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[i习作temp] issue177 请大家拍砖,高手求留意,回砖必回!请斑竹瞅瞅吧! [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-12 08:35:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue177  第17篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:47分8秒     472 words
The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the

discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.
The speaker contends that after the study of the academic discipline , our eyes on the world

change although we see the same world as before .As for me ,I agree with  the speaker's claim

about the study of the discipline  to some extent in that such as the natural disciplines which can

explore the secrete of the livings and the environment around us more clearly ,the art and history may helpful

to understand the different cultures between different areas .
To begin with, the natural disciplines such as biology , mathematics , physics and astronomy

can give us  more clear explanation about ourselves and the environment around us. First of all, biology

give us better understanding in how our life are generation and leave to the descendants ,how our

genetic material  are duplicated and transferred to our children. Charles Darwin give us the national evolution theory

that how can we transfer from the monkey to the human beings. The study of biology shows us a door to

remove  the secret of our livings on the earth. Second ,it is well known to us that many problems

have been solved by the mathematics .we said that it is a queen of natural science for its

importance and appliance. Nowadays we share the quick and more convenience worldwide internet ,

contributing  to the development of the mathematics .Actually ,it absorbs lots of ancestor

wisdom in the mathematics indeed. Third, physics evaluate the phenomena  around us the reason why the subject

moves  in the space around us. it give the classical theory of human beings ,such as the relative

theory cited by Einstein, three laws by Newton, which establish the basement of physics and be in favor of

the understand the discipline of our earth .

Secondly, the art and the history afford us better communication on the different culture on

different areas. Arts which is full of the author's imagination and the culture where the author

are habit in . such as the Chinese Writing , which is distinct with the other countries , is

the custom and symbol of the Chinese culture . it involves many historical and literal knowledge

among the words . Appreciating the Chinese writing can make you learn more about china.  In

addition  , history is not only the description of the events happened in the last but also the

experience for the last to deal with the problem they meet in the future. as Chinese saying said

,history is also a mirror. By the study of history you can get more information about the

spirit of the man to handle the problem and solve the problems .Although we

may face different problems than our ancestor, we may approach the measure from the history. a

famous book in Chinese, sunzi bingfa ,which is also read by many businessman as a bible on commercial field in the western countries.


Admittedly, we can not perceive the world through the only one of the discipline although what we

we get from this discipline is not wrong at all. we must analyze the different view we absorb

from different discipline and incorporate into our own idea.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-12 at 11:17 ]

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issue177 请大家拍砖,高手求留意,回砖必回!请斑竹瞅瞅吧!
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