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[i习作temp] issue207同主题,第一次写偏了,想好几个例后又来一次,拍必回 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-21 01:55:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:35分6秒     451 words
Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.

Retrospect to the origination of rituals and ceremonies ,there is a conception that rituals and ceremonies is rather a reflection of a culture- they may derive from a reverence for a historical moment , a custom experienced from generations transmitted, a discipline accepted in a small region -All come from the different aspects of culture. From the relationships between rituals and ceremonies with the culture, I agree that rituals and ceremonies help us to understand the authentic meaning of a specific culture, nevertheless , when Overestimating the function of them is a conclusion that people may have a diminished sense of who they are , I hardly vote for this claim.

In the first place, definitely, involving oneself in a ritual or ceremony ,one may reach the profound meaning of a concrete culture easier. To further support my view ,there are two examples I may demonstrate. first ,a historical ceremony may help a historian further understand a foreign culture. A good case in point is that in a small village, Indian, existing a ritual between lovers. Falling in love with a local girl ,a man may call on the girl's house ,and a cup of coffee will decide your destiny . A trick masks in the coffee is that if the coffee added with sugar, which means “ I love you ,let us marry” ,comparably, tasting the bitter flavor of a coffee without sugar ,savoring the sorrow feeling around. At a first glance, a deduction that there may some romantic and humorous element in the local culture, may be made spontaneously.  Secondly, a ceremony performs in a small region, to some extent , may furtively make the people immerse in a special culture, and provide I feeling of belonging. As in a fiction "root", when Kunta reached an age of 18, there will be an adult ritual , every boy in the novel was delighted to be announced as a man from then on .It is a hallmark of individual's process, and it is the ritual helps define it. A ritual thus plays a role as leading you into a certain culture.

Moreover , if the rituals and ceremony are so essential in a culture, then a deprivation of it will lead a sense of lost or not ? The answer is negative . To completely understand why there is a declination of respects of the former rituals will help us reasoningly consider the controversy.  A declination may be owe to the over-increasing paces of modern life or a national-wide globalization, nevertheless a vague meaning of formal culture may not a disaster rather endows a new vision of one's culture. Through the fast pace of life we may easily build a culture on a public regulation , laws and moral standard .compared with the influence of globalization there might be a more tolerance acceptance of other nations' culture, this also presents a new notion of culture. All in all , through the building of new culture , we hardly lost in the complex society.

However, it is true that no matter what transformation of society has brought to a culture. A preservation of precious conventional ritual and ceremony , to some means ,is necessary.  History is always a necessary part in our daily life ,and a preservation of our rituals and ceremony is a means to retrospect our past and look forward to our future.

In sum , on the basis of positive acceptance of the ritual and ceremony's critical function  contributed to understand a culture , whereas with little overestimation of its influence ,as  diminishing one's sense of who he is. Leading a policy or a regulation of protecting prevent them from extinct . Only through these ways a combination of respect while hardly overemphasize its meaning may a intelligent way for us to understand a rituals or ceremonies.   

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-21 01:56:20 |只看该作者


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-21 01:57:15 |只看该作者


一.        定义什么是仪式。 有那些形式,肯定它们在文化中的作用,否定人们的迷失
二.        肯定前半部,分两方面
1.        历史和习俗的体现,是一种文化的反映,通过它, 研究文化的人能更具体的接触文化2。它对于置身于其中的个体来说是一种文化的加强,潜移默化。
1,        外来文化的进入
2,        社会的进步带来的对文化的冲击。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-21 11:37:23 |只看该作者
Retrospect to the origination of rituals and ceremonies ,there is a conception that rituals and ceremonies is rather a reflection of a culture- they may derive from a reverence for a historical moment , a custom experienced from generations transmitted, a discipline accepted in a small region -All come from the different aspects of culture. From the relationships between rituals and ceremonies with the culture, I agree that rituals and ceremonies help us to understand the authentic meaning of a specific culture, nevertheless , when Overestimating the function of them is a conclusion [这句读起来好像有点问题]that people may have a diminished sense of who they are , I hardly vote for this claim.

In the first place, definitely, involving oneself in a ritual or ceremony ,one may reach the profound meaning of a concrete culture easier. To further support my view ,there are two examples I may demonstrate. first ,a historical ceremony may help a historian further understand a foreign culture. A good case in point is that in a small village, Indian, existing a ritual between lovers. Falling in love with a local girl ,a man may call on the girl's house ,and a cup of coffee will decide your destiny[your?]. A trick masks in the coffee is that if the coffee added with sugar, which means “ I love you ,let us marry” ,comparably, tasting the bitter flavor of a coffee without sugar ,savoring the sorrow feeling around. At a first glance, a deduction that there may some romantic and humorous element in the local culture, may be made spontaneously. [这个例子举得不好,也没有阐述may help a historian further understand a foreign culture] Secondly, a ceremony performs in a small region, to some extent , may furtively make the people immerse in a special culture, and provide I[them the] feeling of belonging. As in a fiction "root", when Kunta reached an age of 18, there will be[was] an adult ritual , every boy in the novel was delighted to be announced as a man from then on .It is a hallmark of individual's process, and it is the ritual helps define it. A ritual thus plays a role as leading you into a certain culture.

Moreover , if the rituals and ceremony are so essential in a culture, then a deprivation of it will lead a sense of lost or not ?[如果是问句,这句的语法好像不对,可不可以这样:will……lead ………if…….?] The answer is negative . To completely understand why there is a declination of respects of the former rituals will help us reasoningly consider the controversy.  A declination may be owe to the over-increasing paces of modern life or a national-wide globalization, nevertheless a vague meaning of formal culture may not [be] a disaster rather endows a new vision of one's culture. Through the fast pace of life we may easily build a culture on a public regulation , laws and moral standard .compared with the influence of globalization there might be a more tolerance acceptance of other nations' culture, this also presents a new notion of culture. All in all , through the building of new culture , we hardly lost in the complex society.

However, it is true that no matter what transformation of society has brought to a culture. A preservation of precious conventional ritual and ceremony , to some means ,is necessary.  History is always a necessary part in our daily life ,and a preservation of our rituals and ceremony is a means to retrospect our past and look forward to our future.

In sum , on the basis of positive acceptance of the ritual and ceremony's critical function  contributed to understand a culture , whereas with little overestimation of its influence ,as  diminishing one's sense of who he is. Leading a policy or a regulation of protecting prevent them from extinct . Only through these ways a combination of respect while hardly overemphasize its meaning may a intelligent way for us to understand a rituals or ceremonies.   [大大,整个文章的逻辑思路好清晰,赞!]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-23 14:59:20 |只看该作者
Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.

Retrospect to the origination of rituals and ceremonies ,there is a conception that rituals and ceremonies is rather a reflection of a culture- they may derive from a reverence for a historical moment , a custom experienced from generations transmitted, a discipline accepted in a small region -All come from the different aspects of culture.(这一句写得太好了啊~~很清楚地把rituals and ceremonies的本质提出来) From the relationships between rituals and ceremonies with the culture, I agree that rituals and ceremonies help us to understand the authentic meaning of a specific culture, nevertheless , when Overestimating the function of them is a conclusion that people may have a diminished sense of who they are , I hardly vote for this claim.观点也摆得很有逻辑性,好admire哦~

In the first place, definitely, involving oneself in a ritual or ceremony ,one may reach the profound meaning of a concrete culture easier. To further support my view ,there are two examples I may demonstrate. first ,a historical ceremony may help a historian further understand a foreign culture. A good case in point is that in a small village, Indian, existing a ritual between lovers. Falling in love with a local girl ,a man may call on the girl's house ,and a cup of coffee will decide your destiny . A trick masks in the coffee is that if the coffee added with sugar, which means “ I love you ,let us marry” ,comparably, tasting the bitter flavor of a coffee without sugar ,savoring the sorrow feeling around. At a first glance, a deduction that there may some romantic and humorous element in the local culture, may be made spontaneously.  Secondly, a ceremony performs in a small region, to some extent , may furtively make the people immerse in a special culture, and provide I feeling of belonging (这一句不是很明白,是不是说了解一种习俗可以使人有一种归属感?那I是不是改为a or the?这个例子是很不错,也能说明问题,但是没有呼应前面提到的"促进历史学家对外国文化的了解"或许可以把那一句换一个说法,不说历史学家,而说people). As in a fiction "root", when Kunta reached an age of 18, there will be an adult ritual , every boy in the novel was delighted to be announced as a man from then on .It is a hallmark of individual's process, and it is the ritual helps define it. A ritual thus plays a role as leading you into a certain culture. 两个例子对于整段的说明都很恰当,语句运用也很灵活

Moreover , if the rituals and ceremony (同样,复数) are so essential in a culture, then a deprivation of it will lead a sense of lost or not ? The answer is negative . To completely understand why there is a declination of respects of the former rituals will help us reasoningly consider the controversy.  A declination may be owe to the over-increasing paces of modern life or a national-wide globalization, nevertheless a vague meaning of formal culture may not (be) a disaster rather endows a new vision of one's culture. Through the fast pace of life we may easily build a culture on a public regulation , laws and moral standard .compared with the influence of globalization there might be a more tolerance acceptance of other nations' culture, this also presents a new notion of culture. All in all , through the building of new culture , we hardly lost in the complex society.

However, it is true that no matter what transformation of society has brought to a culture. A preservation of precious conventional ritual and ceremony , to some means ,is necessary.  History is always a necessary part in our daily life ,and a preservation of our rituals and ceremony is a means to retrospect our past and look forward to our future.

In sum , on the basis of positive acceptance of the ritual and ceremony's critical function  contributed to understand a culture , whereas with little overestimation of its influence ,as  diminishing one's sense of who he is. Leading a policy or a regulation of protecting prevent them from extinct . Only through these ways a combination of respect while hardly overemphasize its meaning may a intelligent way for us to understand (省略a) rituals or ceremonies.   

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发表于 2005-7-25 16:42:47 |只看该作者

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RE: issue207同主题,第一次写偏了,想好几个例后又来一次,拍必回 [修改]
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