1. If your friends from other country are going to visit your country, where do you suggest them to go? And state your reasons.
2. Which of the following study method do you prefer? Though online courses or be in traditional classroom setting? And state your reasons.
3. 一个大学因为学生不感兴趣,打算把雕塑课程从艺术学院除名。It doesn’t make sense to pay for a full day professor for a handful of students. 一名学生则认为学校在其他课程上作的硬性要求太多,才会把学生修雕塑的时间都挤光了,导致没人选这门课。只要在雕塑上也加硬性要求,就不会没人去上课。如果是钱的问题的花,可以请一个part-time老师,也可以请学校现任老师兼职。Restate her opinion, and summarize her reasons.
4. 文章指出behavior modification 是一种对他人反映的自然反应。得到夸奖的行为会被很多次的重复。得到批评或惩罚的行为则会被渐渐改正。一个老师演讲相同的理论,使用例证手法。Use the examples the professor said in the lecture to explain what is behavior modification.
5. 这题我真不想写。那女的罗罗嗦嗦的。自己电脑坏了,送修,两个星期后才能拿回来。偏生一周后就交毕业论文了。男生建议去电脑室写,女的嫌吵。建议下午去,女的说快毕业了,大家都要写论文,可能那时也很吵。建议要求修理店快点修,下周一拿到电脑,那样还有时间写论文。女的又有麻烦,说这三天店关门,周一再去说的话,依然来不及。(真讨厌。罗嗦死了。)briefly summarize the two suggestions the man made, tell us which one do you prefer, and give reason.
6. 商品的价钱一样时,质量是选购关键。什么是质量呢?一般有两大要素:reliability, feature. 以前商品质量参差不齐,reliability是首要考虑因素。但如今都差不多了,所以大家偏向选附加功能多的产品。What are the two aspects of quality? How did their roles involved in consumers’ decision making change though out time?
第一题是讲美国木材公司要不要考虑给自己的产品申请certification. 文和听是相反的。
Do you agree or disagree the following statement:
It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts.