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[i习作temp] issue88 [AWB小组]第十四次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-17 21:34:05 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."


With the rapid pace of technology development, society has dramatically changed in many aspects, including social customs and ethics. Undoubtedly, the technologies influence significantly many of the customs and ethics that exist in society, however, some customs, treasures of cultural heritage, still unchanged. And to some extent, it is the ethic that determines, rather than being determined by, the technologies.

No one can deny the profound impact on our lives and the society exerted by modern technologies. The goal of the development of technologies is to enhance our efficiency, comfort our lives and promote our society. During this process some changes inevitably were brought into our lives and to the society. As the appearance of television and the computer, people change their way of entertainment---nowadays the young prefer to watching movies or playing games on the computer, instead of going to the park with friends, visiting museums with their parents, which is quite different from the traditional customs. Also, since cell phone and internet now are easily accessible to the mass, people use these modern tools more often to communicate with others rather than a face-to-face gathering as the traditional custom did. Obviously, technologies influence our customs, and we accept them, voluntarily or passively.

However, not all the customs or the ethics are forced to change by the development of technologies, and they still pass down generation after generation intactly. In china, every year when spring festival arrives, all family members reunite together to celebrate and bless the next year, which is a custom that existed for thousands of years without changing. Similar in the western societies--Christmas and Santa claus are also as a culture heritage throughout a long history, and still the famous holiday known to the whole world. Understandably, with the origination of civilization of human society, customs and ethic--as the products of human society--are surviving then on, and many of them remain just the same as before, no matter how dramatically the technologies develop.

Finally, if we try to find the relationship between the technologies and the society customs and ethics, one may find that the latter are not determined by the former, on the contrary, it is the customs and ethics, to certain extent, that decide technologies development. Take the human clone for example, the technology of clone, admittedly, was a significant step in the science and technology realms, however, when its experiments' targets point to human beings, a sharp conflict with the social ethic raised. Since it touches the in-depth and sensitive problem of humanity, the mass in the society cannot accept it and object it spontaneously. And furthermore, many countries made laws to restrict this kind of technologies that may  theaten human life, which told us that it is the victory of social ethic against the technologies. In short, the customs and ethics can change the directions of technologies as well as determine them in other aspects.

To conclusion, technologies does influence the social customs and ethics in some ways, but we should be well aware of that some traditions of the customs and ethics are remain unchanged for  a long term and sometimes the customs and ethics can act as a director in their relationship with the technologies.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-18 10:08:27 |只看该作者
With the rapid pace of technology development, society has dramatically changed in many aspects, including social customs and ethics. Undoubtedly, the technologies influence significantly many of the customs and ethics that exist in society, however, some customs, treasures of cultural heritage, still remain unchanged. And to some extent, it is the ethic that determines, rather than being determined by, the technologies.(观点陈述的很清楚)

No one can deny the profound impact on our lives and the society exerted by modern technologies. The goal of the development of technologies is to enhance our efficiency, comfort our lives and promote our society. During this process some changes inevitably were brought into our lives and to the society. with the appearance of television and the computer, people change their way of entertainment---nowadays the young prefer to watching movies or playing games on the computer, instead of going to the park with friends, visiting museums with their parents, which depart from the traditional customs. Also, since cell phone and internet now are easily accessible to the mass, people more use these modern tools to communicate with others  than a face-to-face gathering ,whereas the traditional custom did so. Obviously, technologies influence our customs, and we accept them, voluntarily or passively.

However, not all the customs or the ethics are forced to change by the development of technologies, and they still pass down generation after generation intactly. In china, every year when spring festival arrives, all family members reunite together to celebrate and bless the next year, which is a custom that existed for thousands of years without changing. Similar in the western societies--Christmas and Santa claus are also be treated as a culture heritage throughout a long history, and still  famous throughout the whole world. ( 圣诞老人不是节日)Understandably, with the origination of civilization of human society, customs and ethic--as the products of human society--are surviving then on, and many of them remain just the same as before, no matter how dramatically the technologies develop.(这段还是不错了,但是我觉得这些节日的本质没变,但是各种庆祝方式发生了很大变化,你可以说虽然科技改变了庆祝方式,但是是变不了本质的)

Finally, if tryring to find the relationship between the technologies and the society customs and ethics, one may find that the latter are not determined by the former, on the contrary, it is the customs and ethics, to certain extent, that decide technologies development. Take the human clone for example, the technology of clone, admittedly, was a significant step in the science and technology realms, however, when its experiments' targets point to human beings, a sharp conflict with the social ethic raised. Since it touches the in-depth and sensitive problem of humanity, the mass in the society cannot accept it and object it spontaneously. And furthermore, many countries made laws to restrict this kind of technologies to threaten human life, which told us that it is the victory of social ethic against the technologies. ( 你不觉得这句偏了吗?)In short, the customs and ethics can change the directions of technologies as well as determine them in other aspects.

To conclusion, technologies does influence the social customs and ethics in some ways, but we should be well aware of that some traditions of the customs and ethics are remain unchanged for  a long term and sometimes the customs and ethics can act as a director in their relationship with the technolog


[ 本帖最后由 candylan 于 2007-3-18 10:27 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-18 10:29:01 |只看该作者

Admittedly, all kinds of technologies totally refresh the atmosphere of the world since the Industrial revolution occurs. But as it seems to me, the technologies can't alter our social customs and ethics, however great change it may bring to us. To some extent, our social customs and ethics are eternal, whereas the technologies only give rise to temporary and inconstant influence.

I don't deny the fact that the technologies themselves and various conveniences they brought to us greatly affect our way of thinking and behavior. For instance, the invention of automobile is somewhat like a two-edged weapon. In the one hand, it sharply reduces the time people used in traveling and speeds up trading. In the other hand, distorted psychology is adopted by people to match the convenience of automobile. People attached so much reliance to the automobile that they are reluctant to walk as distant as a block. Another case in point, the advent of television influences family activities a lot. In Victorian times, family members are prone to get together, to create their own games and to sharp their own family distinctions. But now, every family member would rather fixate his or her eyes on the screen than communicate with each other. These changes do result from various technologies, for people must adjust their daily habits to accustom to these technologies and enjoy the convenience at the most degree.

However, we must make it clear that such changes in people's habits are temporary. They are doomed to disappear or be replaced with new ones if only the technologies continue to advance. To the contrary, the social customs and ethics remain unchanged with the development of technologies, for these things are handed down from our ancient ancestors and deeply rooted in our brain. However changeable the outsider world would be, for example, mothers' love toward their children will never change, despite in different ways. No matter how many inventions were brought to save people's efforts, the virtues such as diligence and self-reliance will still be highly regarded. So we may conclude that the technologies will never shake the root of ethics and social customs, let alone to determine.

Rather it is the social customs and ethics that determine the development of the technologies. The controversial clone technology is prevented from deeper research for it violates our basic human ethics. We deem it great necessary to protect our environment and save the endangered species for our social customs and ethics instruct us that our human beings can't survive in the world alone and we must be responsible for all the damage we brought to the world. Any development of technologies must stay within the confines of ethics.

Finally, we may say that the relation between the technologies and the social customs and ethics is analogous to people’s clothes and beliefs. People will wear different clothes in various social situations, but their long-held beliefs will not change with their clothes. Technologies will change the social habit for a short time, but never determine our eternal social customs and ethics.

[ 本帖最后由 candylan 于 2007-3-18 10:32 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-3-18 14:52:54 |只看该作者
With the rapid pace of technology development, society has dramatically changed in many aspects, including social customs and ethics. Undoubtedly, the technologies influence significantly many of the customs and ethics that exist in society, however, some customs, treasures of cultural heritage, still unchanged. And to some extent, it is the ethic that determines, rather than being determined by, the technologies.

No one can deny the profound impact on our lives and the society exerted by modern technologies. The goal of the development of technologies is to enhance our efficiency, comfort our lives and promote our society. During this process some changes inevitably were brought into our lives and to the society. As the appearance of television and the computer, people change their way of entertainment---nowadays the young prefer to watching movies or playing games on the computer, instead of going to the park with friends, visiting museums with their parents, which is quite different from the traditional customs. Also, since cell phone and internet now are easily accessible to the mass, people use these modern tools more often to communicate with others rather than a face-to-face gathering as the traditional custom did. Obviously, technologies influence our customs, and we accept them, voluntarily or passively.

However, not all the customs or the ethics are forced to change by the development of technologies, and they still pass down generation after generation [for generations] intactly. In china [China], every year when spring festival arrives, all family members reunite together to celebrate and bless the next year, which is a custom that existed for thousands of years without changing. Similar in the western societies--Christmas and Santa claus are also as a culture heritage throughout a long history, and still the famous holiday [
圣诞老人不能是holiday] known to the whole world. Understandably, with the origination of civilization of human society, customs and ethic--as the products of human society--are surviving then on, and many of them remain just the same as before, no matter how dramatically the technologies develop.

Finally, if we try to find the relationship between the technologies and the society customs and ethics, one may find that the latter are not determined by the former, on the contrary, it is the customs and ethics, to certain extent, that decide technologies development. Take the human clone for example, the technology of clone, admittedly, was a significant step in the science and technology realms, however, when its experiments' targets point to human beings, a sharp conflict with the social ethic raised [vt. has been raised]. Since it touches the in-depth and sensitive problem of humanity, the mass in the society cannot accept it and object it spontaneously. And furthermore, many countries made laws to restrict this kind of technologies that may theaten [threaten] human life, which told us that it is the victory of social ethic against the technologies. In short, the customs and ethics can change the directions of technologies as well as determine them in other aspects.

To conclusion, technologies does influence the social customs and ethics in some ways, but we should be well aware of that some traditions of the customs and ethics are remain unchanged for  a long term and sometimes the customs and ethics can act as a director in their relationship with the technologies.

如果非要说一点不足就是,我理解你的文章结构是1 承认科技改变了我们的生活 2 某些生活方式并没有改变 3 有时道德能够决定科技的方向。但是既然你的TS是it is the ethic that determines, rather than being determined by, the technologies. 那么从文章上来看 对ethic的决定作用强调的还不够,可以补充分析一下道德决定作用的原因,比如道德是人类长久以来就形成的,是社会和人类存在的根基,任何科技都不能跨越这一底线blablabla。。。



使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-19 21:46:14 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-20 22:17:24 |只看该作者


Admittedly, all kinds of technologies totally refresh the atmosphere of the world since the Industrial revolution occurs. But as it seems to me, the technologies can't【写作中不要缩写,应该写成cannot】 alter our social customs and ethics, however great change it may bring to us【这个让步跟开头句的让步意思差不多吧】. To some extent, our social customs and ethics are eternal, whereas the technologies only give rise to temporary and inconstant【inconstant是变化无常的意思吧,可以用lasting】 influence.

I don't【do not】 deny the fact that the technologies themselves and various conveniences they brought to us greatly affect our way of thinking and behavior. For instance, the invention of automobile is somewhat like a two-edged weapon. In【on】 the one hand, it sharply reduces the time people used in traveling and speeds up trading. In【on】 the other hand, distorted psychology【“扭曲的心理”是不是用的有点过了?】 is adopted by people to match the convenience of automobile.【加个连接词】 People attached so much reliance to[on] the automobile that they are reluctant to walk as distant as a block. Another case in point, the advent of television influences family activities a lot. In Victorian times, family members are prone to get together, to create their own games and to sharp their own family distinctions. But now, every family member would rather fixate his or her eyes on the screen than communicate with each other. These changes do result from various technologies, for people must adjust their daily habits to accustom to these technologies and enjoy the convenience at the most degree.

However, we must make it clear that such changes in people's habits are temporary. They are doomed to disappear or be replaced with new ones if only the technologies continue to advance. 【前后是对比吗?是temporary与unchanged的对比吗?哪个是主题句?】To【on】 the contrary, the social customs and ethics remain unchanged with the development of technologies, for these things are handed down from our ancient ancestors and deeply rooted in our brain. However changeable the outsider world would be, for example, mothers' love toward their children will never change, despite in different ways. No matter how many inventions were brought to save people's efforts, the virtues such as diligence and self-reliance will still be highly regarded. So we may conclude that the technologies will never shake the root of ethics and social customs, let alone to determine.

Rather it is the social customs and ethics that determine the development of the technologies. The controversial clone technology is prevented from deeper research for it violates our basic human ethics. We deem it great necessary to protect our environment and save the endangered species for our social customs and ethics instruct us that our human beings can't survive in the world alone and we must be responsible for all the damage we brought to the world. Any development of technologies must stay within the confines of ethics.

Finally, we may say that the relation between the technologies and the social customs and ethics is analogous to people’s clothes and beliefs. People will wear different clothes in various social situations, but their long-held beliefs will not change with their clothes. 【不错的比喻】Technologies will change the social habit for a short time, but never determine our eternal social customs and ethics.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-20 22:24:01 |只看该作者


Admittedly, all kinds of technologies totally refresh the atmosphere of the world since the Industrial revolution occurs. But as it seems to me, the technologies can't【写作中不要缩写,应该写成cannot】 alter our social customs and ethics, however great change it may bring to us【这个让步跟开头句的让步意思差不多吧】. To some extent, our social customs and ethics are eternal, whereas the technologies only give rise to temporary and inconstant【inconstant是变化无常的意思吧,可以用lasting】 influence.

I don't【do not】 deny the fact that the technologies themselves and various conveniences they brought to us greatly affect our way of thinking and behavior. For instance, the invention of automobile is somewhat like a two-edged weapon. In【on】 the one hand, it sharply reduces the time people used in traveling and speeds up trading. In【on】 the other hand, distorted psychology【“扭曲的心理”是不是用的有点过了?】 is adopted by people to match the convenience of automobile.【加个连接词】 People attached so much reliance to[on] the automobile that they are reluctant to walk as distant as a block. Another case in point, the advent of television influences family activities a lot. In Victorian times, family members are prone to get together, to create their own games and to sharp their own family distinctions. But now, every family member would rather fixate his or her eyes on the screen than communicate with each other. These changes do result from various technologies, for people must adjust their daily habits to accustom to these technologies and enjoy the convenience at the most degree.

However, we must make it clear that such changes in people's habits are temporary. They are doomed to disappear or be replaced with new ones if only the technologies continue to advance. 【前后是对比吗?是temporary与unchanged的对比吗?哪个是主题句?】To【on】 the contrary, the social customs and ethics remain unchanged with the development of technologies, for these things are handed down from our ancient ancestors and deeply rooted in our brain. However changeable the outsider world would be, for example, mothers' love toward their children will never change, despite in different ways. No matter how many inventions were brought to save people's efforts, the virtues such as diligence and self-reliance will still be highly regarded. So we may conclude that the technologies will never shake the root of ethics and social customs, let alone to determine.

Rather it is the social customs and ethics that determine the development of the technologies. The controversial clone technology is prevented from deeper research for it violates our basic human ethics. We deem it great necessary to protect our environment and save the endangered species for our social customs and ethics instruct us that our human beings can't survive in the world alone and we must be responsible for all the damage we brought to the world. Any development of technologies must stay within the confines of ethics.

Finally, we may say that the relation between the technologies and the social customs and ethics is analogous to people’s clothes and beliefs. People will wear different clothes in various social situations, but their long-held beliefs will not change with their clothes. 【不错的比喻】Technologies will change the social habit for a short time, but never determine our eternal social customs and ethics.


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