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[i习作temp] 0910G[North America Flying] Issue131 by jamesg [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-12 11:37:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I agree, in the historical view, with the speaker's claim that arts reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society. However, in the micro view, arts tend to only reflect artists' perceptions or feelings of themselves.

The great pieces of art works that come down from generation to generation, are those not only advance in the skills of making them,  but also emblem of hidden social ideas and activities. Back to  the Renaissance, when Bruno was burned at the stake for the basic doctrines of his philosophy and cosmology, there was a great risk in presenting certain social ideas or impulses straightly. Then people try to conceal any precursory ideas through underground movements. But artistic works, on the other hand,  can be put forward to publics for the method of symbolism is always used. For example, apart from its technical mastery, the painting Last Judgement by Michelangelo is noted for its radical departures from traditional depictions. In particular, firstly, the overall structure seems to swirl around Christ at the centre, replacing the traditional pattern of horizontal layers depicting heaven, earth and hell; and secondly, the figure of Christ himself, beardless and muscular, surrounded by light, which has often been compared to the Greek sun-god Apollo. One week before commissioning the work, Pope Clement VII is known to have been studying the new heliocentric cosmology of Copernicus. There seems a real possibility that the painting is in part as an allegory of the new cosmology, with Christ as the sun in the centre of the universe.

In the micro view,  arts also reveal personal feelings of creators. Artistic works with the comprehension of artists, are always vessels carrying their certain feelings of love, abhorrent, admiration, or disgust etc, toward some social or personal ideas or events. For example, the fresco Last Judgment by Michelangelo on the altar wall was an object of a heavy dispute between Cardinal Carafa and Michelangelo: the artist was accused of immorality and intolerable obscenity,having depicted naked figures. In the painting, Michelangelo does a self portrait depicting himself as St. Bartholomew after he had been flayed. This is reflective of the feelings of contempt Michelangelo had for being commissioned to paint "The Last Judgement". The Nocturnes by Frederic Chopin, constituting twenty-one short pieces of solo piano,  are believed to be the reflection of Chopin's fluxing life experience and his sophistication of pondering at night.

Moreover, artists' works sometimes reveal creativity of human beings. The great pieces of works are always those original or recreative. Such originality contains unique concept and always easily draws public attention. For example, In 1872, Claude Monet painted Impression, Sunrise  depicting a Le Havre landscape. It hung in the first Impressionist exhibition in 1874 and is now displayed in the Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris. From the painting's title, art critic Louis Leroy coined the term "Impressionism", which he intended as disparagement but which the Impressionists appropriated for themselves. And the dome of Saint Peter's Basilica by Michelangelo is appreciated, as an effect of continuous wall-surface has been created.

In sum, the arts, sometimes in a particular way of using symbolism, reveal hidden ideas and impulses of society, while in other cases, arts stand for artists' inner thoughts and personal feelings. And to the greatest extent, all great arts reflect human creativity.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-15 17:03:13 |只看该作者

I agree, in the historical view, with the speaker's claim that arts reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society. However, in the micro view, arts tend to only reflect artists' perceptions or feelings of themselves.

这个表达感觉对不上,历史应该对应现代,细节应该对应总体,第一个改为in the macro view如何?

The great pieces of art works that come down (handed down) from generation to generation(one generation to another,可数名词,应该呈单复数的), are those not only advance in the skills of making them,  but also(not only和but also后面的不一致) emblem of hidden social ideas and activities.


Back to  the Renaissance, when Bruno was burned at the stake for the basic doctrines of his philosophy and cosmology, there was a great risk in presenting certain social ideas or impulses straightly. Then people try to conceal any precursory ideas through underground movements.

But artistic works, on the other hand,  can be put forward to publics for the method of symbolism is always used. For example, apart from its technical mastery, the painting Last Judgement by Michelangelo is noted for its radical departures from traditional depictions. In particular, firstly, the overall structure seems to swirl around Christ at the centre, replacing the traditional pattern of horizontal layers depicting heaven, earth and hell; and secondly, the figure of Christ himself, beardless and muscular, surrounded by light, which has often been compared to the Greek sun-god Apollo. One week before commissioning the work, Pope Clement VII is known to have been studying the new heliocentric cosmology of Copernicus. There seems a real possibility that the painting is in part as an allegory of the new cosmology, with Christ as the sun in the centre of the universe.


In the micro view,  arts also reveal personal feelings of creators. Artistic works with the comprehension of artists, are always vessels carrying their certain feelings of love, abhorrent, admiration, or disgust etc, toward some social or personal ideas or events. For example, the fresco Last Judgment by Michelangelo on the altar wall was an object of a heavy dispute between Cardinal Carafa and Michelangelo: the artist was accused of immorality and intolerable obscenity,having depicted naked figures. In the painting, Michelangelo does a self portrait depicting himself as St. Bartholomew after he had been flayed. This is reflective of the feelings of contempt Michelangelo had for being commissioned to paint "The Last Judgement". The Nocturnes by Frederic Chopin, constituting twenty-one short pieces of solo piano,  are believed to be the reflection of Chopin's fluxing life experience and his sophistication of pondering at night.

(一个例子用两次不太好,这个例子直接回应能体现某些情感,但是没有充分阐述不能揭露某些hidden ideas,毕竟个人的想法也可以是hidden idea)

Moreover, artists' works sometimes reveal creativity of human beings. The great pieces of works are always those original or recreative. Such originality contains unique concept and always easily draws public attention. For example, In 1872, Claude Monet painted Impression, Sunrise  depicting a Le Havre landscape. It hung in the first Impressionist exhibition in 1874 and is now displayed in the Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris. From the painting's title, art critic Louis Leroy coined the term "Impressionism", which he intended as disparagement but which the Impressionists appropriated for themselves. And the dome of Saint Peter's Basilica by Michelangelo is appreciated, as an effect of continuous wall-surface has been created.

In sum, the arts, sometimes in a particular way of using symbolism, reveal hidden ideas and impulses of society, while in other cases, arts stand for artists' inner thoughts and personal feelings. And to the greatest extent, all great arts reflect human creativity.

2.这个题目众所周知破题很难切题,我感觉这个切题有点偏了,hidden idea和个人情绪并不矛盾,更多的时候很多个人想法是被压抑的,是真正的hidden ideas,文章没有把这个分析透彻

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