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[i习作temp] issue141 [0710G +U小组] --iris--第四次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-28 22:12:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."

WORDS: 643          TIME: 00:44:50          DATE: 2007-7-28 22:10:00

The issue set a dilemma that we can’t deny the benefits of individuality on one hand, but fact remains that economic success require conformity rather than individuality on the other hand. Seems a paradox at first glance, take a deep thought I can draw the conclusion that the issue isn’t a entangling event but individuality and conformity require to be interpreted in distinct domains.

The notion that being individuality can benefit ourselves not just in body development but in characteristic forming and gaining skills for survive is publicly acknowledged. Take our growing up as an example, we ared well cared and nurtured when we are still in infantance. In this period, individuality are nothing more than an apple gave to the child. But when we grow older and can struggle to stand and eager to take our first step into the new era of lives which require individuality. We grow up gradually from struggling to running happily on our own on the playground. Individuality plays an significant to our growing and we can’t grow strong if always being cherished as a precious heritage in our mothers’ arms.

Being individual not in physical but in psychological, we continually learn to face the society full of confidence. Think individually we can have different perspective of an event and make progress that differtiate from other’s. I can’t emphasize the importance of being individul in our daily lives and doing researching work as well. Think individually means to doubt the given fact or theory which is indispensable in the significant progress in science and human social research and to assume a contraversy to the adopted rationale. Take the Galieo for example, only dare he doubt the claimation of Aristole that material of lager mass will fall faster that thost of less mass, can he falsify that the seemingly rationale that can’t be denied by his experiment. We can form our knowledge not just like sponage which can only absorb things but has nothing to do with reforming them, but through a method that based on our knowledge absorbed already to make knowledge our own useful tool.

As the issue says that economic success requires conformity rather than individuality, which is also undeniable in my opinion. The complexity of the society make us even impossible to achieve a success by oneself. We should unite ourselves to be a more power collection to make things successfully done. Even in prehistoric time, prime residents had a sense that only through uniting each other could they hunt enormous or agile animals for food and fur. Being conformity doesn’t mean that individuality should be disposed, though the two items seems so incompatible in superficial. Take a project investing for example, hundreds of people with distictive individualities gather to begin with it. If they each have their opinions on the same issue, thus the project can never be executed to become a success. Different persons are allocated to the exact places where they can be their best to express their skills or strategies, and on one’s paticular place they can use his or her individuality fully to get his part of work accomplished. Economic success requires not only excellent individuals who can think and resolve problem by themselves but a generalistic who can look problem in vast sight. To this point, individuality means think and do by ownself, also means to understand other’s points, and has his or her own opinion of which part points of other’s is worth learning from.

To sum up, that individuality plays a significant part on our lives not to sustain our right places in the intricated society but to make ourselves’ unique existence of own mind. Unite people with distictive individuality together and make optimism power of each can we achieve a success that can never be acquired by merely sum of those individual can separatively achieve.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-28 23:55:09 |只看该作者
ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."

WORDS: 643          TIME: 00:44:50          DATE: 2007-7-28 22:10:00

The issue set a dilemma that we can’t deny the benefits of individuality on one hand, but fact remains that economic success require conformity rather than individuality on the other hand你这里有问题,第一fact是孤立名词,fact remains that似乎没这种说法。 . Seems a paradox at first glance, take a deep thought I can draw the conclusion that the issue isn’t a entangling event but individuality and conformity require to be interpreted in distinct domains. seem是一个连接动词,你句首一下出现3个动词原形,但有这样一个公里:一个句子的谓语动词只有一个。 你好好思考一下。

The notion that being individuality can benefit ourselves not just in body development but in characteristic forming and gaining skills for survive is publicly acknowledged. Take our growing up什么意思 as an example, we ared well cared and nurtured when we are过去时 still in infantance. In this period, individuality are nothing more than an apple gave to the child. But when we grow older and can struggle to stand and eager to take our first step into the new era of lives which require individuality这里是因果关系的,得用相关连词引导并列句. We grow up gradually from struggling to running happily on our own on the playground. Individuality plays an significant play的宾语没有 to our growing and we can’t grow strong if always being cherished as a precious heritage in our mothers’ arms.

Being individual not in physical but in psychological, we continually learn to face the society full of confidence. Think individually we can have different perspective of an event and make progress that differtiate from other’s. I can’t emphasize the importance of being individual in our daily lives and doing researching work as well. Think动名词作主语,老外看来这是很低级的失误 individually means to doubt the given fact or theory which is indispensable in the significant progress in science and human social research and to assume a controversy to the adopted rationale. Take the Galieo for example, only dare he doubt the claimation of Aristole that material of lager mass will fall faster that thost of less mass, can he falsify that the seemingly rationale that can’t be denied by his experiment. We can form our knowledge not just like sponage which can only absorb things but has nothing to do with reforming them, but through a method that based on our knowledge absorbed already to make knowledge our own useful tool.

As the issue says that economic success requires conformity rather than individuality, which is also undeniable in my opinion. The complexity of the society make us even impossible to achieve a success by oneself. We should unite ourselves to be a more power collection to make things successfully done. Even in prehistoric time, prime residents had a sense that only through uniting each other could they hunt enormous or agile animals for food and fur. Being conformity doesn’t mean that individuality should be disposed, though the two items seems so incompatible in superficial. Take a project investing for example, hundreds of people with distinctive individualities gather to begin with it. If they each have their opinions on the same issue, thus the project can never be executed to become a success. Different persons are allocated to the exact places where they can be their best to express their skills or strategies, and on one’s particular place they can use his or her individuality fully to get his part of work accomplished. Economic success requires not only excellent individuals who can think and resolve problem by themselves but a generalistic who can look problem in vast sight. To this point, individuality means think and do by ownself, also means to understand other’s points, and has his or her own opinion of which part points of other’s is worth learning from.

To sum up, that individuality plays a significant part on our lives not to sustain our right places in the intricated society but to make ourselves’ unique existence of own mind. Unite people with distinctive individuality together and make optimism power of each can we achieve a success that can never be acquired by merely sum of those individual can separatively achieve.

Charming Agilent!

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