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[i习作temp] ISSUE108 模考习作 by jennetrj [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-21 11:00:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE108 - "In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings-trials, debates, meetings, etc-that are televised, the more society will benefit."
WORDS: 727          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-19 12:55:18

People nowadays are more connected with the political life as our ancestors did since the possibility to turn on the television and view government work. There's no doubt political proceedings going online or widely broadcast has more benefits to the society as well as to every member in the nation, however, in my point of view, this should be the case-to-case issue that deserves further consideration.

With the help of modern technological achievements, like radio broadcasting, television transmitting and currently thriving Internet, we are able to view the exact proceeding course of the issues that closely related to our lives. The first president candidates debate was broadcasted in 1950's when image transmitting technique was developed and the television sets were available in most American families. Therefore, more people could view their potential presidents' acclamation about the political thoughts, no matter where did the people live, far away to Alaska, Hawaii or at the political center, Washington D.C., and got the impression of candidates' charismas. Until now it is too common to find the commentary of congress hearings about the most predominant issues, like the necessity to withdraw the troops in Iraq, or the new version of immigration bills. Every step of the processing procedure could be easily obtained if you would like to switch on the television sets, radios or surf the Internet. We are more close to the social politics that no precedents have been to.

Apparently, such live broadcasting is not only the technological accomplishment we human beings has achieved, but also is the breakthrough of democracy in the country or worldwide. For the individuals, every citizen can get the instant messages about the ongoing issue, like the publicized cause for the proposal of new tax legislation, the exact annual balance of the government bugets, expenses and deficits, and other highly related social, political, economic decisions. The transparency supported by the live transmitting promises the authenticity of those legislations and equality for any people living in the nation.

For the government, the technology could be the best path for the populace to supervise the efficiency of governmental work and prevent the potential briberies, appropriates and other under-table transactions. In the countries with dictators predominated in every realm of social life, people have no method to contact with the processing procedures and no chance get any information to decide whether the decisions are made for people's sake. On the contrary, tyrants would like to control the broadcasting institutions, like television stations, radio stations and other media that would probably unveil his or her will of dictating. Being totally blind, or cheated by the controlled media, people have no sense of being fooled, used and fraud. Absence of lively broadcast information, people are earning the unequal life in those autocratic nations.

But when we talked about the rights of acknowledging the real process of proceeding national issues, we could not overlook the disadvantages that might be brought about by excessive open policy, especially those concerns about the national security issues. The fitting example is the tackling process of Cuban Missal Crisis in 1960's under the administration of President John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy held the information of the potential nuclear conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Unions during the apex of the Cold War to the general population for some while, but the information was finally released after hours of the ease of the crisis. Had the president announced the events at the time of his acknowledgement and broadcast the total course of the diplomatic talks between the two giants, there would be less possible for the new president to assuage the most tensile moment in the history and our world might be different from what it is now. So, to some extent, national security issues and other classified issues should not be directly noticed to the public until the proper time comes.

From the discussion above, we are able to arrive at the conclusion safely that not every political issue is suitable for instant release to the public, although it is considerably correlated to everyday life of the populace, for the concerns of not irritating or horrifying the population and promise for the national safety. But most of the socio-political issues deserve public surveillance by using the technology of broadcasting and cyberspace, so that less corruption would occur and provides more space for democracy.

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ISSUE108 模考习作 by jennetrj
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