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[i习作temp] issue83 哪位G友能帮我看看,感觉写跑题了,语言也贫乏,唉 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-4-9 13:40:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE83 - "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."
WORDS: 598          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-4-9

I agree with the assertion that government should preserve those wilderness areas in natural state where few people reside. To preserve those areas will not only bring about environmental and economic benefits, but also military benefits, and government can play the crucial role in preserving, besides government, there also other organization can assistant government to achieve this goal, such as NGO or other international organizations.

Apparently, environment will benefit a lot from the preservation. Though there are few people live in wilderness areas, the values of those areas are beyond weighing, they are homes of many rare species that are directly or indirectly related to the survival of human beings. Take the "lung of world"----Amazon as an example, it absorbs so much dioxide and produces oxygen everyday, the variety of the species provides a vivid specimen for scientific research, though there are few people live in here except some tribes, if Amazon is deforested severely, it would be environment disaster and pose a great threat to the quality of human lives.

The second benefit it will bring about is economic benefit. With the rapid development of technology, the consummation of energy is also increasing dramatically, in some sense, today's society is heavily depending on oil, coal and such resources. Though these wilderness areas seemed desolate on the surface, it is quite possible that they contain fluent resources which are badly needed by human society, Siberia is such a case in point. Russia's economy develops quite well in recent years, however, the motivation behinds the rapid development is the exporting of oil and natural gas which are largely found in Siberia where not suitable for living. It is also possible that many other resources are contained in these wilderness areas, however, the current knowledge can not explore them now, thus the best way should be to preserve them well and leave them to our generation to explore.

Thirdly, from military perspective, it is also worth to preserve the wilderness areas. Under most circumstances, such areas are crucial to national security, as the example mentioned above, Siberia not only brings about economic benefits to Russia, but also makes Russia have a strategic advantage toward its enemies, and its large areas and severe cold weather in winter would be a nightmare to the enemies. History proves this point twice, both Napoleon and Hitler’s invasion of Russia was not only defeated by Russian army, but also by the large areas and severe weather of Siberia.

So the benefits of preservation of wilderness areas are obvious, government should take its responsibility to do so, and only can government protect these areas effectively. Firstly, government can enact laws to deter any organization or individual who want to destruct them for personal interests; secondly, for protecting these areas requires a large amount of money, therefore, government can play a vital role in collecting funds from taxes or other ways to achieve this goal.
Besides government, of course, there are also other actors that can provide help, such as NGO, who can assist government with their expertise in environment, and other inter-government organizations----such as UN, they could provide platform for the governments to discuss how to work together to preserve the wilderness areas better, since sometimes this issue is always  involved cross-boundary problems.

In sum, protecting the wilderness areas is necessary from environmental, economic and military consideration, and government can play a vital role in the protecting for its authority and the ability to correct money, and under the help of NGO and other international organizations, this goal can be achieved quite well.

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