vo: Good morning.
me: Good morning, sir.
vo: (拿着我的表) So, what's your name?
me: My name is ……
vo: Then, please introduce yourself.
me: (完全晕倒……似乎准备里面没有这道问题,而且我最讨厌别人让我自我介绍,因为我完全不知道该说什么,硬来吧……) I graduate……(看vo没有反应,难道他听不见?!) Can you hear me ?
vo: Yes!
me: I graduated from Dalian……. My graduation date is June……July 10th, this year.
vo: What's your major?
me: My major is English with the specialization of Business.
vo: So, can I see your transcript?
me: Yes, here it is. (递给他)
vo: (拆开看了半天……) So, you had studied American Literature?
me: What?
vo: American Literature
me: Yes!
vo: So, talk about this course.
me: (又是一个shock,不太记得学的啥了,一个公选课……开始瞎编) It is a big class and about 4classes took this course together. (这时vo狂巧键盘)It is mainly about American Culture, it's history and political system (跟美国概况那科搞混) ……
vo: (打断) So you say that American Literature is about American political system ?!
me: (一顿狂晕……但依然坚定的说)Yes! It is general information about political system. It mainly talk about culture and literature(废话)……
vo: (没再深究) What did you do after graduation?
me: (实话实说) First, I search for jobs, but there are no good jobs. So I want to pursue a higher degree abroad.
vo: Yup, MA program of Economics……Can I see your admission letter?
me: (没太听清)admission letter?
vo: Yes!
me: (学校都订在一起,都递给他)It's on the 2nd or 3rd page.
vo: OK. (翻到第3页,一顿狂敲键盘,又翻开I20表)it'll be *****dollar for one year, so who will cover this money?
me: My family……do you want to see the deposit certificate?
vo: Yes.
me: (递给他好几张……我妈在好几个行存的……晕,开证明那天跑了好几家)
vo: So. What does your father do?
me: My father? My father worked in……
vo: Oh……and your mother?
me:My mother is ……do you want to see the Work and Income Statement?
vo: Yes.
vo: (看完还给我,开始打白条,我心里一阵狂喜,这就是传说中的pass么?!) Good Luck!(递给我条)
me: Thanks! Have a nice day! ……Thanks!!!