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[i习作temp] Flyer杀G组 Issue 120 by Selinashen [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-20 01:43:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 120 TOPIC: ISSUE120 - "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."
WORDS: 617
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2010-7-20
上午 01:14:01

This is the age of information, this is the age of change. Perhaps no other times in history have experienced much more connected and complicated society than this age. Within the last few decades, the whole world has been saturated with globalization, world wide web, social networking and data deluge. When tracking history back to 100 years ago, I would be very disappointing to see that no substance in the past could be idential with what we have today. What we had in the past may not exist today, so why bothering studying history? Of course, this is the common question that Net- Generation would ask. If we evaluate historical events on the surface, what happened in the past did have little guidence for living in the present, since "no one can never jump into the river twice." But unlike other physcial things, understanding history can be very valuable for our present living.

Studying history, at first, can help us understand people's behavoirs and human's imperfection. Before elucidating this argument, there is another concept should be considered. As David Hume declares, humans are living in two sphere of world, physical world and spiritual world. The physical world consists of nature and substance which are changing infinitely, whereas the spiritual world of human is still in the struggle of love or hate, greed or content, war and peace. Studying history can help us to understand how people in differenct age reacted to the physical world. Taking the American history from 1920-1920 for example, America at that age was experiencing moral declining and ecomic booming. After gaining a lager amount of money from the First World War, young generation began abandoned religous restraint and accpeted the new belief from Nichetzue that God is dead. They began enjoying the life in a lavish way. When reading the historical book describing how people behaved, I find what happened in the United States remains striking akin to the today's China. Girls spend time in the bar, standing in a queue and waiting patiently for the opening of Louvis Vittlon. These facts may, to some extent, helps me to observe my present life and watch my spirit, helping me to understand what is important to my life. Hence, the most direct influence of studying the past is to observe our present behaviors and prevent us from drawning in to the abyss of materials.

Studing history, on the other hand, can enlighten our hearts and give us courage. Absurd as it sound, but it couldn't be further from the truth when I was studing the history of feminist movement in history. From the
Scudes Fall convention to the present feminist movement, women has been fighting so hard for the ideal of equality in all aspect. Hardly could I imagine that women were akin to slaves just 150 years ago if I didn't study history. They did not have right to vote, much less the opportunity to go to school or the right to divore. Without studying history, I would be too arragant to believe that women's right at present is a blessing from the begining of human civilization. Women's struggles, petitions and debates have helped to understand the importance of hope and conviction. Women's condition has changes a lot and it will chage until all women in world can be entitled to the right of vote, education, privacy and leadership in all aspects. Studying history can enlighten our hearts to do something good for the general public and give us courage to fight.

Studying history, as part of education, can help us escape, not from the society we are bounded by, but from the intellectual and spiritual limitations we have in this secular society.

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