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[a习作temp] Argument200 [勇往直前小组] 7.27 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-27 23:11:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In this argument, the author claims that dentists should emphasize on attracting male consumer by advertising the effective anesthetic technologies and good service of their staff. To support his opinion, the author provided a statistics that more men than women faint when visiting the dentist. However, through close scrutiny of the evidence, we can find that the author's argument is unconvincing for several flaws.

A threshold problem with the argument is whether the statistics is solid to substantiate the conclusion. We have no information when and where the survey was conducted, so we have no idea about whether the statistics is still useful to analyze the problem here and nowadays. In addition, if the number of the survey’s subjects is too small to represent the whole group of the consumers—for example, there are all about 300 clinics in the area, however, the survey only includes 20 clinics---the result drawn from the statistics is groundless. Moreover, the statistics is too vague to be convinced. The author omits to inform us the base amount of male and female patients. If the men involved in the survey are far more than the women, simple "three times" can only show nothing to the conclusion, because the author overlooks to offer any information of the proportion of the faint people in both males and females.

What's more, the author fails to take into account the serious disadvantage of the method. The author ignores the important part of charge which females pay for the treatment in the revenue of the clinic. If the advertisement can only satisfy the favor of males, it is entirely possible that they will lose a large number of women's attention. Maybe this disadvantage is more serious than the little increase of number of the male consumers. Without weighing properly the benefits and the drawbacks, the author's conclusion is unacceptable.

Last but not least, the author does not provide any valid evidence to show that the method mentioned by the author is sure to be effective to attract more male patients. The author does not analyze the male consumer's psychology completely. It is likely that most of the male consumers concern more about the quality of the treatment, the price of the therapy, or the sanitation of the clinic than the anesthetic techniques. If the advertisement focuses on all the points, maybe more male patients will tend to come to this clinic. However, the author neglects a comprehensive consideration, so that we can not imagine that the author's suggestion will still be effective on attracting more male patients.

To sum up, the author's conclusion is not persuasive as it stands. To bolster it up, the author should provide more detailed information about the different characteristics of male and female consumers. To better evaluate it, we need know more information of the feasibility of the method to improve the profit。

1)  作者的结论建立在未经证实的假设上:老年人更倾向于喜欢听新闻节目。
2)  音乐唱片销量降低并不等同于居民不喜欢听音乐广播,可能是其他一些原因,如唱片太贵等
3)  在未证明导致临近城市收听率高的客观条件本城市都具有相似性之前,照搬临镇的经验未必能有效果
4)  新闻报道除了政治报导之外,还有其他方面的,例如经济,体育,娱乐等等,这些方面未必居民们都感兴趣

1)  作者的调查涵盖了包括tertia在内的几个岛屿,所以调查的结果能否完全代表Tertia的情况是值得怀疑的
2)  与生父母说话时间较其他人长并不等同于生父母在抚养孩子的过程中起到了关键性的作用
3)  即使Dr Field的关于这个岛的孩子抚养问题的结论是错误的,也不能下结论说以观察法为中心的方法不如以采访为中心的方法在研究文化时作用更大

1)  作者忽略了其他宵禁可能带来的负面影响,在非宵禁时刻是否犯罪的比率在降低没有提及
2)  日益增长的犯罪率可能来自于成年人犯罪,所以宵禁不一定会起到相应的作用
3)  在未证明两个城市具有客观条件的相似性之前,照搬经验未必起到效果


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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-28 16:23:47 |只看该作者
In this argument, the author claims that dentists should emphasize on attracting male consumer(s  plu.) by advertising the effective anesthetic technologies and good service of their staff. To support his opinion, the author provided(时态要一致provides) a statistics that more men than women faint when visiting the dentist. However, through close scrutiny of the evidence, we can find that the author's argument is unconvincing for several flaws.

A threshold problem with the argument is whether the statistics is solid to substantiate the conclusion. We have no information when and where the survey was conducted, so we have no idea about whether the statistics is still useful to analyze the problem here and nowadays. In addition, if the number of the survey’s subjects is too small to represent the whole group of the consumers—for example, there are all about 300 clinics in the area, however, the survey only includes 20 clinics---the result drawn from the statistics is groundless. Moreover, the statistics is too vague to be convinced. The author omits to inform us the base amount of male and female patients. If the men involved in the survey are far more than the women, simple "three times" can only show nothing to the conclusion, because the author overlooks to offer any information of the proportion of the faint people in both males and females.(个人同意woodman的看法,三无前提尽量少批)

What's(注意:不能有简写) more, the author fails to take into account the serious disadvantage(不能用the) of the method. The author ignores the important part of charge which females pay for the treatment in the revenue of the clinic. If the advertisement can only satisfy the favor of males, it is entirely possible that they will lose a large number of women's attention. (attention不可数 不能用number of修饰)Maybe this disadvantage is more serious than the little increase of number of the male consumers. Without weighing properly the benefits and the drawbacks, the author's conclusion is unacceptable.(本段基本OK 不过有些句子还可以进一步合并,写成华丽的超长句)

Last but not least, the author does not provide any valid evidence to show that the method mentioned by the author is sure to be effective to attract more male patients. The author does not analyze the male consumer's psychology(心理学? psychological conditions可能更好) completely. It is likely that most of the male consumers concern more about the quality of the treatment, the price of the therapy, or the sanitation of the clinic than the anesthetic techniques. If the advertisement focuses on all the points, maybe more male patients will tend to come to this clinic. However, the author neglects a comprehensive consideration, so that we can not imagine that the author's suggestion will still be effective on attracting more male patients.

To sum up, the author's conclusion is not persuasive as it stands. To bolster it up, the author should provide more detailed information about the different characteristics of male and female consumers. To better evaluate it, we need know more information of the feasibility of the method to improve the profit。
(:loveliness: 你们都有感觉了啊~~羡慕中~ 我的自己的那个什么模版还没成型呢)

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-30 12:14:10 |只看该作者
In this argument, the author claims that dentistsshould emphasize on attracting male consumer by advertising the effectiveanesthetic technologies and good service of their staff. To support hisopinion, the author provided(时态保持一致性噢) a statistics that more men than womenfaint when visiting the dentist. However, through close scrutiny of theevidence, we can find that the author's argument is unconvincing for severalflaws.A threshold problem with theargument is whether the statistics is solid to substantiate the conclusion. Wehave no information when and where the survey was conducted, so we have no ideaabout whether the statistics is still useful to analyze the problem here andnowadays. In addition, if the number of the survey’s subjects is too small torepresent the whole group of the consumers—for example, there are all about 300clinics in the area, however, the survey only includes 20 clinics---the resultdrawn from the statistics is groundless. Moreover, the statistics is too vagueto be convinced. The author omits to inform us the base amount of male andfemale patients. If the men involved in the survey are far more than the women,simple "three times" can only show nothing to the conclusion, becausethe author overlooks to offer any information of the proportion of the faintpeople in both males and females.(关于三无调查,有争议阿,有人说不要批,有人批)What's more, the author failsto take into account the serious disadvantage of themethod(把into account放句末吧). The author ignores the important part of chargewhich females pay for the treatment in the revenue of the clinic. If theadvertisement can only satisfy the favor of males, it is entirely possible thatthey will lose a large number of women's attention. Maybe this disadvantage ismore serious than the little increase of number of the male consumers. Withoutweighing properly the benefits and the drawbacks, the author's conclusion isunacceptable.Last but not least, theauthor does not provide any valid evidence to show that the method mentioned bythe author is sure to be effective to attract more male patients. The author doesnot analyze the male consumer's psychology completely. It is likely that mostof the male consumers concern more about the quality of the treatment, theprice of the therapy, or the sanitation of the clinic than the anesthetictechniques. If the advertisement focuses on all the points, maybe more malepatients will tend to come to this clinic. However, the author neglects acomprehensive consideration, so that we can not imagine that the author'ssuggestion will still be effective on attracting more male patients.To sum up, the author'sconclusion is not persuasive as it stands. To bolster it up, the author shouldprovide more detailed information about the different characteristics of maleand female consumers. To better evaluate it, we need know more information ofthe feasibility of the method to improve the profit.

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Argument200 [勇往直前小组] 7.27
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