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[i习作temp] issue132 第一篇issue很痛苦,希望大家多拍拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-7 12:25:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue:132"The university community consists of three different worlds—the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. Because each world operates on its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking, rarely is there meaningful interaction among the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences."

According to this statement, the sciences, the humanities and the social sciences rarely have meaningful interaction in that each of them has its very different assumptions and ways of thinking. I partially agree with the idea, but the contrary view which reveals that it is of great importance to unify these three worlds is also crucial.

It is true that the three worlds in the university community have lots in difference. The sciences require people's acuity of natural phenomena and rationality of thinking, which runs through the subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Scientist must be totally objective while doing research and their conclusion should base on the reality rather than imaginary. On the contrary, what the humanities need is sense of beauty and perceptual knowledge. Literati and artists, whose works can be appreciated by people around the country or even around the world, express their abundant emotions by their pen and brush in their hands. Apart from the two worlds above, the social sciences penetrate the behaviors of human beings in conclusive and anticipated angles of view. Economy studies how people make and use their money, while laws find the balance between rights and wrongs, confining what can one do. They deeply look into the deeds of society, maybe a most complex thing made up of humans, a most complex animal in the world.

However, there are many characters in common shared by the three major subjects. Aiming at penetrating into the essence of the world, for instance, the three worlds just differ from their views and methods. It is a common view that only one fully acquainted with the environment around can one mostly adjusts oneself to life and live better. The sciences, opening the door to the vastness of nature, the humanities, opening the door to the motion of the individuals, and the social sciences, opening the door to the intricate society, together make up the world where people living. Nowadays the great amount of calling for the generalist shows that it is of great importance to combine the different subjects together. Without any one of the three, people's field of vision towards the world would no longer become integrated and their behaviors may harm themselves.

Also, the thriving interdisciplinary subjects demonstrate that it is still meaningful to investigate the interaction among the basic ones. The recent hot debate on whether biologist should further their research on clone, the combination of the sciences and the social sciences, for example, illustrates this interaction which demonstrate that the research on the sciences should also inspect their work with a humanitistic view. Also, one subject can benifit from the progress of others, meanwhile reciprocally promoting them. For instance, the researchers of the humanities also can learn from the way of the scientists' thoughts, providing more objective and rational ingredients in their work. The social scientists are provided with statistical ways which could make their studies more precise and convincing. Therefore, the interaction among subjects is not unimportant, but rather necessary to be mastered.

Without acknowledging the interaction among the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, our view of the world would disintegrate into pieces. Thus, it is necessary to form and utilize one's own assumptions and thinking habit, to further our discovery of the world, while it is equally important to think much of their interrelation. Only in this way can we make the progress on the road of history.

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