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0910AW 同主题写作第四期 issue144 by xoxlol [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-11 11:40:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
While artists create, critics evaluate. While artists express, critics interpret. Contribution of both artists and critics is indispensible, since they enhance our appreciation for and the value of beauty and esthetics of our society. However, as for the lasting value of society, time is the ultimate judge and contributor in my view.
Indisputably, it is the artists that bring all the art works into existence. No art works automatically come into being by themselves without artists. Without composer, phonetic symbols would not turn into tunes; without painter, lines and colors would transform into a painting; without poet, letters would not array in the order of rhythms. Thus, with talent and skills, artists arrange all the fraction of their emotion and ideology into a piece of combination that can reflect social idea and humanity. Admittedly, what artists bring to the field of art and our whole society is priceless.
However, pricelessness doesn’t equate lasting value. It is time that does the vital job of eliciting the lasting value of a piece of art, rather than artists creates it. During the development of human history, there is a prodigious number of art works flourishing out, and time is the best testing system to decide which piece holds the lasting value and which does not. In the testing out process, a myriad of art works have been deposited under the time sea and never been recognized or remembered, let alone bring lasting value to society. On the other hand, lasting value of master pieces has been tested and proved over and over throughout history: people keep flowing to Paris to cast a glance at the smile of Mona Lisa; Moonlight Sonata has inspired generations and been imitated or recomposed by countless admirers; the genius of Hamlet has revised into numerous versions of movies and plays. Artist create valuable art, time entitles it the lasting value.
Meanwhile, critics makes their contribution with professional esthetics and systemic criteria. They help common people to understand and appreciate the internal meaning of art, and filter those good ones that truly deserve our time and investment. For instance, a good movie review is a very helpful guide when audiences spend time and dollars in a theater, and art cristics' insightful opinion is an important reference on art collectors' investment choices. There is no doubt the role critics play is prominent, but where is the lasting value in those circumstances?
Also, as far as the lasting value is concerned, it is still time, rather than critics, that exlores the lasting value of art. Art can be very abstract and abstruse to grasp the real meaning within, despite all the professional knowledge a critics masters. With different angle, different culture background or different personal experience, critics can hardly agree with each other on a same piece of art for so many times, and that’s where contradiction and prejudice on a certain school or piece of art originate. Fortunately, time can wash them out and give back an art or artist a fair name. Taking Impressionism for instance, its works were dismissed and harshly criticized then, but now they are highly venerated. Thus, critics are not always right, but time stays objective and gives society something with lasting value.
To sum up, few will dispute the indispensability of artists and critics, for they have significant impact on the course of human civilization. However, time is the real master of identifying and projecting the lasting value of art.
I wanna be the devil, at least she wears Prada!

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发表于 2009-6-11 18:04:06 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qtangtangs 于 2009-6-11 18:05 编辑

While artists create, critics evaluate. While artists express, critics interpret. Contribution of both artists and critics is indispensible(indispensable), since they enhance our appreciation for and the value of beauty and esthetics of our society. However, as for the lasting value of society, time is the ultimate judge and contributor in my view.

Indisputably, it is the artists that bring all the art works into existence. No art works automatically come into being by themselves without artists. Without composer, phonetic symbols would not turn into tunes; without painter, lines and colors would transform into a painting; without poet, letters would not array in the order of rhythms. (composer painter
poet 都得加个s,不然就前面加a )Thus, with talent and skills, artists arrange all the fraction of their emotion and ideology into a piece of combination that can reflect social idea and humanity. Admittedly, what artists bring to the field of art and our whole society is priceless.

However, pricelessness(
这个ness不能这么加,我查了韦氏和金山都没这个词) doesn’t equate lasting value. It is time that does the vital job of eliciting the lasting value of a piece of art, rather than artists creates(create) it(前面说的是time does the vital job,rather than 后面也应该改是一个名词才对吧,rather than xxx does the vital job). During the development of human history, there is a prodigious number of art works flourishing out, and time is the best testing system to decide which piece holds the lasting value and which does not. In the testing out process, a myriad of art works have been deposited under the time sea and never been recognized or remembered, let alone bring lasting value to society. On the other hand, lasting value of master pieces has been tested and proved over and over throughout history: people keep flowing to Paris to cast a glance at the smile of Mona Lisa; Moonlight Sonata has inspired generations and been imitated or recomposed by countless admirers; the genius of Hamlet has revised into numerous versions of movies and plays. Artist create valuable art, time entitles it the lasting value.

Meanwhile, critics makes(make) their contribution with professional esthetics and systemic criteria. They help common people to understand and appreciate the internal meaning of art, and filter those good ones that truly deserve our time and investment. For instance, a good movie review is a very helpful guide when audiences spend time and dollars in a theater, and art cristics'(critics’) insightful opinion is an important reference on art collectors' investment choices. There is no doubt the role critics play is prominent, but where is the lasting value in those circumstances?

Also, as far as the lasting value is concerned, it is still time, rather than critics, that explores(explores?) the lasting value of art. Art can be very abstract and abstruse to grasp the real meaning within (?within what?), despite all the professional knowledge a critics masters. With different angle(s), different culture background(cultural backgrounds) or(
改成and会不会好些?) different personal experience(s), critics can hardly agree with each other on a same piece of art for so many times, and that’s where contradiction and prejudice on a certain school or piece of art originate. Fortunately, time can wash them out and give back an art or artist a fair name. Taking Impressionism for instance, its works were dismissed and harshly criticized then, but now they are highly venerated. Thus, critics are not always right, but time stays objective and gives society something with lasting value.

To sum up, few will dispute the indispensability of artists and critics, for they have significant impact on the course of human civilization. However, time is the real master of identifying and projecting the lasting value of art.


首先, 我觉得这篇文章的观点就很有新意, 一般人都是围绕着究竟是artist 还是critic(我也是..) ,所以看到作者绕着时间去写首先我就觉得 !为什么我没想到呢?

分别从 artist critic time 三个角度来证明 不管怎样 time才是lasting valuecontributor!
另外,楼主的语言并不是很复杂 句式也没有长的像长难句那样,但是其实这样并没有让这篇文章失色,反而更加突出了作者的逻辑。

总之 我觉得这篇写的很好~~

当然,楼主还得注意一下一些小语法和打字的时候的错别字  不过,这也是我鸡蛋里挑骨头罢了  呵呵~~~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2009-6-11 18:08:50 |只看该作者
P.S.  感觉楼主英语基础很好阿   如果有可能的话能否看看我的issue144?   希望指点一下~  呵呵

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-17 16:38:21 |只看该作者

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RE: 0910AW 同主题写作第四期 issue144 by xoxlol [修改]
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0910AW 同主题写作第四期 issue144 by xoxlol
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