我英语雅思在备考中吗,准备1月份考试,这样我有希望拿到offer吗???另外老师回复说可以申请Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Graduate Programme 或者NGS ,我应该申请哪一个???第一次接触留学这种事情,求解答???
Thank you for your email. You would be welcome to join my laboratory if you are admitted to NUS with a PhD scholarship. The next step would be to choose the graduate programme that you wish to apply for and visit their website to find the application forms. Two programmes you might consider applying for are the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Graduate Programme (http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/postgrad/index.html) and the NUS Graduate School (NGS) for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (http://www.nus.edu.sg/ngs/).
The language requirement is important and usually no exceptions are made. But if you are already registered to take IELTS within a month or two of the application deadline the admissions committee will sometimes allow in an initial application without the IELTS score provided a satisfactory score is submitted before the committee make their final decision.