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[i习作temp] ISSUE185 【0706G 非G不可小组】第十二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-20 08:45:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."
WORDS: 538          TIME: 0:45:00+计时后我又在word里写了          DATE: 2007-3-16

How should we face the scandals in the society? I fundamentally agree that the scandals whether in politics, academia or other areas can be useful. And I also believe we should not focus our attention on scandals too much.

Admittedly, the scandals in politics academia and other areas can help the mass to oversee the leaders and the famous persons in every area. These leaders and famous persons have more power than the common people, and the powers are achieved from the mass. So the mass should and have to oversee the one have power or have influence in the society. Without enough mass to oversee the famous person there would be scandals. Take a South Korea scientist Dr. Hwang for example. Dr. Hwang's work was published in the science magazine and the work was thought to be a great discovery. Then he was promoted as the South Korea's hero and got a large number of money on his research until last year someone notice that there is something untrue in Dr. Hwang's work. Without the scandal he would have wasted more resource of the world. Consequently the scandals in the academia can help the mass to supervise the research.

And in the area of business many company sometimes would refute or escape the taxes of the nations or sometimes they would change their financial report. If there is nobody comes out to expose these scandals in the society, few people will notice that, and not to expose their works every company would have escaped the taxes and changed their financial report. So it is believed that scandals could help common people to overlook the one have power and resources.

However, too much focus on the issue of the scandals it is not good for a society. First of all, pay too much on the scandals can not create values of the world. Secondly, many scandals are related with the private issues. Too much focus on the famous person's private issues would destroy their lives and influent their works for the common. What's more, some papers in order to enhance the profits of their paper sometimes create some scandals. The famous scandal in the history is the dead of Princess Diana. People have shown too much attention to her scandal even influence her private life. It is the scandals force her dead. That is not good for a nation and the whole world. The function of the scandals is supervisory not destroying. Through the scandals the one who have power notice themselves and be careful for the group. That is enough. Pay too much attention on the scandals but the real problem of a nation or a company is not the purpose of the one who expose the scandal. People should pay their attention on the real problems which could be solved and how to solve not just on the problem itself.

In sum, on the one hand, the focus of the scandals is in a way that no speaker or reformer ever could to make the problem be noticed by the mass. On the other hand, too much focus on the scandals not only disturbs the life of the celebrity but also makes the whole world inefficiency.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-28 18:20:48 |只看该作者
ow should we face the scandals in the society? I fundamentally agree that the scandals whether in politics, academia or other areas can be useful. And I alsoAnd also, I 这样会比较有节奏感)believe we should not focus our attention on scandals too much.Admittedly, the scandals in politics academia and other areas can help the mass to oversee觉得你这个词用的怪怪的the leaders and the famous persons in every area. These leaders and famous persons have more power than the common people, and the powers are achieved from the mass. 这句话你再改改吧,像凑字数的So the mass should and have to oversee the one have power or have influence in the society. Without enough mass to oversee the famous person there would be scandals. Take a South Korea scientist Dr. Hwang for example. Dr. Hwang's work was published in the science magazine and the work was thought to be a great discovery. Then he was promoted as the South Korea's hero and got a large number of money on his research until last year someone notice that there is something untrue in Dr. Hwang's work. Without the scandal he would have wasted more resource of the world. Consequently the scandals in the academia can help the mass to supervise the research.And in the area of business many company sometimes would refute or escape the taxes of the nations or sometimes they would change their financial report. If there is nobody comes out to expose these scandals in the society, few people will notice that, and not to expose their works every company would have escaped the taxes and changed their financial report. So it is believed that scandals could help common people to overlook?? the one have power and resources.However, too much focus on the issue of the scandals it is not good for a society. First of all, pay too much on the scandals can not create values of the world. Secondly, many scandals are related with the private issues. Too much focus on the famous person's private issues would destroy their lives and influent their works for the common. What's more, some papers in order to enhance the profits of their paper sometimes create some scandals. (完全没必要一二三,都是一个意思)The famous scandal in the history is the dead of Princess Diana. People have shownpaytoo much attention to her scandal even influence her private life. It is the scandals force (lead to )her deadth. That is not good for a nation and the whole world. The function of the scandals is supervisory not destroying. Through the scandals the one who have power notice themselves and be careful for the group. That is enough. Pay(ing) too much attention on the scandals but the real problem of a nation or a company is not the purpose of the one who(去掉) exposeingthe scandal. People should pay their attention on the real problems which could be solved and how to solve not just on the problem itself.In sum, on the one hand, the focus of the scandals is in a way that no speaker or reformer ever could to make the problem be noticed by the mass. On the other hand, too much focus on the scandals not only disturbs the life of the celebrity but also makes the whole world inefficiency


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