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[a习作temp] argument174 vivien 4.3 homework [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-4-3 10:02:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

In this argument, the author recommends that Grove College(GC) should still remain its tradition of all-female education but not admitmen to enroll in this college. The author cites some evidences to support thisrecommendation. However, as discussed bellow, all these evidences suffers fromseveral critical flaws and the recommendation depend on them is thereforeunconvincing.

First of all, the survey conducted by student governmentabout students attitude of coeducation is unreliable. The author provides noinformation about how the survey was conducted and how many students respondedin this survey. It is possible that only 10 students responded, them theopinion of this ten students can not represent the opinion of all students inGC. Without accounting this possibility and giving more information about thissurvey, the author can not  concludethat most students in GC go against coeducation.

Second, another survey conducted to get the attitude ofalumni about coeducation is also suffers from critical flaws. The authoroverlooks to provide the number of alumni who joined in this survey. It is alsoentirely possible that only 8 alumni became the subjects of this survey, andonly 4 answered the survey. If this is true, the survey will not manifest the trueattitude of alumni about coeducation. Since the survey is statistical andmethodological unreliable, we can not believe its result and the recommendationdepend on it.

Finally, the authorprovide no evidence that keeping all-female education will improve morale amongstudents and make alumni to continue give financial help to GC. The authorfails to see that coeducation may make students find advantages from differentsexual students and improve morale of students. Or perhaps because of somereasons like alumni’s short of money, even GC remains all- female education,alumni will stop to donate money to GC. Lacking detailed analysis of thesefactors, it is folly to come to the conclusion that because of the all-femaleeducation, the morale of GC will be improved and the financial help from alumniwill continue.

In summary, the recommendation reached in this argument isnot well supported. To make this argument more persuasive, the author shouldprovide more information about survey cited in this argument to justify that coeducation is indeeddisapproved  by most students andalumni. The author should also convince me that all-female education benefitstudents much more than coeducation.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-4-4 12:46:44 |只看该作者
In this argument, the author recommends that Grove College(GC) should still remain its tradition of all-female education but not admitmen to enroll in this college. The author cites some evidences to support thisrecommendation. However, as discussed bellow, all these evidences suffers fromseveral critical flaws and the recommendation depend on them is thereforeunconvincing.

First of all, the survey conducted by student governmentabout students attitude of coeducation is unreliable. The author provides no information about how the survey was conducted and how many students respondedin this survey. It is possible that only 10 students responded, them the opinion of this ten students can not represent the opinion of all students inGC. Without accounting this possibility and giving more information about thissurvey, the author can not  conclude that most students in GC go against coeducation.

Second, another survey conducted to get the attitude ofalumni about coeducation is also suffers from critical flaws. The author overlooks to provide the number of alumni who joined in this survey. It is also entirely possible that only 8 alumni became the subjects of this survey, andonly 4 answered the survey. If this is true, the survey will not manifest the trueattitude of alumni about coeducation. Since the survey is statistical and methodological unreliable, we can not believe its result and the recommendationdepend on upon it.

Finally, the author provides no evidence that keeping all-female education will improve morale amongstudents and make alumni to continue give financial help to GC. The author fails to see that coeducation may make students find advantages from different sexual students and improve morale of students. Or perhaps because of some reasons like alumni’s short of money, even GC remains all-female education,alumni will stop to donate money to GC. Lacking detailed analysis of these factors, it is folly to come to the conclusion that because of the all-female education, the morale of GC will be improved and the financial help from alumni will continue.

In summary, the recommendation reached in this argument is not well supported. To make this argument more persuasive, the author shouldprovide more information about survey cited in this argument to justify that coeducation is indeed disapproved  by most students and alumni. The author should also convince me that all-female education benefits students much more than coeducation.


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