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[i习作temp] issue103 V6站队 8.14 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-14 16:41:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.


Does the study of history has value only when it is relevant to our daily lives?
In my view, the speaker’s assertion is fundamentally correct. Study of history has much value when it is relevant to our daily lives. It has no value when it cannot be used as the guidance of decision making of today.

A compelling argument is that throughout history human nature is preserved and remains unchanging. By studying the relevance of humanity and social policies, governors can better regulate our society. Since life of today is the heritage of the past, despite the emerging new and complex things. Human nature and culture traditions are largely preserved and handed down from one generation to another, no matter how our material world changes and advances. Selfishness, conceit, greed and other evil human natures still exist today. In spite of the efforts made by government to eliminate crimes, rampant gangs and addiction of drugs, these social symptoms still remain. Studying the past events can help the legislator understand which policies would possibly take effect to solve these problems, while which measures are futile or even have adverse effects. As a result, they can avoid similar mistakes by learning the lessons of the past.

In addition, studying the past events can help us understand the general nature principles of development, thus forecast the future. We can understand how one is born, grow up and die; we can understand how a dynasty is established, developed, thrived and finally disrupt. In this way, we can not only take measure to prevent social disaster of today, but also predict the future events. William Gann, the famous trader on Wall Street said:" I would never trade without studying the charts, which help me build a road map to trade the future." Moreover, by studying the past events of the celebrities, a student could get inspiration and decide his own career. When Zenning Yang received the physics Nobel Prize, the fanatic trend of studying theoretical physics was aroused among Chinese students, because they find the possible pleasure and joy in this journey, and in the expectation of attaining similar achievements in the future. Thus studying history could help us forecast future.

Relevance means that study of history can help us as guidance for decision making of today. Admittedly, some might argue that the relation of certain history events might be hidden due to our incomplete understanding of such events. They would still have merit when we thoroughly understand them and use them for reference of today. Yet this argument is still based on the criteria of relevance because when we use them for reference, they are no longer irrelevant. Instead, they become tightly associated with our contemporary life.

In sum, the speaker’s statement is fundamentally true. Because the criteria for judging the relevance of a historical event to our daily lives is whether such study can guide us in decision making of today, any events that cannot do so should be regarded as irrelevant and of not much value.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-14 19:06:19 |只看该作者
Does the study of history has value only when it is relevant to our daily lives?
In my view, the speaker’s assertion is fundamentally correct. Study of history has much value when it is relevant to our daily lives. It has no value when it cannot be used as the guidance of decision making of today.

A compelling argument is that throughout history human nature is preserved and remains unchanging. By studying the relevance of humanity and social policies, governors can better regulate our society. Since life of today is the heritage of the past, despite the emerging new and complex things. Human nature and culture traditions are largely preserved and handed down from one generation to another, no matter how our material world changes and advances. Selfishness, conceit, greed and other evil human natures still exist today. In spite of the efforts made by government to eliminate crimes, rampant gangs and addiction of drugs, these social symptoms still remain. Studying the past events can help the legislator understand which policies would possibly take effect to solve these problems, while which measures are futile or even have adverse effects. As a result, they can avoid similar mistakes by learning the lessons of the past.这一段有点乱,是想说历史上的东西可以借鉴吗?怎么前面又说文化传承和犯罪了?
In addition, studying the past events can help us understand the general nature principles of development, thus forecast the future. We can understand how one is born, grow up and die; we can understand how a dynasty is established, developed, thrived and finally disrupt. In this way, we can not only take measure to prevent social disaster of today, but also predict the future events. William Gann, the famous trader on Wall Street said:" I would never trade without studying the charts, which help me build a road map to trade the future." Moreover, by studying the past events of the celebrities, a student could get inspiration and decide his own career. When Zenning Yang received the physics Nobel Prize, the fanatic trend of studying theoretical physics was aroused among Chinese students, because they find the possible pleasure and joy in this journey, and in the expectation of attaining similar achievements in the future.这个例子不好,学生从科学家那里受到激励和学习历史预见未来是两码事吧! Thus studying history could help us forecast future.

Relevance 你这里都是要说relevancy吧? means that study of history can help us as guidance for decision making of today. Admittedly, some might argue that the relation of certain history events might be hidden due to our incomplete understanding of such events. They would still have merit when we thoroughly understand them and use them for reference of today. Yet this argument is still based on the criteria of relevance because when we use them for reference, they are no longer irrelevant. Instead, they become tightly associated with our contemporary life.这里我的提纲和你不大一样,有许多历史事件在研究它们前并不知道对生活有没有价值啊,只有当研究后才知道. 不过既然你决定这样写也可以,应该再多说一点,有点象在说是先有鸡还是先有蛋的味道了,呵呵;P

In sum, the speaker’s statement is fundamentally true. Because the criteria for judging the relevance of a historical event to our daily lives is whether such study can guide us in decision making of today, any events that cannot do so should be regarded as irrelevant and of not much value.


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-8-14 19:17:22 |只看该作者
这一篇的感觉不是很好,要是直接借用120的段落的话Issue 43还可以,这一篇题目中间的那个daily lives没有很好的体现出来(那个daily 是没有present的意思的,就是日常的意思)
Although history has its merits when relevant to our daily lives, the speaker ignoring the other values history study bears.
把inspire individuals那一段单独拿出来并作一下加强,然后就说对一些重大的问题的借鉴作用,把B1和B2剩下的部分套用上
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

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