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[a习作temp] name05 的修改意见 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-21 21:50:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objects. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.


What is the most essential quality of an effective leader? Should he/she remains consistently committed to particular principles and objects, or quickly influenced by shifts in popular opinion? As far as I am concerned, since there are different types of leadership, such as business, politics and education, the requirements of the leaders vary from one and another.

Firstly, in the business world, the most essential quality for an effective leader is the ability of realizing(maximizing改为增大比较好) profits. To achieve this goal, some leaders, especially the pioneers of their industry, choose to stick to their own ways regardless of general comments. For instance, former CEO of IBM, Thomas I.Watson, invested 5 billion dollars--much more than the IBM's annual income at that time on the system/360 project. Because the popularity of the products is hard to predict, such investment was considered gambling by most people at that time. But insisting on the object for five years, Tomas successfully doubled the company's annual income to twice(去掉), and launch the company to be the super giant in computer industry. Other company's however, choose to base every decision on the public opinion. (这里应有转折连词)Google, Yahoo, MySpace, those affluent companies of web age are the experts in catching public interest. They provide hundreds of new services every year and set public opinion to be the final judge of the developing directions. In conclusion, either sticking to certain objects or shift by popular opinion can both be good measures in business, as long as they can make profits, which matters most for an effective leader.

However, in the political field, I agree that consistently committed to particular principles and objectives is the most essential quality of an effective leader. Different from business, political system is concerning with the well being of the whole society, which emphasis on continuity and can not bear risking chances. Constant principle is the best way to enhance social stability by sending confidence to the public. At 1997, Hong Kong encountered depression for fear of the social change after returning to china, however, China leader keeps its promise on not changing its administrative pattern for 10 years, thus Hong Kong achieves even more booming economy. What is more, constant regulation is the best way to protect justice. Popular opinion can never represent the interest our every social member, but rather a group of people. Catering for the popular opinion will harm the voiceless groups, who actually deserve the equal attention from the administrator. For example, no matter on TV, newspapers or televisions, we can often hear the complaints about high tax rates from the top and middle class. However, although the taxes are indeed needed for the welfare of lower class, their voice is in absent for the lacking of media resources. (好像对这段的主题句的支持作用不大)So it is important for the political leaders to insist on the principle rather than affect by public opinion.

On the other hand,(这个词组用的不合适吧) educational system is fundamentally mature that an effective leader should put more efforts in learning public opinion rather than stubbornly follow the principles and objectives. Because the aim of education is providing qualified social members to the society, the recognition of public is especially important. Take the subject setting for example; as the subject in need is changing every year, sticking to the old setting will harm the public interest, thus cause the phenomenon of ”Out of university, Out of work”. It is not only unfair for the students, but also will degrade the reputation of the university. Currently an education leader needs to catch up the pace with the social development, and actively response to public needs.

In conclusion, there are different standard for judging an effective leader in different areas. In commercial area, chasing profits is valued most; in political area, consistently insisting principle is of extra importance; while in educational area, the ability to applying public opinion is admirable.


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