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[i习作temp] issue147 07直接冲刺小组第15次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-30 20:41:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE 147 - "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."

Eating turkey on Christmas; dressing up on Home coming day; believing in God. We are still in some aspects living as our remote ancestors. Although in some aspects, I concede that tradition is being replaced by modernization, they are not incompatible---tradition is coexisting with modernization, even in this ever-evolving technology time.

Admittedly, in some way, modernization has taken place of tradition. Consider, for example, the life style is very different to the past. people in present are already used to live with all kinds of home applies which graduate make us to depend on them: we do not sleep early as our ancestors do as night-life is much more interesting than ever before--instead of reading books or talking to family members, we go to bar to drink or dance, we do yogi in health clubs; we go to see the sports games. Then as the technology develops, many traditions are forgotten and even disappeared. Such example involves in our daily life, less and less people cooking because home facilities like micro-oven helps them to rely on fast food rather than time consuming cooking; people prefer much more driving cars to walking elsewhere; children are more addicted to computer games rather than balls or other outside games. In short, modernization is changing our way of living style—traditional life style is no more satisfying people’s needs.

However, although the existence space for tradition is concerning, luckily as well, many good tradition still remains and lasts. Any country or society, tradition is the most significant sign of their civilization. As a case in point, the holidays, though now we can buy and eat turkey in any time of the year, we still long to sit beside the table eating turkey with family on Christmas; though modern science proves that God is not exist, we remain believe what our ancestors have believed; though we like all kinds of fashion clothes, we still like to wear traditional clothes on some important days. After all, modernization assimilates people, but tradition discriminates people by their distinguishing custom and cultural.

Modernization comes from tradition. Consider about our moral and ethic. Good virtue like brave, diligence and love hand down from one generation to another. We praise people’s great courage to defeat difficulties as our ancestors have emphasized; we work hard as our forerunners did; we share love with family members, friends and other people just like what people in the past have cherished.

In addition, tradition can be retained in certain form to adept the modern, and modern life in turn helps people to exclude the bad side of some tradition. Consider, for instance, when our view towards women has been changed greatly since the rising of feminism, our convention of recognition of women status in society has aptly adjusted to the changes, we encourage women to be independent in the society and at the same time we none the less stress women’s role in family.  
All in all, does the choice between tradition and modernization really put us in dilemma? Clearly not, as i stated above, tradition and modernization which seems to be contradiction and incompatible existence are indeed counterparts. When conflicts immerging, the tradition can be modified by modernization and on the other hand modernization is propelled during the process of eliminating the harmful parts of tradition and improving the good parts. Thus, the choices people faced with is not difficult and people do not have to choose between as the bad and good are easy for people to recognize.   

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