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[a习作temp] 0910G [try best]第一小组 argument242 by heliapple [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-4 12:51:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
242. The following appeared as an editorial in the student newspaper of Groveton College.

"To combat the recently reported dramatic rise in cheating among college and university students, these institutions should adopt honor codes similar to Groveton's, which calls for students to agree not to cheat in their academic endeavors and to notify a faculty member if they suspect that others have cheated. Groveton's honor code replaced an old-fashioned system in which students were closely monitored by teachers and an average of thirty cases of cheating per year were reported. The honor code has proven far more successful: in the first year it was in place, students reported twenty-one cases of cheating; five years later, this figure had dropped to fourteen. Moreover, in a recent survey conducted by the Groveton honor council, a majority of students said that they would be less likely to cheat with an honor code in place than without."

Because cheatings among the university and college students are rising recently, to inhibit such trend, the editorial recommends the universities and colleges to adopt the honor code of Groveton’s which has effectively decreased the cases of cheating in Groveton. While, after carefully scrutinize, I find the editorial is not as reasonable as it stands.

In this case, facing the soaring number of cheating among students, the operators of that universities and colleges should look for the underlying motive of cheating but not just adopt some codes to stop it. After all, the purpose of education is to cultivate the students a sense of responsibility, the ability to learn the brand new research field independently as well as to cheerfully enjoying their life. While, would there be any trust left between students if the universities carry the editorial’s recommendation and adopt the honor code of Groveton’s? The students might be reluctant to make friends in school and living a life full of mistrust and angers. That is not what it should be, the college life ought to be colorful and full of happiness.  

Secondly, although the number of cheating in Groveton drop from 30 to 14 during five years after the honor code was adopted, this figure couldn’t persuade me into believing its effectiveness.  The declining in the number might be caused by the shrinking in the size of the university and its students’ population. Five years ago, before the honor code was introduced, the university was consisted of 30 colleges and 30000 students, but now it might only have 10 colleges left and only 10000 students. To be frankly, the number is declining, but the actual cheating ratio is increasing (from 30 out 30000 to 14 out 10000)! The real situation may be even worse. As the students are in charge of the whole cheating thing, they might make a compromise with each other and decide not to tell out the truth which is almost everyone is cheating! It is really a terrible scene!

Thirdly, the survey making by Groveton honor council is not reliable. Students who accepted the survey might be informed or mislead that the investigator will be happy if they confirm the usefulness of honor code and thus they might be unwilling to tell their true thoughts. There is also another chance that the respondents are all good students who never thought about cheating, they study hard and get all A in every course they have taken. If that is true, then the survey is meaningless in telling our anything. Because we couldn’t accept a choice making based on imaging, just as the same as we could never get a meaningful answer about which kind of beef is better from a vegetarian.

The editorial fails to convince me in its recommendation because it lacks of crucial evidence on supporting its suggestion. It should do more research on why does the cheating overwhelm recently? Does the scale of Groveton change during the last five years? Moreover, it should show more detail about the setting of the survey and its respondents.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-8 15:25:56 |只看该作者
242. Because cheatings among the university and college students are rising recently, to inhibit such trend, the editorial recommends the universities and colleges to adopt the honor code of Groveton’s which has effectively decreased the cases of cheating in Groveton. While, after carefully scrutinize, I find the editorial is not as reasonable as it stands.

In this case, facing the soaring number of cheating among students, the operators of that universities and colleges should look for the underlying motive of cheating but not just adopt some codes to stop it. After all, the purpose of education is to cultivate the students a sense of responsibility, the ability to learn the brand new research field independently as well as to cheerfully enjoying their life. While, would there be any trust left between students if the universities carry the editorial’s recommendation and adopt the honor code of Groveton’s? The students might be reluctant to make friends in school and living a life full of mistrust and angers. That is not what it should be, the college life ought to be colorful and full of happiness.  

Secondly, although the number of cheating in Groveton drop from 30 to 14 during five years after the honor code was adopted, this figure couldn’t persuade me into believing its effectiveness.  The declining in the number might be caused by the shrinking in the size of the university and its students’ population. Five years ago, before the honor code was introduced, the university was consisted of 30 colleges and 30000 students, but now it might only have 10 colleges left and only 10000 students. To be frankly, the number is declining, but the actual cheating ratio is increasing (from 30 out 30000 to 14 out 10000)! The real situation may be even worse. As the students are in charge of the whole cheating thing, they might make a compromise with each other and decide not to tell out the truth which is almost everyone is cheating! It is really a terrible scene! (只评论一个学校的,反证不用30colleges,不要加这种表示感情的句子比较好吧,不过反例举的很好)

Thirdly, the survey making by Groveton honor council is not reliable. Students who accepted the survey might be informed or mislead that the investigator will be happy if they confirm the usefulness of honor code and thus they might be unwilling to tell their true thoughts. There is also another chance that the respondents are all good students who never thought about cheating, they study hard and get all A in every course they have taken. If that is true, then the survey is meaningless in telling our anything. Because we couldn’t accept a choice making based on imaging, just as the same as we could never get a meaningful answer about which kind of beef is better from a vegetarian. (句子很形象)


The editorial fails to convince me in its recommendation because it lacks of crucial evidence on supporting its suggestion. It should do more research on why does the cheating overwhelm recently? Does the scale of Groveton change during the last five years? Moreover, it should show more detail about the setting of the survey and its respondents.(我感觉结尾写问句是很有新意,但是切题不深,还是建议用老的模板,虽然模板新意不大,但逻辑顺序很强)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-6-8 21:41:31 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 nlhust 于 2009-6-8 21:44 编辑

Because cheatings among the university and college students are risingrecently, to inhibit such trend, the editorial recommends theuniversities and colleges to adopt the honor code of Groveton’s(这个地方转述的与原文有点差别) whichhas effectively decreased the cases of cheating in Groveton. While, after carefully scrutinize(after carefully scrutinizing), I find the editorial is not as reasonableas it stands.

In this case, facing the soaring number of cheating among students, theoperators of that universities and colleges should look for theunderlying motive of cheating but not just adopt some codes to stop it.After all, the purpose of education is to cultivate the students asense of responsibility, the ability to learn the brand new researchfield independently as well as to cheerfully enjoying their life.While, would there be any trust left between students if theuniversities carry the editorial’s recommendation and adopt the honorcode of Groveton’s? The students might be reluctant to make friends inschool and living a life full of mistrust and angers. That is not whatit should be, the college life ought to be colorful and full ofhappiness.


An important part of performing well on the Argument task is remembering what you are not being asked to do. You are not being asked to discuss whether the statements in the argument are true or accurate; instead, you are being asked whether conclusions and inferences are validly drawn from the statements. You are not being asked to agree or disagree with the position stated; instead, you are being asked to comment on the thinking that underlies the position stated. You are not being asked to express your own views on the subject being discussed (as you were in the Issue task); instead, you are being asked to evaluate the logical soundness of an argument of another writer and, in doing so, to demonstrate the critical thinking, perceptive reading, and analytical writing skills that university faculty consider important for success in graduate school.


Secondly, although the number of cheating in Groveton drop(have dropped) from 30 to14 during five years after the honor code was adopted, this figurecouldn’t persuade me into believing its effectiveness.  The decliningin the number might be caused by the shrinking in the size of theuniversity and its students’ population. Five years ago, before thehonor code was introduced, the university was consisted of 30 collegesand 30000 students, but now it might only have 10 colleges left andonly 10000 students. To be frankly, the number is declining, but theactual cheating ratio is increasing (from 30 out 30000 to 14 out10000)! The real situation may be even worse. As the students are incharge of the whole cheating thing, they might make a compromise witheach other and decide not to tell out the truth which is(that更简单) almosteveryone is cheating! It is really a terrible scene!


Thirdly, the survey making by Groveton honor council is not reliable.Students who accepted the survey might be informed or mislead(misled) that theinvestigator will(这里有没有时态问题呢?改成would?) be happy if they confirm the usefulness of honor codeand thus they might be unwilling to tell their true thoughts.(前文中的they,their都有指代不清的嫌疑。) There is also another chance that the respondents are all good studentswho never thought about cheating, they study hard and get all A in every coursethey have taken.(如果是这样的话,为什么他们会认为they would be less likely to cheat ... ?) If that is true, then the survey is meaninglessin telling our anything. Because we couldn’t accept a choice makingbased on imaging, just as the same as we could never get a meaningfulanswer about which kind of beef is better from a vegetarian. (这个地方的类比很不错,从你的文章中深切的感受到了善用类比的好处,回头要练练。。)


The editorial fails to convince me in its recommendation because itlacks of crucial evidence on supporting its suggestion. It should domore research on why does the cheating overwhelm recently? Does thescale of Groveton change during the last five years? Moreover, itshould show more detail about the setting of the survey and itsrespondents.

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0910G [try best]第一小组 argument242 by heliapple
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