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[i习作temp] issue186 拍一下吧,快考了 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-18 10:29:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
186"Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world."

In modern civilization society, it is the result of using our talents and powers to change nature while invent new and advanced technology, then putting it into practice, building up our now very prosperous prospects. As the point as the speaker said, more things derive from exerting our intellect and ability to practice. However, some other things that are not obviously practical also have value in today's world.

In the first place, to do work and entertainment efficiently and effectively, our precedents and some inventers in today invent/devise/contrive more valuable and useful equipments and tools for our human being to communicate, financial trade, travel to resorts conveniently. Such cases can be seen in current society. For example, the invention /contrivance of computer and following Internet web, as we all know that how useful it is. It is much easier for us to communicate with each other no matter where he or she live, omitting /eliminating the barrier between people in terms of far distance. Computers have more value in modern world and promote the developmental pace of our society, which is owed to the practical quality.

In the second place, the purpose of our invention which is rooted in our power and talents is to use it into practice in order to convenient us everywhere. And we are making our best efforts to achieve this aim. However, is this our unique goal in our lifetime? I am afraid that we also have other pursuits to perfect our life and our spirit. Even though, the material life is very important for us to make our convenient live, the spirit life we cannot touch and see is also along with us all the time. Thus, some things may be not very useful and practical, but it can entertain our spirit and make our feel happy and enthusiasm. For instance, Li accept many gifts, hich include dolls, pictures painting by hand, and the like. Do you think it very useful for Li? No, i think it has little value in routine life, but these things represent many bless and wishes, may be it more useful than anything else.

Finally, aforementioned view will remind us of the balance of material practical things and spirit practical things. The importance of spirit life is the same as our prosperous material life. So, we must aware that when we invent and manufacture the practical things, meanwhile, not forget the production which can symbol our feelings.

To sum up, even though, some things have little value in practical aspect, the potential power cannot be neglected otherwise it also can affect the development of society. Thus, not all things have practical value, but if we pay little attention to these that have little practical value, it can exert negative influence to our power and our thoughts to make our world better.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-18 at 17:48 ]

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-30 13:02:21 |只看该作者
186"Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world."

In modern civilization society, it is the result of using our talents and powers to change nature while invent [觉得用introduce更恰当。] new and advanced technology, then putting it into practice, building up our now very prosperous prospects. As the point as the speaker said, more things derive from exerting our intellect and ability to practice. However, some other things that are not obviously practical also have value in today's world.

In the first place, to do work and entertainment efficiently and effectively [感觉有点累赘。], our precedents and some inventers in today invent/devise/contrive [到底用哪一个词?] more valuable and useful equipments and tools for our [us] human beings to communicate, financial trade, travel to resorts conveniently. Such cases can be seen in current society. For example, the invention /contrivance of computer and following Internet web, as we all know that how useful it is. It is much easier for us to communicate with each other no matter where he or she live, omitting /eliminating the barrier between people in terms of far distance. Computers have more value in modern world and promote the developmental pace of our society, which is owed to the practical quality. [觉得“便利性”和“实用性”还是有区别的。]

In the second place, the purpose of our invention which is rooted in our power and talents is to use it into practice [感觉很别扭。] in order to convenient us everywhere. And we are making our best efforts to achieve this aim. However, is this our unique goal in our lifetime? I am afraid that we also have other pursuits to perfect our life and our spirit. Even though, the material life is very important for us to make our convenient live, the spirit life we cannot touch and see is also along with us all the time. Thus, some things may be not very useful and practical, but it can entertain our spirit and make our feel happy and enthusiasm. For instance, Li accept many gifts, which include dolls, pictures painting by hand, and the like. Do you think it very useful for Li? No, I think it has little value in routine life, but these things represent many bless and wishes, may be it more useful than anything else. [例子举得不错,不过考虑再做下修改,使充实一点。]

Finally, aforementioned view will remind us of the balance of material practical things and spirit practical things. The importance of spirit life is the same as our prosperous material life. So, we must aware [be aware of] that when we invent and manufacture the practical things, meanwhile, not forget the production which can symbol our feelings. [如果要论述balance的话,这段还稍显单薄了点。]

To sum up, even though, some things have little value in practical aspect, the potential power cannot be neglected otherwise it also can affect the development of society. Thus, not all things have practical value, but if we pay little attention to these that have little practical value, it can exert negative influence to our power and our thoughts to make our world better.
Love, is always a star in the foggy dawn......


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issue186 拍一下吧,快考了
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