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[i习作temp] Issue120 自由写作 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-30 02:20:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE120 - "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."
字数:373          用时:0:45:00          日期:2007/7/30
In the contention, the author asserts that looking back for an understanding of the past can give little guidance for living in the present for so much is new and complex now. I disagree with the contention. In my opinion, understanding of the past will help us greatly in many fields. I will take science and sociology for examples.
Science is universally considered to be a field where new ideas spring frequently and old theories are often substituted by later ones. Though such a changing realm, understanding of the past means a lot for the born of valuable theories and consequentially applications, which are the usual goals of most scientists: bring us a better life with development of technology. Newton developed his new mechanics system after a transparent understanding of his precursors' works and then one of the most mometous successes in history of science was born. In turn, various tools and equpments based on past theoretical basis established by Newton were invented by his followers. His guidance for later scientists cannot be overrated, as well as to the lives of later people in thousands of years.
In the field concerning sociology and politics, study in history has more obvious value. Query any of great sociologist or politician with no history knowledge abundon enough. That illustrates, in some degree, the significance of looking back at least in the field of sociology and politician. The reasons lie under the fact may concern an unchangeable humanity of people play roles in the history and unversal laws between endless lines in our history books. China has a 5000-year history with 2000 years in monachy, destiny after destiny, while a western historian concluded the whole two thousand year in four words: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Seasons are used as epitomes of the rising and falling, boom and doom, for an amazing similarity between different destinies: the law for developing of society remains unchanged, which is sure to be regulate our today's society. Knowing that can give us guidance for management in the new era.
In sum, though not in a direct way, looking back for an understanding of our past do guide us in today's living, and this is jsut what our historians long to pursue.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-30 14:56:25 |只看该作者


In the contention, the author asserts that looking back for an understanding of the past can give little guidance for living in the present for so much is new and complex now. I disagree with the contention. In my opinion, understanding of the past will help us greatly in many fields. I will take science and sociology for examples.

Science is universally considered to be a field where new ideas spring frequently and old theories are often substituted by later ones. Though such a changing realm, understanding of the past means a lot for the born of revolutionary theories. There are abounded examples that great works were born of previous fruits in the science history. Newton developed his new mechanics system after an intensive understanding of his precursors' works: in his time, Galileo had accomplished a research in the relationship between force and movement and even the characteristics of inertia, and Kepler had already finished his Hamonies of the World in which he raised his three greatest laws of planet movement. Other basic study of mechanics were also eshtablished. It is on the basis of which that one of the most momentous successes, a first completed mechanic system in history of science was born, which is appraised as a subtle mathematic framework that integrates all previous systems on mechanics. Besides the greatness, the appraisement also illustrates the significance of a good understanding of past works in the field of science.

In the field concerning sociology and politics, study in history has more obvious value. Query any great sociologist or politician with no broad and intensive history knowledge. That demonstrates, in some degree, the significance of looking back at least in the field of sociology and politician. The reasons lie under the fact may concern an unchangeable humanity of people play roles in the history and unversal laws between endless lines in our history books. China has a 5000-year history with 2000 years in monachy, dynasty after dynasty, while a western historian concluded the whole two thousand year in four words: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Seasons are used as epitomes of the rising and falling, booms and dooms, and one dynasty began and ended like a year. For an amazing similarity between different destinies: the law for developing of society remains unchanged, which is sure to be regulating our today's society. Knowing that can give us guidance for management in a new era.

In sum, though not in a direct way, looking back for an understanding of our past do guide us in today's living, and this is jsut what our historians long to pursue.

[ 本帖最后由 njuzhshao 于 2007-7-30 17:07 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-7-30 16:17:37 |只看该作者
In the contention, the author asserts that looking back for an understanding of the past can give little guidance for living in the present for so much is new and complex now. I disagree with the contention. In my opinion, understanding of the past will help us greatly in many fields. I will take science and sociology for examples.【额?彷北美的例子写法,这个我最汗颜了】

Science is universally considered to be a field where new ideas spring frequently and old theories are often substituted by later ones. Though such a changing realm, understanding of the past means a lot for the born of revolutionary theories. There are abounded examples that great works were born of previous fruits in the science history. Newton developed his new mechanics system after an intensive understanding of his precursors' works: in his time, Galileo had accomplished a research in the relationship between force and movement and even the characteristics of inertia, and Kepler had already finished his Hamonies of the World in which he raised his three greatest laws of planet movement. Other basic study of mechanics were also eshtablished. It is on the basis of which that one of the most momentous successes, a first completed mechanic system in history of science was born, which is appraised as a subtle mathematic framework that integrates all previous systems on mechanics. Besides the greatness, the appraisement also illustrates the significance of a good understanding of past works in the field of science.

In the field concerning sociology and politics, study in history has more obvious value. Query any great sociologist or politician with no broad and intensive history knowledge. That demonstrates, in some degree, the significance of looking back at least in the field of sociology and politician. The reasons lie under the fact may concern an unchangeable humanity of people play roles in the history and universal laws between endless lines in our history books. China has a 5000-year history with 2000 years in monachy, destiny after destiny, while a western historian concluded the whole two thousand year in four words: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Seasons are used as epitomes of the rising and falling, booms and dooms, for an amazing similarity between different destinies: the law for developing of society remains unchanged, which is sure to be regulating our today's society. Knowing that can give us guidance for management in a new era.【这个例子好朦胧啊,没看懂】

In sum, though not in a direct way, looking back for an understanding of our past do guide us in today's living, and this is jsut what our historians long to pursue.

1. 承认历史不是panacea,现在的好多问题都是新颖而复杂的
2. However,历史对我们是有用的:
A. 帮助我们深入了解一些问题:Iraq war
B. 有些理论可以应用到今天来解决一些问题:Confucianism
C. 很多事件对今天具有警示作用:nuclear weapon
D. 现在科学,文化,艺术好多都是来源历史,并在其成就上进行的创新
3. 我们应用历史的态度:不能单纯的复制和照搬,汲取营养才最为重要

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-30 17:24:49 |只看该作者

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