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[i习作temp] Issue154 【MathSCU 10G】第19次作业 by 破釜沉舟 (欢迎来拍) [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-30 09:14:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE154 - "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."
WORDS: 483          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-30 9:09:05

Since education is very crucial for children's individual development and society progress, it is necessary and beneficial for parents and communities to be involved in the local school. However, something of great importance in education should be left to the professional educators rather than parents and we can not expect much about parents' participation in education.

Undoubtedly, parents' involvement in education is salutary to children's learning. To begin with, parents know much better about their children than the teachers do, so they know clearly what their children do well in and what they cannot. Thus they can purposely nurturing the children's talent like in music or painting and also they can help their kids catch up with other classmates in their kids' weak field. After all, one teacher in school is in charge of a couple of students' study on one subject, it is neither practical nor reasonable for teachers to consider every students' special need. Children usually have some trouble doing homework after school, and in most cases, their parents can do something helpful; thus to let them wait in a long queue outside the teacher's office the next day is not a good idea. Moreover, children have a more intimate relationship with their parents than teachers while parents are the people who are the most keen to train their child to be a outstanding person. Such situation makes parents' involvement into education inevitable. Children could not get complete education and their relationship would be weakened if their parents care nothing about their learning.

Nevertheless, something of importance in education should be left to school rather than parents, such as the arrangement of courses, school schedule, and assignment after school. Even if the parents are well educated and intelligent, they are not professional educators. They don't know what is necessary and what is not. Neither could they propose a proper order of materials that should be accomplished in school. Besides, different parents may have diverse idea for school schedule and assignment after school; therefore, school teachers will be confronted with a dilemma in which they have to reconcile parents' divergent plans.

Furthermore, we can not expect much about parents participation in the education. On the one hand, given that educating children require good mastery of knowledge and effective method for intuition, some parents may not  be qualified enough to instruct their children on learning and what they can do is only to supervise them on finishing homework on time. On the other hand, due to economical stress, many parents are too busy working to spend some time on educating their children.

To sum, if possible, it is beneficial for parent to be involved in the local school thus bring on better effect on education. But something of great importance in education should be left to the professional educators rather than parents and we can not expect much about parents' participation in education.

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Issue154 【MathSCU 10G】第19次作业 by 破釜沉舟 (欢迎来拍)
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