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[i习作temp] issue185【背水一战】thanks云飞扬[v2],by yang1989 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-13 20:23:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 yang1989 于 2009-3-13 20:24 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics,academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems inways that no speaker or reformer ever could."


1.      1.Scandals are useful because they draw people’sattention to problems.
2.Scandals are useful because it could change thecurrent situation.
3.But pay attention to their risks.

Where speakers and reformers fail to raise public interestin virtue of giving speeches or carrying on propaganda campaigns, scandals haveachieved their success. Scandals, whether it is false or true, invariably callpublic attention to problems behind the light and spark thorough scrutiny ofall aspects of the issues. I agree with the speaker's opinion but would be gladto add a nice suggestion that while enjoying the benefits brought by scandals,we have to make sure not to be caught up in them since some scandals are tootrivial or marginal to be worth of noticing.

To begin our discussion, scandalsare useful at least because they draw people's concerns to problems at greatsuccess. Firstly, it is a human nature to be particularly aware of gossips,rumors and scandals.
For example, in theMonicagate, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, It seems people of all walks of livescould not help talking about it all day, at lunch table, in underground tubes, andon newspapers’ columns. Beyond people's imaginations, scandals like Monicagate serveas great ingredients to the dull routine of people's everyday life.
And as soon as individuals are attracted bythe scandals, both the main characters involved and all aspects of the issuewill receive detailed media coverage so as to cater for individuals' curiosity.Were new scandals to be uncovered in this process, people’s attention wouldeven soar to a new level.  

In addition to just bringing people's attention to currentaffairs, scandals contributes to an observable change both in public policy andindividuals attitudes, altering the face of people's lives. Were a scandal tobe true, trustworthy and connecting with issues significant enough, it will bea strong impetus for people to change current situations. For instance, thetainted-milk-formula scandal in China has not only helped victims receivedeserved monetary compensates, but also led to the establishment of more strictlaws over food safety issues. What's more, with regards to the insufficientattention to public welfare of the Chinese government, compared with itsover-emphasis on economic growth, the leaders of China have now made up theirminds to spend more budgets on public health system, education and so on, onthe hope of improving people's life quality. Without scandals reported byjournalists, it would be long enough before people are to handle with theproblems seriously.

But at the same time, we are wary ofthe potential negative influence exerted by scandals, not only because they areinclined to deflect us from the most important things and mask people's currentgoals, but also because false scandals usually lead to problems.
A campaign of political election would beillustrative of the both points. Candidates time and again will stress scandalsof their rivals, on the hope of boasting their own merits and voters,distracted by them, may forget to evaluate their true competences.
A worse situation occurs when false scandalssuccessfully drive the present qualified leader out of office and help aschemer seize the power. This will certainly be a disaster!

To draw a conclusion, scandals have their merits in bringingfocuses to problems obscured for long and in motivating people to take moves tosolve problems. But due to an influx of false and trivial scandals, people arealso susceptible to a deviance of their origin orbit, leading to a tremendouswaste of time and monetary means. In this sense, I agree with the speaker thatscandals are useful but we should not overlook the risk of being controlled by it.

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issue185【背水一战】thanks云飞扬[v2],by yang1989
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