. When the King asks him that whether the food is delicious, what should the president say? It is good or I think it's disgusting? The answer is obvious. This simple example demonstrates that telling lies sometimes keeps politicians more flexible and make some political activities more easily and peacefully to go.

In addition, apart from the regular political affairs, there are some special cases in which political leaders have to tell lies to the public for protecting the country and the safety of people. Take the releasing of two nuclear missiles in Japan during Second World War for example. Aiming to make it a great shock to Japan, before this action, President Roosevelt kept it a top secret. Furthermore, after the exploding, he didn't publish much information about the new weapon. Consequently, Japan surrendered for being scared by the possible continued attacks with no idea of if there are nuclear missiles any more. Imagine that the attack and the number of the missiles were told to the world by the leaders before the action, what a disaster was that?

Although telling truth is improper in some cases, yet admittedly, citizens' right of knowing the affairs of state should be satisfied in general. In other words, the politicians are not allowed to withhold the truth or mislead the public for their own benefits, which violates the basic principles of a democratic country. Several political leaders crossed this line in history, their behavior result in damages to their countries and themselves. For example, Biao Lin who always said that "no great things succeeded without lies" leaded The Great Culture Revolution of China in 1960s to 1970s. During those years, he lied to the government and people and was desperate to gain the greatest political power in China. This disaster that reversed the development process was a nightmare to China. Meanwhile, it ended Lin's life. Accordingly, the political leaders should make the regular agenda and normal run of government transparent to the public, which is also a supervising of their work.

To sum up, from what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that complete honesty is impossible and improper for politicians. It is impossible for politicians to always tell truth just as any other people. Moreover, when there are conflicts between telling truth and the safety of countries and people, absolute honesty is unsuitable. Yet in regular situations, political leaders ought to be honest to public about the affairs of state.

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