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[i习作temp] Issue136 sally小组superficial 水平所限,只能写成这样啦~~泣~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-12-29 03:48:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
136"The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."

1 很多的情况下,我们面临的并不是一个没有选择的情况,而是由于自己的顾虑,当时条件的制约,或者受制于来自于各个方面的压力,使我们无法按照自己的意愿来进行选择。
2 但是,不管在什么情况下,我们作为独立的个体,都有自主选择的权利,
3 我们应该主动去创造选择,而不应该受制于客观环境的制约。

I strongly agree with the speaker that the circumstance that we have no choice is very rare. As is known to all, we human being is a group which is initiative to choose, and creative to produce. So the key to the choice is not the absence of it, choice lies in ourselves.

To begin with, in many cases, it is not a no choice state we are facing but for some reasons like one's scruple, confined by the conditions or pressures from family and so forth. One apt illutration to support it is one's choice to education. After one period of colledge study, an individual will have to choose advance education or engaging in occupation. Will he free to have a choice? Certainly not. Generally speaking, many factors such as economic condition, degree of difficulty of the entry examination, even competition from others will determine his choice not his will. Human choice is interacted by so many things other than the consciousness itself that we could say the truth is not no choice to be chose meanwhile choice is impeded to select.

Yet, no matter under what conditions, we human as independent individuals, have the right to choose freely and respectedly. Ultimately it is you yourself who make your own decision, anyone even the closest friend could not. Given Stven Jobs, the founder of the Apple Computer as an example, confronted with the enthusiasm of establish a business and carrying on school work, he firmly choose the former, whithout his free choice, how can nowaday's worldwide known trademark be?  That is to say, whatever process you stay, you are up with various chioce, the key is to find them and make your decision clearly.

Further more, creativity is a character we human different with inferior beings, knowing this, we should creat choices not passively restricted by environment. As George Bernard Shaw, British Dramatist said, "The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them." Choices always patronize ready minds. Accordingly, those have many choices in hand and loose the best opportunity to choose due to their indecision and fear of possible failure in the future would never get award from fortune. Thus, in this meaning, the absence of choice does not exist and the true rarity is the mind to create.

In sum, the circumstance of no choice as the speaker claim is very,very rare. Though we have the right to choose freely, the most important thing is to choose decisively. Moreover, when we feel ourselves under a choiceless state, things we should do are not complaint but create.

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kele05 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-12-29 23:29:47 |只看该作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-30 01:43:49 |只看该作者
136"The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."

1 很多的情况下,我们面临的并不是一个没有选择的情况,而是由于自己的顾虑,当时条件的制约,或者受制于来自于各个方面的压力,使我们无法按照自己的意愿来进行选择。
2 但是,不管在什么情况下,我们作为独立的个体,都有自主选择的权利,
3 我们应该主动去创造选择,而不应该受制于客观环境的制约。
I strongly agree with the speaker that the circumstance that we have no choice is very rare. As is known to all, we human being is a group which is initiative to choose, and creative to produce.human beings are necessarily doomed to make choices actively. So the key to the choice is not the absence of it, choice lies in ourselves.so the core problem that really matters is not the absence of choices but how to make choices becasue choice lies in ourselves.

To begin with, in many cases, it is not a no choice state we are facing but for some reasons like one's scruple, 没太看懂你这里的意思,但我知道你要表达什么,干脆旧说:choice-making is confined by the conditions orand pressures from family and so forth. One apt illutration to support it去掉 is one's choice to of education. After onea period of colledge study, an individual will have to choose advance education or engaging in occupationengage in occupation注意engage是和choose并列的. Will he be free to have a choice? Certainly not. Generally speaking, many factors such as economic condition, degree of difficulty of the entry entrance examination, even competition from with others will determine his choice not his will.你想表达什么意思? Human choice is interacted influenced by so many things other than the consciousness itself so that we could say the truth is not no choice to be chose被动语态哦! meanwhile but choice is impeded to be selected

Yet, no matter under what conditions, we humans as independent individuals, have the right to choose freely and respectedly. Ultimately it is you yourself who make your own decision, anyone even the closest friend could not.as opposed to even the closest friends of yours Given take(take..as)Stven Jobs, the founder of the Apple Computer as an example, confronted这个词一般表示遇到不好的事情,而这里有热情,可以用obssessed with/armed with with the enthusiasm of to establish a business and carrying on school work, he firmly choose the former, 哦,不好意思,看到这里晓得你前面要表达的是作选择,那你的说法是对的,我理解错了。呵呵whithout his freely-made choice, how can nowaday's worldwide known trademark be?  That is to say, whatever process you stay, you are up with various chioce, the key is to find them and make your decision clearly.

Further more, creativity is a character we human different with inferior beings,that differes our humans form inferior beings(或者直接说animals吧) knowing this, we should creat choices not passively restricted by environment. so as to satisify our ideal pursuing(觉得这样改后更能和后面照应)As George Bernard Shaw, British Dramatist said, "The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them." Choices always patronize ready minds.哈,我也用了这个的,满粉上面的 Accordingly, those have many choices in hand and loose the best opportunity to choose due to their indecision and fear of possible failure in the future would never get award from fortune. 好句子,收录!Thus, in this meaning, the absence of choice does not exist and the true rarity is the mind to create.

In sum, the circumstance of no choice as the speaker claim is very,very rare. Though we have the right to choose freely, the most important thing is to choose decisively. Moreover, when we feel ourselves under a choiceless state, things we should do are not complaint but create.中式表达,what we should do is to create but not complaint


[ Last edited by sallyxindu on 2005-12-30 at 01:47 ]

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RE: Issue136 sally小组superficial 水平所限,只能写成这样啦~~泣~~ [修改]
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Issue136 sally小组superficial 水平所限,只能写成这样啦~~泣~~
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