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[i习作temp] issue4 【0706G-March AW】第6次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-12 03:06:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
4."No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."


2)外部知识和经验能够弥补本领域的不足 让本领域认识到从而不断进步.


words:515 (感觉只能写这么多... 干坐了5分钟不知道能加什么... 呵呵... 自我感觉有些幼稚的文章... 请求狠批)

I totally agree with the assertion that the significant progresses of a certain field of study are made by knowledge and experience from various fields of
study from the outsiders'. Only by the absorption of the outside world can the contemporary condition of one specific study be advanced and promoted.

First of all, the knowledge and experience from different fields make up the inadequacy of every realm of study. Since no studies can claim themselves as
superior or undefeated, there's room for them to purify and polish. Therefore, once the brand new knowledge and experience are inputted, the object field of
study will possibly recognize its inner insufficiencies thus to overcome them, and then it will certainly turn better. A case in point first rests in the field of
education. To offer more suitable and efficient service to the educatee, education, which rouses the most discussions nowadays, faces the most crucial time
to meet the need of the demanded parents as well as those kids. What is urgent in front of education is how to reform and provide the will-be society elites
with the best. The difficulty is soon solved when child-psychology and management are taken into account of, which not only present methods to attract the
attention of the pupils, but also bring the word "efficiency" to it. Another example is connected to the filed of economics. When mathematics, especially the
calculus and linear algebra, are used in the dealing with macro- or micro-economics, the economics are capable to measure the census and making mathematical
models to further analyze the possible relationship of economical factors, and the improvements of economics is obvious.

Secondly, the knowledge and experience of the outside will bring new perspectives of the certain field, even could make a fresh era of that field. The more
one field of study is influenced by another, the more it will benefit. Examples to sustain this point are numerous in terms of nature science. For example,
the significance of the compass to the field of navigation is generally acknowledged, for the invention helps people sail in the oceans without the fear of
getting lost. The compass, or the world of magnetism, is a fraction of both the world of geology and physics, and has made the considerable contribution to
the progress of navigation. Then let's take another example concerning the point. Students living two hundreds years from now hardly heard of the word "bio-
chemistry" though they were quite familiar with both "chemistry" and "biology”. It will make no sense to decide which one, chemistry or biology has
attributed more to the new prevailing filed known as bio-chemistry. What really maters is the importance of learning the other subjects apart from the
scientists' own field is clarified at least.

In sum, the attention of learning from the outsiders has been presented above, and the importance of bringing knowledge and experience beyond one's own field
of study should be highlighted. To make progresses, or to be advanced, all demand the information from the others, thus to provide every field of study with
a better chance to level itself up.

[ 本帖最后由 lastangel 于 2007-2-17 11:59 编辑 ]
keep holding on...

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2007-2-17 11:00:57 |只看该作者
I totally agree with the assertion that the significant progresses of a certain field of study are made by knowledge and experience from various fields of
study from the outsiders'. Only by the absorption of the outside world can the contemporary condition of one specific study be advanced and promoted.

First of all, the knowledge and experience from different fields make up the inadequacy of every[single] realm of study. Since no studies can claim themselves as
superior or undefeated, there's room for them to purify and polish. Therefore, once the brand new knowledge and experience are inputted, the object field of
study will possibly recognize its inner insufficiencies thus to overcome them, and then it will certainly turn better. A case in point first rests in the field of
education. To offer more suitable and efficient service to the educatee, education, which rouses the most discussions nowadays, faces the most crucial time
to meet the need of the demanded parents as well as those kids. What is urgent in front of[?摆在教育面前,就这样用啊,呵呵] education is how to reform and provide the will-be society elites
with the best. The difficulty is soon solved when child-psychology and management are taken into account of, which not only present methods to attract the
attention of the pupils, but also bring the word "efficiency" to it.[这个例子不好,我是没读出来可以证明TS的,还是表达的问题,儿童心理学的引进是好的,但你WHICH后的那半句证明了什么呢?] Another example is connected to the filed of economics. When mathematics, especially the
calculus and linear algebra, are used in the dealing with macro- or micro-economics, the economics are capable to measure the census and making mathematical
models to further analyze the possible relationship of economical factors, and the improvements of economics is obvious.

Secondly, the knowledge and experience of the outside will bring new perspectives of [to]the certain field, even could[时态啊,前是将来,后变过去了] make a fresh era of that field. The more
one field of study is influenced by another, the more it will benefit. Examples to sustain this point are numerous in terms of nature science. For example,
the significance of the compass to the field of navigation is generally acknowledged, for the invention helps people sail in the oceans without the fear of
getting lost. The compass, or the world of magnetism, is a fraction of both the world of geology and physics, and has made the considerable contribution to
the progress of navigation. Then let's take another example concerning the point. Students living two hundreds years from now hardly heard of the word "bio-
chemistry" though they were quite familiar with both "chemistry" and "biology”. It will make no sense to decide which one, chemistry or biology has
attributed more to the new prevailing filed known as bio-chemistry. What really maters[matters] is the importance of learning the other subjects apart from the
scientists' own field is clarified at least.[生化的例子是符合的,但我觉得表达的角度不太合题.这段的TS是是说外来知识推动了新的领域的建立,但你的描述却倾向于说生物和化学哪个对生化的建立和发展更重要,换个说法更切题]

In sum, the attention of learning from the outsiders has been presented above, and the importance of bringing knowledge and experience beyond one's own field
of study should be highlighted. To make progresses, or to be advanced, all demand the information from the others, thus to provide every field of study with
a better chance to level itself up.[开头和结尾在考试时写成这样就很好了,呼应上,没大错误.大牛的天才开头在考试时只能望洋兴叹.]


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-17 14:47:17 |只看该作者
呵呵... 这篇如果按照时间也不算太早的时候了...

我自己感觉写的一般... 如果有些写得稍微好一点... 也许就是碰到题目好写吧
说实话 现在对题目真的很敏感... 好上手的题目45分钟能写600多...
像这篇就刚刚500多一点... 呵呵...

keep holding on...

使用道具 举报

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