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[i习作temp] Issue103 留链互拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-9 11:56:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue103 The study ofhistory has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.

Study of history, webelieve, can give some guidance to our current lives, but does the study ofhistory have value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives,as the speaker asserts? I am afraid his opinion mistakenly restrains historystudy to a fairly narrow range, since such study has far-reaching meaning in a farbroader range than daily life.

It is true that mostpeople value history study because it provides us with instructions to guideour daily lives. When we look at the science research field, we may find that achievementsare mostly guided by the study of history in relevant field, in the way like studyingpredecessor’s books, analyzing their experiment record, or inheriting theirspirits. For example, Newtononce commented his achievements, (and I paraphrased), "If I could see anyfurther, it is only because I stood on the shoulder of giants". He owedhis achievements in science a great deal to instructions from predecessor inhis area. As for even more ordinary aspects in our daily life, such guidance isclearer. The experience of Charles Chaplin shows us the power ofself-confidence, and it instruct us when we doubt our future; and Story ofHelen Keller tells us persistent efforts will finally change our destiny, andit greatly inspire us especially when we are frustrated by failure. Hence,history study indeed has its merit to our daily life.

Nevertheless, does valueof the study of history exist merely when relevant to our daily lives? Theanswer is negative, in that history study has its value in a broad range whichmay be not directly associated with our daily lives.

Firstly, history offersus lessons which caveat us avoid duplicating some mistakes and consequentlyimprove the whole society. Take the bankruptcy of Baring Bank, the oldest bankin Englandas an example. Due to lacking of supervision, Lison, one of employers of BaringBank, invested large amounts of the bank’s fund to financial derivation tradewithout any approbation and caused huge loss that led to bankruptcy, finallyarousing financial panic in this country. By learning the lessons from thetragic results, banks, stock companies and other financial institutions allover the world began to stress the supervision, and greatly avoided suchbankruptcy occur again. Similarly, the study of effects of early industrializationon the environment caveat us that blindly exploiting, extensive deforestationand irresponsible discharge of pollutants will destroy the world we live in. Thoughsuch cases do not relate to our daily directly, but they are important to keep usalert to maintain steady economy and sustainable environment for the developmentof society. In this sense, study of history has its meaning beyond mere guidingdaily life.

Moreover, history contributesa lot to cultivate our own cultural and national identity, and this isunquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its study insome form. Historical record of the evolving process of families, groups, andwhole countries enable us to know how our identity comes from. Take the study onhistory of family in China for example, from the research, we may find genealogyof most families, such as Liu and Li, which have a long history, and obtain informationabout the origin of the surname.For example, surname Li derives from thename of the birthplace oftheir ancestor. Also, from the study, we can get familiar with historicalchange in the development of the family, such as when the family becomesprosperous and who made the formal family rules. Then we can confirm our familyidentity from such study. Similarly, companies, communities, and social unitsuse history study to find their identity. And of course, distinctive featuresof the nation are addressed by historical stories, which easily lead to anunderstanding of national values and inspire a commitment to national loyalty.

In sum, far beyond its value in guiding our dailylives, the study of history provide us lessons to avoid same mistakes in thepast, also it helps keep our cultural and national identity.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-9 12:59 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-9 20:59:21 |只看该作者
Study of history, webelieve, can give some guidance to our current lives, but does the study ofhistory have value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives,as the speaker asserts? I am afraid his opinion mistakenly restrains historystudy to a fairly narrow range, since such study has far-reaching meaning in a farbroader range than daily life.

It is true that mostpeople value history study because it provides us with instructions to guideour daily lives. When we look at the science research field,(其实我一直有个疑惑, 什么叫daily life 呢? 我觉得是很superficial的简单的衣食住行 和生活 工作啊; 但是你和jing都不是的; 不知你写的时候有没有争议 我觉得最好在开头定义出来) we may find that achievementsare mostly guided by the study of history in relevant field, in the way like studyingpredecessor’s books, analyzing their experiment record, or inheriting theirspirits. For example, Newtononce commented his achievements, (and I paraphrased), "If I could see anyfurther, it is only because I stood on the shoulder of giants". He owedhis achievements in science a great deal to instructions from predecessor inhis area. As for even more ordinary aspects in our daily life, such guidance is clearer. The experience of Charles Chaplin shows us the power ofself-confidence, and it instruct us when we doubt our future; and Story ofHelen Keller tells us persistent efforts will finally change our destiny, andit greatly inspire us especially when we are frustrated by failure. Hence,history study indeed has its merit to our daily life.

Nevertheless, does valueof the study of history exist merely when relevant to our daily lives? Theanswer is negative, in that history study has its value in a broad range whichmay be not directly associated with our daily lives.(你也用转折段了啊? ^_^ 其实这一段我一直有疑惑: 太短了明显BT  而且要最好带着把admittedly 分析一下慢慢过渡到正面,这才是转折段的关键; 否则和直接强行转折没去别  但是怎么才能长才能柔和呢? 我以前喜欢在这里填分类和定义; 但是后来又觉得一不小心反而会把行文弄乱 所以一直很困惑)

Firstly, history offers us lessons which caveat us avoid duplicating some mistakes and consequently improve the whole society. Take the bankruptcy of Baring Bank, the oldest bankin Englandas an example. Due to lacking of supervision, Lison, one of employers of BaringBank, invested large amounts of the bank’s fund to financial derivation trade without any approbation and caused huge loss that led to bankruptcy, finallyarousing financial panic in this country. By learning the lessons from thetragic results, banks, stock companies and other financial institutions allover the world began to stress the supervision, and greatly avoided suchbankruptcy occur again. Similarly, the study of effects of early industrializationon the environment caveat us that blindly exploiting, extensive deforestationand irresponsible (这个有点chinglish )discharge of pollutants will destroy the world we live in. Thoughsuch cases do not relate to our daily directly, but they are important to keep usalert to maintain steady economy and sustainable environment for the developmentof society. In this sense, study of history has its meaning beyond mere guidingdaily life.

Moreover, history contributes a lot to cultivate our own cultural and national identity, and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its study insome form. Historical record of the evolving process of families, groups, and whole countries enable us to know how our identity comes from. Take the study on history of family in China for example, from the research, we may find genealogyof most families, such as Liu and Li, which have a long history, and obtain informationabout the origin of the surname.For example, surname Li derives from thename of the birthplace oftheir ancestor. Also, from the study, we can get familiar with historicalchange in the development of the family, such as when the family becomes prosperous and who made the formal family rules. Then we can confirm our familyidentity from such study. Similarly, companies, communities, and social units use history study to find their identity. And of course, distinctive featuresof the nation are addressed by historical stories, which easily lead to an understanding of national values and inspire a commitment to national loyalty.

感觉点body3 和body1 有重复 历史对现在的作用是借鉴作用,民族责任感和认同感   我认为关键在于对daily life 的划分不清; body1那里面你也提到借鉴作用了

In sum, far beyond its value in guiding our dailylives, the study of history provide us lessons to avoid same mistakes in thepast, also it helps keep our cultural and national identity.

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-8-9 21:27 编辑 ]



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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-9 23:27:07 |只看该作者
Issue103 The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.

Study of history, we believe, can give some guidance to our current lives, but does the study of history have value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives,as the speaker asserts? I am afraid his opinion mistakenly restrains history study to a fairly narrow range, since such study has far-reaching meaning in a far broader range than daily life.It is true that most people value history study because it provides us with instructions to guide our daily lives. When we look at the science research field, we may find that achievements are mostly guided(guide achievement?有点怪) by the study of history in relevant field, in the way like studying predecessor’s books, analyzing their experiment record, or inheriting theirspirits. For example, Newton once commented his achievements, (and I paraphrased), "If I could see any further, it is only because I stood on the shoulder of giants". He owed his achievements in science a great deal to instructions from predecessor in his area. As for even more ordinary aspects in our daily life(这句感觉也不好,不是很地道的感觉), such guidance is clearer. The experience of Charles Chaplin shows us the power of self-confidence, and it instruct us when we doubt our future; and Story ofHelen Keller tells us persistent efforts will finally change our destiny, and it greatly inspire us especially when we are frustrated by failure. Hence,history study indeed has its merit to our daily life.

Nevertheless, does value of the study of history exist merely when relevant to our daily lives? The answer is negative, in that history study has its value in a broad range which may be not directly associated with our daily lives.Firstly, history offers us lessons which caveat us avoid duplicating some mistakes and consequently improve the whole society. Take the bankruptcy of Baring Bank, the oldest bankin Englandas an example. Due to lacking of supervision, Lison, one of employers of BaringBank, invested large amounts of the bank’s fund to financial derivation tradewithout any approbation and caused huge loss that led to bankruptcy, finallyarousing financial panic in this country. By learning the lessons from thetragic results, banks, stock companies and other financial institutions allover the world began to stress on the supervision, and greatly avoided suchbankruptcy occur again. Similarly, the study of effects of early industrializationon the environment caveat us that blindly exploiting, extensive deforestationand irresponsible discharge of pollutants will destroy the world we live in. Though such cases do not relate to our daily directly(其实,有些东西,像环境什么的,也可以算是日常生活,貌似是要界定一下,你理解的日常生活是什么), but they are important to keep usalert to maintain steady economy and sustainable environment for the developmentof society. In this sense, study of history has its meaning beyond mere guidingdaily life.

Moreover, history contributes a lot to cultivate our own cultural and national identity, and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its study in some form(??). Historical record of the evolving process of families, groups(这个怎么理解,家族的演变?), and whole countries enable us to know how our identity comes from. Take the study on history of family in China for example, from the research, we may find genealogy of most families, such as Liu and Li, which have a long history, and obtain informationabout the origin of the surname(觉得这个例子更适合放在第一段论述,貌似更生活化,或者换个更广的角度说).For example, surname Li derives from thename of the birthplace oftheir ancestor. Also, from the study, we can get familiar with historicalchange in the development of the family, such as when the family becomes prosperous and who made the formal family rules. Then we can confirm our familyidentity from such study. Similarly, companies, communities, and social unitsuse history study to find their identity. And of course, distinctive featuresof the nation are addressed by historical stories, which easily lead to anunderstanding of national values and inspire a commitment to national loyalty.

In sum, far beyond its value in guiding our dailylives, the study of history provide us lessons to avoid same mistakes in thepast, also it helps keep our cultural and national identity.

[ 本帖最后由 joycening 于 2007-8-9 23:29 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-14 16:12:51 |只看该作者

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