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金融经济版2007 AD/Offer榜
经济申请超级入口 07fall经济学寄托申请总结暨送给08年申请者的礼物 On the first day God created the sun - so the Devil countered and created sunburn. On the second day God created sex. In response the Devil created marriage. On the third day God created an economist. This was a tough one for the Devil, but in the end and after a lot of thought-- -- he created a second economist! 下载学术资料可去人大bbs或国研网积分不够可pm我,请不要再寄托上发广告,一个链接足够:-) |
金融经济版2007 AD/Offer榜
经济申请超级入口 07fall经济学寄托申请总结暨送给08年申请者的礼物 On the first day God created the sun - so the Devil countered and created sunburn. On the second day God created sex. In response the Devil created marriage. On the third day God created an economist. This was a tough one for the Devil, but in the end and after a lot of thought-- -- he created a second economist! 下载学术资料可去人大bbs或国研网积分不够可pm我,请不要再寄托上发广告,一个链接足够:-) |
回复 #6 Tyliayss 的帖子
回复 #7 iamaeromouse 的帖子
认真你就输了 |
My Blog: http://halking.blogspot.com/
My Web: http://sites.google.com/site/halkingwang/ { Ph.D. from Penn State University, 2010 - 2014} ¤''╭⌒╮⌒╮.',''',,',.'',,','',. ╱◥██◣''o',''',,',.''.'',,',. |田|田田│ '',,',.',''',,',.'' ╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬ |
对曰:“知天易,逆天难。” |
金融经济版2007 AD/Offer榜
经济申请超级入口 07fall经济学寄托申请总结暨送给08年申请者的礼物 On the first day God created the sun - so the Devil countered and created sunburn. On the second day God created sex. In response the Devil created marriage. On the third day God created an economist. This was a tough one for the Devil, but in the end and after a lot of thought-- -- he created a second economist! 下载学术资料可去人大bbs或国研网积分不够可pm我,请不要再寄托上发广告,一个链接足够:-) |