GG: put your left index finger...
z: 照做+傻笑
GG: ok,right finger...
z: 继续傻笑,用另一只手把大包的资料拿出来放台子上(后边马上被证实此举纯属多余!),心想放马过来吧!要啥有啥!!偶们大战300回合!!!
GG: ok...How long have you worked in xxx?
z: 3 years! My job is sound designer. 兴奋花痴状刚想继续发挥被帅哥打断-0-
GG: So, why you want to study for master's degree?GG转过来正面看着偶-0-长得真帅啊~~~
z: Because I feel myself inadequate, I want to further study computer music technology. Master degree is enough for me, I don't want to do research. So Phd may not suitable for me.-0-后边完全8知所云,偶都在说些啥呀,现在还在后悔中,8过好在亚裔GG没有在意-0-~~一直在打字>_<
GG: Do you have any relative in US?
z: No!!!斩钉截铁!!!
GG: ok,please go to 12 window. I-20和小绿条飞出
z: ?????就这样??呆了一下,然后反应过来,亚裔哥哥偶爱死你了~~~~~~~