我预约的是10点半的,9点多就到了。然后我跟10点约的进去了。坐电梯到了4楼, 有保安在那里再次核对名字,对完后就再坐扶手电梯到了5楼,还是先排队,不过排队时可以看到移民签证的那些人,排到了安检处交上手机,电器,脱鞋安检。 之后就可以进去了,左边是非移民,右边是移民材料递交给秘书后就坐下来等自己的名字。等了很久大概12点才轮到我,先去3号窗口按指纹,然后按完后他们会告诉你去几号窗口面签。
VO:Good morning
ME:Good morning sir
V:So you are going to ***?
ME:Yes.I went to CA as an exchange and I really like there
V:Why do you choose ***?
me:Because all my teachers and conselor in *** high school suggest me to go there
and I went there couple times for tennis matches and I really like there.
V: Where did you go last year?
V: Is it in south CA?
me: No, it is in north CA and I was playing in the tennis league there.
V: Oh, that's cool. Who is going to pay for your fee?
me: My school and my parents but I don't think that the scolarship is shown on the
V: I don't think so either.
V:What's your parents‘ jobs?
Me:My father is a general manager of a big real estate company and his income is
****thousands a year 听到这里他已经在撕条证明已经过了
我的话刚落他就把条递出来了并说:VISA APPROVED