Need-Blind 家庭经济情况是否左右录取。
Need-Based or Merit-Based 奖学金或助学金的发放原则。
随便在网络上面搜索关键字:键入“Yale Need-Blind”得到:
Is the admissions process at Yale need-blind?
Financial aid is not considered during the admissions process. Admissions decisions are "need-blind" for all applicants.
键入 “Georgetown Need-Blind”
Georgetown maintains a need-blind admissions policy. That is, in making admissions decisions, the University does not consider a student's ability to pay the costs of education. Georgetown's philosophy is that applicants should be considered on the basis of their achievements, talents, and potential, and not on their ability to pay. Georgetown is one of a handful of higher education institutions that adhere to this policy.