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[i习作temp] Issue70 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-27 11:15:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It is quitecommon to see that almost in every profession, such as business, politics,education, and government, new bellwether is elected every certain year to keepenterprise or organization vigorous and creative. However, the 5-year term is inappropriatefor every leader to step down, and it should base on specific situation indifferent profession, enterprises and organizations as well.

It is said that absolute power leads toabsolute corruption. Long time in power tends to turn the enterprise ororganization into a place of autarchy, adulation and bribery. Thus, enterprises or organizations reelect leader aftera period of time in order to avoid corruption and abuseof power of those who are in power. The reelection secures the system of democracy,which eventually leads the enterprise to success. And that is why the firstpresident of America,George Washington, declined being the president for a third time in his famous"Farewell Address" in 1796. His behavior greatly promotes democracyand republic in the United  States of America even up to now. Actually, newleaders tend to be fairly strict with themselves to be democratic and honest inorder to gain recognition and authority. Moreover, this competitive mechanism alsoenables such enterprise or organization to be replete with fresh blood. Usually,compared with old leaders, those new ones are more likely to bring new way ofleading and managing, and advance their enterprises or organizations with timesas well. Moreover, new leaders will pay much attention to make a goodrelationship with staffs, effectively invigorating the staffs and consequentlydriving it for bigger success.

Admittedly, in political field, five-year electionterm is widely adopted by most countries and world organizations, but thingsmight be different in certain period. Roosevelt, the 16th president of the U.Sand the only one in history elected for 4 terms, can serve as the solid exampleto substantiate the point above. Why people granted him 4 four times ofpresidency, spanning 12 year that absolutely surpass the five years alleged bymany people? Let’s get to fundamentals to see the situation before hispresidency. At that time, the United State was trapped in the bogof economic recession, and the danger situation imminently called for a wiseand determined leader to assume the mission of recovering the economy. It was Roosevelt that during his four times of presidency developedreforms and projects known as the New Deal which leading Americans not only toconquer the serious depression, but also make great leap in economy. From thisillustration we can see the traditional perspective of valuing the leadershipis by its efficiency and contribution, not merely the presumably frequencyalleged by many people.

Whenreferring to other professions, 5 years might be too rigid to practice sincesituation is quite different from that of politics. Inthe commercial area, since development strategy and proceed is complex andlong, the regular change of leadership is not necessary; and longer term enablethe leader to master the business more familiar and skillful. Some leaders in power for a longtime have made great achievement, such as Bill Gates, theCEO of Microsoft, who makes the company more successful and more influential inthe world during the last thirty years, and Alan Greenspan, Chairman of FederalReserve, who contributed the stable development of economic in America in thelast two decades. In contrast, in2001 to 2002, AOL Time Warner’s founder Steve Case, COORichard Parsons and vice president Ted Turner left one after another, thisfrequent change of leaders made it suffer heavy loss. Similarly, in theeducational field, it is even detrimental to set such a rigid period forleaders, since the experience and knowledge which are essential for a goodleader in education need to be accumulated in a much longer period thanjust five years.

In sum, settingthe upper limit of administration for those in power to keep vitality for theenterprise is a feasible method, yet, it may more reasonable for eachprofession to set down their own standards for the limit rather than a uniformcompulsion of 5 years.


[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-7-27 15:49 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-27 17:19:01 |只看该作者
It is quite common to see that almost in every profession, such as business, politics,education, and government, new bellwether is elected every certain year(?) to keep enterprise or organization vigorous and creative. However, the 5-year term is inappropriatefor every leader to step down, and it should base on specific situation indifferent profession, enterprises and organizations as well.(e...完全一样的破题)

It is said that absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Long time in power tends to turn the enterprise ororganization into a place of autarchy, adulation [/url][url=http://www.iciba.com/search?s=adulation] (作弊啊....)and bribery. Thus, enterprises or organizations reelect leader aftera period of time in order to avoid corruption and abuse of power of those who are in power. The reelection secures the system of democracy,which eventually leads the enterprise to success. And that is why the firstpresident of America,George Washington, declined being the president for a third time in his famous"Farewell Address" in 1796. His behavior greatly promotes democracyand republic in the United  States of America even up to now. Actually, newleaders tend to be fairly strict with themselves to be democratic and honest in order to gain recognition and authority. Moreover, this competitive mechanism also enables such enterprise or organization to be replete with fresh blood. Usually,compared with old leaders, those new ones are more likely to bring new way of leading and managing, and advance their enterprises or organizations with timesas well. Moreover, new leaders will pay much attention to make a good relationship with staffs, effectively invigorating the staffs and consequentlydriving it for bigger success. (新旧正反都很充分)

Admittedly, in political field, five-year electionterm is widely adopted by most countries and world organizations, but thingsmight be different in certain period. (还是政治?)Roosevelt, the 16th president of the U.Sand the only one in history elected for 4 terms, can serve as the solid exampleto substantiate the point above. Why people granted him 4 four times ofpresidency, spanning 12 year that absolutely surpass the five years alleged bymany people? Let’s get to fundamentals to see the situation before hispresidency. At that time, the United State was trapped in the bogof economic recession, and the danger situation imminently called for a wiseand determined leader to assume the mission of recovering the economy. It was Roosevelt that during his four times of presidency developedreforms and projects known as the New Deal which leading Americans not only toconquer the serious depression, but also make great leap in economy. From thisillustration we can see the traditional perspective of valuing the leadershipis by its efficiency and contribution, not merely the presumably frequencyalleged by many people.(哦,应当注意和上段的关系处理。虽然本文并没有矛盾之处,但多铺垫和强调一下一般/特殊的关系还是必要的。)

When referring to other professions, 5 years might be too rigid to practice since situation is(~s are) quite different from that of politics. In the commercial area, since development strategy and proceed is complex andlong, the regular change of leadership is not necessary; and longer term enablethe leader to master the business more familiar and skillful. Some leaders in power for a longtime have made great achievement, such as Bill Gates, theCEO of Microsoft, who makes the company more successful and more influential inthe world during the last thirty years, and Alan Greenspan, Chairman of FederalReserve, who contributed the stable development of economic in America in thelast two decades. In contrast, in2001 to 2002, AOL Time Warner’s founder Steve Case, COORichard Parsons and vice president Ted Turner left one after another, thisfrequent change of leaders made it suffer heavy loss.(e...你们的例子都是编的么...还有,举完例子需要分析...) Similarly, in the educational field, it is even detrimental to set such a rigid period forleaders, since the experience and knowledge which are essential for a goodleader in education need to be accumulated in a much longer period thanjust five years.(个人认为不展开还不如不写,短短的这一句完全没有说服力。)

In sum, settingthe upper limit of administration for those in power to keep vitality for theenterprise is a feasible method, yet, it may more reasonable for eachprofession to set down their own standards for the limit rather than a uniformcompulsion of 5 years.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-27 22:31:17 |只看该作者
It is quitecommon to see that almost in every profession, such as business, politics,education, and government, new bellwether is elected every certain year to keepenterprise or organization vigorous and creative. However, the 5-year term is inappropriatefor every leader to step down, and it should base on specific situation indifferent profession, enterprises and organizations as well.

It is said that absolute power leads toabsolute corruption. Long time in power tends to turn the enterprise ororganization into a place of autarchy, adulation and bribery. Thus, enterprises or organizations reelect leader aftera period of time in order to avoid corruption and abuseof power of those who are in power. The reelection secures the system of democracy,which eventually leads the enterprise to success. And that is why the firstpresident of America,George Washington, declined being the president for a third time in his famous"Farewell Address" in 1796. His behavior greatly promotes democracyand republic in the United  States of America even up to now. Actually, newleaders tend to be fairly strict with themselves to be democratic and honest inorder to gain recognition and authority. Moreover, this competitive mechanism alsoenables such enterprise or organization to be replete with fresh blood. Usually,compared with old leaders, those new ones are more likely to bring new way ofleading and managing, and advance their enterprises or organizations with timesas well. Moreover, new leaders will pay much attention to make a goodrelationship with staffs, effectively invigorating the staffs and consequentlydriving it for bigger success.

Admittedly, in political field, five-year electionterm is widely adopted by most countries and world organizations, but thingsmight be different in certain period. Roosevelt, the 16th president of the U.Sand the only one in history elected for 4 terms, can serve as the solid exampleto substantiate the point above. Why people granted him 4 four times ofpresidency, spanning 12 year that absolutely surpass the five years alleged bymany people? Let’s get to fundamentals to see the situation before hispresidency. At that time, the United State was trapped in the bogof economic recession, and the danger situation imminently called for a wiseand determined leader to assume the mission of recovering the economy. It was Roosevelt that during his four times of presidency developedreforms and projects known as the New Deal which leading Americans not only toconquer the serious depression, but also make great leap in economy. From thisillustration we can see the traditional perspective of valuing the leadershipis by its efficiency and contribution, not merely the presumably frequencyalleged by many people.(好例子哦)

Whenreferring to other professions, 5 years might be too rigid to practice sincesituation is quite different from that of politics. Inthe commercial area, since development strategy and proceed is complex andlong, the regular change of leadership is not necessary; and longer term enablethe leader to master the business more familiar and skillful. Some leaders in power for a longtime have made great achievement, such as Bill Gates, theCEO of Microsoft, who makes the company more successful and more influential inthe world during the last thirty years, and Alan Greenspan, Chairman of FederalReserve, who contributed the stable development of economic in America in thelast two decades. In contrast, in2001 to 2002, AOL Time Warner’s founder Steve Case, COORichard Parsons and vice president Ted Turner left one after another, thisfrequent change of leaders made it suffer heavy loss. Similarly, in theeducational field, it is even detrimental to set such a rigid period forleaders, since the experience and knowledge which are essential for a goodleader in education need to be accumulated in a much longer period thanjust five years.(你的例子库好全啊)

In sum, settingthe upper limit of administration for those in power to keep vitality for theenterprise is a feasible method, yet, it may more reasonable for eachprofession to set down their own standards for the limit rather than a uniformcompulsion of 5 years.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主 US Advisor

发表于 2007-7-31 06:40:19 |只看该作者
70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."

It is quite common to see that almost in every profession, such as business, politics,education, and government, new bellwether is elected every certain year to keepenterprise or organization vigorous and creative. However, the 5-year term is inappropriatefor every leader to step down, and it should base on specific situation in different profession, enterprises and organizations as well. (立场鲜明。下次打字注意,缺好多空格,看了累。。。)

It is said that absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Long time in power tends to turn the enterprise ororganization into a place of autarchy, adulation and bribery. Thus, enterprises or organizations reelect leader aftera period of time in order to avoid corruption and abuse of power of those who are in power. (两句之间欠transition)The reelection secures the system of democracy,which eventually leads the enterprise to success. And that is why the firstpresident of America,George Washington, declined being the president for a third time in his famous"Farewell Address" in 1796. His behavior greatly promotes democracyand republic in the United  States of America even up to now. Actually, newleaders tend to be fairly strict with themselves to be democratic and honest in order to gain recognition and authority. Moreover, this competitive mechanism also enables such enterprise or organization to be replete with fresh blood. Usually, compared with old leaders, those new ones are more likely to bring new way of leading and managing, and advance their enterprises or organizations with times as well. Moreover, (一个段落内不要这样用两次)new leaders will pay much attention to make a good relationship with staffs, effectively invigorating the staffs and consequentlydriving it for bigger success. (内容还是比较充实的,但是比较杂乱,理由彼此之间关系不清。)

Admittedly, in political field, five-year electionterm is widely adopted by most countries and world organizations, but things might be different in certain period. Roosevelt, the 16th president of the U.Sand the only one in history elected for 4 terms, can serve as the solid exampleto substantiate the point above. Why people granted him 4 four times of presidency, spanning 12 year that absolutely surpass the five years alleged bymany people? Let’s get to fundamentals to see the situation before his presidency. At that time, the United State was trapped in the bogof economic recession, and the danger situation imminently called for a wiseand determined leader to assume the mission of recovering the economy. (太罗索。试着30字内解决上述内容。你只需要支持换领导不应只机械地看更换频率,画线内容不必累述)It was Roosevelt that during his four times of presidency developed reforms and projects known as the New Deal which leading Americans not only to conquer the serious depression, but also make great leap in economy. From this illustration we can see the traditional perspective of valuing the leadership is by its efficiency and contribution, not merely the presumably frequency alleged by many people. (本段观念就是这个,point,非常需要深入的develop,而你没做到。)

When referring to other professions, 5 years might be too rigid to practice since situation is quite different from that of politics. In the commercial area, since development strategy and proceed is complex and long, (难道政治上的strategy就不complex和long了?这个理由让人无法接受。)the regular change of leadership is not necessary; and longer term enable the leader to master the business more familiar and skillful. Some leaders in power for a long time have made great achievement, such as Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft, who makes the company more successful and more influential inthe world during the last thirty years, and Alan Greenspan, Chairman of Federal Reserve, who contributed the stable development of economic in America in thelast two decades. In contrast, in2001 to 2002, AOL Time Warner’s founder Steve Case, COO Richard Parsons and vice president Ted Turner left one after another, thisfrequent change of leaders made it suffer heavy loss. (反例相当失败,一个claim后的一个事件,就能归结到这个事件的原因就是你的claim了么?)Similarly, in the educational field, it is even detrimental to set such a rigid period forleaders, since the experience and knowledge which are essential for a good leader in education need to be accumulated in a much longer period than just five years. (政治家就不用积累经验了么?本段中领域区别对待的理由基本都不成立。)

In sum, setting the upper limit of administration for those in power to keep vitality for the enterprise is a feasible method, yet, it may more reasonable for each profession to set down their own standards for the limit rather than a uniform compulsion of 5 years.


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