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[i习作temp] issue23求拍,不知道审题审的对不对 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-7-30 20:23:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual information. As a result people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives.


According to the speaker, in modern society, people in face of the information-storm are surrounded with many small pieces of factual information which are more appealing to them than the larger issues and overall perspectives. I concede that bits of fragmented information do occupies people’s view, while coming to appreciate the fact by thinking of what we have achieved from the contemporary technology and the information society can be beneficial in how we comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of the society of the Sargasso sea of information overload. Obviously, we never refrain from harvest for fear of a slight risk, so that I cannot agree with more that the large amount of information has and will contribute us a lot, including making the large issues more accessible and forming overall perspectives as long as we make use of it properly and restrainedly.

On the threshold, contemporary technology, such as television and internet, has not only made available a mass of fragmented information, but also made the awareness of global events or great changes which take place in a great distance more accessible to ordinary people than in the past time. Also, we ordinary people can touch the information in terms of words or pictures, even videos directly and hold a dominant position to select the information we are interested in. For instance, when humans have a new project of exploring the outer space and launch the satellite into the space, contemporary technology provides people the opportunities to be informed of the process of the great event by watching TV or serving the net. Moreover, it is the mass media based on advanced contemporary technology that transmits the pictures or videos of how the earth is polluted and advocates the mass to concern about the large issue-environment protection. Therefore, we gain a lot from the contemporary technology which contributes to transmit information and attract people to pay attention to large issues.

Another benefit has to do with the large amount of the information, alike the many small pieces of factual information is that it provides us the materials which should be reproduced by ourselves to view the panorama of a events or the society as a whole. Mass of fragmented information merely has made no sense, even results in the chaos of our mind, nevertheless after a close scrutiny and reflecting on the cracked material, the information would be useful or even with a great significance, promoting us to concern the overall condition. Accordingly, the large amount of detailed information is beneficial for us to have an overall perspective in respect that it helps people get a wider view of an issue and prevent being limited in thoughts.

Admittedly, many pieces of factual information will occupy too much time of our modern life, the pace of which is faster and faster and waste our energy to treat with them. Occasionally, some of the information which is fault or vague might even misleads us. The exact example is that rumor is easier to be transmitted under the developed information technology, especial through the blog or BBS on the internet. What’s more, lies being talked about frequently will become truth, which increase the difficult for us to distinguish. So, making use of the large amount of information that percolating relevant ones from those needing only a glance require our ability of selecting and differentiating positively, but not accept passively

To sum up, we are not the slave of the advanced technology; on the contrary, it is just a tool of our daily life. Make good use of the contemporary technology, disposal the factual fragmented information properly and harvest the information restrainedly will inevitably attribute to the convenience of our daily life and the richness of our mind.

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