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[未归类] argument131 [0710G突击先锋小组]第7次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-29 14:09:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Argument 131  The following appeared in an edutorial in the local newspaper of Workville.
"Workers should be allowed to reduce their workload from 40 to 25 or even 20 hours per week because it is clear that people who work part-time instead of full-time have better health and improved morale. One store in Workville, which began allowing its employees to work part-time last year, reports that fewer days of sick leave were taken last year than in previous years.In contrast, the factory in Workville, which does not allow any of its employees to work part-time, had a slight increase in the number of days of sick leave taken last year.In addition, recent survey reports that most of the store employees stated that they are satisfied with their jobs, while many of the factory employees stated that they are dissatisfied with their jobs."

In this memo, the author recommends that part-time work is encouraged to have better health and imoproved morale. To support this recommendation the author argues that fewer days of sick leave were taken in one store in Workville as a result of allowing part-time work. Meanwhile, to further justify this claim, the argument also cited the example of the factory in Workville which had a slight increase in the number of days sick leave due to the lack of part-time work. Furthermore, the argument also reasons that a recent survey to show the satisfaction of the store employees and the dissatisfaction of the factory employees. At first glance, the argument seems very specific and convincing, a careful scrutiny of it would reveal how fallacious it is.
First of all, the author assumes that fewer days of sick leave of the store employees would lead to employees' better health and improve morale. However, the argument fails to provide such evidence to support this point. It is possible that the employees were dissatisfied with the salaries or the working environment which the stores had provided. As a result, although they maybe ask for fewer days of sick leave, but the efficiency was lower than ever. Even if the fewer days of sick leave had something to do with the employees' health and morale improving, the author overlooks the possibility that the former days of sick leave were so long that the fewer might just account for several days which made little contribution. Without considering and eliminating these and other possible scenarios, the author could not convince me that part-time work would help the employees to have better health and improved morale.
In the second place, the author also assumes that lack of better health and morale resulted from full-time work. However, the author could not rely on the mere fact which render it unconvincing as it stands. Perhaps although the days of sick leave was increasing, the policy of this factory was appropriate and equal enough to improve the employees morale and health. What's more? The increase of the days of sick leave is too few to be ignored. Only if the argument offers these and other possible evidence , could the author be better convince me.
Thirdly, the author cited a recent survey to substantiate the benefits of the part-time work. There are several logical flows in this survey. In one aspect, the affection that the workers towords the jobs are independent of the employees health and morale. Other factors may influence them such as the salaries.  In another aspect, the unknown number of the informed employees was not a credible evidence. It is possible that the number only amount to a litte in the total number.
Finally,Even if the author could make clear the former evidence, the workers in the store and the factory are too special to stand for all kinds of workers. Probably, the workers in other fields have better health and improve morale without part-time work.
In conclusion, the recommendation is not well supported. To convince me that better health and improving morale was due to part-time work, the author need to provide more evidence to substantiate that part-time work could directly lead to better health and improving  morale.
Addtionally, it would be more essential for the author to make effective and representative survey to support this argument.

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