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[i习作temp] Issue147 勇往直前小组 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 21:02:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Are tradition and modernization incompatible? The answer of the speaker is positive, but I do not think so. In my view, I consider that tradition and modernization are compatible, and people do not have to choose one from them.

Tradition is important to preserve and continue customs and ethics of our society. Every countries have their own traditions, which make the world so colorful and various. Nowadays more and more people like traveling in foreign countries to spend their spare time. Most of them are attracted by traditional customs and special local scenes. In some famous traveling areas, local residents gain main income from traveling industry. If they abandon tradition, they will lose living resources. Furthermore, some traditional rituals have become the global cultural properties. Everyone, including local residents and foreign visitors should try their best to preserve traditions for our latter generations.

However, modernization could bring us fresh information and advanced technology which could push our society to advance faster and provide better living conditions. With the development of economy and technology, modernization becomes one of the most crucial aspects of our lives. We could receive the freshest news by watching TV. Children could play video games with foreign friends by computer and internet. Modernization make us live more conveniently and funnily. Moreover, modernization also serves as important roles in solving some enduring problems. Population of human races is constantly exploring. The resource of Earth could not bear so many people for an enough long period. As results, some terrible situations have appeared, such as pollution, resource crisis and greenhouse effect. People have to utilize the most developed technologies to solve these problems to make people survive. If people give up developing modernization, our lives will be critical because of so many problems unsolved.

At last, I think that tradition and modernization could exist at the same time, not as the speaker declaims. People living for traditional resources still could use modern tools to improve their living conditions. For example, managers of traditional traveling industry could use internet to search the newest information about traditional traveling trends, in order to make their projects more attracted. Without modernization, tradition would not develop properly to fit need of modern society. And without modern technologies, some traditional properties would extinct in the future. On the contrast, residents of modern areas could commemorate their custom days participate in traditional ceremonies. For example, American use to giving roses as gifts for their lovers in Valentine's Day, and eating turkeys in Easter Day. No matter how modernization developing, people would till preserve their traditional customs as memory of their histories and culture. In a short, tradition and modernization could be compatible at the same time. Even they could make progresses together.

In summary, due to tradition and modernization both are important and useful for us and our society, we could own them together. Without tradition, society would lose some historical customs and ethics, for example some interesting rituals. Without modernization, people would have no chance to watch TV, play video games, or chat with foreign friends through internet, and have no methods to solve crucial social problems. Both tradition and modernization are parts of our lives, which constitute the whole world for our society.

94. "Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated."

153. "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
1、  带着疑问学知识能够帮助学生更好的理解老师的意思。
2、  当时,应是学习的内容而定。在初级阶段时,疑问太多不利于学习的效率和准确度。
3、  在高级阶段,疑问有利于创新。

161. "In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero. The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished."
1  不可否认,媒体的普及和宣传对英雄人物的产生的确起到了负面的影响。
2  但是媒体并没有阻碍甚至抹杀英雄的存在,在当代也有很多的英雄。
3  其次,尽管现代的媒体会努力挖掘名人的隐私,让人们觉得名人和普通人没有什么两样,但是这从一定意义上让现在应穷在人们眼中显得更真实,使得人们更相信英雄的存在

186. "Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world."

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-29 09:00:52 |只看该作者
Issue147 勇往直前小组
Are tradition and modernization incompatible? The answer of the speaker is positive, but I do not think so. In my view, I consider that tradition and modernization are compatible, and people do not have to choose one from them.(有点多余)

Tradition is important to preserve and continue customs and ethics of our society. Every countries have their own traditions, which make the world so colorful and various. Nowadays more and more people like traveling in foreign countries to spend their spare time. Most of them are attracted by traditional customs and special local scenes. In some famous traveling areas, local residents gain main income from traveling industry. If they abandon tradition, they will lose living resources. Furthermore, some traditional rituals have become the global cultural properties. Everyone, including local residents and foreign visitors should try their best to preserve traditions for our latter generations.(传统的重要作用?)

However, modernization could bring us fresh information and advanced technology which could push our society to advance faster and provide better living conditions. With the development of economy and technology, modernization becomes one of the most crucial aspects of our lives. We could receive the freshest news by watching TV. Children could play video games with foreign friends by computer and internet. Modernization make us live more conveniently and funnily. Moreover, modernization also serves as important roles in solving some enduring problems. Population of human races is constantly exploring. The resource of Earth could not bear so many people for an enough long period. As results, some terrible situations have appeared, such as pollution, resource crisis and greenhouse effect. People have to utilize the most developed technologies to solve these problems to make people survive. If people give up developing modernization, our lives will be critical because of so many problems unsolved.(现代化的作用?)

At last, I think that tradition and modernization could exist at the same time, not as the speaker declaims. People living for traditional resources still could use modern tools to improve their living conditions. For example, managers of traditional traveling industry could use internet to search the newest information about traditional traveling trends, in order to make their projects more attracted. Without modernization, tradition would not develop properly to fit need of modern society. And without modern technologies, some traditional properties would extinct in the future. On the contrast, residents of modern areas could commemorate their custom days participate in traditional ceremonies. For example, American use to giving roses as gifts for their lovers in Valentine's Day, and eating turkeys in Easter Day. No matter how modernization developing, people would till preserve their traditional customs as memory of their histories and culture. In a short, tradition and modernization could be compatible at the same time. Even they could make progresses together.(好像只有这段才有切入主题吧)

In summary, due to tradition and modernization both are important and useful for us and our society, we could own them together. Without tradition, society would lose some historical customs and ethics, for example some interesting rituals. Without modernization, people would have no chance to watch TV, play video games, or chat with foreign friends through internet, and have no methods to solve crucial social problems. Both tradition and modernization are parts of our lives, which constitute the whole world for our society.
恩 这次的文章没有和主题切合的很好哦 如果从正面写 推荐分领域的写法吧

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-29 22:09:23 |只看该作者
Are tradition and modernization incompatible? The answer of the speaker is positive, but I do not think so. In my view, I consider that tradition and modernization are compatible, and people do not have to choose one from them.

Tradition is important to preserve and continue customs and ethics of our society.(Tradition is important for preserving and continuing) Every countries(两者矛盾) have their own traditions, which make the world so colorful and various. Nowadays more and more people like traveling in foreign countries to spend their spare time. Most of them are attracted by traditional customs and special local scenes. In some famous traveling areas, local residents gain main income from traveling industry. If they abandon tradition, they will lose living resources.(这是什么意思) Furthermore, some traditional rituals have become the global cultural properties. Everyone, including local residents and foreign visitors should try their best to preserve traditions for our latter generations.

However, modernization could bring us fresh information and advanced technology which could push our society to advance faster and provide better living conditions. With the development of economy and technology, modernization becomes one of the most crucial aspects of our lives. We could receive the freshest news by watching TV. Children could play video games with foreign friends by computer and internet. Modernization make(makes) us live more conveniently and funnily. Moreover, modernization also serves as important roles in solving some enduring problems. Population of human races is constantly exploring. The resource of Earth could not bear so many people for an enough long period. As results, some terrible situations have appeared, such as pollution, resource crisis and greenhouse effect. People have to utilize the most developed technologies to solve these problems to make people survive. If people give up developing modernization, our lives will be critical because of so many problems unsolved.(我觉得这段有点乱 可以稍微改动下 比如把modernization得好处一条列出 然后分别论证)

At last, I think that tradition and modernization could exist at the same time, not as the speaker declaims. People living for traditional resources still could use modern tools to improve their living conditions. For example, managers of traditional traveling industry could use internet to search (for) the newest information about traditional traveling trends, in order to make their projects more attracted(这个词是被吸引 应该是主动得关系吧). Without modernization, tradition would not develop properly to fit need of modern society. And without modern technologies, some traditional properties would extinct in the future. On the contrast, residents of modern areas could commemorate their custom days participate in traditional ceremonies. For example, American use to giving roses as gifts for their lovers in Valentine's Day, and eating turkeys in Easter Day. No matter how modernization developing, people would till preserve their traditional customs as memory of their histories and culture. In a short, tradition and modernization could be compatible at the same time. Even they could make progresses together.

In summary, due to tradition and modernization both are important and useful for us and our society, we could own them together. Without tradition, society would lose some historical customs and ethics, for example some interesting rituals. Without modernization, people would have no chance to watch TV, play video games, or chat with foreign friends through internet, and have no methods to solve crucial social problems. Both tradition and modernization are parts of our lives, which constitute the whole world for our society.
我觉得文章得逻辑还是很清晰得, 但是有些词语得用法还有待解决 呵呵 个人意见而已

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-29 23:42:54 |只看该作者
Are tradition and modernization incompatible? The answer of the speaker is positive, but I do not think so. In my view, I consider that tradition and modernization are compatible, and people do not have to choose one from them. (这句可以不要吧,感觉重复了)

Tradition is important to preserve and continue customs and ethics of our society. Every countries have their own traditions, which make the world so colorful and various. Nowadays more and more people like traveling in foreign countries to spend their spare time. Most of them are attracted by traditional customs and special local scenes.
In some famous traveling areas, local residents gain main income from traveling industry. If they abandon tradition, they will lose living resources.(为了money才保护传统,有点目的不纯吧) Furthermore, some traditional rituals have become the global cultural properties.(如果可以举个例征更好)Everyone, including local residents and foreign visitors should try their best to preserve traditions for our latter generations.(我觉得如果讲一些tradition在当今社会的积极意义会更好些)
However, modernization could bring us fresh information and advanced technology which could push our society to advance faster and provide better living conditions. With the development of economy and technology, modernization becomes one of the most crucial aspects of our lives. We could receive the freshest news by watching TV. Children could play video games with foreign friends by computer and internet. Modernization make us live more conveniently and funnily. Moreover, modernization also serves as important roles in solving some enduring problems. Population of human races is constantly exploring. The resource of Earth could not bear so many people for an enough long period. As results, some terrible situations have appeared, such as pollution, resource crisis and greenhouse effect. People have to utilize the most developed technologies to solve these problems to make people survive. If people give up developing modernization, our lives will be critical because of so many problems unsolved.

At last, I think that tradition and modernization could exist at the same time, not as the speaker declaims. People living for traditional resources still could use modern tools to improve their living conditions. For example, managers of traditional traveling industry could use internet to search the newest information about traditional traveling trends, in order to make their projects more attracted. Without modernization, tradition would not develop properly to fit need of modern society. And without modern technologies, some traditional properties would extinct in the future. On the contrast, residents of modern areas could commemorate their custom days participate in traditional ceremonies. For example, American use to giving roses as gifts for their lovers in Valentine's Day, and eating turkeys in Easter Day. No matter how modernization developing, people would till preserve their traditional customs as memory of their histories and culture. In a short, tradition and modernization could be compatible at the same time. Even they could make progresses together.

In summary, due to tradition and modernization both are important and useful for us and our society, we could own them together. Without tradition, society would lose some historical customs and ethics, for example some interesting rituals. Without modernization, people would have no chance to watch TV, play video games, or chat with foreign friends through internet, and have no methods to solve crucial social problems. Both tradition and modernization are parts of our lives, which constitute the whole world for our society.


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-29 23:46 编辑 ]

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